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My unit addresses physical, internal and community changes over time. We will be studying the life cycle of plants, changes that characters go through in literature as well as ways that change is reflected in our communities.

Science S4.A.2.1.3 Plant seeds to observe the life cycle of plants

and predict what will happen S4.B.1.1.3 Explore the needs of living things. Record the growth and changes of seeds in drawings and in words. S.4.B.1.1.2 Draw and describe seeds.

English Language Arts CC.1.2.1.A Identify the main idea and retell key details
of text.

CC.1.2.1.C Describe the connection between two

individual, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text CC.1.2.1.G Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas. CC.1.3.1.H Compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of characters in stories. CC.1.4.1.B Identify and write about on specific topic. CC.1.4.1.P Recount two or more appropriately sequenced events using temporal words to signal event order and provide some sense of closure.

Curriculum Materials: -Plant Life Cycle transformation journals. -Planting materials: cups, soil, grow lamp, a variety of seeds for planting and observation. -Supplemental texts about plants and change over time for independent reading. -Contemporary texts about migration within and to the United States. -Texts with characters who are confronted with challenges or conflicts, personally or in their communities. -Evidence of community organizers who effected change in their neighborhoods. -New seating arrangement chart

Knowledge of Students and Context: -Students belong to diverse ethnic communities. When given the opportunity, they are eager to share their cultural identities and experiences. -As I have observed, students have not had many opportunities for thematically related units in literacy and mathematics. -Students covet opportunities to be classroom helpers. As they frequently ask for opportunities to be responsible for some task, the chance to be the caretaker of a plant will be received with excitement. -Students originate from a small neighborhood catchment where their extended families also reside. -There are several community gardens and markets within walking distance of the school. -Many students have had international experiences, emigrating from or traveling to other countries and continents.


Social Studies Harcourt Recognize change over time Discuss how changes in a community affect the people who live there

Lesson How

Theories of Teaching and Learning: - Students benefit when cooperative groups are a heterogeneous mix of students with diverse knowledge, skills and abilities (Fountas, 2006) -Whenever students are actively involved in their learning they are more likely to feel committed to the content and process (Haberman, 2010) -A students perspective on his or her own inherent ability direct affects their actual potential for learning and success (Dweck, 2010) -When a responsive classroom community is created students have opportunities to identify sources of knowledge within their classmates (Chapin, 2003)

Teaching Methods: -Create opportunities to co-construct an evolving definition of change and transformation -Help students identify change in their lives through partnered discussion and writing prompts -Use culturally and thematically relevant picture books to guide student conversation about conflict and change. -Use sequencing techniques to help students identify instances of change and transformation. -Provide opportunities for students to learn about the life cycle of a plant through direct observation of this phonemena.

Educational Philosophy and Beliefs -A sense of classroom community supports students socially and academically. -Classroom learning is naturally interdisciplinary and dynamic. -Organization and routine lend themselves to limitless depths of creativity and imagination. - Experiential learning supports student generated knowledge and learning. -Project based learning where students have opportunities to shape future learning through decision making and collaboration increases student motivation and commitment to learning.

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