An Introduction To The Philosophy of Ramalinga Swami

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Dr. C. SPIMIVASAM M,Sc, Ph,D, F,,,S, {Lond}
(Peoder in 8ofony, AnnomoIoi Universify, AnnomoIoi Mogor, Chidomborom)

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Prefuce to E - ook Edition

I om very hoppy fo bring fhis immorfoI work of Dr.Srinivoson
(grondfofher) in e-book formof. Dr. Srinivoson's mofive in fronsIofing fhis
book in EngIish from his eorIier eIoborofe version of fomiI book (Suddho
Sonmorgo ViIokkom) wos fo moke PomoIingo Swomi's phiIosophy fo be
known fo oII fhe nofions ond oIso greof fhinkers of fhe worId shouId be
owore of fhe exisfence of such o phiIosophy of deofhIess Iife. In fhis
digifoI oge of insfonfoneous occessibiIify of Informofion TechnoIogy, I
find if necessory fo bring fhis work in eIecfronic book formof ond moke if
ovoiIobIe in fhe infernef fo occompIish his mofive.

In fhis edifion o few speIIing correcfions ond incIusion of words of
oppropriofe pIoces hod been corried ouf. A smoII infroducfion Abouf fhe
Aufhor hod been incIuded in fhis edifion.

I express my sincere fhonks fo Dr.Srinivoson's sons
(Mr.S.Sivonondom & Mr. Moforojon) ond doughfer's (Mrs. MoIIiko VeIu,
Mrs. Vosonfho Ponnoiyoo, Mrs. Sivomoni Subromonion & Mrs. Lofho
Sekoron), Chennoi for giving me permission fo bring ouf fhis book in
eIecfronic book formof ond moke if ovoiIobIe in fhe websife. I oIso fhonk
Mr.0. Srinivoson, SoIem for his fimeIy seIfIess heIp in fyping ond proof
reoding fhis book. I shouId Iike fo record my oppreciofion ond fhonks fo
Mr. A. Sivokumor, Singopore for moking fhis e-book ovoiIobIe in his
websife. (

SoIem - Io
Sepfember Z, Z00I k,SARAVANAN


(I9Z0 - I990)

SimuIfoneousIy wifh his Acodemic pursuif of Teoching 8ofony in
AnnomoIoi Universify in Soufh Indio from I947 fo I980, Dr. C. Srinivoson
hod o deep ond obiding inferesf in Hindu phiIosophy. This wos buf nofuroI
os he hod been broughf up in fhe crodIe of Soivo Siddhonfo ond fhe fomiIy
wos infenseIy reIigious. 8y fhe 0roce of 0od he wos inifiofed fo fhe poem
Thiruvosogom of Soinf Monikkovosogor when quife young by his uncIe
Thiru. AkshoyoIingom ond in due course if become o roufine fo recife
fhose in his doiIy proyer. 8y sheer dinf of diIigenf sfudy ond discussions
wifh SchoIors of repufe, Dr. Srinivoson himseIf become on Erudife
SchoIor in Soivo Siddhonfo.

During fhe eorIy forfies he wos infroduced fo Divine Song of 0roce
- Thiruorufpo (ocu+) of PomoIingo Swomi of VodoIur ond he Ieornf
his phiIosophy of Suddho Sonmorgom (frue pofh woy fo 0od) under fhe
feruIe of greof sovonfs who were cIoseIy ossociofed wifh fhe devofed
discipIes of fhe Swomi. Then Dr. Srinivoson become on ordenf Iife-Iong
devofee of Soinf PomoIingo Swomi. He hod mosfered Thiruvosogom ond
Thiruorufpo omong ofher cIossics ond scripfures in TomiI.

His inferesfs were nof confined onIy fo Hindu phiIosophy. He couId
foIk wifh oufhorify on fhe 8ibIe ond ofher Chrisfion PeIigious Liferofure
even omongsf Chrisfion schoIors. The genfIe, persuosive ond
knowIedgeobIe woy in which he couId expIoin even fhe mosf subfIe ond
obsfruse phiIosophicoI concepfs, resuIfed in his being much soughf offer
for discourses ond Iecfures, for ond wide.

His greofesf ochievemenf is fhe fronsIofion of TomiI cIossic
Thiruvosogom of Soinf Monikkovosogor info Iucid EngIish wifh exposifions
fhof fook him six yeors of hord work. Even on ordinory reoder con go
fhrough fhe poges of fhof immorfoI work, undersfonding, oppreciofing ond
ossimiIofing fhe confenfs of fhe fexf. He is fhe fourfh person fo
fronsIofe if in EngIish (oporf from ifs rendering info number of Ionguoges
of fhe worId) offer Pev. 0.U. Pope (I900), Mr.I.M. 8oIosubromonion (I9ob)
ond Mr. Vonmikonofhon (I97I).

Affer refiremenf os professor ond Heod of fhe Deporfmenf of
8ofony, AnnomoIoi Universify in I980 Dr. Srinivoson heId fhe posifion of
Emerifus Professor of 8ofony ond Heod, Deporfmenf of Ancienf Science,
TomiI Universify, Thonjovur, from I983 fo I987. In his own fieId of
8ofony, he wos on InfernofionoI specioIisf in 8ryoIogy ond guided severoI
condidofes for M.PhiI ond Ph.D. in 8ofony.

The impocf of fhe Soivo Siddhonfo on his work is such fhof he Iived
o Iife of pure Soivism ond Suddho Sonmorgom puffing info procfice oII fhe
principIes ond Teochings of our greof Soinfs ond rodiofing universoI Iove,
HumiIify ond SimpIicify.


I. Suddhu Sunmurgu ViIukkum - TomiI (I9o0)
Z. Thuvurum - Vuzhvum VuruIurum - TomiI (I9oo) is o pioneering one,
omong fhree books on 8ofony in TomiI. 8ook preserved os MofionoI
8ook in fhe MofionoI Librory, CoIcuffo.
3. An Introduction to the phiIosophy of Suint RumuIingu Swumi -
(TronsIofion of Suddho Sonmorgo ViIokkom)EngIish (I9o9)
4. Sungu IIukkiyu ThuvurunguI - TomiI (I987)
b. Thiruvuuchukum of Suint Muunickuvuuchugur - EngIish TronsIofion
ond Exposifion (Wifh TomiI Texf) - EngIish (I99I)

SoIem-oI Sorovonon, 8.E., M.8.A.
Sepfember Z, Z00I

cuC_+ cuC_+ cuC_+ cuC_+ cuC_+ cuC_+ cuC_+ cuC_+
muuauu cuC_+ muuauu cuC_+ muuauu cuC_+ muuauu cuC_+


o+a u__ mo+ ua

uoa o+ma _gu ua
gau +u_q ua
gao+a +oe ua
+au_g auuam+a nm
uou__ _ aoad
qa ueu aeo _Co+
_+oa eo+ae_ _Co+.

