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Men of Ice Age

Name of Creators (Authors)

Mehakdeep Khanna
Name of the School

Phagwara Public School, Jagraon

Elephano is the name of huge elephant . He is very caring and kind by nature . He concerns for the health of Sher Khaan . He has the leadership qualities .

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Diano is a very active character. He has all the news of all the animals in the jungle . He is social by nature.

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Sher Khaan is the king of the jungle. He takes the responsibility of every individual. He is very smart and ferocious. He plays the active part in this story. He tries to guard the habitats of animals but gets injury.

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Mouzi appears to be dangerous but he is very good at heart. He has a straight forward character. He acts as a link between animals and humans.

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Although Squiry looks so small yet she has a very sensible mind.

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This character depicts the whole race of human species. The human being is destroying forests to fulfill their increasing demands.

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The story is about the animal kingdom living in the jungle of Switzerland. Sher Khaan is the head of the kingdom. This story deals with the problem faced by animals due to deforestation. The animals are discussing over it.

Hi Diano ! Whats going on?

Hello Elephano ! I am good, but little worried.....

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Worried about what? What happened? Is everything alright???....

No, nothing is well at all. I came to know that Sher Khan got injured while the mob of the nearby village tried to chase him when he by mistake entered the village.

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Elephano and Diano gathered everybody in the jungle and told about the incident of Sher Khaan. All the animals got shocked and went to meet the king of the jungle.

Hi my jungle family !

Hello Mr.Khaan, how are you ?

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Good afternoon, Mr.Khaan. We really feel sorry for what happened with you.

Thanks for your concern everyone. I will be alright within few days. But I want that this should never happen again with anyone.
All animals give their own view points. They all reach to the conclusion that main culprit is the human being. Human is destroying the forests for their selfish needs. Due to this animal habitats are getting disturbed. The area of forest is decreasing day by day. Where will the birds and animals go ? What thetheir faultstory in the Header section Write is title of your ? 13

I have a suggestion. I think Mouzy has a great interaction with human beings. He should go and tell them about our problem. Okay. If you all agree with this solution, I will talk to them.
Mouzy bravely goes to the head of human beings and tell them the whole issue. The head feels ashamed and apologizes for their mistake. The head of human himself goes the Sher Khan and regrets.
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Hello, Mr. Sher Khan. We are really sorry. We are your culprits. We will take care in future. We will grow more trees. We get selfish for our needs forgetting about birds and animals. We feel happy that you understand us . Please live in harmony with nature.
So my dear friends this story tells us that we should not only think about ourselves but also others. Earth is our mother. We should LIVE AND LET OTHERS LIVE
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I am really thankful to my teachers who gave this opportunity to write this story. I also thank my parents for their love and concern. Special thanks to God.

The story has been submitted as part of the iWRITE initiative by NIIT Ltd. The organizers of this competition reserve the rights to further circulate this submission across various mediums like websites, shared content, examples etc.
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