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The Seven Deadly Skills Of Communicating

By Ros Jay
International Thomson Business Press 1999 ISBN 981 4040 44 4 159 pages is a business book summaries service. Every week, it sends out to subscribers a 9- to 12-page summary of a best-selling business book chosen from among the hundreds of books printed out in the United States. For more information, please go to

The Seven Deadly Skills Of Communicating

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The Big Idea

Communication, as always, is one of the most important tools to make an organization productive and successful. Communicating with your co-employees, staff and superiors cannot be avoided. Though indirectly relayed, your actions give out unconscious messages. If you keep some information to yourself, lack of trust could be the meaning of this action, which is one of the causes of poor communication. Having poor communication in an organization develops low morale and negative attitudes among the people in it. In this case, productivity is affected. Communication is very important because it becomes an essential tool to convince management to provide what the organization needs. This will in turn produce successful and motivated people. Good and proper communication will nurture happy employees that would lead to a productive and motivated environment. And this will give the manager an easier and rewarding job that would reflect his management skills.

Why Is Communication Important?

Will it really make a difference with the way you communicate with other members? Would there be changes? Would members loyalty, motivation, and productivity increase? The answer to all these questions is yes. Everyone involved will benefit from this. The Organization would make them loyal, productive and motivated. The Manager open communication between managers and management will make the job easier for him and he could give the support that the department needs. Open communication with staff will also bring out the best potential in his people. The Department or Team a team, who knows all the information that would affect it, can work more effectively and would be able to make changes needed to fit in with the organization. The Individual Staff staff asked of his/her views and opinions by management feels important and needed in the organization. It develops his/her work and stay with the company longer.

Above this: What is Communication?

From the Latin word to share. To be more effective, this is a two-way process. Listening is as equally important as speaking. You may have relayed a message effectively, but if the listener cant respond, communication fails. People must be able to reply, and give their opinions to make them feel that they are a part of the communication process and not just an information channel. You should have something to say. You should know what to say and not to say.

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Information that is confidential There are things that should not be discussed with the staff. But there are times that management finds it inevitable not to follow this rule. In some cases, you need to let them know some confidential information so as to avoid speculation. Encourage and allow them to ask questions for you to know their concerns. Confidential information has two categories: 1. Personal Information You should NOT pass on information about the lives of the staff. 2. Commercial Information You should NOT pass on information about the company that would lead to damage if others (specifically competitors) would know about it. Also, have a good reason why you cant tell them yet. Let them know the importance of confidentiality and why you cant give them the full details.


This is not just for the managers but the staff as well. As previously stated, productivity, motivation and also loyalty can be achieved among the members of the organization if they know what is happening around. However, telling them the details is not necessary because it is time consuming. And if you tell them only what is important, you will eliminate the possibility of speculation. . 3 important rules also are: 1. Tell them as much as you can. 2. Tell them as soon as you can. 3. Never lie to your staff. They would remember that for the longest time. And remember, people have long memories. With these, seven core skills of good communication are given. These will lead to a productive and motivated member of an organization.


Companies do always have a corporate personality. This is often seen in the external image of it, but the internal image is also equally important. The corporate personality is reflected by the personality of the people in the organization. Apathy and unhelpfulness are just two things that make corporate personality fail. If these happen, people from the organization can either adapt the attitude or they leave the company. People who chose to stay will be capable of working the same way as others, though obstruction and apathy is not really their working style.

