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Using Familiar Words

1. We must terminate all deficit financing We must stop all deficit financing. 2. We must endeavor to correct this problem by expediting delivery We must try to correct this problem by delivering quickly 3. A proportionate tax consumes a determinate apportionment of ones monetary flow A certain amount of income is taken as tax 4. Business has an inordinate influence on governmental operations. Business has an huge effect on governmental operations. 5. It is imperative that consumers be unrestrained in determining their preferences. It is important that consumers have many choices. 6. Mr. Sanchez terminated Kevins employment as a consequence of his ineffectual performance Mr. Sanchez fired Kevin because of his poor performance. 7. Our expectations are that there will be increments in commodity value. We expect that prices of commodity will go up 8. Can we ascertain the types of customers that have a predisposition to utilize our instant-credit offer? Can we know the types of customers that do not want to utilize the instant-credit offer

9. The preponderance of the businesspeople we consulted envisions signs of improvement from the current siege of economic stagnation. The majority of the business people we consulted saw signs of improvement from the current siege of economic stagnation. 10. If liquidation becomes mandatory, we shall dispose of these assets first. If we have to get cash then we shall sell the asset first. 11. Recent stock acquisitions have accentuated the companys current financial crisis. Recent stock purchases have highlighted the companys current financial crisis. 12. Mr. Coward will serve as intermediary in the pending labor-management parley. Mr. Coward will act as an agent in the labor-management agreement. 13. Ms. Smiths idiosyncrasies supply adequate justification for terminating her employment. Ms. Smith was fired for her unusual behavior. 14. Requisites for employment by this company have been enhanced. The company increased the requirement for the jobs. 15. The unanimity of current forecasts is not incontrovertible evidence of impending business acceleration. Though everybody is predicting growth in business; we cant be sure of that. 16. Peoples propensity to consume is insatiable. People always want more 17. The company must desist from its deficit financing immediately. The company must cut out the loss immediately.

18. This antiquated merchandising strategy is ineffectual is contemporary business operation. Outdated marketing policies will not work in modern days. 19. Percentage return on common stockholders equity averaged 23.1 for the year. The shareholders got 23.1 percent interest on average. 20. The companys retained earnings last year exceeded $ 2,500,000. The company earned more than $2,500,000 last year.

Selecting Concrete Words

22. We have found that young men are best for this work. Our research showed that men between the age 18-30 are best for this work. 23. She makes good grades. She got A grade. 24. John lost a fortune in Las Vegas. John lost $10,000 in Las Vegas. 25. If we dont receive the goods soon, we will cancel. If we dont receive the goods in 2 days, we will cancel. 26. Profits last year were exorbitant. Last year profit was $5,000,0000. 27. Some years ago she made good money. 5 years ago she made a profit of $20,000.

28. His grade on the aptitude test was not high. His grade on the aptitude test was below 80. 29. Here is a product with very little markup. Here is a product with10% markup. 30. The cost of the online subscription was reasonable. The online subscription cost $12. 31. We will need some new equipment soon. We will need five equipments within this week.


32. Our action is based on the assumption that the competition will be taken by surprise. We assume that the competition will be a surprise. 33. It is believed by the typical union member that his or her welfare is not considered to be important by management. The typical union member believes that his or her welfare is not important to the management. 34. We are serviced by the Bratton Company. Bratton Company serves us.

35. Our safety is the responsibility of the management. It is managements responsibility to keep us safe. 36. You were directed by your supervisor to complete this assignment by noon. Your supervisor directed you to complete this assignment by noon. 37. It is believed by the writer that this company policy is wrong. The writer believes that the company policy is wrong 38. The union was represented by Cecil Chambers. The Cecil Chambers represent the union. 39. These reports are prepared by the sales people every Friday. Salespeople prepare these reports every Friday. 40. Success of this project is the responsibility of the research department. The research department is responsible for the success of this project. 41. Our decision is based on the belief that the national economy will be improved. We took the decision because we believe that the national economy will improve.

Avoiding Camouflaged words

42. It was my duty to make a determination of the damages. It was my duty to determine the damages. 43. Harold made a recommendation that we fire Mr.Schultz. Harold recommended us to fire Mr. Schultz.

44. We will make her give an accounting of her activities. We will get an account of her activities. 45. We will ask him to bring about a change in his work routine. We will ask him to change his work routine. 46. This new equipment will result in a saving in maintenance. This new equipment will save maintenance cost. 47. Will you please make an adjustment for this defect? Will you please adjust for this defect? 48. Implementation of the plan was effected by crew. The crew implemented the plan. 49. Acceptance of all orders must be made by the chief. The chief should accept all orders. 50. A committee performs the function of determining the award. A committee determines the award. 51. Adaptation to the new conditions was performed easily by all new personnel. All new personnel adapted easily to the new conditions. 52. Verification of the amount is made daily by the auditor. The auditor daily verifies the amount. 53. The president tried to effect a reconciliation of the two groups. The president tried to reconcile the two groups.

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