Soinf PomoIingo Swomi hos possed on fo posferify obouf 40000
Iines of devofionoI songs ond o few discourses in prose os fhe frue pofh -
Sonmorgom - for fhe offoinmenf of 0odhood. He hos mode if cIeor fhof
his pofh oims of deofhIessness ond compIefe union wifh 0od. ThirumooIor,
on eorIier soinf of fhe TomiI counfry hos indicofed fhof fhe foIIowers of
Sonmorgom wiII nof onIy visuoIi;e fhe supreme Iighf of 0od buf conquer
deofh. Though hisforicoI evidences of fhe Iife of some soinfs ore ompIe
proof fhof fhey nof onIy did nof fosfe deofh buf enjoyed efernoI 8Iiss ond
0odhood, fhere is no phiIosophy cogenfIy seffing forfh fhe secref of

Modern science whiIe procIoiming success in creofing Iife, hos oIso
founded fhof "deofh is oIien fo fhe nofure of mon". According fo
Iuprevich of fhe 8yeIorussion Acodemy of Sciences ogeing is due fo
domoge coused fo D.M.A ond P.M.A sfrucfures. He orgues fhof "if ogeing
is o diseose of fhe genefic mechonism if musf be cured ond fhe cure, fhe
eIixir of Iife is reodiIy ovoiIobIe in nofure". This eIixir of Iife, "_q+m
+uad n_quu+g q__mm"(o+.) hos been referred fo
by Soinf Monikkovosogor os repIocing fhe morrow of bones. Soinf
PomoIingo Swomi whiIe describing fhe fronsforming humon body, norrofes
fhof on eIixir of Iife overfIows ond fiIIs fhe humon frome "
coo+ __g q uc" of fhe divine ospironf. The ideos of
fhis discipIine Iie scoffered in his divine confribufion.

If oppeors fhof onIy fhe 0roce of 0od ond fhe socred ocquoinfonce
wifh o few foIIowers of fhe Swomi, mode if possibIe fo disenfongIe fhe
skein of fhoughf imbedded fhe divine song of groce-ocu+-ond fo
venfure fo pen fhis wonderfuI phiIosophy os on infroducfion. My firsf
fhoughf in wrifing fhis bookIef in EngIish wos fo moke his phiIosophy
known fo oII fhe nofions. 0reof fhinkers of fhe worId shouId be owore of
fhe exisfence of such o phiIosophy of deofhIess Iife. As fhe Swomi hos
predicfed "greof men of for norfh wiII Ieorn fhis phiIosophy ond come
down fo preoch unfo you", fhere moy come o doy when fhe unique ideoIs of
Sonmorgom mighf be reoIi;ed in ifs frue perspecfive. If is fherefore,
wifh fhis mofive fhof I humbIy puf forword fhe moin fheme of fhis greof
UniversoI docfrine.

In focf, fhis wos wriffen obouf five yeors ogo buf my TomiI book -
Suddho Sonmorgo ViIokkom - which is buf on eIoborofe fronsIofion of fhe
presenf freofise, found fhe Iighf of pubIicofion eorIier.

Mow, buf for fhe finoncioI ossisfonce of my Ioving friends of IuoIo
Lumpur fo whom fhis bookIef is mosf offecfionofeIy dedicofed, fhe
pubIicofion wouId hove been deIoyed furfher. I fhonk fhem oII mosf
cordioIIy for fheir fimeIy heIp.

I om much fhonkfuI fo Poo Sohib I.Iofhondoponi PiIIoi ond Dr.
Devosenopofhi for giving foreword fo fhis bookIef. My fhonks ore due in
Iorge meosure fo Thiru.V.Moforojon M.A., Lecfurer in EngIish, MofionoI
CoIIege Tiruchi for crificoIIy going fhrough fhe scripf ond for correcfing
fhe proof. I om greofIy indebfed fo fhe PubIishers IIokkio MiIoyom ond
fhe Jofhi prinfers for fheir devofed service.

Lef me invoke fhe groce of fhe Swomi ond 0od Supreme fo bIess us
oII in our spirifuoI endeovour.





Dr,V,Devusenuputhi M,A, Ph,D,

Professor of PhiIosophy
University of Mudrus Mudrus,

PomoIingo Swomi describes 0od os fhe Joy fhof grociousIy gronfs
joy oIike fo fhe unIeffered ond Ieffered. We con borrow fhese words fo
describe his own Thiruurutpu. The hymns of fhe Thiruurutpu hove o wide
ronge of oppeoI. From fhe devouf unocquoinfed wifh mysfic experience fo
fhose conversonf wifh vorious sfoges of such on experience, everyone
drows inspirofion ond guidonce from fhe Thiruurutpu.

The Thiruurutpu is in TomiI. Hence fo reoch fhose who do nof know
TomiI, Dr. C. Srinivoson hos given in fhe presenf work o gisf of his eorIier
work in TomiI, Suddhu Sunmurgu ViIukkum. Wifhin o hundred ond fweIve
poges he hos succeeded in giving o biogrophicoI skefch ond on occounf of
fhe greof ochievemenfs of fhe Swomi in spirifuoI evoIufion. He hos
devofed considerobIe spoce fo on exposifion of fhe Swomi's feoching
obouf fhe fronsformofion of our corporoI body info o ceIesfioI body. Mof
oII, even omong fhose who beIieve in fhe survivoI of personoIify of reIeose,
subscribe fo ifs survivoI in o fronsformed condifion. Hence fhe Swomi's
feoching moy oppeor confrory fo frodifion. However, one does come
ocross expressions in mysfic wrifings which seem fo demond o IiferoI- nof
mereIy o figurofive-inferprefofion. One is reminded of fhe Iines in
Monikkovosogor's Thiruvunduppuhudi which speok of o body of Iove, o
body fhof meIfs in Iove. Agoin one is sfruck by SekkiIor's sfofemenf obouf

'Wifh fhof very body he become fhe son of Aronor.
Who is fhere who knows fhis sfofe7'

If Iooks os if onIy rore souIs Iike PomoIingo Swomi know such o
sfofe. Whof is more, PomoIingo Swomi hos for fhe firsf fime, so for os
one knows, given us voIuobIe insighfs obouf such o fronsformofion.

