Skyrim Kinect Voice Commands

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To further enhance your adventures, weve added more than 200 Voice Commands available to players using Kinect. Learn how to harness the power of the Thuum and other Voice Commands using the capitalized words in the guide below. When Kinect is Disabled : Shout/Powers When Kinect is enabled: : Enabled dragon language shouts +: Shout/Powers

M a i n G a M e p l ay
Only usable during main gameplay.

Opens Inventory Menu

Opens Magic Menu

Opens Skills Menu

Opens Map Menu

Q U I C K s av E

Q U I C K l oa d

N E W s av E
Saves into a New Save Slot

paU s E g a m E
Pauses the game

Only usable during main gameplay. There are two things to remember for Kinect shouts. First, you need to have the shout unlocked to the level that you want to use before the Kinect will allow you to do it, i.e., if you havent unlocked Fire Breath, saying the shout in English or Dragon Language will do nothing. Second, you can say the Shout in English or Dragon Language. 1. English Language. Available without holding . You can say the name of the shout, e.g U N r E l E N T I N g F o rC E , which will trigger the highest known level of the shout. 2. Dragon language. Only available when holding . You can say one, two, or three words in the dragon language of the shout which will trigger the corresponding level of shout.

UNrElENTINg ForCE or F U s ro d a h E l E m E N Ta l F U ry or s U g r a h d U N C a l l o F va l o r h U N K a a l Zo o r


d I s m ay Fa a s rU m a a r

BEComE EThErEal or F E I m Z I I g ro N F I r E B r E aT h or yo l To o r s h U l aNImal allEgIaNCE or r a a N m I r Ta h

W h I r lW I N d s p r I N T or W U l d N a h K E s T dragoNrENd or J o o r Z a h F rU l aU r a W h I s p E r laas yah NIr

ClEar sKIEs or l o K va h Ko o r Call dragoN od ah vIINg




(No 1st or 2nd level variations of this shout)

dIsarm or Z U N h a a l v I I K KyNEs pEaCE K a a N d r E m ov

m a r K E d F o r d E aT h or K r I I lU N aU s s l oW T I m E TIId Klo Ul

F ro s T B r E aT h or F o K r a h d I I N T h roW vo I C E ZUl mEy gUT

s To r m C a l l or s T rU N B a h Q o ICE Form IIZ slEN NUs





F av o r i t e s M e n u & Hotkey equipping

a ssI g N < ho t ke y co m m and> sets the selected item to the spoken hotkey. <hotkey command> can be any of the following: H e a lt H P ot i o n M a g i c k a P ot i o n S ta M i n a P ot i o n PoiSon S wo r d Mace axe EQUIp <hotkey command>
Equips item in the default hand Only usable in the Favorites menu.

dagger B ow SHield dual wield left dual wield rigHt Soul traP g r e at S wo r d

B at t l e a x e wa r H a M M e r fire SPell f ro S t S P e l l ligHtning SPell wa r d S P e l l ritual SPell

Bound weaPon SuMMon SPell arMor SPell calM SPell frenZY SPell Healing SPell ligHt EQUIp rIghT <hotkey command>
Equips item in the Right hand, if possible.

Only usable during main gameplay.

EQUIp lEFT <hotkey command>

Equips item in the Left hand, if possible.

EQUIp dUal <hotkey command>

Equips the item in both hands, if possible.

E Q U I p s Wo r d a N d s h I E l d / EQUIp maCE aNd shIEld/ equiP axe and SHield/ EQUIp daggEr aNd shIEld
Equips the item assigned to the Sword / Mace / Axe / Dagger hotkey in the right hand, and the item assigned to the Shield hotkey in the left hand.

EQUIp dUal WEapoNs

Equips the item assigned to the DualWieldLeft hotkey in the left hand, and the item assigned to the DualWieldRight hotkey in the left hand.

F o l low e r c o m m a n d s
a l ly <action command>
Tells the ally to activate the thing youre looking at, as if you entered Command Mode and selected it.

