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Q1) Examine the AI literature to discover whether or not the following tasks can currently be solved by computers.

Give proper reference to support your answer: a) Playing a decent game of table tennis (ping-pong). Yes! A reasonable level of proficiency was achieved by Anderssons robot who can play a game of table tennis. (Andersson, 1988). b) Driving in the centre of Cairo. No! Technically it cannot be done. Certain test and implementation on this has been done but none of them proved to be 100% accurate. It does still need time.Some lane changes and turns can be made on clearly marked roads in light to moderate traffic. Driving in downtown Cairo is too unpredictable for any of these to work. c) Playing a decent game of bridge at a competitive level. Yes! There are certain website where you can play the bridge card game at competitive level or master level. But the gap is still considerable to the playing level of really strong human players . d) Discovering and proving new mathematical theorem. It can prove existing theorems by mean of some sort of explanation being provided to the computer but it cannot discover something on its own. For Example has proven over 400 theorems of set theory, over 1200 theorems of number theory ,as well as Euclidean geometry theorems and Godels incompleteness theorems. e) Giving competent legal advice in a specialized area of law. Yes, in some cases. AI has a long history of research into applications of automated legal reasoning. One example is the Prolog-based expert systems used in the UK to guide members of the public in dealing with the intricacies of the social security and nationality laws. f) Translating spoken English into spoken Swedish in real Yes. In a limited way, this is already being done. Google translator is a project of Google Inc. that usually perform language translations but is not 100% accurate. Q2) Examine the AI literature to discover whether or not the following tasks can currently be solved by computers. Give proper reference to support your answer: E-mail agents Performance: Monitor response to user action/Prioritization Environment: Partially observable, stochastic, sequential, dynamic, continuous, single agent. Actuators: Screen display. Sensors: Email data(Txt, image) etc. Web browsing assisting agents Performance: Accuracy, Fast Response. Monitors the user activity and collects information. Environment: Partially observable, stochastic, episodic, dynamic, continuous, single agent. Actuators: Internet. Sensors: Keyboard (enter data, finding answers). Frequently asked questions (FAQ) agents Performance: Searching by text in question. Environment: Fully observable, deterministic, dynamic, discrete, single agent.

Actuators: Search/Query Result. Sensors: Input text. Intelligent search (or Indexing) agents Performance: Traverse the web and perform tasks. Environment: Internet/Search Engines. Actuators: Matched Query Result. Sensors: Engine sensor (Reorganization of data). Internet softbot for finding information Performance: Search for Required Text. Environment: Partially observable, stochastic, sequentially, dynamic, discrete, single agent. Actuators: Search engine. Sensors: Input Text Network Management and Monitoring Performance: Monitor & manage application, databases, & N/W resources. Environment: Partially observable, stochastic, sequentially, dynamic, continuous, multi agent. Actuators: Search engine, data transfer. Sensors: Congestion, Errors, Inputs Q3) Discuss the web crawler sample implemented using crawler4j (ref: ). Find out any other open source library for writing web crawlers . A Web crawler is a computer program that systematically browses the web automatically, Many search engine and other website uses web crawler to keep a list of websites. Crawler4j is a Java library which provides a simple interface for crawling the web. Using it, you can setup a multi-threaded web crawler in 5 minutes! It is also very efficient, it has been able to download and parse 200 pages per second on a Quad core PC with cable connection. This uses the two basic functions. This code is extends another class web crawler. In which options according to our requirement will be mentioned. Grub and Scrapy are two successful open source libraries for web crawling nowadays. Grub is an open source distributed search crawler that Wikia Search used to crawl the web. Scrapy, an open source WebCrawler framework, written in python

Q4) Discuss Java Agent API wrt its constituent packages and classes and feature like migration, initialization, communication. Find out API to develop Agent in DOT Net The Java API is the set of classes included with the Java Development Environment. These classes are written using the Java Language and run on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). The Java API includes everything from collection classes to GUI classes. New Relic for .Net is an API to develop and debug Agents in .Net

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