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Troy, by Adele Geras

Answer all questions right in this document. Save it to your Handin folder in the ENG 3U folder on your desktop. PART ONE: GREEK GODS Research the following gods and list: A) What they are the god of; B) physical description; C) personality traits D) Roman name 1. Aphrodite 2. Ares 3. Artemis 4. Eros 5. Hades 6. Hephaestus 7. Hera 8. Hermes 9. Poseidon 10. Pallas Athene 11. Phoebus Apollo 12. Zeus PART TWO: GREEK MYTHOLOGY Research in point form other common references in Greek mythology: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Amazons Elysian Fields Fates Hydra Mount Olympus River Styx

PART THREE: TROY Although the Trojan War cannot be verified as historical fact, there is evidence that an ancient city of Troy did exist. 1. Research the city of Troy: a. What archaeological and historical facts have been established about the city? b. Where is its present-day geographical location? c. In what period did it exist? PART FOUR: THE ODYSSEY Watch this youtube video that gives you a 4-minute summary of the famous epic tale, The Odyssey, which begins right where the Trojan War ends. Both stories originate in long poems by the Greek poet Homer. The Trojan War is told in the poem The Iliad, and the story of

Odysseus is told in The Odyssey. Answer the following: 1. Who is Odysseus? 2. Where does he get stranded? 3. Who is the messenger god? 4. Who created the storm? 5. How does Odysseus prove his strength? 6. What plant did the men eat that made them lose their desire to return him? 7. What traps Odysseus in a cave? 8. How does Odysseus defeat him? 9. What does the keeper of the wind give Odysseus? Why? What happens? 10. What is the witchs name? 11. What does the witch do to the men? 12. Who is the 6-headed monster? 13. Whose sacred animal is cattle? 14. How long was Odysseus gone for? 15. Which god convinces the suitors families to live in peace? 16. Find out what Odysseus Roman name is. Mish-Mash: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Find the person with the longest hair in the class: Find someone with mis-matching socks: Find someone who can say the alphabet backwards: Find someone who has left the country: Find someone who has left the continent: Name all province and territories: Complete this IQ test how long did it take you? If link doesnt work, Google Chinese IQ River test and find one that does.

Print enough copies for all group members to have this in their notes.

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