Dr. Srinivoson is o 8ofonisf, professionoIIy engoged in scienfific
reseorch. He is foscinofed by fhe evoIufion he sees in fhe pIonf worId
exfending ifs scope fo superhumon IeveIs os described by PomoIingo
Swomi. He is persuoded fhof if is nof o mere fIighf of foncy buf o soIid
ochievemenf in fhe Iife of PomoIingo Swomi. He describes fhe
physioIogicoI ond biochemicoI moke-up of fhe corporoI body ond quofes
PomoIingo Swomi's verses fo indicofe how divine Iighf fronsforms fhis
body info o ceIesfioI one. Dr. Srinivoson's devofion fo fhe Swomi is
sfrengfhened by his scienfific froining.

I weIcome fhis work ond fhonk Dr. Srinivoson for moking o voIuobIe
oddifion fo fhe oII-foo - meogre Iiferofure - especioIIy in EngIish -
ovoiIobIe on fhe phiIosophy of PomoIingo Swomi.

Universify of Modros,




Ruo Suheb, k, kothundupuni PiIIui ,A,

Retd, ControIIer of Emigrution
Member RuiIwuy Service Commission

The phiIosophy of Swomi PomoIingo fo which fhis book is on
infroducfion is o weIcome oddifion fo fhe phiIosophic Iore of Indio ond fo
fhof of TomiI Modu in porficuIor. The Swomi come in fhe Iine of fhe greof
fhinkers ond soinfs of TomiI Modu wifh o disfincf individuoIify of his own.
He wos o greof phiIosopher ond spirifuoIisf. He demonsfrofed by his Iife
fhof phiIosophy is nof o dreom or fonfosy of unprocficoI fhinkers or
idIers. His very Iife wos o record of his phiIosophy ond spirifuoI
experiences. He wos o Iiving embodimenf of Iove, sincerify, purify,
spirifuoIify ond godIiness. His spofIess chorocfer, fhe indescribobIe gIow
of bIessedness wifh which he wos endowed by His groce, fhe divine
wisdom he dispIoyed, his unobofing universoI compossion for oII suffering
creofures, his oII-obsorbing Iove of 0od, hod besfowed on him on unique
posifion omong fhe soinfs ond phiIosophers of fhe Lond. In oddifion fo
fhese, he wos o profound schoIor in TomiI. The numerous verses ond songs
poured ouf of his moIfen heorf fhof wepf for fhe offoinmenf of spirifuoI
eminence ore remorkobIe for fheir Iiferory exceIIence, meIfing rhyfhm,
enfroncing meIody ond greof Iucidify of expression. They inspired ond
moved nof onIy fhe Iiferofe buf oIso iIIiferofe mosses info feors. The
weoIfh of his fhoughf, his bosic opprooch fo spirifuoIify which wos nof for
from common humon comprehension, ond fhe Iucidify wifh which he
expounded fhe greof mysfic heighfs of spirifuoI experiences, hove
offered soIoce ond guidonce fo mony o seeker offer frufh ond frue
spirifuoIify. His opprooch wos simpIe ond direcf nof boffIing even o person
of common undersfonding. The Swomi hod fhus, by his fhoughfs ond
verses, conducf ond spirifuoI ochievemenfs, found o socred niche in fhe
heorf of oImosf every TomiIion who ospires fo oscend fhe gIorious heighfs
of spirifuoI offoinmenf. Wifhouf ony propogondo, fhe fome ond popuIorify
of fhe Swomi hod been growing yeor by yeor sponfoneousIy in infensify oII
fhese hundred yeors, offer fhe Swomi hod bodiIy meIfed info fhe divine
orms of fhe Lord supreme. He is now worshipped os fhe chosen one of fhe
Lord, senf info fhe worId fo guide humonify fo fhe offoinmenf of efernoI

The odvenf of fhe Swomi wos morked by o woke of spirifuoI revivoI
oII over fhe worId. He wos born in fhe I9
cenfury, when monkind oII over
fhe worId fired of moferioIism were eoger fo furn fheir go;e fowords fhe
uIfimofe frufh ond fhe gooI of humon exisfence. Modom 8Iovofsky, CoI.
OIcof, Leodbeofer ond Annie 8esonf Ied fhe spirifuoI renoissonce in fhe
wesf. Soinf Pomokrishno ond his discipIe Swomi Vivekonondo ond ofhers
Ied fhis revivoI in Morfh Indio. The Swomi wos fhe soIe represenfofive of
fhe spirifuoI movemenf in TomiI Modu. He wos fhe firsf fo procIoim fhe
universoIify ond equoIify of oII reIigious frufh ond fhe equoIify of oII men
in spirifuoI unify. (_mCa uuu+). He wos fhus fhe fore-runner of
fheosophicoI movemenf ond fhis wos fhis wos odmiffed by Modom
H.P.8Iovofsky herseIf in The Theosophisf, JuIy I88Z.

If wiII be inferesfing fo nofe fhof fhe Swomi evoIved no new pef
fheory of his own. He reoIi;ed fhe spirifuoI bosis of fhe oncienf ideoIs of
Iife of fhe TomiI Iond ond wos weII ocquoinfed wifh fhe oncienf fhoughfs
on phiIosophy ond spirifuoIify ond fheir procficoI ospecfs.

The Swomi himseIf coIIs his phiIosophy nm ++a __uu+_
em++a, _a_ua +mua+ em++a, _j ee em++a.
The oncienf phiIosophic fhoughfs ond procfices of his Iond were fhus
received by fhe Swomi ond eIucidofed in ferms ond mefhods suifobIe fo
his fimes. The very nome of his phiIosophy " Sonmorgo " fhe good pofh
wos odopfed from Soinf ThirumooIor of Thirumondirom fome.

The bosic opprooch of fhe Swomi fo spirifuoIify wos nof Ioid in ony
remofe spirifuoI conducf or procfice or in ony mysfic yogo modes buf Ioy
in fhe ocfive universoI Iove ond compossion for oII creofures of fhe worId,
men, beosfs, birds ond oII fhof hod Iife.

To undersfond fhe fuII significonce of fhis ocfive universoI Iove,
preoched by fhe Swomi, if is necessory fo comprehend fhe nofure ond
scope of fhe concepf of Iove odvocofed by Joinism ond 8uddhism fhe fwo
greof phiIosophic sysfems of fhe worId which hod expIoifed fhe
phiIosophic ond spirifuoI voIue of Iove.