F o l l oW / F o l l oW m E
Ally follows you

Wa I T / Wa I T h E r E
Ally stays where they are

TradE / ITEms
Opens the Teammate Menu

Ally opens the container/door youre looking at

s Ta N d
Ally stands at the spot youre looking at

Ally picks up the item youre looking at

aT Ta C K
Ally attacks the NPC youre looking at

Does a generic Interact command with the ally. Same as if you entered Command mode and pressed A. What the ally does is dependent on what youre looking at.

Items menu
After opening

I T E m s , the following commands open the corresponding categories: P ot i o n S S c ro l l S food ingredientS BookS keYS MiScellaneouS

faVo r i t e S all weaPonS a P Pa r e l / a r M o r

After opening any of the above sub-menu categories, you can use the following to sort your items.

s o rT B y N a m E
Sorts the item list by name, increasing. If the list is already sorted by name increasingly, sorts it decreasingly.

s o rT B y W E I g h T
Sorts the item list by weight, decreasing. If the list is already sorted by weight decreasingly, sorts it increasingly.

s o rT B y va lU E
Sorts the item list by value, decreasing. If the list is already sorted by value decreasingly, sorts it increasingly.

ClosE mENU
Closes the menu

Barter Menu
Only usable in the Barter menu

T h E I r < cat ego r y> where <categ or y> can be any of the vendor categories: iteMS weaPonS a P Pa r e l / a r M o r P ot i o n S S c ro l l S food ingredientS BookS keYS MiScellaneouS

m y < catego r y> where <categ or y > can be any of the player categories: iteMS weaPonS a P Pa r e l / a r M o r P ot i o n S S c ro l l S food ingredientS BookS keYS MiScellaneouS

After opening any of the above sub-menu categories, you can use the following to sort your items.

s o rT B y N a m E

s o rT B y W E I g h T

s o rT B y va lU E

ClosE mENU

C o n ta i n e r M e n u
Only usable in the Container menu

T h E I r < cat ego r y> where <categ or y > can be any of the container categories: iteMS weaPonS a P Pa r e l / a r M o r P ot i o n S S c ro l l S food ingredientS BookS keYS MiScellaneouS

m y < catego r y> where <categ or y> can be any of the player categories: iteMS weaPonS a P Pa r e l / a r M o r P ot i o n S S c ro l l S food ingredientS BookS keYS MiScellaneouS

After opening any of the above sub-menu categories, you can use the following to sort your items.

s o rT B y N a m E s E T l o oT l I m I T < value>
Sets the value that the

s o rT B y W E I g h T

s o rT B y va lU E l o oT I T E m s

l o oT I T E m s voice command should use.

Loot limit defaults to 0.

0 5

10 25

50 100

Takes all items from a container whose value-to-weight ratio is greater than or equal to the loot limit. For example, if the loot limit is 100, an object with a weight of .1 and value of 100, would have a value to weight ratio of 1000, so it would qualify. If the loot limit is 0, only weightless items with value are taken, i.e. gold.

ClosE mENU

Magic Menu
After opening

m a g I C , the following opens the menu to the corresponding category: C o N J U r aT I o N r E s To r aT I o N shoUTs p oW E r s aCTIvE EFFECTs / EFFECTs

Favo r I T E s all

a lT E r aT I o N I l lU s I o N d E s T rU C T I o N

CharaCter Menu
After opening

C h a r a C T E r , the following opens the menu to the corresponding category: magIC sKIlls map


Map Menu
After opening

m a p , the following centers the camera on the corresponding locations: m o rT h a l solITUdE m a r K a rT h Way p o I N T
Centers camera on marker set by you, if applicable.

WINdhElm Fa l K r E aT h d aW N s Ta r p l ay E r / W h E r E a m I
Centers camera on you.

rIFTEN W h I T E rU N WINTErhold QUEsT marKEr / QUEsT

Centers camera on active quest target. Saying it multiple times will cycle through targets.

After opening

s K I l l s , use the following commands to center the camera on that skills perk tree: h E av y a r m o r lIghT armor pICKpoCKET loCKpICKINg sNEaK alChEmy spEECh a lT E r aT I o N C o N J U r aT I o N d E s T rU C T I o N I l lU s I o N r E s To r aT I o N ENChaNTINg

oNE haNdEd T Wo h a N d E d a rC h E ry BloCK smIThINg

2012 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved.

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