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The Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics
1363 Fulton Avenue
Bronx, New York 10456
Tele # (917) 941-7856 — Fax # (718) 741-7970
Edward Tom, Principal

BCSM Bulletin Board Guidelines

[as of 10-3-05]

^ Evidence of NYS Standard being addressed in activity

^ Clearly state the assignment given to students

^ Evidence of grading rubric for assignment

^ Evidence of rigor in the assignment given to students

^ Evidence of careful, constructive student feedback on works


^ Evidence of writing across the content areas

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Setting Standards For 416.6 4Paraffarid

lassroom bulletin boards and
hallway display areas are an
C important element in creating a
positive learning environment. Bulletin
boards can teach, inform, inspire and add
a great deal of educational value to a
classroom when they are prepared
effectively. They provide a means for
teachers to stimulate interest in an
upcoming unit to be studied, as well as,
showcasing student work at the end of a The Mott Hall School
I.S. / P.S. 223
course of study.
71 Convent Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10027
A classroom without bulletin boards is
Dr. Mirian Acosta-Sing, Principal
barren. Students need to have a something Mr. Marc Briller, SPD
to look at besides bare walls.
Copyright © 2003 Mott Hall

Bulletin boards are used:

• To convey ideas and concepts to be taught in a
clear, simple and dramatic way.
• To arouse and maintain interest in a topic or unit
to be studied.
• To highlight standard setting student work which
can be viewed as exemplars.
• To help record pupils' progress and growth.
• To give general information to students such as
future events.

1-Motivational Unit Bulletin Boards

A motivational bulletin board is used to introduce a unit of study. These bulletin boards are meant to arouse interest
in the new curricula unit. The components of the Motivational Bulletin Board should include:

• A clearly stated goal / standards

• Illustrations and photographs related to the themes and topics, which are to be studied.
• Key vocabulary words related to the themes and topics of the unit.
• High level focus questions which students will be able to answer at the conclusion of the unit being
studied. These focus questions should focus on the concepts being taught throughout the unit.

Motivational Bulletin Board Created by Mrs. Reynolds
This Motivational Bulletin Board is theme or unit specific its focus in on the human
skeleton and the study of bones

2-Project Based Bulletin Boards

Project based bulletin boards are created at the conclusion of a unit of study. The purpose for this type of bulletin
board is to post and feature standard setting student projects, which are exemplars of excellent work created by the
students. The benefits ofposting these bulletin boards are firstly, students have the opportunity to see and learn what
an excellent project looks like and secondly, students whose work is showcased feel self-esteem and pride in
knowing that they've done excellent work. The components of a Project Based Bulletin Board should include:

• Clearly stated goal of the unit.

• The task, which led to the development of the project.
• The Standard setting projects, be sure that the students name appears on the project
• A rubric, which was used to evaluate the work.
• The focus questions from the unit studied should be posted since the projects should reflect and respond
to these questions.

Project Based Bulletin Board Created by Mrs. Herzog

This bulletin board features student products and was created to highlight excellent work at the conclusion of
a study on insects.

3-Informational and Procedural Bulletin Boards

Informational and procedural bulletin boards are used to inform and reinforce important classroom procedures and
information, This type of bulletin board is a real time — saver because the students know where to look for
important information which pertains to them. This bulletin board should be located in a location that is easiest for
students to access. The information contained on these bulletin boards may include:

• Procedures related to:

I. Fire Drills
2. Classroom laptop
3. Arrival and dismissal
4. Setting up and maintaining Reading and Writing Portfolios
• Due dates for assignments and special projects
• Special school events
• Classroom rules and procedures

An example of an informational/ procedural type bulletin board appropriate for our Mott Hall students might include
a technology bulletin board which could be called, "Brush up On Your Internet". This bulletin board could include:
• Student policy related to the use of the Internet.
• Vocabulary related to internet use (.COM, .ORG, URL, ...)
• Procedures for conducting an online search.
• Listing of search engines
• Listing of curricula specific URLs (websites)
• Directions and rules for printing


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Informational Bulletin Board Created by Mrs. Ferreiro Hernandez

Our Service Learning Program is described with all components explained.
Students have the opportunity to understand the program's components, prior
to participating in this program. AN oNG0ING CYCLE

Informational Bulletin Board

Created by Ms. Strickoff

4-Inspirational Bulletin Boards

Inspirational bulletin boards do not focus on
specific units of study. These bulletin are general
in nature and promote an interest in areas such as
having students read more, enjoy listening to
music, keep a writing journal etc. These bulletin
boards don't have focus questions or specific

Inspirational Bulletin Board Created by Ms. Reynolds

The Inspirational Bulletin Board is not a unit specific but rather promotes reading.

Standards for Student Written Work to be Displayed

Student written work, which is to be displayed on bulletin boards, should meet or demonstrate that the child is
striving to meet the standards. The students writing should go through a process of planning, drafting, revising and
editing before it is considered a fmished product.

The writing or project to be displayed should reflect the focus and the response to the task If the task requires:

• Informational writing, such as a news story or a Social Studies report, which includes facts, gathered from
several sources. The writing should use information to express a particular point of view, and should be written
for a specific audience.

• A response to literature, such as an essay making connections between characters or themes from different
books the writing should express the students thinking about how particular authors use language, and should
use examples from the books to support his or her ideas.

• A story of fictional writing or is autobiographical then the writing should create an interest, using dialogues and
suspense, and should describe characters movements and expressions.

• Narrative procedure writing explaining how something is done, then this writing should lay out clear steps that
are easy to follow, and should anticipate anything that may be unclear to the reader.

• A persuasive essay then the work should have examples of anecdotes and examples, which help to create a
convincing argument.

All student work selected for display should also demonstrate:

• Correct use of grammar, which includes all parts of speech.
• Correct paragraph structure.
• Appropriate language.
• Correct use of all conventions of punctuation.
• Correct sentence structure.
• Proper word usage and correct spelling.

The students' work should be as professional as possible. Computer generated work is preferred whenever
possible. Illustrations and drawing should be neatly mounted.
If the paper is handwritten then the handwriting should be neat, clear and legible.

Suggestions for Bulletin Boards Aesthetics

Bulletin Board Backgrounds
Most teachers tend to use plan construction paper to back bulletin boards but if you are tired of the same
background aesthetic for your bulletin board you may consider some of the ideas listed below for covering a
bulletin board. Most of the materials can be cut for borders as well. Also, some of the materials (even fabric) can
be laminated for cutting letters. Additional materials, which can be used for bulletin board backgrounds, may

• Curtains
• Pictures of former students
• Magazine pages
• Old greeting cards
• Picture post cards

3 Ways fo Nveiop
• Calendar pages or pictures
• Book covers

Pages from old textbooks
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• A tablecloth • Usinsi oefods
• Wrapping paper
• Newspaper *Usit-9 an Example
• Comic pages
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Bulletin Board Borders i+ Kimis of Paragrarks

Borders for your bulletin boards can be
coordinated with the background
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materials listed above by cutting the • Delcr T he 619roph
materials selected for you backgrounds.
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Materials for borders, which may be, are:
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• Wide ribbon for colorful borders.
• Strips of newspaper and laminate.
• Laminate strips of fabric that fit the
theme of the board.
An Informational Bulletin Board
• Covers from discarded paperback
cut to the same width, connected and
then laminate.
• A 3-D effect, using old puzzle pieces. Glued to strips of construction paper.
• Bookmarks as a border for a reading (Inspirational) bulletin board.

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