32CH Lesson 28 - Mistakes Before

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the proverbs study group

Chapter 28 - Mistakes: Before & After Hallerin Hilton Hill

Last week...
Senseless anger is too heavy to hold. Let it go so you can be free. We all need friends. They sharpen us. We sharpen them. Find one. Be one.

This weeks main point(s).

Think BEFORE you make a mistake. Repent after make one. Mistakes. Ive made plenty of them. Mistake: An action or judgement that was misguided or wrong. Something especially a word, gure or fact that is not correct; an inaccuracy. This chapter takes a before and after approach to dealing with mistakes in you life. Youve heard the phrase we all make mistakes and thats true. Your mistakes dont have to dene you. Its what you do about them. Its how they educate you and help you grow. Some of the most creative people of our time have made the most mistakes. Post-it notes are the result of a mistake. There are plenty of children that have been born as mistakes that have gone on to do great and powerful things in the world. Lets look at what Proverbs says about dealing with mistakes. Before. The wise avoid mistakes by taking thought; the self-important rush toward disaster. 28:14 Wise people learn from Gods word. Wise people learn from the experience of others. Wise people avoid mistakes by taking thought. What does it mean to take thought? It is always best to use your mind to think through a situation. In the before approach you learn from someone elses wisdom and/or mistake.

After. Hide your wrongdoing, and you will be exposed; repent your mistakes, and you will be forgiven. 28:13 When youve made a big mistake learn from it. taught you? Along with learning there needs to be repentance. Heres a denition. Repent: 1 : to turn from sin and dedicate oneself to the amendment of one's life 2 a : to feel regret or contrition b : to change one's mind What are 3 major mistakes youve made in your life and what did you learn from them? Mistake! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Lesson ____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ What have your greatest mistakes

1.______________________! 2.______________________! 3.______________________!

Have you made them again? Have you repented? Grow. Help others grow. Be Encouraged. Wisdom House Publishing
(c) 2012 Hallerin Hilton Hill

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