English Roots

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Home Work !!! 1. Ac / Acr = sharp, sour 2. Am / Ami = love 5. AMBI/AMPHI = both 3. Ante / Ant = before 4.

Anthrop = humanity 5. Anti = against 6. Belli / Bellu = war, fight

7. Ben / Bon = good 8. Burs = money, purse 9. Cad / Cas = fall 10. Carn = flesh 11. Cede / Cess = yield, go 12. Cide = kill 13. Circ / Circum = around 14. Clin / Cliv = slope, lean 15. Clud / Clus / Claus / Clois = closed 16. Cogn = know 17. Corp = body

18. Crac / Crat = rule, power 19. Cred = belief 20. Culp = fault, blame 21. Doc, Doct = teach 22. Dol = pain, sorrow 23. Duc, Duct = lead 24. ego = self 25. Eu = good, well 26. DOX / DOG = belief, opinion

27. Fac, Fact, Fic, Fect = make, do 28. Grad, Gress = to step, go 29. Greg = herd, crowd 30. Ject, Jet = to throw 31. Jud = judge 32. Lat = side 33. Leg, Lec, Lex = read, speak 34. Lic, Licit = permit 35. Luc, Lum, Lus = light, shine 36. Lud, Lus = play 37. Magn, maj, Mas, Max = great, big 38. Mal = bad 39. Matr, Mater = mother 40. Mem, Men, Min 41. Mis = hate

42. Mor, Mori, Mort = death 43. Morph = shape 44. Mot, Mov, Mob, Mom = move 45. Mut = change 46. Naut, Nav, Naus = sea 47. Neg = not, deny 48. Nihil = destroy, nothing 49. Noc, Nic, Nec, Nox = harm 50. Neo, Nov = new 51. Omni = all 52. Plac, pac, peac = peace, calm 53. Pan = all 54. Pater, pat = father 55. Pec = money

56. Phil = love 57. Phob = fear 58. Phon = sound 59. Pleb = common people 60. Proto = first 61. Pseudo = false 62. Pugn, Pug, Pugil = fight, fist 63. Rid, Ris = laugh 64. Rogat = ask 65. Sacr, Sanct = sacred, holy 66. Sangui = blood

67. Sed, Sid, Sess = sit, settle 68. Sem = seed 69. Sen = old 70. Sens, Sent = feel, think 71. Seq, Sec = follow 72. Simu, Simi = similar, same 73. Sin = curve 74. Sol = sun, alone 75. Somn, Sop = sleep 76. Soph = wise 77. Spec, Spic, pect = look, see 78. Sper = hope 79. Spers, Spar = scatter 80. Spir = breathe, live 81. Summa = highest 82. Surg, surrect = rise 83. Tacit, Tic = silent 84. Term = end

85. Terra, Terre = earth, land 86. Theo, Thei = god 87. Tim = fear 88. Torp = stiff, numb 89. Tors, Tort = twist 90. Tract = draw, pull 91. Trans = beyond 92. Turb = shake, whirl 93. Umbr = shadow 94. Un, Uni = one 95. Vac = empty 96. Ver = true 97. Vert, Vers = turn 98. Vita, Viva = life 99. Voc, Voca, Vok, Vow = call, word 100. Vor = eat

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