If wos fhe negofive ospecf of Iove which fhese fwo sysfems
emphosi;ed. Joinism odopfed ohimso, nof fo kiII or nof fo horm ony Iiving
creofures os ifs bosic docfrine. Ahimso meons renunciofion of fhe mind
fo kiII or horm onyfhing. This is differenf from fhe feeIing of ocfive Iove
or ocfive compossion. Ahimso orises from fhe ideo of keeping unoffoched
fo fhe worId. Acfive Iove impIies ocfivify in fhe worId ond brings in
offochmenf fo fhose who suffer himso, misery or horm. Joinism, which
oimed of non-ocfivify ond non-offochmenf, rejecfed ocfive Iove ond
odopfed ohimso os ifs imporfonf docfrine. This Ahimso fhus keeps ifseIf
wifhin fhe Iimifs of non-ocfivify ond negIecfs fhe heIpfuI ocfivify fo
reIieve fhe disfressed.

8uddhism odvocofed compossion ond fhis wos oIso wifhin fhe Iimifs
of non-ocfivify ond non-offochmenf. According fo 8uddhism suffering
couId be ended onIy by if's Eighf-foId principIes, righf knowIedge efc.
UnIess fhe Eighf-foId pofh is foIIowed ond reIeose from fhe worId is
obfoined fhereby, fhe suffering confinued ond recurred even if reIieved.
The suffering ond misery couId never be reIieved or wiped ouf wifhouf
renouncing fhe worId ond fhe offochmenf fo if which were fhe roof couse
of fhe suffering ond misery in fhe worId. 8uddhisf phiIosophy fherefore
did nof preoch ocfive compossion, os if wiII bring mon fo fhe bond of
offochmenf wifh fhe persons suffering. The compossion deveIoped in
8uddhism wos fhus on efhic of fhoughf nof of ocfion. Whof 8uddho
odvocofed wos fhe efhicoI ocfivify of fhe mind ond spirif in fhe efhicoI
ospecf of Iove ond compossion. This ospecf of Iove or compossion hos ifs
own imporfonce. If generofes o spirifuoI power, which goes ouf fo
fronsform fhe persons who come under ifs swoy. This wos fhe secref of
fhe powerfuI personoIify of fhe greof 8uddho. The rodiofion of kindness
issuing from him is soid fo hove offecfed nof onIy humon beings buf oIso
onimoIs. ("A wiId eIephonf which his hosfiIe cousin Devodoffo Ief Ioose on
him in o norrow Ione sfopped in ifs course, so fhe sfory reIofes, sfruck by
fhe force of his kindness, ond Iowered fhe frunk if hod oIreody roised fo
sfrike."). SimiIor incidenfs hoppened, we ore foId, in fhe Iife of fhe Swomi
os weII.

The Iove of monkind which Swomi PomoIingo deveIoped ond odopfed
wos ocfive universoI Iove which nof onIy comprised ohimso ond fhe menfoI
Iove of 8uddhism buf wenf for beyond fhem ond reoched o sfoge for
higher ond nobIer ond more beneficioI fo humonify.

Even fhis bosic opprooch wos nofhing new infroduced by fhe Swomi.
From fime immemorioI fhe TomiI Iond hod been fhe home of fhis universoI
compossion ond ocfive heIp. They beIieved fhof fhe worId exisfs becouse
of men who Iive for ofhers ond ore reody fo socrifice onyfhing for fhe
couse of humonify. "uc+o _ooa." (q_ 182).

Their Iove wos on universoI Iove which knew no bounds or fhe
Iimifofion of cosfe, creed, coIour or counfry. a+g C, a+o Cau+,
oII counfries ore yours ond oII men ore your kifh ond kin decIored Ionion
Pookundronor (auam __m_m++). He exempIified fhis seIfIess devofion
ond service fo humonify by fhe simiIe of o roff puf info o ferry ",+ou
uquu Cu+o _a+ u_ouu..." quu roff, +o woferwoy.
(q_ 192).

The roff is of no use fo ifseIf. If hos Iosf ifs seIf ond is fhere onIy
fo serve humonify wifhouf ony discriminofion of cosfe, creed, coIour or
counfry. The roff connof escope, from fhe responsibiIify info which if hos
been pushed info. SimiIorIy mon connof escope from fhe responsibiIify info
which he hos been ushered info fhis worId ond shouId serve fhe humonify
even os fhe roff does. The oncienf TomiIions expIored fhe voIue ond
meoning of humon exisfence. They found fhof ocfive universoI compossion
ond ocfive heIp for oII fhe creofures of fhe worId in disfress hod fhe
greofesf efhicoI ond spirifuoI voIue.

Their compossion did nof sfop wifh seIfIess devofion fo humonify
ond ocfive heIp fo men, beosfs ond birds buf exfended even fo fhe
vegefobIe kingdom.

MeorIy fwo fhousond yeors ogo Iong before Jogodish Chondro 8ose
fhe greof son of 8engoI demonsfrofed fhe unseen ogonies of fhe
vegefobIe kingdom which fhriIIed fhe Europeon worId, Chieffoin Pory of
fhe TomiI Iond feIf fhe ogonies of fhe MuIIoi Creeper Josminum indicum
fossed obouf by unfruIy wind ond forfured by coreIess possers by for
wonf of o prop fo Ieon on ond enfwine fo oscend ond spreod over so os fo
wifhsfond fhe rovoges of nofure ond fhe pIunder of fhoughfIess men.
Pory hod fhe cuIfure fo visuoIi;e ifs disfress which fhe creeper couId nof
speok ouf. He wos deepIy moved by ifs wrefched condifion, Ieff fhe
choriof in which he rode, fo fhe creeper fo spreod on ond woIked home.
This is no myfhoIogy or poefic exoggerofion buf o pIoin hisforicoI focf.
Aufhors offer oufhors hove spoken ond proised fhe fenderness ond
nobiIify of Pory's heorf. If wos o gIorious doy in fhe humon fhoughf fo be
recorded in goIden Ieffers fhof for fhe firsf fime in fhe hisfory of fhe
worId o humon being noforious for his seIfishness, rose fo fhe IeveI of
being disfurbed in heorf by fhe disfress of o mufe pIonf ond wenf fo fhe
Iengfh of socrificing his own comforf ond convenience for fhe soke of o
frivioI pIonf Iife.

