New Venture Development Process-Truefan PDF

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Successful New Venture Development

Process, Tools & Methodology

The Venture Value Chain

A Conceptual Framework For Building New Businesses

The Venture Value Chain

A Conceptual Framework For Building New Businesses

Shape Shape

Launch Launch

Scale Scale

Refine Refine

Harvest Harvest

Define Plan Validate

Prove Concept Prove Market

Franchise Repeat Grow

Perfect Operations Refine Incrementally

IPO M&A Cash Cow

A Roadmap to Startup Business Success

Know the road ahead and anticipate the potholes Manage new business risk avoid common mistakes Know where to focus at each step along the way Critical success factors
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC

The SHAPE Stage

The Business Planning Process

Shape Shape

Product/Service Offering Compelling Value Proposition Business Model Target Market, Segments, Needs Competitive Positioning Sales & Marketing Plan Financial Model

Develop & Validate The Business Plan - Only 50% Of Which Will Be Right
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC

The LAUNCH Stage

Going Live With the Plan

Launch Launch

Legal Formation Financing Proof of Concept Proof of Market Proof of Sales Reference Customers

Narrow in on the Working Business Model Figure Out Which 50% of the Plan is Right & Fix the Rest!
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC

The SCALE Stage

Franchise the Business Model

Scale Scale

Once the model is proven Repeatable, replicatable business model Scale and replicate success Hyper growth phase Drive to sustained profitability Tinkering NOT encouraged

Focus On Execution - Do One Thing Extremely Well and Scale!
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC

The REFINE Stage

Managing The Company For Predictable Growth In Revenue And Profitability

Refine Refine

Consistently cash-positive, self-sustained operations Wanted: great operators Focus on smooth operations & incremental refinement

Manage The Successful Business Model
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


Achieving Liquidity For Shareholders

Outside investors, founders & option holders

M&A (sale of the company) IPO (public offering) Dividends from cash flow

Harvest Harvest

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC

Challenge for Corporations

New Business Creation Presents a Unique Challenge


Shape Shape

Launch Launch

Scale Scale

Refine Refine

Harvest Harvest

Goal: develop & scale a successful business model Lots of experiments Lots of reality checks Lots of failures Some successes Entrepreneurs are trained through failures

Goal: maintain & grow the successful business model High degree of repeatability Incremental innovation Higher risk avoidance Managers are trained and selected through successes

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC

CompanyCrafters Methodology
Planning, Launching, & Growing New Businesses

What CompanyCrafters Does

Shape Launch Scale Shape Launch Scale
Refine Refine Exit Exit


CompanyCrafters Specializes In Leading Businesses Through the First Three Stages of the Venture Value Chain 1. Shape 2. Launch 3. Scale
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


The CompanyCrafters Methodology

Contrary to Popular Belief .
Business planning can be a disciplined, repeatable process Launching a new business is can have a definitive execution plan New venture risk can be quantified and mitigated

CompanyCrafters Delivers:
A coach-able, teachable process for launching new ventures Practical, analytic tools for business planning Unbiased and deep understanding of the business opportunity Alternative business models to capitalize on the opportunity Long term participation and advise as the business evolves

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


The CompanyCrafters Methodology

Shape Shape
Deliverables: Business Plan
Financial Model Go-to-Market Plan

Launch Launch
Business Formation Recruit Exec Team Bus Plan Execution

Scale Scale
Predictable Sales Growth Market Leadership Remove Growth Obstacles

Internal Investor Facing Customer Facing Team Development

Business Planning & Execution Methodology Business Planning & Execution Methodology Financial Strategy & Control Financial Strategy & Control Sales and Marketing Sales and Marketing Leadership & Board Development Leadership & Board Development
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


