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Flood Risk Management Plans

The role of stakeholder participation in the preparation of RBMP in the Danube Lessons learned

ICPDR Philip Weller Bucharest, 17 April, 2012

Contracting Parties
Germany Austria Bosnia & Herzegovina Serbia

Czech Republic
Slovakia Hungary

Romania Bulgaria


Rep. of Moldova
Ukraine European Union

Danube River Protection Convention & EU Directives

29 June 1994, Sofia (Bulgaria)

Protection of water & ecological resources

Sustainable use of water

Reduce nutrients & hazardous substances

Manage floods & ice hazards

ICPDR coordinates implementation of EU Water Framework Directive & EU Flood Directive

Legal Requirements: Art. 14 WFD; linked with EFD




Public Participation

Beyond legal needs (1/2): Finding broad agreement

extreme opinion 1

mainstream opinion: 50%+

extreme opinion 2

Beyond legal needs (2/2): Finding solutions faster

Unilateral Decision Implementation Public Participation Problem identified Decision made Gain from PP

After Creighton 2005

Division of responsibilities
National Government Regional Government, Subbasin Organisation Municipal Government





Images 2, 4: Wikipedia, GFDL

Danube Basin Member State



Danube River Basin Management Plan

Reflects/Includes Water status of the DRB waters Joint Programme of Measures Enables Conclusions on funding Evaluation of measure implementation

Sustainable Flood Protection

Implementation of EU Floods Directive EU FLOODRISK project

17 flood action plans for sub-basins prepared in 2009 Flood Action Programs list hundreds of measures

Sustainable Flood Protection balances needs

socio-cultural needs

economic needs

environmental needs

Stakeholder Involvement 1: 22 Observers

Stakeholder Involvement 2: Public Participation EG

Public Participation for DRB Management Plan

Round table discussions Stakeholder Forum held Comments collected via website

Ongoing PP&C work

Next implementation cycle

Work program in development by PP EG Co-ordinated with FP EG & RBM EG Will be available this summer for comments Plan ready until 2015


Thank you!

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