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Organization wherein backstabbing is present produce a non-team player. Organization with a positive environment produces the same kind of people. Certain as it is, corporate personality starts from the top. People from the top create an image that would eventually make the other members of the organization follow or leave. People from the top have the power to influence the working style of the people in the organization. Treat your people with importance; they would give the same to your consumers. Treat them dismissively; they will also give the same, most likely. Your internal image does not differ much from your external image. Your external image follows your internal image, not the other way around. You cant correct a poor external image without working on your internal image first. For example, you cant be caring to your consumer, if you will not care for your people/staff first. Your internal image would definitely reflect in your external image. You need to identify your own corporate personality. Find out what your people think of you. How? Ask them by making a survey. Explain to them the purpose of your survey. Survey everybody from the organization and make sure to make it anonymous people would not like to be identified. If possible, make the survey in a form wherein your peoples handwriting would not be identified either (e.g. by checking boxes; comments should be optional). After which, analyze the results in large groups. After analyzing results, identify your preferred personality based on the peoples responses to the survey. Changes in the organization depend on how you will change the attitude of the people in it. Remember: Change starts from the top! Managers should give the reason for the proposed change. To make changes, announce it to your people why you are using such to show that you mean business. Train your managers and be aware that miracles dont happen overnight. Change takes time to make it more lasting.



Though it is much better to speak to your people directly, there are times when written communication is inevitable. Written communication is more formal, authoritative but is not always appropriate. Written communication can be of advantage because you can communicate with a number of people, give exact information and avoid lengthy discussion. Choose words carefully, make it more formal, and have a permanent record of information.

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There could also be some disadvantages. People cant ask questions from you; facts are not established promptly; leakage of the information given in writing; and, you wouldnt know if it would upset the recipient.

Memos: It can be informal and less weighty, but still, information was given. Though information was given, memos can be either thrown away after reading or regarded as a non-confidential information; Notice boards: Some people dont read whats in it. Some people just pass by without noticing it. Letters to Staff: Formal and Personal Private Recipient will know that the matter was given importance Seriously treated Can keep a record of the information E mail: Very personal but in a less formal manner Not kept permanently Faxes: For public reading (non-confidential) Can be kept permanently Internal Newsletters: Rarely used though it is an equally important way of communication. People do not take internal newsletters seriously. In producing a newsletter: identify what you really would like to achieve (objectives) and think and decide of the topics and the mode of the newsletter. Give your people a reliable person to run the newsletter. Motivate your people by setting a good example that the newsletter is equally important as the other methods of written communication. Newsletter is not the method to disseminate important matters to your people. WRITING EFFECTIVELY: Situation states the position for the recipient to know what is it all about. Complication states the reason why the situation is complicated and what made you decide to write. Resolution when there is complication, you need resolution to solve it. Action a good step for you to make the other person do what you want them to. Politeness end every communication with a polite manner. For newsletter articles, it is better to start with the punch line. State what the article is all about and give the rest of the details. Who, where, when and why.

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4 different styles: Keep it short make it as brief as possible without leaving any important information. Keep it simple use simple words, sentences and paragraphs. Beware of appearing rude check it first. There might be some sharp words that could make the reader think that you are rude. Beware of being ambiguous reading information is different from hearing it. People may read with different emphasis and may get the message differently from what you want to give if read aloud.

Some people find it easier to relate verbally. It could be easy but at the same time be less effective. Because we find it easy, we just dont think about what we are saying, we also dont say things the way that we intend them to be. Compared to Written Communication: More informal Can get a prompt response Can ask question, clarification When is it not appropriate? When you want formality If it needs permanent record If it is for legal reasons Dont want long discussion Different Methods: Telephone though informal, it could be private. You can get prompt reaction and can adjust words and tone with phone conversation. You can control your temper compared when talking face-to-face. However, using the telephone may not be appropriate if you want to keep a record of your conversation. One on one meeting as private as the telephone but you talk to the person face-to-face. Also considered a formal method because you take the time to schedule it, which means, importance is given to it. Conversation is confidential because it is just between two people and can make a permanent record by following it up with a letter. DEPARTMENT OR INTER-DEPARTMENTAL MEETINGS The most effective way of direct communicationinformation can be immediately gathered and debated upon through interactive discussion. To achieve goal of the meeting: INFORM for clarification, recognition of importance. DISCUSS argue, debate, and interact to come up with a solution. DECIDE decision-making process on what has been discussed. Group meetings make a person feel that he is important and that he is part of the team.

