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Case Study on Annual distributor Award Selection Meeting.

The new secretary co-ordinated the teleconference to discuss and agree on the Regional
Distributor of the Year Award 2008 and Worldwide distributor of the Year .
. The people invited were the Account Managers from US, South America , Brazil , UK ,
Europe , Middle East Africa and Turkey , Asia Pacific , China and India , Worldwide
Service head , Marketing Co-ordinator , General Manager Europe and General Manager
US .
The meeting starts with only few people logging on the bridge on time . Then the
European team based in Holland realize that for some mysterious reason they are unable
to log in through the bridge given . Service Head then sends email to everybody on the
new bridge number and one by one participants from all over the world log in .
Finally , when the meeting starts , the secretary who had invited all the meeting went on a
lunch break and was not traceable and thus nobody knew who is chairing the meeting .
After another couple of minutes the chair is announced on the phone . The invite send to
everybody did not have clear guidelines on the on coming prepared on the respective
nominee for the Regional and Worldwide distributor so some came prepared with their
presentation while most of the Account Managers gave it a miss . By the time the Agenda
was somewhat clear , it was found that the Account Manager from China was not
invited and even if invited the timing would be wrong as it was 10.00pm in China .

Meanwhile , the General Manager Announced a new structure of voting for Asia pacific
and South America which was not intimated to the respective Account Managers . This
added further confusion to the meeting . Finally , somebody suggested that the Marketing
Co-ordinator , who had managed to barge in the meeting only 5 minutes back , should
send the agenda on the new meeting schedule .

Question :
1) What do you think went wrong in this meeting ? Please answer in short specific
points. .

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