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WEEKEND REVISISON : Week 2 : 14 -20 Januari 2013 FORM 2 : The World Through Our Sensory Organ 1.

The following shows a pathway of stimuli in producing responses.

7. Diagram 2 shows the cross section of a human nose.

What does P represent? A. Brain B. Muscles C. Back bone D. Spinal cord 2. Which part of the human body is the first to receive external stimuli? A. The brain B The sensory organ C. Effectors D Nerves 3. Which of the following sensory organs is able to detect a smell of perfume? A. The skin B. The nose C. The eyes D. The mouth 4. Diagram 1 shows the cross section of human skin.

Diagram 2

Which part, A, B, C or D, is a smell receptor? 8. Diagram 3 shows the cross section of a human nose.

Diagram 3 What is the function of the part labelled P? A. To send impulses to the brain B. To produce mucus C. To detect and identify smells D. To filter the air 9. The following are sequence in smelling mechanism. Diagram 1 Which of the parts labelled A, B, C or D, is most sensitive to pain? 5. Which of the following is the factor of the sensitivity of skin towards touch? A. The number of touch receptors. B. The thickness of dermis The thickness of fatty layer. The type receptors in the skin. 10. Why does our sense of taste becomes less sensitive when we has a flu? A The taste receptors are damaged B Chemicals cannot dissolve in mucus.. C Chemicals cannot be detected. J Sensory cells generate nerve impulses K Brain interprets the smell L Chemical substances dissolve in the mucous lining M Air is breathe in through the nostrils into the nasal cavity Arrange the steps in the correct sequence.


6. What type of receptor receives stimuli when a patient is injected? A. Pressure receptors B. Pain receptors C. Heat receptors D. Cold receptors

The nose cannot function properly.

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