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B.P. 6134 Dakar (Senegal) - Tel. (221) 34.02.15 - 32.28.50 Centre Malango De Fatick



It is a system of geomancy which deals with 256 spirits of humans allowing for revelations or clairvoyance by the oracle regarding an individual, a group of individuals or a society. Sixteen major spirits are represented by symbols. The 240 minor spirits are the combination of the major symbols among themselves.

Table of the Symbols of the 16 Major Spirits

Symbol 1 DJOGBE = GBE MEDJI Symbol 2 YEKU-MEDJI ------ --- -- -- -Symbol 3 WOLI MEDJI ----Symbol 4 DIN MEDJI ---

Symbol 5 LOSSO- MEDJI -----

Symbol 6 WLIN-MEDJI ---- -- --

Symbol 7 ABLA-MEDJI --------

Symbol 8 AKLAN-MEDJI -----

Symbol 9 GUDA-MEDJI -Symbol 13 TULA- MEDJI ----

Symbol 10 SA-MEDJI -Symbol 14 LT-MEDJI --- ---

Symbol 11 KA-MEDJI ---Symbol 15 TCHE-MEDJI ---------

Symbol 12 TRUKPIN-LELU MEDJI ---Symbol 16 FU MEDJI ------

Symbol of the Spirit of Djogbe

INCANTATION A dog is not lost when it follows its masters footprints. The path is clear (open) and admirable (great). However, there are detours. One does not break a nut with only one stone. -

CLAIRVOYANCE It is a symbol of the path (way). A healthy consultant will find it very easy and will be lucky. He will be tempted to embrace (undertake) several/many things at a time, which risks to cause (bring about) dilution. Nobody/no one can build a roof large enough to cover the earth. If the consultant is a patient, he will die from the disease. No one will be able to help him out. In general, consultants have a jinn of water. There is a risk of sterility for a female. She will experience problems in her household. Offering: Protection: To make sacrifices to the water. To sit on a rock each morning for a few minutes.

Symbol of the Spirit Yeku-Mdji

----INCANTATION A black wrapper is never left on a night battlefield. A plant does not succumb to nodosities overlapping its tem. Goods do not run out for being shared (with others). The mouth is never worn out for speaking. The staff is never used up for use. The river is never dried up for water supply. CLAIRVOYANCE The consultant has a close relationship with the hereafter, the ancestors, the spirits of water. He will often have strange dreams: Incoherent. The eye does not see through a black cloth at night. The consultant is a good speaker who would be successful in politics. Sacrifice to twins and the sea. Avoid problems/disputes (occurring) in public. The consultant is rarely punished for his mistakes. -----

Symbol of the Spirit Woli Medji

--INCANTATION A powerful man never dies in the circle of powerful men. The pack of hyenas is a circle of power. HISTORY/STORY The hyena each night goes out to steal one sheep. After he eats the sheep, one night the hyena has a dream. In his dream he sees the owner of the sheep and the owner kills him. Early in the morning, the hyena is afraid and he goes to see Bokono. Bokono, does the FA for the hyena and says, your business is bad--you must stop stealing--If you dont stop you must die. The hyena says, If I dont steal, what do I eat? If I dont eat, I will also die. So help me to steal without dying. Bokono says to the hyena, bring me kola nuts, chicken for sacrifice. The hyena brings all things to Bokono and Bokono makes the sacrifice. Today you must go to the place where you steal. The hyena goes to the place. Next to the place where he steals, the hyena sees a man who is digging a hole. Hyena asks the man what he is doing. The man replies that he is building a trap to kill the thief who steals at night. The hyena now knows the place of the trap and he is able to steal without dying. VISION/ADVICE You are not good. You are sure that the person with this sign does bad things. Reassure this person that no bad things will come to you. This person never goes to prison for his faults. He is always forgiven. Sacrifice Must go walking on a trip Sacrifice white things (kola, chicken, mild) Dont eat gumbo (okra) ---

