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Saludos, Bienvenida-. Why is important the wheel? --Yes, is very important because it is vital for the human progress.

The wheel helped to the industrialization of many materials. Also it revolutionized the different kind of transport in the world.. In this way, the wheel improved the life quality. ---Daniel do you know who invented the wheel? Many people claim that the wheel was invented in the fifth millennium BC in Mesopotamia, after it was used in the construction of cars, was also distributed in draft animals. Among American cultures flourished not use cars, probably because of the absence of large beasts that could draw the vehicles, and because the most advanced civilizations occupied terrain. Wheels have been found in Olmec objects identified as toys dating from around 1500 BC. Do you know anything about the evolution of the wheel in transportation? --The wheels were simple wooden disc with a central hole for inserting in an axis. The invention of the spoked wheel allowed the construction of lighter and faster vehicles in 2000BC. In the 1880s were invented wheels tires and now the wheels are of different alloys, improving the quality of the wheel. ---Anything else to say? The wheel has also become a cultural and spiritual metaphor around the world. For example the wheel is the prominent figure on the flag of India. The wheel in this case represents law. It appears in the flag of the Romani people, hinting to their nomadic history and their Indian origins. ---Thanks for your attention !

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