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Understanding English

Reading and Writing 1

This course is aimed at developing students reading and writing skills in English. Students will read texts on a diverse range of topics and will practice the skills of writing based on those readings.

Instructor: Joe Milan Jr. E-Mail: Phone: 02-2164-4457 Office: IH306 Office Hours, by appointment: MTH

Northstar 4: Reading and Writing (3rd edition)

This course primary goal is building accuracy and familiarity with writing and reading in English and its conventions and styles. Students will improve their critical reading abilities be able to respond to texts critically both in discussion and in writing practice the skills of prewriting, revision, and peer editing

Week 8: Midterm Exam, (April 22-26th)

Week 16: Final Exam, (June 17th21)

Teaching Method
Our regular course meetings will consist class discussions, reading exercises, writing in class and homework. Handouts may be used to supplement the textbook.

15% - Attendance 10% - Participation 25% - Homework* / Quizzes 25% - Midterm Reading & Writing Exam 25% - Final Reading & Writing Exam *Note: See website for formatting rules for submitting homework. Work submitted late without a good reason (car accident, death in the family, becoming a member of Big Bang) will be penalized one half-grade level per day late: A+ becomes A0 at one day late, B+ at two days late, B0 at three days late, etc. Any cheating or plagiarism will result in a F grade for the assignment.

Reading and Writing 1

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