Subject of Interest

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Subject of Interest Erythropoetin Renin

Stimulated by feedback from? -Low plasma volume - Low venous pressure -Low arteriolar pressure -Low GFR -Low Na to macula densa

Secreted by The Kidney



Receptor or hormone


Cortical In response to low: Collecting Ducts Renin converts liver angiotensnogen to angiotensen 1 AG1 >AG2 via ACE. AG2 BP via VC Adrenal cortex secretes aldosterone = Less loss of Na+ and H20

Renin converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin 1.


1,25 dihydroxyv. D Angiotensin Angtiotensin 1 Aldosterone

Renin from kidneys via low BV and BP Angiotensin II


None, inactive form

Must be converted by ACE to be active Kidneys

Adrenal Cortex Posterior Pituitary


-Elevated BP -Elevated BV -Low body fluid osmolarity -Osmoreceptors in hypothalamus

Tubules of Retention of Na+ and Kidney and water collecting duct Cortical and Increases water retention medullary ducts


Water COntrol

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