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How has the context of the composers affected the representation of their respective worlds and reflect changing values and perspectives?

Thinking about the question: What do you know about context weave your knowledge of context into your knowledge of the text. How do the texts reflect the changing beliefs of different times? How does consideration of each text develop appreciation of each other? Context of Bladerunner 1980s: Development of technology. What would be the repercussions of this? Would humans be replaced? Environment. Politics. Cold war. Fear of nuclear war. Postmodernism. (loss of a centre, people questioning opposites. What is humanity?) Context of Frankenstein Romantic/Gothic fiction. Gothic 1760 1820, mystery, horror, the supernatural, fear of the unknown. The Modern Prometheus (Greek mythology). The enlightenment (period where technology and science) Industrial revolution. Mistreatment of people. Technology moved faster than a moral code. Links to context of Blade Runner Romanticism the romantic period. A move away from reason and a move towards passion. Power of the human mind to create something wonderful. (embodied in Victor and Walton).

Example answer/ argument: Scientific progress can have unforeseeable social, moral and ethical consequences. Possible arguments: Nature V nurture The creation of life & control over that life. - Roy & the creature do not want to be the only ones of their kind, they seek companionship. - Creator is haunted by the life they have created. EXAMPLE of a comparison: Both Roy and the creature both have confessional scenes with their creator.

Tyrell dressed as a godlike creature white clothing, soft music, bright lighting. Creatures reference to paradise lost VII 131-132 confessional scene: VIII and IX

Example paragraph: P) Scientific

progress can have unforeseeable social, moral and ethical consequences. E) In both Shellys Frankenstein and Scotts Bladerunner we see the notion of creation and control over life appear in various scenes. Both the creature in Frankenstein and Roy in Bladerunner have confessional moments with their creators. _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________ t) ( two examples name each technique (allusion, motif, etc.) By creating someone you are playing the role of god. In response to the confession of their creature they both

A (what is the impact. L) They are showing their true selves and bearing their emotions to their creators. There is only so much control you can have over the life that you create. Point Example Technique Analysis Link

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