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JOEL I. KLEIN, Chancellor

Office of School and Youth Development

Bronx Alternate Learning Center
991 Longwood Avenue, Bronx, New York 10459 (718) 860-2196
(718) 860-9705 Fax
Edward Gardella, Principal (718) 328-
7330 Fax
Merrill Hodge, Assistant Principal

De-briefing Agenda

Day 1

1. Ice-Breaker Activity (Gathering): “They Think I Am.”

2. Introduce Topic: Overcoming Preconceptions & Stereotypes
3. Preview Agenda: Read Aloud/ Student Summary of story: “At Home in the
Day 2

1. Journal Prompts: Students will be asked to respond to the following:

a. Did you ever have a fear of a person, a group of people, or a place, based
on stereotype or prejudice? Did you get over that fear? Why or why not?

b. Has anyone ever been mistrustful or afraid of you? Why they were afraid
and how did that make you feel?

2. Discussion: Students will be asked to voluntarily share what they wrote or talk
about fears or differences in a general way.

Day 3
1. Pair-Share Activity: Students will partner up for a pair-share activity Each
group will be given a marker and piece of chart tablet paper; to respond to the
following questions:
a. Where do stereotypes come from?
b. How do stereotypes affect those being stereotyped? How do they affect
those who believe in the stereotype?
c. Is there such a thing as good stereotype? Why or why not?

2. Large Group Discussion: Students will share responses to the above questions.

Day 4

Closing: “Checking out What We’ve Learned” Activity.

• Students will be asked what thoughts or behaviors they would like to say goodbye
to and what new thoughts or behaviors they would welcome.
• Go-Round Activity: “Good-bye________________, Hello____________.”

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