Shooting Script Template Com301

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Integrated Project Multimedia

COMA N301 Shooting Script The shooting script below gives a summary of the days, dates, times of planned shooting plus a list of people involved on set and the length of time the shot is likely to require. NB: For Dialog see Script; For Technical Information see Storyboards Day / Date Timing (from to) Include set-up time (rehearsal ) from 1:00 pm \ 2:00 pm (Scene1) From 4:00 pm \ 5:30 pm (Scene2) from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm (Scene3) from 9:00 am until 10:00 pm (Scene4) from 4:00 pm until 5:00 pm Location(s) Include alternates Reception area People on set Include ALL crew and cast members The production team with the preproduction Production team with props team Production team and pre-production with props team Production team and pre-production with props team Production team and pre-production with props team Notes e.g. permissions received etc. None

Sunday 3rd March

Monday 4th March

RKWC first gate

Tuesday 5th March

In RKWC different classes In RKWC with the director of the college Dr.Robert In RKWC reception area

Weds 6th March

We got a permission from the students service We got a permission from the students service We got a permission from his office We got a permission from the students service

Thurs 7th March

Fri / Sat Sunday 10th March Monday 11th March Tuesday 12th March Weds 13th March Thurs 14th March Fri / Sat

PS: These are just a predicted dates for the shooting because until now I didnt receive
the actual dates from the team, but we will stick with this schedule and we will try to finish at least 3 scenes



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