DigitalSafe QuickStart Guide

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DigitalSafe Quick Start Guide

DigitalSafe Quick Start Guide 1 5 6 7 8 9 1. Create New Note Click on the icon in order to create a new Note. Notes are categorized into Note Groups featured on the left. 2. Note Groups You can click on a Note Group in order to display all Notes for that Group. 2 3. Received notes See all received Notes and create a Copy of any received Note you wish. 4. View Note Once you click on a Note you will be able to view its full content in the column to the right. From there, you can Edit, Share or Delete it. 5. Search notes Search through all your notes in a convenient manner. Type a keyword related to a Note title in order to narrow down the list of Notes. 6. Filter notes by label Click on a label name to get a list of all notes with that label. 7. Sort notes Sort any Note by Note name, Category or Date. 8. Select Action This allows you to share, edit or delete a Note. 9. Profile Editing You can edit your profile or cancel your account.

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