Highland County Eagle Sightings Dec 1, 2006 - Feb. 28, 2007: Time

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28, 2007
Dec.2, 2006
Time: bald eagle Pat Shumate East side of VA 678 approximately Adult BAEA ate on deer carcass near
9 adult 7 miles south of US 250 Bullpasture River.
Dec. 4, 2006
Time: 0927 bald eagle Rick Lambert East of US 220 south of Monterey Adult BAEA perched in tree next to the
5 adult about 5.4 miles Jackson River

bald eagles (2) Larry Lynch US 220 between Monterey and Both adult BAEA perched in a tree
adults Bolar along the road.
1 golden eagles (3)
Larry Lynch VA 644 Hardscrabble Road, NW of
Blue Grass
Adult and two immature GOEA over
Hardscrabble/ west side of Snowy Mt.
2 immature
Dec. 6, 2006
Time: 1200 bald eagle Carol Bandy West side of US 220 across from BAEA flew south over river and then
4 4-year-old Monterey Trout Hatchery about 5 perched in a tree. It spread its tail and
miles north of Monterey displayed the distinct black fringe of a
Dec. 8, 2006
Time:1014 bald eagle Rick Lambert VA 607 east of Mustoe about 1 mile Five crows chased adult BAEA over
6 adult SE of US 220 over the divide in Big the divide in Big Valley.

bald eagle Pat Shumate East side of VA 678 approximately Adult BAEA flew past Shumate house.
9 adult 7 miles south of US 250

Dec. 9, 2006
Time: 1600 golden eagle Norman Bell US 220 south of Monterey about Immature GOEA circled in the
5 immature 5.5 miles east side of Jackson River thermals after being harassed by
behind David Rowe property crows.

1 Time:
golden eagles (8)
adults & immature
Tad Finnell, leading Roanoke
Valley Bird Club
VA 640 at pull off just before WV
line and around Blue Grass

bald eagles Tad Finnell, leading Roanoke Three bald eagles south of US 84 NOT ENOUGH DETAIL TO COUNT,
Time: 3-8, no ages Valley Bird Club on US 220 and no location for HOWEVER- THIS WAS A BIRD
5 others CLUB TRIP

Dec. 11, 2006

Time: 0830 bald eagle Keith Carson East side of US 220 south of Third-year BAEA perched in tree
3rd year- Monterey about 13.4 miles near above Jackson River. This bird had
extreme white transmission line much white including on head, under
wings and on back. A second bird,
most likely an osprey, perched nearby.
Dec. 13, 2006
Time:1150 golden eagles (2) Sara Bell Bath Co. Pump Storage dam area NOT COUNTED BECAUSE IN BATH

golden eagle Patti Reum South of US 250 at Clay Hise Lane Immature GOEA circled quite low
10 Time: 1235
immature on top of Allegheny Mt. above driveway called Clay Hise Lane,
then moved to Red Oak Knob. Crows
were harassing it. Then it bee-lined
back south toward the driveway again
and flew out of sight.
Dec. 15, 2006
Time: 0815 bald eagle Rick Lambert East of US 220 south of Monterey Adult BAEA perched in tree over
5 adult about 5.4 miles Jackson River.
Dec. 18
5 Time: 0816 bald eagle Rick Lambert East of US 220 south of Monterey Adult BAEA perched in tree over
adult about 5.4 miles Jackson River.

1 Time: 0943
golden eagle
Chris Royal VA 644, Hardscrabble Road about
0.4 mile north of VA 643
Immature GOEA perched in maple tree
behind barn near house on west side
of road. It then flew down and landed
in alfalfa field. Then it flew east across
the road and rode a thermal up.

Time: 1134 golden eagle Sandy Hevener VA 640 about 0.3 mile south of US Immature golden eagle zigzagged
immature 250 around as a crow chased it.

