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UNIT 3 Art Of

BY LEKTI ROSE JACOBS Property of Lekti Rose Jacobs


Story Boards

Story Boards

Story Boards

Story Boards

Story Boards

Story Boards

The Script:

SCENE 1 - Setting - restaurant - AFTERNOON Opening scene has the camera moving down towards the chefs work place, a depressed Jack is sitting on the Curb side. SCENE 1 - Setting - restaurant - CONTINUOUS A newspaper blows towards Jack and lands next to his foot. An image in the paper catches his eye so he picks it up to have a look. SCENE 1- Setting - restaurant - CONTINUOUS Camera cuts to a first person perspective of Jack looking at the news article of his farm back when he was in business. The Camera zooms in to the picture, which then fades to revile the current state of the farm.


Setting - FIELD - LATER In this scene the rabbits are running into the traps and taking the carrots without setting the trap off until after they have ran out from underneath it. as jack watches angrily from the fields fence. Setting - Field - AFTERNOON Jack returns the next day with cage traps this scene shows him laying them around the field and once again using carrots as bait. Setting - FIELD - LATER The rabbits are once again taking carrots from the traps without setting them off, only this time jack can be seen watching from the fence with an even angrier look upon his face.


Jack jumps the fence, proceeds to walk towards the cage trap, and attempts to kick the cage in frustration, his foot gets caught and he falls to the floor.


Setting - FIELD - CONTINUOUS Jack lays on the floor depressed about to accept defeat when he happens to see something interesting off outside of the field. Its a rabbit! He watches as the rabbit attempts to eat a cactus, but it gets poked by a spine and runs a way as fast as it can. The next scene shows Jacks face with a small grin on his face as he starts to get up from the floor. Setting - restaurant - DAY The ending scene shows jack walking into his restaurant, as the door shuts a sign can be seen on the door saying 'open'.

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