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1.0 Introduction Continuous Writing is Question 2 of Section B of Paper 1 of the SPM English Language Paper whereas Directed Writing is Question 1 & 2 of Paper 2 of PMR Engl ish Language Paper. Needless to say, essay writing, be it Continuous or Directed is the most feared question of any language that is being tested. Many candidates find writing an essay in English a daunting task. They have difficulty in expressing their th oughts, ideas and views in a language that is so grammatically complex. Rarely do they p roduce a coherent and logical piece of writing. They are usually stumped by the argumen tative or expository essays because they find it difficult to think of sufficient point s to write on. This 50 Quality Essays Programme has been designed to help Form 1 to 5 students to answer the Continuous and Directed Writing questions in either the S PM or PMR English Language paper. By copying good quality essays, students will be exposed to the format, ideas and organization of different types of English essa ys. Even if the essays do not come out in the examination, just reading and writing them out will help to improve a student s command of the language. This will indirectly help the student to write a better essay irrespective of what topic he or she has to writ e on in the examination. 2.0 Pelan Induk Pembangunan Pendidikan (PIPP) Observation This programme is in line with Teras 2 PIPP, that is the nation s human capital development towards achieving the standard of a developed country, as well as an early preparation to compete in the era of globalization. 3.0 Aims To expose students to different formats and genre of English essays which will later on enable them to write good quality essays in their PMR or SPM English Language papers. 4.0 Objectives To provide a model of the type of writing for PMR and SPM students. To provide students with a deep understanding of how a good quality English essay can be written.

To help the student to write a better essay irrespective of what topic he or she has to write on in the examinations. To reinforce what a student has learned as they will benefit from seeing new vocabulary in written form. To improve and develop students Writing skills. 5.0 Programme Committee Chairperson : Zaini bt. Kamaruddin (Principal) Vice Chairperson : Rahmah bt. Yusak (Senior Assistant of Administration) Ramlah bt. Yusak (Senior Assistant of Students Affairs) Rusnah bt. Baba (Senior Assistant of Co-Curriculum) Secretary : Sariza bt. Md Saleh (Head of Language Department) Committee Members : All English teachers 6.0 Target Group SMK Convent students. 7.0 Schedule of Activities Throughout the years from Form 1 to Form 5 (50 quality essays per year). 8.0 Methods or Procedures of Plan Students will select 50 good quality essays from Model Essay books which have been approved by their English teachers. Students will copy the essays into an exercise book during their free time or during Relief periods. The books will then be collected, checked and initialed by teachers at the end of every month. (50 quality essays per year). Among the essay topics of different formats and genre are: 1. Argumentative Example : Should we allow cloning of humans? Discuss. 2. Essays with One-word Titles Example : Honesty 3. Descriptive Example : Describe a person who influenced you a lot 4. Expository or Explanatory Example : The Idea of an Ideal House 5. Narrative Example : My Happiest Day

6. Essays Based on Proverbs Example : Many people say that the pen is mightier than the sword. What do you think? 7. Imaginative Essays/Essays on Supposition Example : The World after a Hundred-year Sleep 8. Essays on How to Do Something Example : How I can make myself a better person 9. Autobiographies Example : Autobiography of a Car 10. Essays with Beginning (or First) Sentences Given Example : Write a story beginning with: Wow! Is that Mercedes really yours? 11. Essays with Closing (or Last) Sentences Given Example : Write a story which ends with : And she started to cry . 8.0 Estimated Budget None. 10.0 Conclusion It is hoped that SMK Convent students will have basic capacity to use English as the medium of instruction. Writing good essays will reinforce what a student has learned as he or she will benefit from seeing new vocabulary in written form. It will also improve and develop students Writing skills. Improving writing will facilitate le arning in English, assist communication, boost self-esteem, and possibly lead to at least more respect in the classroom. In the present scenario, writing essays have become a common way to express our thoughts, views and experiences. It has also made us a ble to discuss various topics in a better manner. Thus, this programme will encourag e and further develop the students English language competence to a level that will eng ender optimal performance in and outside the classroom. 11.0 Appendix Lampiran 1

Sample Model Essays of different genre Lampiran 2

REKOD PELAKSANAAN DAN PENILAIAN PROGRAM KURIKULUM/ HEM/ KOKURIKULUM Panitia: Bahasa Inggeris Nama Program : 50 Quality Essays Tempoh Pelaksanaan : Sepanjang Tahun (Tingkatan 1 -5) Tarikh Pemantauan : Penilaian Keberkesanan Program : Cadangan Penambaikan : Catatan : Tandatangan Penilai : Disahkan oleh : Nama Penilai : --------------------Pengetua

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