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How successful is Obama as President (Plan)

Domestic Yes Passed Health Care Reform.- Did what Clinton and Reagan couldnt. Passed the Stimulus. - signed $787 billion American Recover and Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth. No Modified version of the bill. Amendments and negotiations needed. Did he spend too much time and political capital on healthcare. Unemployment persistently high despite stimulus bill passed. No new jobs at all in August. US credit rating downgraded by Standards and Poor Battles with Congress about raising the debt ceiling. No producing answers just extending the time limit. Little bipartisanship.

US House passed bill to extend the debt limit until May Bailout of the Auto Industry (Chrysler and General Motors) injected $62 billion in federal money. Passed Wall Street Reform- re-regulates the financial sector after its practices caused the recession Repeal of Dont Ask, Dont Tell- allowing gays and lesbians to openly serve in the military. Two successful nominations to the Supreme Court- Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan

Unlike Bush, both replaced two liberal judges so did not sway the supreme court in favour of the Democrats

Foreign Yes Eliminated Osama Bin Laden- ordered special forces raid of secret compound in Pakistan Ended the War in Iraq- Ordered all U.S. military forces out of the country. Last troops left in December 2011 Began drawdown of War in Afghanistan- 101,000 troops in June to 91, 000 No

Afghanistan is the real centre of the war.

Iran nuclear weapons talk unsuccessful. BP oil spill May 2010- bad press for Obama

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