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STAGE 3: NUTRITION Pretest: Food Group sort/labeling (Notebook) + Brainstorm general knowledge Key Concept 1: WHAT IS HEALTHY EATING?

(What do we need on a daily basis to stay healthy?) Outcomes: PHS3.12 Explains the consequences of personal lifestyle choices.
- analyses personal food intake to identify the balance of choices made.

Lesson Sequence 1

Learning Intention Core Students will understand what they need to eat on a daily basis in order to stay healthy and begin to understand how their needs change over time. Extension Students will design a daily meal plan for an age group other than their own.

Whole Class Learning

Introduce The five food groups View poster and big book. View Growing and Changing Needs

Independent/ Guided Learning

Students write into their workbooks Growing and Changing Needs. I am #. At my age I need these foods each day. Illustrate. Distribute empty five food group sheet. Students fill in their food consumption for past 24 hours (One side only).

Plenary/ Assessment
Work samples Follow up assessment of food group repeat task

QTP Thinking Tools

Five Food Groups poster Big Book (Personal Health Choices) Empty Five Food Group sheet

Assistance with writing into workbook/planning

Design a daily meal plan based on five food groups for an age group other than their own.

Key Concept 1: WHAT IS HEALTHY EATING? (How do our nutritional needs change across our lifespan?) Outcomes: PHS3.12 Explains the consequences of personal lifestyle choices.
- analyses personal food intake to identify the balance of choices made.

Lesson Sequence 2

Learning Intention Core Students will explore the nutritional needs of different age groups and design a poster to encourage balanced eating. Extension Students will explore the reasons why nutritional needs change across our lifespan.

Whole Class Learning

Revisit Growing and Changing Needs Distribute food guide pamphlets.

Independent/ Guided Learning

Students design a poster aimed at encouraging balanced eating in a chosen age group. (focus on quality information, effective poster design) Selected posters will be displayed around the school.

Plenary/ Assessment
Work sample Have students been able to capture the needs of the specific age group, including crucial information?

QTP Thinking Tools


Big Book (Personal Health Choices) Food pamphlets from http://www.nhmrc.g blications/n29-n30n31-n32-n33-n34

Assistance with planning poster, seeking information

Discuss with small group why nutritional needs change over time. Brainstorm and record.

Key Concept 2: WHAT IS A HEALTHY LUNCHBOX? (What are we really eating at school each day?) Outcomes: PHS3.12 Explains the consequences of personal lifestyle choices.
- analyses personal food intake to identify the balance of choices made.

Lesson Sequence 3

Learning Intention Core Students will examine the contents of their lunchbox and analyse how it may or may not meet their nutritional needs.

Whole Class Learning Revisit previous discussions re; five food groups and nutritional needs of target age group. Reflection on lunchbox activity as whole group.

Independent/ Guided Learning

Plenary/ Assessment

QTP Thinking Tools

Resources Double sided lunchbox resource

Sketch lunchbox contents into empty Revisit activity at end of term and lunchbox visual and complete assess checklist/shade food groups. Complete reflection Today my lunchbox . . . .

improvements & reflections on lunchbox content & knowledge.

Extension Students predict future outcome of continued healthy/unhealt hy eating practice.

Support Scribe where necessary

Extension Prediction If I continue to eat the same types of foods . . . . because . . . .

Key Concept 2: WHAT IS A HEALTHY LUNCHBOX? (What are we really eating at school each day?) Outcomes: PHS3.12 Explains the consequences of personal lifestyle choices.
- analyses personal food intake to identify the balance of choices made.

Lesson Sequence 4

Learning Intention Core Students will examine the nutritional content of popular lunchbox items and understand the function of nutrition labeling. Extension Group discussion

Whole Class Learning

Overview of nutrients Shared reading of function. Provide students with recommended daily intake http://digwebsite.squ (note: for adults, guide only, calculate energy for age) Introduce nutrition labels, give brief overview. Regroup and present findings. Discuss. Would these foods be a healthy addition to our lunchboxes? Why?

Independent/ Guided Learning In small groups, students examine food packaging and analyse nutritional labels (use Brainstorm sheet)

Plenary/ Assessment

QTP Thinking Tools


Core nutrients information Daily food intake website http://www.mydailyi Food packaging Brainstorm sheet

Group to support needs

Group discussion

Key Concept 2: WHAT IS A HEALTHY LUNCHBOX? (How can we take action to ensure healthy lunchbox choices?) Outcomes: PHS3.12 Explains the consequences of personal lifestyle choices.
- analyses personal food intake to identify the balance of choices made.
- discriminates between a variety of products that are healthy/unhealthy
DMS3.2 Makes informed decisions and accepts responsibility for consequences

Lesson Sequence 4

Learning Intention Core Students will observe the actual ingredient content of popular lunchbox items and formulate ways to take action to ensure healthier lunchbox choices. Extension Students design a healthy lunchbox

Whole Class Learning

Examine a sample lunchbox *with real food *with bags containing sugar/salt/fat/fibre content of the same products.

