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Kaycee Hallett High School English 11-12 LESSON PLAN: Copyright lesson Lesson Objective: 1.

Teach students the importance of copyright and the significance of copyright law Standards: L.11-12.2: Used different sources of information to present to students so that they can make an informed decision.
Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) in order to make informed decisions and solve problems, evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source and noting any discrepancies among the data.

L.11-12.5: Students will be presented the information through different sources

Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.

Time 1- 45 (some 1-55) minute class period Materials/Prep SMARTboard How Google Image Search Made Me a World-Famous Moron by Soren Bowie article John Green rant video on International copyright law Copyright Basics video html Beginning of Lesson: Have loaded onto the SMARTboard the article, the YouTube video, and the Google Homepage. 0-5 minutes 1. Get started by reading aloud together the Soren Bowie article. Then show the students that the links do actually pop up with his picture on their site and that doing a Google Image search on keys locked in car will produce his picture most prominently. 5-10 minutes 2. From there ask students what they know about Copyright and Plagiarism. Facilitate a small discussion to get their brains thinking about why copyright is so important.

10-20 minutes 3. Introduce them to some basic aspects of copyright laws and what the consequences of copyright and plagiarism are: Copyright video: 6 minutes html Class discussion on what they saw in the video and why its important make sure to highlight some of the more immediate outcomes of plagiarism and violating copyright In college students who plagiarize can receive an F for the assignment, an F for the class, and even be kicked out of the school copyright violation can lead to lawsuits and huge fines Find some local colleges plagiarism policies See if theres been any copyright infringements and what thee consequences were 20-30 minutes 4. Have the class divide into three different groups and give each group a copyright article give them a few minutes to read over the situation in the article and discuss and then have each group present to the class there opinions on why this was a copyright issue and what was happening in the articles. DKNY ends up donating $25,000 to a Brooklyn YMCA after a copyright infringement against a New York Photographer: Johnny Football sues Texas man for selling shirts with his nickname Pirate Bay sues anti-piracy website for ripping off their logo 30-35 minutes 4. Show them the John Green clip on International Copyright laws (4 minutes), discuss/answer any questions. 35-45 minutes 5. Show them Creative Commons and how to use it and why its a great source for looking for pictures.

Possible Pitfalls/Solutions: 1 Students may not be prone to a discussion so it could be that they need prodded until they have one or skip to lectures. 2 Theres a lot of different things going on in this lesson that are fun and spice it up a bit but its important that not too much time is spent on them or else you wont get to the important information that they need. ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians: Standard 3.3 Information Technology Use of video in the lesson and the use of the SmartBoard to engage students. Standard 1.2 Effective and knowledgeable teacher Collaborated with teachers and introduced and reinforced information relevant to the class Standard 1.1 Knowledge of learners and learning By having varied presentations and group work it allows different types of learners to grasp the information Standard 1.4 Integration of twenty-first century skills and learning standards Use of multimedia as well as introduction to Creative Commons image search and introduction to a website with multimedia activities that help students understand copyright Standard 3.1 Efficient and ethical information seeking behavior The whole lesson is centered around teaching students ethical information seeking Standard 5.2 Professional Ethics Promoting digital citizenship and educating the school community in the ethical use of information and ideas Standard 4.2 Professional development Explored different internet resources that have good information and activities on copyright Standard 4.3 Leadership Promoted the copyright lesson to teachers as a way to collaborate with the library/librarian for a way to promote student academic achievement. Had to pitch the lesson and push for it with several English teachers.

Check out for more information on copyright and plagiarism, as well as some handy resources on citations and whether a source may have copyright attached to it.

University Plagiarism Policies: All the schools have a full procedure that they follow that involves a Hearing Board that will eventually give a recommendation on a punishment for the students, which is then approved by the Dean. Miami University of Ohio If the hearing officer learns that the student has no previous record of dishonesty, the hearing officer will recommend to the dean of the hearing officers division one of the following three sanctions: A letter grade of F, the numerical grade of zero, a percentage grade of zero (0) percent, or a reduced grade for any project, paper, quiz, or interim or final examination, or any other portion of the course; A reduced grade for the entire course, including the possible specification of a course letter grade of F; A letter grade of F for the entire course with transcript notation of academic dishonesty. The following sanctions may be applied: Participation in an academic integrity workshop coordinated by Miami University. The student will be required to pay for the workshop. Failure to complete the workshop will result in a hold being placed on a students ability to register for subsequent semesters or to change a class schedule. Suspension. In extraordinary circumstances, the recommendation for suspension may be forwarded. In most instances, the sanction is likely to be failure for a portion of the coursean assignment or testcoupled with mandatory attendance at an academic integrity workshop. Mandatory attendance at an academic integrity workshop should not be the single recommended sanction. It should be combined with one of the other sanction. Kent State University

(a) Coursework. The following academic sanctions are provided by this rule for offenses of cheating or plagiarism. In those cases the instructor may: (i) Refuse to accept the work for credit; or

(ii) Assign a grade of "F" or zero for the project, test, paper, examination or other work in which the cheating or plagiarism took place; or

(iii) Assign a grade of "F" for the course in which the cheating or plagiarism took place; and/or; (iv) Recommend to the department chair or regional campus dean that further action specified in paragraph (D)(1)(b) of this rule be taken. The department chairperson or regional campus dean shall determine whether or not to forward to the academic dean or to the vice president for the extended university a recommendation for further sanctions under paragraph (D)(1)(b) of this rule. (v) For students who have not previously been sanctioned for plagiarism, if the instructor and student agree, Plagiarism School could be provided as a means to mitigate the sanction (as described in section B(14) and G of this rule.) The Ohio State University B. Disciplinary sanctions 1. Formal reprimand. A written letter of reprimand resulting from a students misconduct. 2. Disciplinary probation. This probationary condition is in effect for a specified period of time and may involve the loss of specified privileges. Further violation of university policies during the probationary period will additionally be viewed as a violation of the probation, which shall result in further action up to and including suspension or dismissal. 3. Suspension. Suspension is a sanction that terminates the students enrollment at the university for a specified period of time. Satisfactory completion of specified stipulations may be required for readmission at the end of the suspension period. 4. Dismissal. Dismissal is a sanction which permanently separates a student from the university without opportunity to re-enroll in the future.

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