Symbol of the Spirit Din-Medji

--INCANTATION If some big pieces of meat are (reported) missing from the plate, who is to be held accountable? The one who was seen last by the plate. This is the suspect. CLAIRVOYANCE The consultant feels stuck. It is as though he were in confinement: Absolutely. Enemies are closing in on him and runs the risk of catching chronic diseases. A calamity occurs in his family. There is a huge tree either at the entrance to his house, or in the middle of the property. This is the tree which will exterminate his family. SACRIFICE Needed are a living tortoise, a piece of granite, a jar, and a visit to a Bokon for a rite to bring him peace. He will have to give blood to Gou-Vodou, concocting Vossa from several thorny plants. ADVICE Your enemies are not far from you. A talisman shall be made from a lion or antelopes part. ---

Symbol of the Spirt Losso-Medji

--INCANTATION FA is dining without his lips getting in contact with the food. A bird determined to feed on the palmtree heart is unafraid of breaking his beak. The layman (caiman) has eaten and denied doing so. The sparrow has pecked but denied it. One drops excrement of what one has eaten. CLAIRVOYANCE The consultant is a courageous, steadfast, and envied leader. He is the target of lust and jealousy. ADVICE No wearing red. No consumption of palm nuts, nor red oil. Light skinned ladies should be avoided. --

Symbol of the Spirit Wlin-Medji

--INCANTATION The wrath of corn shall manifest itself, more violent than that of the pestle. However, when it is time to fight with fists, the pestle will overcome corn. ---

CLAIRVOYANCE The (male) consultant espoused two women, the first of whom is very jealous. She (tried) attempted to run his life. There will be no gratefulness for him. His words and gestures will not be appreciated, rather misinterpreted. He tends to quarrel. ADVICE One is to raise fowl but eat none. The consultant shall seek and listen to advice from his father. Multicolored clothing shall not be worn. It is necessary to consume/eat guinea fowl and fowl of divers colors, corn and derivatives. Calmness is recommended.

Symbol of the Spirit Abla-Medji

---INCANTATION A tilted fan does not seek are in vain. The royal chair does not claim a successor to the throne in vain. After all, does it not hold royalty itself? An open parasol does not venture near the forest. ----

CLAIRVOYANCE The consultant has a deceased wealthy grandmother whose fortune has completely disappeared. With his help, his family will recover the fortune. For some time, the consultant has seen the fruit of his labor disappear. Part of his salary disappears when he counts his money. He will have many accurately premonitory dreams. ADVICE To be made is an ancestry chair that he will use and venerate. This is a good sign. He will unveil/unmask plots and embarrass (humiliate) his foes.

Symbol of the Spirit Aklan-Medji

---INCANTATION Two sharp sticks do not meet. To the contrary, they slide over each other. CLAIRVOYANCE The consultant is poor and has many financial problems. This is a person who keeps to himself (very private) and ............. Hardly does he keep company. He is often exposed to diseases. He tends to experience marital and sentimental problems. He is anxious, melancholy with low selfesteem. He is a negative subject. SACRIFICE AND ADVICE Sacrifice to the ancestors (# meals) and to the twins. For him to become successful, he will have to raise a dog by which he will often be accompanied, and which will bring him happiness or (and) riches. ----

Symbol of the Spirit Guda-Medji

-INCANTATION If one knew death, mortal death, he would be spared. Death is commonplace and nowhere. --

CLAIRVOYANCE The consultant is unlucky with regard to love. It is a scandal. He would be accused of a crime he has never committed. He is talkative. He will never get rich as long as he lives under his fathers roof. Ancestors (His___) keep a seat he is to venerate. SACRIFICE AND ADVICE To hold ones tongue (to keep quiet?). One needs to stay out of the family house so as to emerge. Not to envy anybody, not to consume cassava, yam, okra/gumbo, nor the cashew tree fruit.

