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Biology Lecture Exams

This is it. Lets give this a shot Emsaaay. Bangon babae! Blood Connective tissue Only fluid tissue in the human body Physical Characteristic of blood: Oxygen rich scarlet red Oxygen poor dull red pH 7.35 7.45 Blood temperature > body temperature Blood Plasma 90 % water Includes dissolved substances such as: 1. Nutrients, salts (metal ions) 2. Respiratory gases 3. Hormones 4. Proteins, waste products Plasma Proteins Albumin regulates osmotic pressure Clotting proteins help to stem blood when a blood vessel is injured Antibodies help protect the body from antigens Formed Elements Erythrocytes red blood cells Main function is to carry oxygen Contain very few organelles Mature RBCs circulating in the blood are literally bags of hemoglobin Each erythrocytes has 250 million hemoglobin molecules Outnumber white blood cells (1000 : 1) Hemoglobin iron containing protein Iron bearing protein Transports the bulk of the oxygen that is carried in the blood Each hemoglobin oxygen has four oxygen binding sites Leukocytes white blood cells Crucial to body defense against disease Complete cells with a nucleus and organelles Moves in and out of the blood vessels through diapedesis (leaping across)

Can respond to chemicals released by damaged tissues Normal level 4,000 to 11, 000 cells/mL Abnormal 11, 000 (Leukocytosis; infection | Leukopenia; drugs)

Types of Leukocytes: 1. Granulocytes a. Neutrophils multilobed nucleus with fine granules; act as phagocytes b. Eosinophils large brick-red cytoplasmic granules; response to allergies and parasitic worms c. Basophils histamine containing granules; initiate inflammation 2. Agranulocytes a. Lymphocytes important role in immune response; nucleus fill b. Monocytes largest; macrophages; important in fighting chronic infection

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