The CompanyCrafters Methodology

Shape Shape
Business Plan Financial Model Go-to-Market Plan

Launch Launch
Business Formation Recruit Exec Team Bus Plan Execution

Scale Scale
Predictable Sales Growth Market Leadership Remove Growth Obstacles

Business Planning & Execution Methodology Business Planning & Execution Methodology
Market Analysis Market Segmentation Value Proposition Evaluation Competitive Analysis Whole Product Evaluation Industry Map Value Chain Analysis Value Chain Margin Analysis Pre-Flight Checklist Core Values & Corp Mission 30/60/90 Day Execution Plans CEO Dashboard Weekly/Daily Metrics & Huddles VQ Risk Mitigation Model Strategic Planning Process Annual Operating Plans Quarterly Goals & Themes

Financial Strategy & Control Sales and Marketing Leadership & Board Development
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


The CompanyCrafters Methodology

Shape Shape
Business Plan Financial Model Go-to-Market Plan

Launch Launch
Business Formation Recruit Exec Team Bus Plan Execution

Scale Scale
Predictable Sales Growth Market Leadership Remove Growth Obstacles

Business Planning & Execution Methodology

Financial Strategy & Control Financial Strategy & Control

Financial Model Development Reality Check vs. Industry Metrics Expansion & Growth Financing Legal Formation Recapitalization Equity Structure Corporate Governance Structure Budget & Accounting Systems Start-up Financing

Sales and Marketing Leadership & Board Development
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


The CompanyCrafters Methodology

Shape Shape
Business Plan Financial Model Go-to-Market Plan

Scale Scale
Business Formation Recruit Exec Team Bus Plan Execution

Launch Launch
Predictable Sales Growth Market Leadership Remove Growth Obstacles

Business Planning & Execution Methodology Financial Strategy & Control

Sales and Marketing Sales and Marketing

Strategic Pricing Marketing Platform Development Branding Product Launch Trial Marketing Programs Face-to-Face Sales Campaign Reference Customer Devt Channel Formation Marketing & PR Programs Marketing Metrics Marketing ROI Sales Management Major Account Management Channel Expansion

Leadership & Board Development
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


The CompanyCrafters Methodology

Shape Shape
Business Plan Financial Model Go-to-Market Plan

Scale Scale
Business Formation Recruit Exec Team Bus Plan Execution

Launch Launch
Predictable Sales Growth Market Leadership Remove Growth Obstacles

Business Planning & Execution Methodology Financial Strategy & Control Sales and Marketing

Leadership & Board Development Leadership & Board Development

Executive Team Skills Pre-recruiting of Potential Executives Executive Team Participation Executive Coaching Executive Recruitment Start-up Executive Network Corporate Governance Structure Board Charter & Recruitment
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC

Interim Executive Assignments Performance & Compensation Board Participation & Leadership Experienced Executive Network


Sample CompanyCrafters Clients

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


SHAPE Stage Overview

The Planning Challenge and Process For New Businesses

SHAPE Stage Goals

Develop a Clear Target For Your Business
Compelling business model


Is This A Business Thats Worth Investing In?

Business planning process - go/no go decision

Deliverable: Pitch For Internal Funding, Attract Partners Precision Doesnt Mean Accuracy
Objective tools for subjective business decisions

. At Best 50% Of The Plan Will Be Right
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


SHAPE Stage The Planning Challenge For Startups

Dream Explore Reality Check Plan Validate

Initial Concept

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


Step #1 - Dream
Articulate the Market Need & Your Unique Solution
Who is your customer? What is their unmet need? How are they addressing that need today? How do you solve that need better, faster, cheaper or cooler? How would you make money?

Professional Circles Reading Brainstorming Domain Expertise Personal Experience

Initial Concept

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


Step #2 - Explore
Flesh Out the Market Need

Competitive Analysis Market Research Google Industry Analysis Customer Interviews

What else is being done in this arena? Who are the players & how do they interact? Whats the state-of-the-art? Is the market fragmented or consolidated? How do target customers buy? What are the prevailing business models for current players?

