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1355 Market St, Suite 900/ San Francisco, CA 94103 NEWS RELEASE February 7, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Contact information: Shaneka D. White Office: (336) 978-4950 Fax: (336)978-4951 Email:


San Francisco, CA----- This week, Twitter detected bizarre access patterns that prompted them to identify unauthorized access attempts to Twitter user data. One live attack was discovered and we were successful in shutting it down. Twitters investigation indicated that the attackers may have had access to limited user information--- usernames, email addresses, user tokens and encrypted/salted versions of passwords--- for approximately 250,000 users. As a precautionary security measure, Twitter has reset passwords and revokes session tokens for these accounts. User safety is something we dont take lightly at Twitter, said public relations director, Shaneka White. Only a small percentage of users were potentially affected by this attack. If your account is at risk, you will receive an email notifying you to create a new -more-

password. Twitter also echoes the advisory from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and security experts to encourage users to disable Java in their browsers. This attack was not the work of amateurs, said CEO, Savannah Westwood. The attackers are extremely sophisticated, and Twitter believes other companies and organizations have also been recently attacked. For that reason it is being publicized while information is being gathered and the government and law enforcement is being aided in their efforts to find and prosecute these attackers.


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