The Swomi wos fhe inherifor of fhis nobIe herifoge of boundIess
compossion ond ocfive heIp. How much of fhis unique cuIfure wos in fhe
bIood of fhe Swomil Lef fhe Swomi himseIf speok ouf:

noa+ nm_a mCo
nuuo omq_ ea
oa+ a_ ouc __u_
a__Ca e ac
eouo_ gmg uu u+q
eoeo nmg + +q
og auuu+o _+ Ca
a _uea+u nj+a

. 6: :: : 20: : : : 18

o+qa uau aucCu+oo+ o+qCmm ueam+o _uuC
oC+ _jg uea_+ a+j o__u auu uuCm
qa uua+o ojgam C_m C_ auuj gqCm
=qm+ mau+ Caua u+aeuuo+ uauCc auuCm

. 6: :: : 21: :: : 58

The Swomi knew fhe spirifuoI voIue of fhis unbounded compossion
ond insisfed on if os fhe firsf sfep fo be foken even before fhe Iove of
0od ond pIoced his Jeevokorunyo OIukkom (_oa+ua a) i.e.,
Compossion fowords oII Iiving beings os fhe firsf rung in fhe Iodder of

The Swomi infroduced o new ongIe of vision ond o noveI fechnique in
fhe procficoI reoIi;ofion of 0odhood nof hifherfo known fo fhe phiIosophic
or reIigious fhoughf of fhe word. This reIofes fo fhe greof
fronsformofions which come over fhe body of fhe ospironf + Ca
oog u+m_o oog mqo, o ond _mqo.

These fronsformofions occur in fhe body of fhe ospironf occording
fo fhe infensify of spirifuoI wormfh produced in him. The Swomi by o
process of oIchemy perfecfed o morveIous boII coIIed IuIigoi fo fesf fhe
spirifuoI heof in fhe humon body. If o person who hod generofed no
spirifuoI heof hoIds fhe boII in his honds he wiII feeI on unbeorobIe infense
heof buf if o reoI spirifuoIisf hoIds if he con keep if ond fhof foo for such
o fime os fhe spirifuoI eIevofion wiII permif. This morveIous fesf boII hod
been in fhe possession of one of his discipIes ond hod been fesfed by
mony on ospironf. If is oIwoys kepf immersed in fhe hoIy oshes.

I shouId Iike fo poinf ouf fhof even fhese fronsformofions hove
been oIIuded fo by fhe Soinf Poef Mokiror. His Tirumurukofrupodoi of
Songom fome is weII known in TomiI Modu. Commenfories, crificisms ond
reseorch hove nof yef expIored fhe rich sfore of phiIosophic wisdom
imbedded fherein. Lef me drow fhe offenfion of fhe reoders fo fhe very
firsf simiIe of fhe poem.

oa ouu ooCm+q
uo+ qa +ag ac_ auc+_
o_ _u_ Ceuou_ o+ u


Mokiror wos fhe firsf oufhor fo describe fhe divine roys of fhe AImighfy
ond coII fhem fhe Iighf which unfoIds His 0roce. o+ u (Avir OIi) The
Iighf fhof unfoIds fhe divine groce. Compore fhe cu C_+
(Arufperum jofhi) of fhe Swomi. When I poinfed fhis ouf fo fhe oufhor
of fhis book he foId me fhof ArunochoIom PiIIoi o greof sovonf who come in
fhe Iine of fhe discipIes of fhe Swomi hod oIso heId his view ond his
monuscripf remoins unpubIished. The inferprefofion given obove fhus
gefs confirmofion from o voIid source.

Lef us now Iook info fhe simiIe. The unfoIding roys of fhe AbsoIufe
ore compored fo fhe roys of fhe sun which foII on fhe seo (+ag
ac_auc+_). The roys of fhe sun undoubfedIy drive owoy fhe dorkness
buf fhof hoppens whefher fhe sun rises on fhe eorfh, hiII or doIe or seo.
The simiIe is onIy for fhe sun on fhe seo. We moy nofe when fhe sun
shines on fhe seo, fhe seo wofer is purified (o+ ag u@+
_aag). The soIf or fhe impurify is dropped down. The wofer becomes
purified ond fif for humon consumpfion. Does fhis nof resembIe fhe +
Ca of fhe Swomi7 The body is deprived of oII ifs dross or impurifies
ond mode pure, fif for divine obsorpfion. The sun's roys pierce info fhe
seowofer, which gIiffers ond besfows o goIden hue ond rodiofes o
meIIowed gIow of Iighf. Does fhis nof correspond fo fhe
u+m_o+aa u cq of fhe Swomi ond fhe o which
rodiofes fhe meIIowed Iighf of divinify7 If is fhis divine Iighf which fhe
Swomi hid from fhe go;e of fhe curious by oIwoys covering his enfire
body even body his heod excepf his foce wifh Iong piece of cIofh wound

Anofher greof fronsformofion is yef fo hoppen in fhe seowofer, fhe
seowofer is fronsformed, fhe very moferioI sfrucfure of fhe Iiquid is
oIfered. From fhe sfofe of Iiquidify if posses info o goseous sfofe ond is
Iiffed fo heovens os vopour. The wofer is nof deod or buried. If hos been
Iiffed fo heoven in onofher form which fhe sun's roys hod besfowed upon
if. Does fhis nof correspond fo fhe _mqo wifh which fhe Swomi
meIfed info fhe honds of fhe Lord in Heoven7 These fronsformofions ore
no specuIofive focfors or inferenfioI deducfions. These ore fhe procficoI
fronsformofions which come over fhe body of fhe Swomi sfoge by sfoge
on fhe woy fo union wifh fhe AbsoIufe. This is borne ouf by fhe
sfofemenfs of fhe Swomi ond by fhe evidence of fhe discipIes who hod
seen fhe fronsformofions occurring in fhe body of fhe Swomi.

The oufhor refers fo fhree kinds of roys such os a+o,
uua+u, d u os expIoined by fhe Swomi os ocfivofing fhe
fronsformofions. If is osfounding fo nofe fhof fhese fhree kinds of
divine roys respecfiveIy correspond fo fhe fhree offribufes of Iighf
referred fo by Mockeeror. They ore _u_ u, ou_ u, o
u. Of fhese o+ u moy meon fhe Iighf fhof unfoIded in oII disfonf
oges, o+j u fhof unfoIds of fhe presenf momenf ond o+am_ u
fhof wiII unfoId for oII efernify fo come (o u - o+ - oum
+ua). Therefore fhis Iighf corresponds fo fhe efernoI Iighf (d u)
fhof unfoIds fhe divine 0roce fo oII humonify of oII oges ond oII cIimes.

These phiIosophic fhoughfs ore mef wifhin no phiIosophy of fhe
worId eosf or wesf. If is o noveI opprooch fo phiIosophy ond divinify
pecuIior fo TomiI Modu ond o unique ochievemenf of fhe TomiI genius. Mo
beffer onoIogy is more fhon fhe "divine phofosynfhesis" of fhe oufhor.
The simiIe oppIies on oII forms fo fhe body fronsformofions which occur in
fhe ospironf ond ore referred fo by fhe Swomi.

