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5400 W. Century Blvd.

Los Angeles 90045

Program Speaker:
From Rotary Youth Exchange Student to accomplished Public Health Advocate. You won't want to miss hearing Amanda's personal story of triumph and service. A truly wonderful story!
Treat your clubs youth to this amazing program and hear about all of the New Generations activities.
Early Registration: $35.00 After March 4 $40.00 RSVP: District or 310-670-9792 DIRECT or 310-67-9795 FAX CLUB:____________________________________________________Attendees:____________ We will be bringing_______________New Generation Members to the Breakfast We will sponsor ______________New Generations Members to attend the Breakfast TOTAL_______________X $____________________= Amount Enclosed_______________ Payable to "District 5280 Mail to District Office: 8939 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 210 Los Angeles 90045
PARKING: Free Slef Park in hotel parking structure. Valet parking at Westin Hotel Rates.

Amanda Wirtz

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