Symbol of the Spirit of Sa-Medji

-INCANTATION The paralyzed will make the blind happy. The blind will make the paralyzed happy. The frog kills a goat, but it does not find any machete to cut it up. If you get good food, share it with your brothers. CLAIRVOYANCE The consultant will experience sight problems. He has a close friend. Soon, these two friends will have a violent dispute (between them) and then find themselves close to each other again. The consultant is surrounded by a group of good angels, a powerful sign. The consultant is naturally protected. His foes will tend to drown. He has clearly premonitory dreams. SACRIFICE AND ADVICE Red and black are to be voided. Not to stare at ones partners sexual organs during intercourse . Success comes after efforts. Thighs and legs of animals and crabs are not be consumed. --

Symbols of the Spirit Ka-Medji

---INCANTATION The idiot says: The moon is dead. Dead, how could it appear again in the sky and allow for reckoning months and years? I am observing the boat because it has tipped me up (overturned with me in it). CLAIRVOYANCE The consultant has the means to succeed by himself. He will be faced with hardship, especially at the hands of sorcerers. He is obstinate and perseverant. He will own a fortune. The consultant moves much, he is an impulsive nervous. SACRIFICE AND ADVICE Not to go out with a weapon. Avoid to eat or drink from a calabash/gourd. He will have to take protective baths. ----

Symbol of the Spirit Trukpini Lelu-Medji


INCANTATION In the forest where beasts of ferocious pray live, there one finds antelopes with horns as gigantic as their legs. CLAIRVOYANCE If the consultant is a female, she runs the risk of having premature births. This is a disturbing topic. He does not risk being punished even for his faults or stupidity. SACRIFICE AND ADVICE One needs to keep in company of a dog. All ones problems will be solved. He will suffer from a stomach ailment. To avoid the worst, he shall fix three gourds of porridge, an offering to twins. He will have a dispute with his uncle on the mothers side. He shall not eat gumbo, eggs, nor papaya.

Symbol of the Spirit Tula-Medji

-INCANTATION Alafia - It is from her mouth that the squirrel brought death upon herself. CLAIRVOYANCE A promising future. He is a lover loved by women he also loves. He will easily make a fortune. His talkative instinct risks to hurt him. It is through his mouth that he will be successful and through his mouth that he will be destroyed. SACRIFICE AND ADVICE Consumption of peanuts, eggs and the meat of a game killed with a gun shall be avoided. He risks becoming a thief if he consumes a squirrel or a deer. He will have to hold his tongue. --

He needs to locate (find) the nest of a sparrow. He is to speak through its opening which he will close thereafter. He will take this nest to a Bokonon. Neighbors wives are to be avoided. If this is a female consultant, she will be a widow several times.

Symbol of the Spirit Lt-Medji

-INCANTATION The boa conceives but does not give birth. The sun and the dew never emulate. Whenever the sun comes out, the dew hides. CLAIRVOYANCE The consultant has an upcoming competition. He, however, will win. This is a sign of both defiance and triumph. Its the sign of Sakpata-Vodou closely related to the earth. The consultant will have many fans in arenas, yet many foes in his social environment. The earth could/can say, NSomon Bo Womon... to death and be spared punishment. The earth, however, works for death as/and buries deaths corpses. SACRIFICE AND ADVICE To honor the stones our ancestors used to use to crush (foods) in the kitchen. The consultant shall not a termitarium, head of the earth. Avoid being out at night. --

Symbol of the Spirit of Tche-Medji

--INCANTATION Suddenly, a rainstorm is brewing. All of a sudden, the weather clears up. She/he who can help hurries up. Very soon, the tragedy will be unavoidable. CLAIRVOYANCE Let generosity be advised to the consultant. He is stingy and that could hurt him. This has a relationship with Sakpata-Vodou and the consultant must stay away from scandals. He is an undecided character. If this is a female consultant, she will have many marriages or husbands (men). SACRIFICE AND ADVICE The offering consists of spilling blood: sacrificing an animal. The consultant will need three gourdes, one yam, and one stem. The Bokonon will fix him a kit he is to bury at his house. ---

Symbol of the Spirit Fu-Medji


INCANTATION Alone, one hand cannot applaud. Two hands are not needed to scream, Aboboboe: a sound expressing alarm and anguish, some kind of strange event is taking place. CLAIRVOYANCE It is a sign of fecundity. The consultant is expected to have many children and longevity. This suggests regeneration, endurance and fertility symbolizing the mother and the unpredictable. A poor consultant can, in no time, become wealthy. SACRIFICE AND ADVICE The consultant will need a Legba in his front yard to which libations and offering shall be made periodically. This is a pledge for his protection in all domains.

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