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Name : Payzar Wahyudi NIM : 1011121502


The graph shows the visitors number of Paijoks library every month in 2012. There was a fluctuative visitors number in every month. In january to june there was an explicit fluctuative graph in visitors number of Paijoks library with the highest peak 60817 visitors, but from june to july there was a sharp decrease and then down again slightly from july to august with only 7178 visitors. From august to september the visitors number was constant and after that from september to the last month the graph always up until reached the peak in december with 60949 visitors. To conclude, the graph shows fluctuative curve, even though the visitors were low in august but it rose sharply in december.

TASK II Whats Wrong With Dangdut??

Dangdut is a kind of music which have unik instrument such as flute from bamboo and something called gendang just like a simple drum and played by hand. Dangdut is original music genre from indonesia and never found in the other country. Even though some indonesian people said that dangdut is backward and only for poor people. I think that statement is assuredly wrong, dangdut isnt a backwardness music . First, dangdut have beautiful melody and wonderful combination of each its instrument, not much people can do it moreover singing dangdut songs it is harder , you should have something called cengkok in your voice, it is the only one technique besides good voice to singing dangdut. Second, the whole world knew that dangdut is indonesian music and there are so many country that love this music included USA as the strongest country, in 2008 USA organized dangdut music competition, there were so many contestants and they very excited to join in. The winner of that competition was Arreal Tilghman. My conclusion, dangdut is not countrified, no matter what the people say but need to remember by saying dangdut is an ancient music is not enough to prove it only by talking.

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