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PRESENTATIONS: When you need to say something by informing or persuading people, this is called presentation. Unlike other media, wherein two or more people speak, this medium could be one-sided. Good medium when you do not want any interruptions because you can tell when they will react. Can relay clear information without interventions from listeners. COMPANY MEETINGS: Medium wherein you like the whole organization to hear what you have to say. Can be used when you have important news to impart. Can be used to make your people know that they are equally important. (Some people are sensitive if they are one of the last to know). When you have chosen what medium to use, now is the time to relay your message as effective as you can by considering the following. CHOICE OF WORDS: Keep it simple and understandable. Choose frequently used words. When you need to say something that could upset the listener, think of kind words and ways to explain it. Think about the matter in advance, so that when words come naturally, you would have said in an appropriate way. TONE: Make your tone appropriate to the occasion. People can misunderstand you because of your tone. They might not even participate in the discussion. An abrupt tone can make a person feel upset or may sound not sincere. A relaxed and friendly tone can develop a good conversation. It could encourage them to participate and share their views, and criticism could be dealt with less seriously. Tone of voice can change the meaning of what you really want to say. Your words may be nice, but your delivery contradicts it. BODY LANGUAGE: Should mean the same as your words and tone. Confidence is noticed on your eye contact and movement. Relax. Always make a mental check-up on your movements.

LISTENING: It is not just hearing what the other person is saying, but absorbing and understanding what has been said that is important. Pay attention and keep eye contact to make the person feel that the message comes across effectively.

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For a manager, having an open and clear communication with top management is one of the important factors for a successful department. All things in the department will be manifested if the communication with top management is effective and clear. Identify the problem you cant give a solution to something until you identify it. Identify its nature. Deal with the problem solution will depend on the nature of the problem. Make a permanent record of it. Clearing the blockage things are sometimes inefficient because of communication blockage. Remind people, put it in writing and have a word with the person. Getting past the obstruction Try talking to other people, you can also give a copy of your report to others if the topic is relevant to them so that there would be others to back you up. Remember: you should not be the cause of the blockage, hear out others opinion, its one way of motivating your people. MAKING YOUR POINT AT MEETINGS: For your point to be heard and understood, you need to prepare on what you need to say in each agenda and express it well. Less is more less talk, more listeners. You can get peoples attention by not manipulating the meeting. Practice eye contact Talk slowly, if possible pause from time to time Stress your points If needed, ask for the chairpersons support- they could be of help in stressing your points. GIVING PRESENTATIONS: This is one of the duties of a manager - though some of them have the fear of speaking in front of top people because they are aware that they are being evaluated. To overcome these fears, confidence is the key. And to exude confidence, there should be: PLANNING set your objectives. Know the subject, participants, what you want to impart and set your schedule. RESEARCH gather data, talk to people who could give relevant information and then put them in writing. STRUCTURING Position prepare your audience for your presentation. Guide them of what they can expect and stress out your ideas. Problem - identify and state the problem. Explain why resolution is needed.

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Possibilities- not often used in a presentation because some problems need direct solution. But in some cases, you need to think of options to resolve the problem. Proposal the final stage wherein you state the decision. But be sure to explain first why you chose that decision over the other options. Writing - speaking in front of a group is a no-no. It could be irritating and insulting. Creating notes- write your speech and summarize it in the way that you want to say them. Write it in a small paper for easy handling while speaking in front of the group. Visual Aids can help you add impact for better understanding of what you are saying. If the visual is not appropriate to what you are saying, dont use it. It can be distracting. When you make a visual, it should have impact that would reinforce the subject, should be clear, easy to remember, and could support your statements. Delivery- can be practiced in front of a mirror. Use a microphone. Remember: when delivering a speech, dont mumble, hesitate, swallow your words and avoid eye contacts. WRITING REPORTS: Having an impressive and effective report is just like giving a brilliant presentation. Planning, research, structure - set your objectives, gather data and information and design your presentation Dont use jargon words - use words that they can understand Use active and simple words Be sure of your English accuracy VISUAL PRESENTATION: After completing the report, include the following: Title page (w/ authors name and date) Table of contents Number in each page Summary these are for people who want a short explanation of the topic; because they dont have the time to read it. This is also for someone who wants to get the facts immediately. Appendices


