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STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS Name: __________________________________________ Grade and Section: _____________ I.

Complete the following sentences by adding the correct prefix or suffix. Write the new word on the blanks provided. 1. One of the requirements in reading is for students to conceptualize an advertisement selling a new __________ (invent). 2. Kirstens group started at the wrong foot when an __________ (argue) started between Feliza and Miguel. 3. Feliza believed that it is __________ (advise) to come up with a completely new product to sell given the limited time. 4. Miguel, on the other hand, thought that improving an already existing product is pure _________ (lazy). 5. Kirsten has __________ (seen) that this will happen to the group and she offered several possible alternatives to end any further __________ (agree) among her members. II. Identify the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence. Write the letter of your answer on the blank. ROOT WORDS AND THEIR MEANINGS Alter Other Ego I Omni All Par Equal _____ 7. James is known to be egocentric because he believes that the world revolves around him. a. b. c. d. self-made person accomplished person mad person self-centered person

_____ 8. a. b. c. d.

There is a disparity between the rich and the poor. similarity inequality connection intensity

_____ 9. God is omniscient. He knows our every thoughts and feelings. a. b. c. d. infinite knowledge limited knowledge ignorance interest

_____ 10. Jaime is known for her altruism as it is very evident in her generosity. a. hatred of others b. love for others c. other nature
SOURCE: Skill Builders for Efficient Reading 7

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