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Written by: Shelita White

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Opportunity Knocks- White, shelita

When Opportunity Knocks

A wise man once said, “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re

going to get.” And he was right. June 18th, 2008, at the age of seventeen, I gave birth to a

beautiful baby girl. Without a job and any means of financial stability, I have absolutely no way

to support my daughter. In this tough economy finding a job without a degree is extremely

difficult and with this knowledge I had to find a way to provide for my child. It was then in my

search for a higher education that I stumbled upon Heald College.

Knowledge is power; and with the power of an associate’s degree I know I’m headed

towards success. Possessing an associate’s degree would make searching for a job much easier

and not to mention beneficial. I would no longer be subject to minimum wage and will be the

first in my family to graduate from college.

A Heald education will be the foundation to build my future as well as the future of my

daughter. It will be the first step in providing my daughter with a positive role model and a

parent she can be proud of.

My future career would mean providing my daughter with the things I was deprived

during my life. It will also prove to those who doubted my abilities and intellect that I am

capable of succeeding in life. It will also prove no matter what life throws your way you can

always make it through.

I learned early in Life, that ample opportunities are around us all the time and it is our

responsibility to take advantage of them. So rather than relinquishing mine I am going to

embrace it and see what life has in store for me when it is accomplished.
Wh en
Opportunity Knocks- White, shelita

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