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


Step #3 - Reality Check

Potential Investors Trusted Advisors

Test the Business Concept First Order Confirmation

Technology/product feasibility Size of addressable market Nature of competition Fundability of new business

Technology Experts

Potential Customers

Potential Partners

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


Step #4 - Plan

Elevator Elevator Pitch Pitch Executive Executive Summary Summary Investor Investor Presentation Presentation Detailed Financials Detailed Financials Business Plan Business Plan Due Diligence Notebook Due Diligence Notebook Domain Knowledge Domain Knowledge

Sell the Plan to Investors

Demonstrate & Prove the Business Model

Core Knowledge & Homework

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


The Business Plan

Questions the Plan Answers:
Elevator Elevator Pitch Pitch Executive Executive Summary Summary Investor Investor Presentation Presentation Detailed Financials Detailed Financials Business Plan Business Plan Due Diligence Notebook Due Diligence Notebook Domain Knowledge Domain Knowledge

Target market, segments & order of penetration Market size & growth rate Market penetration rate and sales ramp Compelling value proposition Business model & product/service mix Unique, sustainable competitive advantages Position in value chain Partnering strategies Product roll-out plan Pricing & gross margin Sales & distribution plan Pro-forma financial models Staffing requirements Operations Plan Time to Revenue Long term profitability & sustainability

Interrelated Questions, Iterative Planning
Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


Step #5 - Validate
Garner Indications Of Serious Interest
From strategic partners From funding sources With prospective executive team Contingent orders, LOI, interest from lead customers

Strategic Partners

Seed Investors


Key Employees

Update & Revise Plan on New Information & Feedback

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


The Typical Business Planning Process in Tech Companies:

How do I get my great innovation to market?
Suppliers Suppliers Your Business Your Business Distribution Distribution Channels Channels
Economic Economic Buyers Buyers Key Key Influencers Influencers

End Users End Users


Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC

The Correct Planning Approach:

Start With The Customer & Their Reason to Buy and Work Backwards to the Business Plan
Suppliers Suppliers Your Business Your Business Distribution Distribution Channels Channels
Economic Economic Buyers Buyers Key Key Influencers Influencers

End Users End Users

Economic Economic Buyers Buyers Key Key Influencers Influencers

Distribution Distribution Channels Channels Your Business Your Business Suppliers Suppliers

End Users End Users How do I get my great innovation to market?

What does the market need that I can deliver?

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


Critical Questions
End Users End Users
Economic Economic Buyers Buyers Key Key Influencers Influencers

Opportunity Evaluation Industry Structure

Who are your customers? What is their unmet need (their pain)? How are they meeting these needs today? What is the impact of that pain?

Distribution Distribution Channels Channels Your Business Your Business

Who controls the budget & writes the check? Who influences the purchaser & user? From whom do the customers buy?

Business Model Risk Management

What is the business model? What is the go-to-market plan? What is the financial model?

Suppliers Suppliers

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC

What IP is critical to own/control? Which suppliers are critical to your success? How do you protect your competitive advantage? 30

Business Planning Tools

End Users End Users
Economic Economic Buyers Buyers Key Key Influencers Influencers

Opportunity Evaluation Industry Structure

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Market Analysis Market Segmentation Compelling Value Proposition* Competitive Analysis Industry Map* Whole Product Requirements Value Chain Analysis Value Chain Margin Analysis

Distribution Distribution Channels Channels Your Business Your Business

Business Plan Risk Management

9. Value Chain Position 10. Strategic Pricing 11. Financial Modeling 12. Key Metrics & Ratios 13. Marketing Platform 14. VQ - Risk Analysis*

Suppliers Suppliers

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


Key Take-Away Points:

The Challenge of Business Planning
1. Business Planning For New Ventures Should Be A Science 2. Start With The Customer & Their Reason To Buy and Work Backward to the Business Plan 3. Its Important To Use Consistent framework Repeatable methodology Common tools Common language

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


CompanyCrafters Value Proposition

We Deliver:
Consistent, Disciplined Approach to New Venture Development Teachable Methodology and Processes Repeatable, Analytic Tools
Apply to broad spectrum of businesses

Experienced Entrepreneurial Leadership & Coaching

A Disciplined Business Planning Changes the Odds

Through out the Venture Value Chain SHAPE LAUNCH SCALE REFINE Understanding, Controlling, and Addressing Risk

Copyright 2005-2006, CompanyCrafters Solutions LLC


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