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GI Tract Stomach

Cell Types Parietal/oxyntic cells (pit neck, upper/middle gland) HCl + Intrinsic Factor (red) Chief/peptic/zymogenic cells (deep glands) pepsinogen + weak lipase (blue) Stem Cells- neck (base of gastric pit)

Specializations Rugae: submucosal/mucosal longitudinal folds = distenxn w/food Muscularis externa (oblique muscle layers) Epithelium (contains pits+neck)


Muscularis externa: Upper 1/3=skeletal muscle Middle 1/3= skel muscle + smooth m. Lower 1/3= smooth m. Enterocytes:

Small Intestine

Large Intestine Enteric Nervous System: Myenteric/Auerbachs plexus: Motor, thruout alimentary canal/GI tract (b/w inner/outer muscularis externa layers) Submucosal/Meissners plexus: Sensory (in submucosa)

GI Organ Stomach

Cell Type Parietal/oxyntic cell Chief/peptic cell Endocrine cell Specializaxns: Lamina propria (villi core): HCO3 makes mucus more alkaline

Secretes HCl + Intrinsic Factor Pepsinogen + weak lipase

Location Pit neck/upper-middle gastric gland (crypt) Deep gland


-stratified squamous, non-keratinized epithelium (if acidity/ulcers= becomes

simple columnar like stomach)

Small Intestine


-lateral plications -glycocalyx

Goblet cells Paneth cells Enteroendocrine cells M Cells (microfold/MALT APC) Stem cells Specializations to inc surface area: Plicae circulares (valves of Kerckring, submnucosal circular folds) jejunum VilliVilli core=lamina propria:

Mucus Antibacterial lysozymes CCK/GTP/motilin Transcytose IgA from inner villi (lamina propria) to lumen

Villi/upper glands Bottom of gland(aka crypt)

Lower of crypt Other specializaxns: Duodenum: Brunners glands (neutralize acidic stomach chime)-sec. bicarbonate, mucus, zymogen, glycoproteins Jejunum ( absorption): plicae, villi,

contains lacteals (lymph caps)- chylomicron transport Microvilli- enterocyte apical folds Large Intestine/Colon

Ileum (chyme lubrication): Peyers Patches, goblet cells

-Smooth surface (villi/plicae) -Haustra/saccules- allow indep segments to contract -Enterocytes: lateral plications-( SA for
Na-K ATPase ion/water transport) IMPT in colon- water reab/chyme concentraxn

Enteroendocrine cells

Stem cells

Somatostatin, serotonin, substance P, glicentin, VIP, pancreatic peptide Lower 1/3 of gland

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