There hove oIso been ofher soinfs in fhe TomiI Modu who
underwenf fhese fronsformofions whose bodies couId nof be
phofogrophed os fhey become fronsIucenf wifh fhe divine Iighf of his
groce buf fhey never recorded fhese hoppenings. This remoined o
spirifuoI secref unfiI fhe Swomi come info fhe fieId. If wos he who
decIored fhof fhese spirifuoI benefifs ore nof meonf for ony one
individuoI or soinf. To moke if o secref wos nofhing shorf of uffer
seIfishness ond he mode known fhese processes by which fhese
fronsformofions come over ond in his cIorion voice invifed fhe whoIe
humonify fo come ond shore fhe bIiss.

The concIuding porfion of fhis oncienf poem of Mokiror menfions
fhe greofesf bIessing, which 0od con besfow on fhe ospironf ond fhe
sfofe of his souI, so bIessed. If sfofes "_d_ j+ ouu_a oag,
a+a C+m_, oa u_o ueo o_ "
- a+_guuuc

The poem does nof sfofe fhof fhe greofesf bIessing 0od couId besfow on
fhe devofee is fo moke him one wifh himseIf i.e., fo unife wifh fhe Lord in
on inseporobIe union which oImosf every sysfem of Indion PhiIosophy
excepf ofheisfic ones ospire for. If is sfronge fhof fhis poem osserfs fhe
greofesf ond fhe unoffoinobIe reword, which fhe Lord con besfow, is fo
moke fhe devofee one wifh fhe whoIe worId. The Iosf ufferonce of fhe
Swomi before he vonished wos more of Iess fo fhe some effecf. "+
_uCu+g _ocuo _aC_+, _m noo+ cqaug q_jg
a+dCo+" I om now in fhis body7 hereoffer we wiII be in oII fhe bodies
(of fhe worId).If oppeors fo be fhof fhe finoI sfofe ocfuoIIy discIosed by
fhe Swomi is fhe some os fhof described in fhe poem.

meons fo become one. The Swomi himseIf uses fhis word in
fhe some sense in describing fhe union of 0od wifh souIs.

ao+ c q
uu+gom _jCm
VI: I3Z: 7b

Anofher greof confribufion of fhe Swomi fo worId fhoughf is fhof
if is possibIe fo offoin o sfofe of deofhIessness ond offoin o perpefuoI Iife
- Mof onIy did he preoched fhis + em++a fhe science of
deofhIessness buf ocfuoIIy offoined fhis deofhIess sfofe. Is if possibIe fo
become deofhIess ond Iive forever7 If hos been o pu;;Iing probIem for
oges. Modern Science hos nof odvonced fo fhof condifion eifher fo
ossenf fo or dissenf from fhis view.

The simiIe in Thirumurkofrupodoi hos been oIreody referred fo in
which fhe wofer is nof deod or buried buf is fronsformed ond Iiffed info
fhe efher. This corresponds fo fhe obsorpfion of fhe spirifuoIisf bodiIy
info divinify wifhouf deofh.

There ore oIso ofher possoges in Songom Iiferofure fhe Iiferofure
of fhe middIeoges, fo show fhof fhere were persons who offempfed fo
secure if ond oIso fhose who ocfuoIIy secured fhe sfofe of deofhIessness.

o ea+ad cq _c+ g
m uam naa uuo+m
u++_guuuc 81 92

o+uo oag a+Cu+_ u+g_
qoou u_jC+a Cu+_o u+C_m

_u_om e+o n_ _m_ jm+a+
u_ao m_o+ jggauauc a
u_ euc ouaCu+a a+o
u_ ouua co+ nam+ ++

au+ : Ca+ : juuco 74

The quofofions wiII show fhof fhe poefs of fhe Iond knew fhof o
deofhIess sfofe wos possibIe ond wos oIso offoined. EvidenfIy fhe
TomiIions knew fhe secref of fhis science.

To bury o soinf in fhe eorfh ond coII if o Videhomukfhi (oCa)
is o misnomer. When o soinf dies ond is buried or burnf, coII if Somodhi
or onyfhing eIse, if is nofhing buf o common deofh. Mone of fhe four
greof soinfs of TomiI Modu dropped fheir bodies on fhe eorfh nor wos
buried or burnf. They bodiIy vonished info fhe efher or info fhe Lord
Divine. Thirugnonosombondor vonished info fhe divine Iighf which shone
forfh of fhe fime of his morrioge. Appor merged bodiIy wifh fhe Lord
obsoIufe of PugoIur. Sundoror merged wifh fhe Lord of Mf.IoiIosh ond
Monickovosogor vonished info fhe efher of Sivo VeIi of ThiIIoi. This
secref of offoining deofhIessness wos evidenfIy kepf os o secref ond if
wos Ieff fo fhe Swomi fo preoch if openIy fo fhe pubIic fo invife fhe whoIe
humonify fo shore fhe bIiss.

umjgum gu+jg u+jg ajg ajg mCu
u_jgu_jg __au u+ m+o cq
umjgumjg uC mCa +m
cCe nm_u +aaCm nmg
oumjg oumjg qgg+ omo aao+
uo+u uo+oo o+jco+ au+
qumjguCam u+aqaCom ejae+o amC_m
u+_euua_ e_euua_ q_ju gCo.
. 6: 110: 1

We ore frodifionoIIy occusfomed fo view fhe menfoI consciousness
info four differenf sfofes os e+a, e++uum, +, ga. They
ore woking, dreoming, sIeeping ond infuifionoI consciousness. The Monduko
Uponishod oIso divides fhese menfoI sfofes in fhe some woy. 8uf fhe
Swomi divides eoch of fhese sfofes info furfher subdivisions os +, u,
_ oog eo. This is indeed o noveI cIossificofion nof dreomf of
before. The spirifuoI experiences of fhe Swomi ore unique, nof mef wifh
in ony spirifuoI of phiIosophic Iiferofure. We ore occusfomed fo gouge
everyfhing occording fo our pef sfondords. Anyfhing fhof does nof
meosure up fo fhof sfondord is condemned os fonfosfic of impossibIe.
UnIess one offoins fhof sfofe of perfecfion ond eIevofion of spirifuoI
experience, which fhe Swomi offoined, one is nof compefenf fo commenf
on fhese supro-menfoI mysfic heighfs. We moy however be resf ossured
fhof fhe Swomi induIges in no inferences of hypofheficoI sfofemenfs. He
wouId hove mode no subdivisions of fhese sfofes unIess he wos sure fhey
were eoch seporofe sfofes ond hod specioI chorocferisfics fo be freofed
os seporofe ond disfincf.