Time: 1333 Adult BAEA perched in tree over

5 bald eagle Rick Lambert East of US 220 south of Monterey Jackson River
adult about 5.4 miles
Dec. 23, 2006
Time: 1000 golden eagles (2) Craig Turner West of VA 643 slightly north of VA Two immature GOEA soared over
1 immature 642 Lantz Mt. for about 10 minutes then
disappeared west of Lantz Mt.

1 Time: 1030
golden eagle
Craig Turner Near VA 643 & VA 644 Red-tailed hawk chased immature
GOEA. As observer traveled north on
Probably one of above VA 644, he sighted an immature
GOEA several times on south side of
Snowy Mt. NE of VA 644.
1 Time: 1105 eagles (3) Craig Turner VA 644 north of VA 643 Two immature GOEA flew directly over
golden eagles (2) observer no more than 50 feet above
immature (same ones) ground. Immature BAEA flew over WV
bald eagle airspace at the same time.

bald eagles (2) Nickie Dymersky, Alex VA 220 about 1.4 miles south of Two adult BAEA perched high in
Time: 1130 adults Dymersky Monterey at VA 636 sycamore tree.

bald eagles (4) Nickie Dymersky, Alex VA 220 about 1.7 miles south of One immature BAEA perched on fence
Time: 1135 immature Dymersky Monterey. post and three immature BAEA on
ground in field eating carrion.

Time: 1230 golden eagle Craig Turner VA 600 about 2 miles south of US Immature GOEA soared to north over
immature 250 Lantz Mt.

golden eagle Bethel Crummett

Time: 1325 adult US 220 south of Monterey about Very large adult GOEA flew west side
1.2 miles on east side of road of camper near woods.
3 Time: 1400 golden eagle Craig Turner VA 638 west of VA 637 Immature GOEA soared to the north
immature near south end of Monterey Mt.

Time: 1500 golden eagle Craig Turner VA 631 about 1.5 miles south of VA Immature GOEA soared north from
immature 629 west side of Monterey Mt.

Dec. 24, 2006

Time: 1126 golden eagle Rick Lambert VA 607 near Mustoe about 1 mile Immature GOEA flew north.
6 immature SE of US 220 over the divide in Big

6 Time: 1145
golden eagle
Alex Dymersky, Rick Lambert VA 607 south of Mustoe on
Simmons land in north part of Big
Immature GOEA flew north.


Time: 1524 bald eagle Rick Lambert US 220 south of Monterey 1.3 mile Adult bald eagle on ground feeding on
adult carcass at Monterey Livestock Sales.

Dec. 27, 2006

Time: golden eagles (2) Steve Hise Over Red Oak Knob- north of US Two adult GOEA circled over Red Oak
10 adults 250 about 5 miles west of Knob.
Hightown and 4 miles east of WV
golden eagles (2) William Leigh VA 640 top of Wimer Mt Rd. near Subadult I GOEA flew into Highland
1 Subadult I VA/WV border Co. from WV along east side of Snowy
immature Mt. It landed in a tree and perched for
about 10 minutes. A second GOEA
then flew in and pestered the first. The
birds then went separate ways. One
flew out of sight toward Blue Grass
and appeared to be hunting. I pounced
on something in a field, but observer
did not see what it was.
Dec. 29, 2006
bald eagle Pat Shumate East side of VA 678 approximately Adult BAEA perched in tree.
9 adult 7 miles south of US 250
Dec. 31, 2006
Time: 1000 golden eagle Pen Goodall West side of US 250 over Back Adult GOEA flew south over Back
adult Creek Creek, downstream.
Jan. 1, 2007
Time: bald eagle Pat Shumate East side of VA 678 approximately Adult BAEA perched in tree.
9 adult 7 miles south of US 250
Jan. 2, 2007
Time: 1415 bald eagle Patti Reum US 250 about 0.25 mile west of Third year bald eagle flew low across
10 Basic III Back Creek road and headed south through the
treeline, where observer lost sight of it.
Jan. 3, 2007
Time: 1215 golden eagle Patti Reum, Sandy Hevener VA 644 at top of Hardscrabble Rd. Immature GOEA flew low over ridges
1 immature from west to east over slopes of
Snowy Mt.