Independent/ Guided Learning Brainstorm (first few on IWB then in workbooks)

Plenary/ Assessment

QTP Thinking Tools

Sample mixed lunchboxes (real and bagged) Healthy lunchbox sample https://www.lunchb http://www.woolwor m/connect/website /woolworths/fresh+ living/fresh+food+ki ds/lunch-boxplanner/lunchbox+pl anner http://www.taste.c ctions/lunch+box+id eas http://www.goforyo /articles.nsf/html/i ndex.html

Healthy Lunchbox Action I will help to create my own healthy lunchbox by * Examine sample * healthy lunchbox and * show online
planners/recipe collections that may assist. (Links)

Scribe as required

My healthy lunchbox

Key Concept 3: DO WE HAVE CONTROL OVER OUR HEALTH CHOICES? (How are our health choices influenced?) Outcomes: PHS3.12 Explains the consequences of personal lifestyle choices
- discusses how other people/media influence body image and food intake

Lesson Sequence 5

Learning Intention Core Students will understand the decision making process and who and/or what influences our decisions. Extension Students will express in writing a situation when they were faced with a decision dilemma and display healthy decision making skills.

Whole Class Learning

Ask What is a choice? Who helps us/influences us to make decisions? In circle group, distribute choices scenarios. Sort into positive and negative choices. Discuss. Ask Do advertisements influence our choices? Show LCM commercial. * Is it influential? * What is the ad suggesting will happen if you have an LCM in your lunchbox? * Did this ad influence you in a positive or negative way? Explore other advertisements (print and media) and continue discussion.

Independent/ Guided Learning Students draw an outline/portrait of themselves into workbooks with heading Who helps us make decisions? Write influences into clouds around portrait. Complete worksheet Decisions across a lifetime. Discuss back in small group.

Plenary/ Assessment
Observation Work samples Anecdotal record

QTP Thinking Tools

Resources Choices scenarios LCM commercial bZvqAuYU4xU Natural Confectionary Company us1JZIoIVNY Happy Meal qp4ekxaaMGI

Support Support with scribe as necessary

Students write a brief paragraph outlining a situation when they were faced with a decision dilemma. What was the outcome?

Discuss Decision making across a lifetime

Pepsi E1KVn_XQlqA

Key Concept 3: DO WE HAVE CONTROL OVER OUR HEALTH CHOICES? (How can we support other people to make better health choices?) Outcomes: PHS3.12 Explains the consequences of personal lifestyle choices
- identifies the effects of their decision on themselves and others

Lesson Sequence 6

Learning Intention Core Students will have an understanding of health related illnesses and the long term effects of poor dietary choices (tooth decay, diabetes, heart disease) Extension Students will identify factors in their own lifestyle that may contribute to poor health outcomes.

Whole Class Learning

Revisit previous lesson on choices. Ask How can we support other people to make better health choices? (record on IWB) View BTN (Obesity/Heart Disease) u/btn/story/s313846 8.htm Tooth decay u/btn/story/s32905 03.htm

Independent/ Guided Learning Whilst watching the BTN movies, students take brief notes to bring to discussion.

Plenary/ Assessment
IWB notes

QTP Thinking Tools

Resources BTN videos

Discussion from viewing and notes. Add to notes at start of lesson in different colour.

Support Pause videos and explain where required, watch again.

Extension Students identify risk factors in their own lifestyle (written).

Key Concept 4: DOES EXERCISE MATTER? (How does physical activity affect our body?) Outcomes: ALS3.6 Shows how to maintain and improve the quality of an active lifestyle Learning Intention Core Students will understand the importance of physical exercise and develop a video to promote the importance of exercise to the school community Extension Within task Whole Class Learning Group discussion How does physical activity affect our body? Explanation of video task. Show snack neutralizer video as a resource. Independent/ Guided Learning Students plan (in small groups) video aim, content and details. Video could be exercise video, explanation of health and nutrition, etc

- identifies barriers to participation in physical activity and suggests ways to modify or overcome them

Plenary/ Assessment
Work samples (video) Observation of groups

QTP Thinking Tools

Snack Neutraliser website http://www.thesnac

Video cameras

Lesson Sequence 7

Support Group structure

Extension Within task

Key Concept 4: DOES EXERCISE MATTER? (Does goal setting help us reach our health targets?) Outcomes: ALS3.6 Shows how to maintain and improve the quality of an active lifestyle
- devises strategies to achieve personal active lifestyle goals - generates personal goals based on their own understanding of what it means to be fit and active
DMS3.2 Makes informed decisions and accepts responsibility for consequences

- strives to achieve a relevant personal target

Lesson Sequence 8

Learning Intention Core Students will be able to identify exercise goals and create strategies to increase physical activity. Extension Students will be able to support family goal setting.

Whole Class Learning Briefly discuss importance of daily exercise. Explain Move-itMinutes (1 hour is Gold in Premiers Sporting Challenge) Discuss goal setting. Set 1-3 goals. (show my example on IWB)

Independent/ Guided Learning Students note down exercise goals in workbook and how they plan to meet those goals (point form). Students write in current exercise then continue to log exercise for a few weeks.

Plenary/ Assessment
Assess goal setting and progress in a few weeks time.

QTP Thinking Tools

Resources Move-it minutes monitoring sheet

Assistance with writing where necessary

Students formulate an additional plan for family members.

Post-test: Literacy Connections Numeracy Connections

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