Quiz Fill in The Blanks

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Quiz Fill in the blanks (10 items/ 1 point each)

Instructions: Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks. The recording will play once. Man: Excuse me does this _____ go to National Airport? Woman: No it doesnt, you have to ________ this _______ to Gallery Place and then ___________ to the yellow line, and Man: Wait, Im sorry, where do I ____________? Woman: At Gallery Place. Man: Gallery Place. And then which _________ do I take? Woman: __________ the yellow line and get off at the National Airport ________. Man: Ok the yellow line. How many _______ is it? Woman: Im not ______. 5 or 6.

Questions (5 items/ 4 points each)

Instructions: Answer the following questions by writing a short paragraph on a sheet of paper. 1. How would you politely explain to a stranger how to get to the Juan Santamaria airport from your home? 2. Have you ever taken a train? Describe (or invent) the experience. 3. If you could travel anywhere by plane where would you go? 4. Imagine being lost in a foreign country. How would you deal with the situation? 5. Traveling can be stressful, comment and illustrate with examples.

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