1 Time: 1400-1420
bald eagle
Patti Reum, Sandy Hevener East side Devils Backbone seen
from top of SW side of Brushy Mt.
Adult BAEA perched in tree top of a
long fission on east side of Devil's
and later from VA 642 Backbone. After about ut 20 minutes
observers left and drove west on VA
640 an adult BAEA flew from the same
adult area of Devil’s Backbone, over the
road and south.
Jan. 4, 2007
Time: 1500 golden eagle Deborah Huso, Frank Grimes, VA 640 north of Blue Grass 2 miles, GOEA soared over southern slope of
1 adult Conley Colaw 300 feet west of road. Snowy Mt.
Jan. 6, 2007 bald eagle Members of Augusta Bird US 250 in McDowell area
Time: 0800 adult Club, other birders
golden eagles (3) John Spahr, Lisa Hamilton, VA 640 near WV border east side of
Time: 0900 immature Alan Larner Peter VanAcker, Snowy Mt. from Wimer Mt. Rd. west Three immature GOEA appeared to
1 Jo King, Sandy Bratton, Sara of O’Bryan property hunt on east slope of Snowy Mt. They
Bell, Sandy Hevener, and flew low over open pastures at the
about 9 other birders edge of tree line and periodically
dropped to the ground. One or two
pecked at something on the ground.
golden eagles (3) Same as above South of VA 644 below Snowy Mt.
1 2 adults
1 immature
Two adult GOEA in air south of road.
The immature GOEA flew north of road
above southern slopes of Snowy Mt.
golden eagle Same as above Top of Hardscrabble Rd. VA 644
1 Time: 1030 adult Adult GOEA flew over west slope of
Snowy Mt. from west toward east.
Time: 1400 eagles (2) John Spahr, Lisa Hamilton, US 84 about 1 mile west of VA 640
1 HY bald eagle Alan Larner Peter VanAcker, Both eagles circled on the north side of
immature golden eagle Jo King, Patti Reum, and road. HY BAEA kept rising, immature
other birders GOEA flew east.

Time: golden eagles (5) Scott Foster VA 600 west of microtower at end
NOT IN COUNT adult pair of lake- Bath Co.
BECAUSE IN 3 not aged Two adult golden eagles about 200
BATH CO. feet above the lake locked talons and
spun down in a courtship display while
three golden eagles of undetermined
age circled. Two circled above the pair
and one was below the pair when they
locked talons.
Jan. 8, 2007
Time: 1200 bald eagle Rick Lambert US 220 south of Monterey about Flock of crows harassed adult BAEA.
5 adult 5.2 miles in Sheila Hull’s yard.

Jan 9, 2007
Time: 1046 bald eagle Rick Lambert US 220 south of Monterey about Adult BAEA perched in tree over
7 adult 13.3 miles Jackson River.
Jan. 10, 2007
Time: 1350 bald eagle Carol Bandy VA 640 about 2.5 miles north of US BAEA with white tail and dark head
2 3-year old 250 flew up from road and perched in a
tree to the west.

bald eagle adult Patti Reum US 250 about 1 mile east VA 637 Adult bald eagle circled.
Time: 1355
Jan. 11, 2007
Time: 0835 bald eagle Keith Carson East side of US 220 south of Adult BAEA perched in tree near
7 adult Monterey 13.4 miles transmission line and Jackson River
golden eagles (2) Pen Goodall In area north of Collins Run Rd. Two adult GOEA flew up from either
adults between Goodall home and Goodall the ground or low in the trees. They
10 Time: 1350
family cabin- about 2 miles NE of circled and then rose and flew SW
US 250 and 2 miles S of VA 642 toward Allegheny battlefield.
Jan. 12, 2007
Time: 1036 bald eagle Rick Lambert US 220 south of Monterey about Adult BAEA perched in tree.
7 adult 12.5 miles- north of Colaw Stretch
Jan.13, 2007
Time: 1400 bald eagle Sandy Botkin East side of VA 678 about 1 mile Adult BAEA perched in tree. Observer
adult north of US 250 went home to get camera and it was
still perched when she returned. When
she got out of car it few west over the
Bullpasture River.
Jan. 16, 2007
Time: bald eagle Pat Shumate East side of VA 678 approximately Adult BAEA flew south of Shumate
9 adult 7 miles south of US 250 house.

