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Cambridge AS 2004 Nov Paper 2 Code 9702/2 1 (a) (i) check for zero error on micrometer / zero the

micrometer (ii) take readings along the length of the wire / at different points (iii) take readings spirally / around the wire (b) (i) 4 % (ii) 8 % 2(a) all same speed in a vacuum / all travel in a vacuum transverse / can be polarised can be reflected / refracted show properties of particles oscillating electric and magnetic fields transfer energy / progressive not affected by electric and magnetic fields (b) 495 nm = 495 x 10-9 m number = 1 / (495 x 10-9) = 2.02 x 106 (c) (i) 10-7 to 10-11 m (ii) 10-3 to 10-6 m 3. (a) constant gradient / straight line (b) (i) 1.2 s (ii) 4.4 s (c) either use of area under line or h = average speed x time h = x (4.4 1.2) x 32 = 51.2 m (d) p = m v OR p = mv = 0.25 x (28 + 12) =10 N s (e)(i) total / sum momentum before = total / sum momentum after in any closed system (ii) either the system is the ball and Earth: momentum of Earth changes by same amount but in the opposite direction OR Ball is not an isolated system / there is a force on the ball causes change in momentum / law does not apply here 4 (a) wavelength = 1.50m (b) v = f, speed = 540 m s-1 (c) progressive wave reflected at the fixed ends, wave is formed by superposition of two traveling waves . This quantity is the speed of the travelling wave. 5 (a) (i) F/A (ii) L / L (iii) FL / A L (b)(i) L = 0.012 x 1.62 x 350 = 2.6 mm (ii) 2.0 x 1011 = (F x 0.62) / (7.9 x 10-7 x 2.6 x 10-3)

F = 660 N (iii) either stress when cold = 660 / (7.9 x 10-7) = 840 M Pa or tension at uts = 198 N either this is greater than the ultimate tensile stress or tension at uts is less than tension in (ii) the wire will snap 6 (a) (i) resistance is ratio V / I at a point either gradient increases or / increases more rapidly than V (ii) current = 2.00 mA, resistance = 2000 (b)(i) straight line from origin passing through (6.0 V, 4.0 mA) (ii) individual currents are 0.75 mA and 1/33 mA current in battery = 2.1 ma (c) same current in R and in C p.d. across C is larger than that across R so since power = VI, greater in C 7(a) (i) nucleus is small in comparison to size of atom (ii) nucleus is massive / heavy/ dense and charged (b) (i) symmetrical path and deviation correct with respect to position of nucleusdeviation less than in path AB (ii) deviation > 900 and in correct direction

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