Oblicon Practice Question

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1.) AFP occupied a parcel of land belonging to A.

To indemnify her for this occupancy, the office of chief engineers forwarded to her for her signature in a quit-claim agreement where she was to be paid the amount of 15,000. The plaintiff signed the agreement but before she can return the said papers signed, the chief of staff canceled the contract. Is the AFP liable to pay? 2.) A offered B to buy his car for 2.8M. B replied that he will sell his car for 3M but is willing to accept the offer if he will deliver the car in Sulu personally. After 1 week B ask the court for the specific performance of A of the contract which is to deliver the car in Sulu. Will the case prosper? 3.) A and B entered into a contract with X. As consent was obtained by B through fraud. Is the contract with X voidable? 4.) A was the husband of B and the mother of C, D, F who are minor children. A who owns a parcel of lot in Cebu City. When A died, B as a guardian executed a deed of sale in behalf of C,D,F. Later, G obtained guardianship of the three minor children. What is the status of the Sale? 5.) X was the owner of the property that was sold to Y. The contract of sale, was subjected to agreement stating that it should not be sold until fully paid. Y after one month sold the parcel of land to Z. X ask the court to rescind the contract of Y and Z. Will the case Prosper?

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