5 Time: 1036
bald eagle
Rick Lambert East side of US 220 5.4 miles south
of Monterey
Adult BAEA perched in tree over
Jackson River.
Time: 1255
5 bald eagle
Rick Lambert East side of US 220 5.4 miles south
of Monterey
Adult BAEA perched in same tree as
Jan. 17, 2007
Time: 1103 bald eagle Rick Lambert East side of US 220 5.4 miles south Adult BAEA perched in tree over
5 adult of Monterey Jackson River.
Jan. 18, 2007
Time: 0815 bald eagle Rick Lambert East side of US 220 5.4 miles south Adult BAEA perched in tree over
5 adult of Monterey Jackson River.

Jan. 19, 2007

6 Time:0821 eagles (2) Rick Lambert East side of US 220 9.8 miles south Two eagles circled over hatchery and
unknown age, species of Monterey flew north.
7 bald eagle Rick Lambert East side of US 220 13 miles south Adult BAEA perched in tree over
Time: 1025
adult of Monterey Jackson River.
Jan. 20, 2007
Time: 1230 bald eagle Deborah Huso About 0.5 mile west of VA 640 & Adult BAEA perched briefly in tree NW
1 adult 2.7miles north of Blue Grass, north of house in locust tree and then flew
of VA 644 south down the Blue Grass Valley

bald eagle William Leigh and three other VA 644 SW of Snowy Mt. 0.5 mile Adult bald eagle, white head, white tail
Time: 1705
1 adult birders west of VA 640 on Hardscrabble
with dark subterminal band and no
white on body or wings flew across
road over observers.

Jan. 21, 2007

Time: 1557 golden eagle Deborah Huso About 0.5 mile west of VA 640 & 2.7 Adult GOEA perched in a locust snag
1 adult miles north of Blue Grass, north of below house for several minutes
VA 644 before flying off to a copse of locusts
and maples to the west and perched
4 golden eagle
Debora Ellington South of VA 626 over Ginseng Mt.
about 0.5 mile west of US 220
Immature GOEA with distinct white
ovals under wings flew high and
perched on a tree halfway up Mt.
Jan. 24, 2007
Time: 1200 eagles (3?) Sandy Bratton East side of US 220 about 12.5 GOEA perched in sycamore tree near
7 golden eagle miles south of Monterey at north Jackson River. A dead deer was
bald eagle (sub-adult) end of Colaw stretch. caught in a cross fence. When I drove
large raptor up, two large raptors flew out. One, I
am fairly certain, was a subadult bald
eagle. The golden perched in a nearby
tree. and had a gorgeous golden
head, but did not fly so observer could
not see his underside.
4 Time: 1230 bald eagle Debora Ellington West of US 220 about 300 yards Adult BAEA and crows interacted in air
adult and north of VA about 300 yards at above fishbowl area.

