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PAST TENSE, CAN-COULD, USED TO-1) Mount Everest is ............................. mountain in the world. a)the highest b) the higher c)higher d) the high 2) Mercedes is .............................than Toyoto. a)most expensive b) expensive c) more expensive d) the most expensive 3) My LCD screen is ............................. than her LCD screen. a) biggest b) big c) the bigger d) bigger 4) Maths class is ................................. class I have ever seen. a) noisy b) more noisy c) the most noisy d) the noisy 5) George is ................................than Micheal. a) more patient b) most patient c) the more patient d) the patient 6) stanbul is in Turkey. a) more crowded b) the most crowded c) the more crowded d) crowded 7) Mediterrainian sea is ..................................than black sea. a) salty b) more salty c) salties d) saltier 8) zlem is ...............................student in class. a) the most hardworking b) more hardworking c) hardworking d) hardworking than 9) Our home is ...............................than their home. a) clean b) cleaner c) cleanest d) the clean 10) Murat is the ..............................boy I have ever seen. a) messy b) messier c) more messy d) the most messy

ANSWER: 1)a 2)c 3)d 4)c 5)a 6)b 7)d 8)a 9)b 10)d

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