The Story of Recca Angelica Mae E. Apostol

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APOSTOL Early Year

My name is Recca Angelica Mae E. Apostol. I was born on April 27,2000 and I was born in Philippine General Hospital and name of my family is Rachelle K. Ebreo, Rommel T. Apostol, Rochelle Angel Mae E. Apostol, Michel D. Apostol, and George Michael D. Apostol. On vacation because we went to the beach and we swim together. That my crush going to my classroom.

Early School Days

That tin come to us, that family day because we so happy that day and my friends is Bendong, Belga, Ate Jami, Abdul, Candelaria and Ill never forget that day. My favorite subject is Filipino because is easy and many story that you have learn to the story. And my favorite teacher in I was grade six is teacher Caren because on her lesson he sleepy and rotate her head.

Todays Life
I buy a street food outside of the campus because my friend pushes me to buy. And my favorite Mam and Sir was in my high school is Sr. Benjoe Cada, Mam Samantha and sr. Jayvee because it fun and enjoy, always joking after his/he lesson, and my favorite subject is Math and Science because it have an solving problem and interesting. Currently with my mother because he tells to my teacher in I was grade six that I paid. And I want to be successful people in life and someday I want to an Engineer and Architecture because I want to my own dream house.

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