7 Time: 1700
bald eagle
Sandy Bratton East side of US 220 about 13.4
miles south of Monterey at
Huge adult BAEA bald near the
transmission line flew when observer
transmission line, south end of stopped to watch.
Colaw stretch.
Jan. 25, 2007
Time: 0900 bald eagle Rick Lambert East side of US 220 13 miles south Adult BAEA perched in tree over
7 adult of Monterey Jackson River.
Jan. 30, 2007
Time: bald eagles (2) Bev Leeuwenburg West side of US 220 about 5.5 “On” Ginseng Mt.
4 adults miles north of Monterey just south
of VA 642
1 Time:
bald eagle Bev Leeuwenburg VA 644 south of Snowy Mt. What did it do?
1 Time: golden eagles (2) Bev Leeuwenburg Above the “square” made by VA In the air
immature 642, VA 644, VA640 & VA 643
Jan. 31, 2007
Time: 1730 bald eagles (2) Debora Ellington, Ske West side of US 220 about 5.5 Adult BAEA flew north near Steve
4 adults Ellington miles north of Monterey Good’s circled over the wood yard and
back toward Jack Mt. A second adult
BAEA flew over car toward Ginseng
Mt. and perched in a tree on Ginseng
Mt. on Alan Puffenbarger’s land. The
First one flew over and perched with it.
Observer went home to get camera
and only one remained. Then the
perched bird flew east across the road
and up a narrow hollow.

1 Time: bald eagles (2)

Bev Leeuwenburg VA 644 foot of Snowy Mt ?

VA 644 at “foot” of Snowy Mt Immature GOEA flew low.

golden eagle Bev Leeuwenburg
1 immature

Feb. 1, 2007
Time: 0902 Bald eagle Rick Lambert East side of US 220 5.4 miles south Adult BAEA perched in tree over
5 adult of Monterey Jackson River.

Pen Goodall
Time: 1315
10 bald eagle
On Goodall land about 2 miles NE
of US 250 at Collins’ Run Rd. and
Adult BAEA on sheep carcass flew NE
toward Noted Rock, from Collins Run
and 2 miles S of VA 642 draw toward Laurel Fork
Pen Goodall
10 Time: 1630 golden eagle
Across hill from above GOEA perched in tree over hill from
sheep carcass, never flew.
Feb. 3, 2007
Time: bald eagle Pat Shumate East side of VA 678 approximately Adult BAEA few over.
9 adult 7 miles south of US 250
Feb. 4, 2007
Time: 1145 golden eagle Charlotte Stephenson Over Jackson River near US 84 & GOEA flew north over Jackson River.
3 VA 640

9 Time:
bald eagle
Pat Shumate East side of VA 678 approximately
7 miles south of US 250
Adult BAEA flew over.

Feb. 10, 2007

bald eagle Mitchell Byrd, Bob & Linda Nest #2 HI-06-01 Adult BAEA on est.
X Time:
adult Cole(?) Mr. & Mrs. Davis (?)
Time: bald eagles (2) Mitchell Byrd, Bob & Linda US 220 south of Monterey Two adult BAEA along the Jackson
5 adults Cole(?) Mr. & Mrs. Davis (?) River.

Time: 0900 bald eagle East side of US 220 bout 6 miles Adult BAEA flew at tree level. It
5 adult Clark Hill south of Monterey and about 2
miles north of trout hatchery
perched in a tree and remained there
as observer drove north.

Time: 0900 golden eagle Pen Goodall Aprox. 2 miles SW of US 250 & 1 Adult GOEA flew north over house
10 adult mile SE of VA 601 owned by Laurie Berman and up the
draw toward Brody house.

golden eagles (2) Rockingham Bird Club West side of Snowy Mt. seen from One immature GOEA perched and
1 immature VA 644 one immature GOEA flying high

golden eagles (2) Clark Hill East of VA 644 on west side of Two immature GOEA soared
1 Time: 1200 immature Snowy Mt.

golden eagles (2) Clark Hill East side of VA 644, on west side of First immature GOEA soared and then
Time: 1430 immature Snowy Mt. about 500 yards from flew toward crest of Snowy Mt. Second
1 first or second year peak immature GOEA was slightly farther
south and also headed toward the
Feb. 11, 2007
Time: 1100 golden eagle Mitchell Byrd, Bob & Linda VA 640 about 3 miles north of US GOEA flew overhead to the south.
2 near adult, not in full adult Cole(?) Mr. & Mrs. Davis (?) 250

