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1. Vocabulary 3 points - Barbarian: - Greek cross: - Latin cross: -Guadalete's battle: - Aula Regia: - Toledo's councils: - Arianism: - Goldsmithing / silversmithing: - Basileus: 2.

- Justinian Code: - Orthodoxy: - East-West Schism: - Mosaic: - Hegira: - The Koran: - Shahadah: - Salah: - Hajj: - Sawn: - Zakah:

- Jihad: - Mosque: - Mimbar: - Minaret: - Quibla: - Mihrab: - Caliph: - Vizier: - Emir: - Cad: - Diwan:

- The Silk Road: - Medina: - Souk: - Alcazar: - Arrabal: - Lattices: - Atauriques: - Laceras:

Long questions 2 points ( I will choose two of them) The decline of the Roman Empire. Visigoths political organization Tradition and religion in the Byzantine Empire. Islam's foundation. The five pillars of Muslim faith. Islam society. Muslim culture. Muslim trade.

3. Chronology activity 1 point. 4. Thru or false activity 1 point. 5. Localise elements in an imagen 1 point

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