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ABSTRACT The objectives of this experiment were to analyze the contents of a sample of water, discover the pH, find

out the amount of dissolved solids and measure the total hardness of the water. In water analysis, the pH, amount of dissolved solids and total hardness were determined. All procedures were done twice. The pH was obtained by using an electronic pH meter. The electrode was submerged to the 50ml water sample. For the dissolved solids, 25ml of water was filtered by using a filter paper. The filter paper was weighed beforehand and after the filtration process. The hardness of water was determined by titration of the water sample. The results are as follows: For the 1st trial of the pH sample, it obtained a reading of 7.14, and 7.19 for the 2nd reading. For the 1st trial, the initial weight of the paper was 0.78 g, its final weight was 0.95 g. This therefore gave the weight of dissolved material as 0.17 g. The volume of the water sample is 25mL and the total dissolved solids are 6.8x10-3 g/mL. For the 2nd trial, the initial weight of the paper was 1.25 g, its final weight was 1.42 g. This therefore gave the weight of dissolved material as 0.17 g. The volume of the water sample is 25mL and the total dissolved solids are 6.8x10-3 g/mL. For the 1st and 2nd trials, the Volume of hard water (ml) 25 ml and the Volume of distilled water (ml) 25 ml for the 1st trial, the Initial volume of EDTA (ml) 28.5 and the 2nd trial yields 34.6 ml for the initial volume. The Final volume of EDTA (ml) for the 1st trial is 38.6 ml and for the 2nd is 47.6 ml. The Volume of EDTA used (ml) for the 1st trial is 10.1 ml and for the 2nd is 13 ml. Total Hardness (ppm) for the 1st trial is 4, 040 ppm and for the 2nd, 5, 280 ppm.

INTRODUCTION The determination of pH level, hardness, and dissolved solids are the methods that have been used for the water analysis. The term pH stands for potential of Hydrogen. It is the amount of hydrogen ions in a particular solution. The more ions, the more acidic the solution, while the fewer ions, the more alkaline (base) the solution. The pH level is a measure of acidity or alkalinity, on a scale of zero to fourteen, with zero being most acid, fourteen being most alkaline and seven being mid-range. A pH meter is commonly used in the laboratory to determine the pH of a solution. However, the pH values can be less than 1 or greater than 14 even some pH meter only contains level from 1-14. Likewise, the hardness of water is the amount of minerals dissolved in the water. Hard water is water with a high dissolved mineral content, while soft water has a relatively low concentrated of dissolved minerals. All water except for water which has been distilled will have some dissolved minerals, since water is an excellent solvent and it readily combines with the substances it comes into contact with. However, high concentrations of minerals can be problematic. Hard water is not generally harmful, but it can be irritating and it will shorten the life of home appliances. The most common dissolved minerals in hard water are calcium and magnesium, although other minerals may be present as well. These substances can cause serious problems for home appliances when they precipitate out, forming a characteristic scale which may accumulate in pipes and around faucets. If the scale is not promptly removed, it can start to clog pipes, and it can damage things like water heaters and dishwashers which cannot cope with the calcification.

Water hardness is usually determined by titrating it with a standard solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, EDTA. The EDTA is a complexing, or chelating agent used to capture the metal ions. This causes the water to become softened, but the metal ions are not removed from the water. EDTA simply binds the metal ions to it very tightly. "Dissolved solids" refer to any minerals, salts, metals, cations or anions dissolved in water. This includes anything present in water other than the pure water (H2O) molecule and suspended solids. (Suspended solids are any particles/substances that are neither dissolved nor settled in the water, such as wood pulp.) In general, the total dissolved solids concentration is the sum of the cations (positively charged) and anions (negatively charged) ions in the water. Parts per Million (ppm) is the weight-to-weight ratio of any ion to water.

METHODOLOGY In water analysis, the pH, amount of dissolved solids and total hardness were determined. All procedures were done twice. First, the pH of a minimum amount of sample water placed in a 50-mL beaker was determined using an electrical pH meter. The electrode was submerged to the water sample. After using, the electrode was washed with distilled water and was dried using a tissue paper to avoid contaminating other samples. For the amount of dissolved solids in water, filtration was used. In this process, the weight of the filter paper was measured first. Then, the filter paper was placed on a funnel. A 25-mL of sample water was poured onto the funnel passing through the filter paper. After drying the filter paper, the weight of the filter paper was measured again. The weight of the dissolved particles was solved by subtracting the final weight from the initial weight of the filter paper. In getting the total amount of dissolved solids present in the water, the weight of the dissolved particles was divided by the amount of water used or filtered. For the total hardness of water, 25-mL of water sample and 25-mL of distilled water was poured in an Erlenmeyer flask. Next, 1-mL of Buffer and four (4) drops of EBT or Eriochrome Black T were added into the flask. This mixture was titrated with EDTA or Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid. Then, the formula, (volume of EDTA 0.01 M 106) / volume of hard water, was used to solve for the total hardness of the water.


A. Procession

1. The seating of the parents. Having the support and involvement of parents and 2. 3. 4.
5. grandparents in the ceremony brings a special blessing to the couple and also expresses honor to the previous generations of marriage unions. The minister and groom enter. They usually enter at the right side of the stage. If the groomsmen are not escorting the bridesmaid, they also enter at the right side with the groom. Bridesmaids enter. They enter the aisle one at a time. They are usually escorted by the groomsmen. Maid or Matron of honor enters. She is usually escorted by the best man. flower girl and ring bearer enter The bride and her father enter. Typically the brides mother stands as a signal for all to stand, or the minister will announce all rise for the bride


B. Wedding proper

1. Call to worship. It is the invitation to worship God. These opening remarks will invite your
guests and witnesses to participate together with you in worship. 2. Opening prayer 3. Congregation is seated 4. Giving away of the bride. It is an important way to involve the parents of the Bride and the Groom in the wedding ceremony. 5. Worship song, hymn. At this time the wedding party typically moves to the stage or platform and the Flower Girl and Ring Bearer are seated with their parents. 6. The Charge to Bride and Groom. The purpose of the charge is to remind the couple of their individual duties and roles in the marriage and prepare them for the vows they are about to take. 7. The Pledge. During the Pledge or "Betrothal" the couple declares to the gathered guests and witnesses that they have come of their own free will to be married. This is distinct from the wedding vows, in which the couple declares their promises directly to each other. 8. Wedding Vows. During the vows, the couple makes a promise to one another publicly, before God and the witnesses present, to do everything within their power to help each other grow in becoming what God has created them to be, despite all adversities, as long as they both live. 9. Exchanging of Rings. The exchanging of the rings expresses the couple's promise of faithfulness to each other. The unending circle of the ring is a symbol of eternity. 10. Lighting of the Unity Candle. symbolizes the union of two hearts and lives During the lighting of the unity candles, the couple will move toward the unity candles and stand on either side of the candle holders. 11. Pronouncement. Officially declares that the Bride and Groom are now husband and wife. 12. Communion 13. Closing Prayer 14. The Kiss 15. Presentation of the couple 16. Recessional

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