Feb. 12, 2007

Time: golden eagle Patti Reum, Sandy Hevener East side of VA 644 about 0.25 Immature GOEA flew low as hawk
1 1318 - 1323 immature mile N of VA 643 chased it. It flew lower and lower and
into the trees halfway up Lantz Mt.
slightly southwest of Royal house.
1 1334-1342
golden eagles (2)
3-4 year old
Patti Reum, Sandy Hevener West side of VA 644 about 1.5
miles N of VA 643
The 3 to 4-year-old perched on east
side of 644. After a few minutes a
2-year old second year GOEA flew over east to
west and headed toward the area of
trees where the above eagle went. The
perched bird turned and looked east,
stretched its wings and then flew to the
ground below hill east of tree. In a
short time it flew back up and down
again. Finally it flew low and toward
the same area on Lantz Mt. where the
earlier eagles flew.
Feb. 15, 2007
Time: 1100 golden eagle Sandy Hevener, Pen Goodall Blue Grass Valley west of VA 637 - Immature GOEA hunted in the
2 1 or 2 years old 2.4 miles north of US 250 barnyard 100-200 feet behind
residence. It flew up and down
between 10 & 30 feet off the ground
then disappeared behind the
woodshed and flew north of house, still
low, circled back. It fled when observer
opened the back door. The barn cat
ran to the house with his ears laid
back. Lots of small bird prints in snow
and cat prints indicated cat was
perched under the top rail of fence
near bird prints. No sign of eagle strike
in snow.
Feb. 16, 2007
Time: bald eagle Pat Shumate East side of VA 678 approximately Adult BAEA perched in tree.
9 adult 7 miles south of US 250

Feb. 17, 2007

Time: 0845 golden eagle Monticello Bird Club, Farmville US 250 east of McDowell about two Immature GOEA perched in tree near
immature Bird Club miles road.

golden eagle Monticello Bird Club, Farmville East side of VA 644 (Hardscrabble) Third year GOEA perched in tree east
1 Time:1400
3-year-old Bird Club, Patti Reum about 1.5 miles N of VA 643 of road then flew up and circled.

1 Time: 1410
golden eagle
Monticello Bird Club, Farmville
Bird Club, Patti Reum
Over VA 644 about 2 miles N of VA
Immature GOEA flew overhead one
knob north of the bird above.

X Time: 1445 bald eagles (2)

Monticello Bird Club, Farmville
Bird Club, Patti Reum
Nest # 2 HI-06-01 One adult BAEA on nest. Second
BAEA flew in and perched on nest.

Time: bald eagle Joe Coleman, John Spahr Near Blue Grass Activity?
1 immature others

golden eagles Joe Coleman, John Spahr VA 640 east side of Snowy Mt. at Activity?
Time: (2 WV?) others VA/WV state line, mostly in WV. On VA/WV state line
1 immature
Joe Coleman, John Spahr VA 644 south of Snowy Mt., west of Activity?
Time: golden eagle others Blue Grass

Feb. 18, 2007

Time: bald eagle Joe Coleman, John Spahr US 84 at Mill Gap Supply, about 4.5 Activity?
3 adult others miles SW of VA 640 (Meadowdale)

golden eagles (3) Joe Coleman, John Spahr US 84 at Mill Gap about 5.5 miles Activity?
3 immature others SW of VA 640 (Meadowdale)

golden eagles (3) Joe Coleman, John Spahr VA 640 & VA 642 over the village of Three immature GOEA hunted for
1 Time: immature others Blue Grass some time.

