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February 4, 2009 Lana Van Issue 1, Volume 1

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” -Ghandi

WELCOME TO ROOM 306! component in our classroom this

year. Some of the technology that
ello and welcome Third-graders
to Room 306! My name is Ms. we will be using includes but are
Van or you can just call not limited to:
me Ms. V. I  PowerPoint
am very  Microsoft Word
excited to  Internet
get to know all of  Document
you guys this year. Camera
Here are some tidbits We will use these different types
about me: I have been teaching for of technology tools to assist us in
6 years now and still love it! I our learning process. We will be
enjoy working and learning with doing a lot of research using the
children. Internet. The knowledge that you
I enjoy reading very much. will gain from the Internet will
One of my most favorite books then be put into presentations that
right now is the Twilight Saga. I will be presented on PowerPoint.
love the outdoors and being in
nature. I love taking hikes. I have VALENTINE’S DAY GRAM

a dog named Yaku. He is a mix on’t forget to send a
between Chihuahua and Miniature Valentine’s Day gram to
Pinscher. I love him very much. a friend (or a crush).
Here is a picture of him: Next Wednesday will be the
last day to place your
Isn’t he just
orders. Valentine’s Day grams are
adorable? only $2 a piece. Each love gram
will include a card with a personal
message from you, chocolates, and
a rose. Deliveries will be made next
TECHNOLOGY!!! Friday, February 13th. Make that

echnology is everywhere around special someone smile!!!
us and it will be a major

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