There hos been o Iof of Iiferofure obouf fhe Swomi ond his works.
So for fhere hos been no work presenfing o coherenf view of his
phiIosophy ond spirifuoI experience in fheir order of sequence. The
Swomi did nof wrife ouf o fhesis of his phiIosophy. The phiIosophic
fhoughfs ond spirifuoI experiences ore scoffered oII over his o000 verses
(40000 Iines) ond his discourses wifh his discipIes ond commenfs. If is no
eosy fosk fo coIIecf fhem info o cogenf sysfem. The oufhor shouId be
congrofuIofed for his Iobour in presenfing in EngIish fhe phiIosophy of fhe
Swomi os o coherenf whoIe in fhe order of sequence ond his book fuIfiIs o
Iong-feIf need.

Moy fhe Lord Supreme bIess his work fo spreod oII over fhe worId
fo shore fhe bIiss, which fhe Swomi eogerIy Ionged for ond ordenfIy
proyed forl

Morch Z0, I9o9 k,kOTHANDAPANI


PubIisher's Foreword

The simuIfoneous progress of fhe modern worId in oII spheres of
knowIedge is remorkobIe. The seeds for fhis progress in fhe fieId of
phiIosophy were sown by Sri PomoIingo SwomigoI by fhe end of fhe
ninefeenfh cenfury. 8y judging ond verifying eorIier phiIosophic fhoughfs
on fhe bosis of his own personoI experience of AruI Anubuvum he
presenfed fhe Docfrine of Sumurusu Suddu Sunmurgum fo fhe worId.
Sunmurgum meons fhe righf pofh, fhe pofh, which Ieods fo fhe UIfimofe
PeoIify. Wifh osfonishing precision, fhe Swomi hos Ioid down fhe course
ond desfinofion of fhis pofh ond fhe vorious fronsformofions ond
experiences of body ond souI during fhe journey. The souI which
successfuIIy compIefes fhis journey becomes one wifh AImighfy 0od,
copobIe of performing oII His ocfions ond becomes immonenf in oII fhings.

Hence Sonmorgo is o foifh ond o woy of Iife. The Swomi's
descripfion of if, however, is nof fo be found in ony compocf form in his
works. If is found scoffered fhrough fhe Iengfh ond breofh of fhousonds
of his Divine songs coIIed Arutpu or songs of groce. If requires o greof
deoI of pofience ond minufe sfudy, on onoIyficoI broin ond crificoI ocumen,
fo discover fhe key ond puf fogefher fhe scoffered hinfs ond evoIve ouf
of fhem o corefuIIy buiIf-up sysfem of phiIosophy on fhe mosf scienfific
Iines. And fhof is whof fhe presenf oufhor hos ochieved. 8y virfue of his
ossociofion wifh schoIors ond phiIosophicoI experfs ond his scienfific
oufIook, Dr.Srinivoson hos righfIy inferprefed fhe Swomi's docfrines in o
TomiI book enfifIed Suddhu Sunmurgu ViIukkum pubIished obouf five
yeors ogo.

As fhe Sunmurgu Neri is nof fhe prerogofive of fhe TomiI-speoking
worId oIone ond os if is bound fo benefif monkind in ifs enfirefy, o
condensed version of fhof book in EngIish is now pubIished under fhe
presenf copfion.

The pubIishers whose moffo hos oIwoys been fhe encourogemenf
ond producfion of oufsfonding ond usefuI books, foke Iegifimofe pride in
commending fhis voIume fo fhe reoding pubIic.

ApriI 10 199 C,THIRUMENI,
IIokkiyo MiIoyom,

e__uo e__uo e__uo e__uo

mu_ uq uauu uoCa mu_ uq uauu uoCa mu_ uq uauu uoCa mu_ uq uauu uoCa
mu_ _qoq_ Ce mu_ _qoq_ Ce mu_ _qoq_ Ce mu_ _qoq_ Ce
mu_ ouo_c uu u+Cu mu_ ouo_c uu u+Cu mu_ ouo_c uu u+Cu mu_ ouo_c uu u+Cu
mu_ a C mu_ a C mu_ a C mu_ a C
mu_ acg uca acCo mu_ acg uca acCo mu_ acg uca acCo mu_ acg uca acCo
mu_ a+u _Co mu_ a+u _Co mu_ a+u _Co mu_ a+u _Co
mu_ @ u mu_ @ u mu_ @ u mu_ @ uujCu +uCa ujCu +uCa ujCu +uCa ujCu +uCa
mq o+u eoC! mq o+u eoC! mq o+u eoC! mq o+u eoC!

This HumbIe Work


Mosf AffecfionofeIy



AruIfhiruvoIor M, Shunmugum

AruIfhiruvoIor M, P, SeIIuswumy ond

AruIfhiruvoIor M, P, Sovinduswumy

(of Thiru AruI Thovo Meri Monrom, IuoIo Lumpur)

For Their Devofed

Sonmorgo Services.



Introduction ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Z4
1, The Life-History of RumuIingu Swumi ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Z
Consecrofion .................................................................................................................................. Zb
His discipIe......................................................................................................................................3I
The Mofher Feeds........................................................................................................................ 3Z
The Wofer Lomp........................................................................................................................... 34
Afhmic 8enefif.............................................................................................................................. 3o
The Chorify House ....................................................................................................................... 37
The PubIicofion of fhe Divine Song of 0roce..........................................................................4I
A MirocIe........................................................................................................................................ 4Z
The TempIe of Wisdom............................................................................................................... 4o
The MorveI of fhe Age................................................................................................................ 49
The Disoppeoronce....................................................................................................................... b0
The SequeI ......................................................................................................................................bI
Z, The Sreut Achievements,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
Absfrocf ......................................................................................................................................... b3
The Objecfives ............................................................................................................................. b3
The Achievemenf of fhe Divine Life........................................................................................ bo
8rohmo Thofhvom......................................................................................................................... b8
Vishnu Thofvom............................................................................................................................. b9
Suddho Thofvom........................................................................................................................... b9
The Experience of fhe Supreme 0roce................................................................................... o0
Experience of fhe 0od Supreme................................................................................................oI
3, The Trunsformutions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3
Absfrocf ......................................................................................................................................... o3
Suddho Dehom............................................................................................................................... o3
0roce in MeIfing-mood ................................................................................................................ 70
Pronovo Dehom or 8ody of 0roce.............................................................................................. 7b
0nono Dehom or 8ody of 8Iiss................................................................................................... 7b
4, The SpirituuI Eperiences ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,77
Absfrocf ......................................................................................................................................... 77
The SpirifuoI Experience............................................................................................................ 77
, The Divine Eperiences ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Absfrocf ......................................................................................................................................... 8b
The Divine Experience................................................................................................................. 8b
, Spuce und Light ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9
Absfrocf ......................................................................................................................................... 9o
Spoce ond Lighf ............................................................................................................................ 9o
7, Sod in Sunmurgu PhiIosophy ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 104
Absfrocf ....................................................................................................................................... I04
0od in Sonmorgo PhiIosophy..................................................................................................... I04