Time: golden eagle Joe Coleman, John Spahr US 220 about one-mile N of Adult GOEA flew over Monterey Mt.
adult others Monterey east side of US 220.
Feb. 19,2007
Time 1130 bald eagles (2) Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill East side US 220 about 11 miles Both BAEA perched in tree then flew
6 Immature south of Monterey and soared over east side of road
Almost 4 year old (Jackson River) A blue heron flew pass
the eagles in flight.
1 Time: 1330 golden eagle Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill VA 640 about 3.5 miles north of An immature GOEA flew over the ridge
immature Blue Grass and over a red tailed hawk perched in
tree near red chicken house (Seltzer.)
The GOEA dwarfed the hawk. It
soared and white wing patches and tail
band were very visible.
1 Time: 1430
golden eagle Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill East side of VA 644 near top of Immature GOEA appeared over
immature Hardscrabble hillside, cruised back and forth over a
wooded patch in open hillside on north
side of valley. It perched in the trees
and lit on the ground and flew again. It
continued to do this for about 30

1 Time: 1500 golden eagle Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill East side of VA 644 about 2 miles Immature GOEA perched in tree took
immature north of VA 643 (Lambert) flight and disappeared over the nearest

Time: 1630 bald eagles (3) Clark Hill, Stephanie Hill East side of US 220 11 miles south Sub adult I with dark tail, but facial line
6 sub adult I of Monterey and darker head perched in tree next
immature (2) to the road. It flew as two immature
BAEA appeared and all three flew east
and disappeared on a distant ridge.
Feb. 20, 2007
Time: bald eagle Pat Shumate East side of VA 678 approximately Adult BAEA flew over
9 adult 7 miles south of US 250
Feb. 22, 2007
Time: golden eagle Todd Day, Mike Day, Ian VA 644 about 0.5 north of VA 644 Immature GOEA played in high winds.
1 immature Topolsky

Feb. 23, 2007

bald eagle Val Kitchens & 12 members of Nest #2 HI-06-01 BAEA on nest
X Time: 1100
adult (?) Northern VA Bird Club

1 approx. 1200
golden eagles (2)
Val Kitchens & 12 members of
Northern VA Bird Club
Top of Hardscrabble Road, VA 644 Two immature GOEA flew up and
circled overhead. A pair of common
ravens followed them. There was
some snow on the road.

2 Time: 1632 golden eagle Sandy Hevener Blue Grass Valley west of VA 637 - Immature golden eagle feeding (cow
immature 2.4 miles north of US 250 placenta?) in field about 1000 feet
north of house. It tugged at something
repeatedly, then flew low to rail fence
south of field, perched briefly and flew
low southwest.

6 Time: 1640 bald eagle Liz Delahoussaye East side of US 220 about 11 miles Adult BAEA perched on a low tree
adult south of Monterey- between trout branch right where the Jackson River
hatchery & Dry Branch is close to the road.
Feb. 24, 2007
bald eagles (2) Jenny Gaden, president Nest #2 HI-06-01 Two adult BAEA on nest.
X Time: 1030
2 adults Monticello Bird Club

1 Time: 1300
golden eagles (2)
2 immature
Jenny Gaden, president
Monticello Bird Club
Top of Hardscrabble, VA 644, west
side of Snowy Mt.
Two immature GOEA flew west.

1 Time: 1400
golden eagle
Jenny Gaden, president
Monticello Bird Club
VA 643 two miles south of VA 644 Adult GOEA flew quite far away, drifted

1 Time: golden eagles (3) Susan L. Stanton & seven VA 640 near VA/WV state line no details
3 immature more members of Lynchburg
Bird Club
Feb. 26,2007
Time:0800 golden eagle Leslie Goodall On Goodall land about 2 miles NE Immature GOEA perched in tree in
10 immature of US 250 at Collins’ Run Rd. and same area reported before. Much
and 2 miles S of VA 642 snow on ground.

9 bald eagle
Pat Shumate East side of VA 678 approximately
7 miles south of US 250
Adult BAEA perched in tree.

Feb. 27, 2007

Time: bald eagle Pat Shumate East side of VA 678 approximately Adult BAEA perched in tree.
9 adult 7 miles south of US 250

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