Name Syntax Notes: Percentile of The Values in The Specified Range

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Excel Essentials

T. Roeder

NAME Relative Cell Reference Absolute Cell Reference range Sum Average Minimum Maximum Percentile Standard Deviation



StartCell:EndCell =SUM(range) =AVERAGE(range) =MIN(range) =MAX(range) =PERCENTILE (range, k) =STDEV(range)


=IF(condition, result if true, result if false) =COUNTIF(range, condition) =CORREL (x-range, y-range) =INTERCEPT (y-range, x-range) =SLOPE (y-range, x-range) =ABS(cell) =EXP(cell) =FACT(cell) base^exponent =RAND() =SQRT(cell) =SUMPRODUCT (range1, range2)

Count If



Slope Abs. Value Exponentiation Factorial Power Random Number Square Root Sum of Products

NOTES Create references by clicking on cell or typing in cell number When copying formulas, cell references will change, e.g., moving =C2 from cell K6 to cell M8 will result in a pasted =D4 Good idea when using parameters in multiple places (you can later change them all at once by updating the value of a single cell, rather than finding all occurrences of the parameter) You can also fix only the column or only the row and allow the other to change ($ColRow or Col$Row). Hit F4 key. References a range of cells, e.g., A1:A5 or D6:Q6 Can span multiple rows and columns, e.g., A1:Q6 Finds the sum of the cells in the specified range Finds the average of the cells in the specified range Finds the minimum value of the cells in the specified range Finds the maximum value of the cells in the specified range Find the kth percentile of the values in the specified range Express k in decimal form, e.g., k = 0.75 for the 75th percentile Finds the sample std. deviation of the cells in the specified range STDEVP(range) calculates the population standard deviation VAR(range) and VARP(range) return the corresponding variances Checks if a cell value meets a certain logical condition Conditions can be nested, e.g., IF(C2<0,-1,IF(C2=0,0,1)) Counts the number of cells in the range that meet the condition Condition may refer to a cell, e.g., COUNTIF(A1:A9,"<="&E7) counts the values in A1:A9 that are to the value in cell E7. Finds the correlation coefficient of the (x, y) points found in the x-range and y-range The two ranges must contain the same number of values Finds the y-intercept of the least squares regression line that best fits the (x, y) points found in the x-range and y-range. The two ranges must contain the same number of values Finds the slope of the least squares regression line that best fits the (x, y) points found in the x-range and y-range. Often used in conjunction with INTERCEPT Returns the absolute value of the specified cell Calculates ecell, where e 2.718 Can be inverted using the natural log function LN(cell)

Calculates the factorial (x!) of the referenced cell By definition, x! = x(x-1)(x-2)(2)(1) and 0! = 1

Raises the number base to the power exponent Generates a random number between 0 and 1 Volatile, i.e., result changes every time you do something in your worksheet. To keep result constant, copy and paste value Finds the square root of the referenced cell Compound function that first multiplies all the values in range1 by the corresponding values in range2, and then adds everything up Can be used to calculate a weighted moving average

R. Saltzman

Excel Essentials

T. Roeder

Commands can be nested many levels, e.g., the cell formula =ABS(POWER(SUM(A1:A10),1/3)) calculates the absolute value of the 3rd root of the sum of the 10 numbers in the range A1:A10.

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