Basic Electricity: Element

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Electricity is form of energy and it refer to the energy associated with charges.All the material including solid,liquid,gas consists of two basic partical of electic charges. I. II. Electron. Proton.

Electron is the small amount of elecric charge having negative polarity and proton is having positive polarity. Whenever we want to use electrical force work must be done to separate the electron and proton atom is the smallest partical of element that still having same charecteristics as the elements.

An element is defind substance that cannot decomposed by further chemical action.

A group of two or more atom from is smallest unit of compound having same chemical characteristics.

Compound consists two or more element. We can have molecoule either for element or compound.but the atom can contain only for element.each stable combination element and proton make one particular type of atom the atom consist of central mass called nucleus makes its massive and stable past of the atom because the proton is 1840 time havier than electron. Proton=electron.

Total number of electron outside is equal to the number of proton in nucleus in a neutral atom. Electron that move freely from one atom to another is called free electron.electron which are lostly attached to nucleus. It is movement of free electron that provide electric current in a metal conduts. Atom are the basic building block of all metal atom consists of central nucleus of positive charge around which small negatively charged particle called electron revoive in different part of orbit.

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