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Parable Final Assessment

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Retells the parable with appropriate details Everyone is involved and working Clearly connects the parable and the Kingdom of God Is easily understood all of the time

Retells the parable with most of the details Some difculty working together Attempts to connect the parable and the Kingdom of God

Retells the parable but misses important details Needs a lot of teacher help to solve problems No attempt to connect the parable and the Kingdom of God




Is understood Is difcult to most of the time understand at times

Each group will choose a slip of paper with one of the parables on it. In your group you will decide how you want to retell the parable. ! ! You can create a book using Storyrobe that retells the parable. ! You can create a video where you are dramatizing the parable. ! You can create a video of puppets dramatizing the parable. You want to include the important details of the parable and also explain why Jesus told the parable. What is the connection to the Kingdom of Heaven? What do the things in the parable represent? Who do the people in the parable represent? You may use your Bible. ! The Sower and the Seed - Matthew 13:1-23 ! Laborers in the Vineyard - Matthew 20:1-16 ! The Tenants - Matthew 21:33-45 ! Marriage Feast - Matthew 22:1-14, Luke 14:15-24 ! Pharisee and Tax Collector - Luke 18:9-14 ! The Loving Father - Luke 15:11-32 ! Ten Talents - Matthew 25:14-30 Final projects need to be lmed by Thursday, March 7.

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