To communicate effectively with a team, you need to develop a strong and positive identity and a consistent attitude. TEAM BRIEFINGS Key to a good communication For people to cooperate more 2001 - 2003 Copyright

The Seven Deadly Skills Of Communicating For teams to bond together Better understanding of staff on what is happening in the organization Loyalty for company increase Can help solve problems Increase morale of employees Team briefings should be: Face to face Composed of 4-15 people Headed by a team leader On a regular basis Within teams interest (relevance) Progress - provide team results of performance Policy - deals with the changes in the system etc. People - briefing of members of the team Points for Action - action of members on a certain action Questions are welcome but not to the point of debating Provide people with information Welcome comments and suggestions and take note of it Ask questions for clarification Finish on time Give schedule Brief absent members

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TRAINING AND MONITORING: Train your people on what you want them to do, how to do it, and what you want to achieve. But before training them, be sure that you yourself is doing the right thing. Training is essential for the system to run effectively. Monitor them after training Brief your people every so often Ask for their additional information Attend and observe briefing session Check them from time to time People will feel important, they will feel that you believe in them Motivates people because they learn new skills for better opportunity MEETINGS: People develop feeling of commitment They give their own contribution in decision making Can gain respect if you have a formal meeting and they will demonstrate commitment Make everyone involved and feel important especially on vital issues Designate different leaders every each meeting Motivate them to develop the same meeting guidelines as yours Have a consensus when making a decision Practice fair treatment. NEVER take sides 2001 - 2003 Copyright

The Seven Deadly Skills Of Communicating Always stick to facts Acknowledge peoples feeling

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Loyalty and motivation of each staff is gained from the way you communicate with them. And the attitude that they give you is the same as what they will give the organization. MOTIVATION: The more they understand the job, the more they feel that they belong Meet with your team regularly and help them have attainable targets Keep them posted on whats happening in the organization Give them opportunity to share their ideas. Listen to them Say what you mean. Your action should not contradict your words Trust them on their ideas and let them decide on what to do to meet your expectations Always be positive - dont just look at their mistakes. Praise for their good jobs and motivate them to correct their mistakes Be likeable - if they like you, they will be motivated to work hard SELECTION: Make a good first impression of the organization Exude professional image Give the right approach- be friendly and polite Also give positive approach to unsuccessful candidates APPRAISAL: This is for the employee not the organization This is to make them known of their performance Make them feel relaxed by creating a positive mood Be open to their views and opinions If criticism is needed, do it carefully Be open to their concerns. Be sincere and committed in hearing them DISCIPLINE INTERVIEW: If you were able to motivate your people, theres no need to discipline them. Give prompt attention if you are already aware of the problem Keep it confidential Be consistent give fair treatment BAD NEWS INTERVIEW: Dont force someone who doesnt want to talk, its ok Dont decide for them Make them feel that their concern is important
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The Seven Deadly Skills Of Communicating Encourage them to speak up Be open for emotional responses Be firm with your decision. Dont let a tear change your stand

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INDUCTION: The way you handle their first day will influence how they will treat the organization on the next months and years. Youll need some paperwork for few safety procedures Introduce them to the group and show them to their desk Brief them with company history Brief them with their work Debrief them and encourage them to ask questions.


How you deal with pressure will also create an impression. If you handle it negatively, they will most likely remember it for the longest time. On the other hand, handling it positively will improve your relationship with your people. Keep everyone informed make them understand whats happening around. Gather everyone to give instructions make sure everyone has the same information to avoid conflict and discussion. Encourage them to ask questions if needed they will be cleared of misinformation and will help them resolve the problem Involve people in key decision it would motivate them to be more committed. Be available they can be under pressure too, and they also need you to be with them. Your staff needs to know and feel that you are with and for them. That they have your support. Always have a sense of humor as the saying goes . Laughter is the best medicine Laughter can minimize conflict and arguments. It encourages everyone to work calmly and positively.

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