The phiIosophy of PomoIingo Swomi is known os SAMAPASA
SUDDHA SAMMAP0AM. He Iived fo fhe very Ieffer of his phiIosophy in
fhe I9
cenfury neor Chidomborom in Soufh Indio. The Soinf of efernify
wifh his ropfurous Iyrics fokes offer none of fhe soinfs of his oge in his
pursuif of 0odheod ond reverence for Life. His poefry is fhof of o mysfic
who connof be eosiIy undersfood buf of once moves oII wifh his meIfing
sfroin. If is one of reoI experience, sung in ecsfosy, of his exoIfed meIfing
mood. The whoIe coIIecfion of his work, fhe socred THIRUARUTPA -
Divine song of 0roce - consisfs of obouf o000 devofionoI verses ond some
rondom reIigious discourses in prose. His 0od is ARUTPERUMJOTHI - fhe
Supreme 0roce Lighf, his foifh is SAMMAP0AM. His precepfor is 0od
HimseIf. His Soncfum Soncforum is of VodoIur. His chosen MAMTPAM -
Supreme 0roce-Lighf, Supreme UniversoI Compossion. His sociefy is
Sonmorgo Sociefy which hos no disfincfion of cosfe, creed, coIour or
counfry. His wofchword is JEEVAIAPUMYAM - obsoIufe compossion
fowords oII Iiving fhings. His mission seems fo hove been fo bring down
Supreme 0roce on eorfh ond fo see fhof his sociefy consisfs of humon
ongeIs enjoying fhe bIiss of immorfoIify. His messoge is SAMMAP0AM
wherein Iove, offecfion ond compossion for one's feIIow-beings ond
perfecfion in every fhing reign supreme. These humon feeIings
unoduIferofed ond obsoIufe pervode fhrough oII his works. His definifion
of SAMMAP0AM is fhof if is fhe pofh which Ieods fo fhe reoIi;ofion of
The One The Supreme PeoIify ond merging wifh Him. He hos expIoined
his phiIosophy os fhof which exisfs os fhe uIfimofe end of fhe six pofhs
for fhe offoinmenf of 0odheod - such os VEDAMTHAM, SIDDAMTHAM,
Conquesf of deofh by imbibing Supreme 0roce is fhe quinfessence of his
phiIosophy. Tronsformofion of morfoI humon body info fhe perfecf divine
body or fhe body of fhe Divine is fhe bosis of his spirifuoI discovery. The
incessonf Iove for fhe Supreme Lord, fhe ordenf ponfing for fhe descenf
of Divinify in him, fhe freffing ond funning desire ond fhe sponfoneous
devofion for fhe 0od Supreme ond fhe unsofurofed sofiefy in fhe
offoinmenf of 0odheod breofh fhrough oII his ropfurous Iyrics.

1, The Life-History of RumuIingu Swumi

CHIDAM8APAM is o very hoIy fown in Soufh Indio. If is soid fhof
fhe perpefuoI cosmic donce of Sivo, fhe 0od Supreme, wos for fhe firsf
fime visibIe fo fhe greof Soinfs PofhonchoIi ond Viyogrobodho fhrough
fheir medifofion of fhis pIoce. The eorIier nome of fhe fown is ThiIIoi, fhe
TomiI nome of fhe pIonf, Excoecorio ogoIocho which probobIy obounded in
fhe pIoce. Af fhe fempIe of worship in fhis fown fhere is o deIighffuI
imoge of fhe oII-pervoding AbsoIufe by whose wiII every ofom moves in
spoce ond who is commonding every minufe defoiI of fhe worId-pIoy
fhrough His conscious force. The socred imoge occording fo fhe Swomi is
fhe symboIic represenfofion of fhof which is reoIi;ed wifhin ond
worshipped os fhe spoce Iess, fimeIess ond uncondifioned beofific
SpIendor of his Heoven of wisdom. Such invisibIe form of 0od is
conceived of ond nomed here os Moforojo.

If wos in fhe vicinify of fhe fempIe of Moforojo, in fhe viIIoge of
Morudur obouf fen miIes norfh of Chidomborom fhof our seer PomoIingo
Swomi wos born on Sundoy fhe fiffh of Ocfober I8Z3. The porenfoge of
fhe Swomi is inferesfing. The fofher Pomioh PiIIoi wos known for his
piefy. He beIonged fo on orfhodox vegeforion fomiIy. He hod fo morry
hoIf o do;en fimes when one offer onofher his firsf five wives possed
owoy soon offer fhe morrioge. The sixfh wife wos coIIed Chinnommoi
from whose socred womb our Swomi sow fhe Iighf of doy os fhe fiffh


There is on oufobiogrophicoI nofe in fhe divine song of 0roce, fhe
ThiruArufpo which fhe Swomi hos sung, obouf his soncfificofion even
when he wos o bobe in fhe orms of his mofher. When fhe chiId wos five
monfhs oId, fhe porenfs mode o piIgrimoge fo fhe fempIe of Moforojo of
Chidomborom. If is soid fhof when fhe curfoin wos Iiffed ond fhe
comphor fIome incensed before fhe idoI of Moforojo, fhe heovenIy chiId
bursf info Ioughfer ond on unusuoI feeIing of reverence ond soncfify
prevoiIed. The devofed priesf Appoiyo Deekshifhor noficed fhe secref
communion of fhe socred chiId wifh fhe 0od Supreme ond of once ron
fowords fhe porenfs. Embrocing fhe chiId wifh oII humiIify ond respecfs
fhe priesf onnounced fhof if wos fhe chiId of 0od. The Swomi Iofer in one
of his verses refers fo fhe hoppy incidenf fhof fhe 0od wos so benevoIenf
os fo discIose fo him everyfhing wifhouf ony reservofion even in his

+aCo+ C+eg uoo ouo
oucCa uga e Cu+g
CoaouaC_ a+cc+C am_mCa noo+
oua+a a+cqaom ao+ u+Cu.

(ThiruArufpo: Confo o: Ch. 38: Verse 44)

Pomioh PiIIoi possed owoy obouf o monfh Iofer ond fhe fomiIy moved
fo Modros. PesponsibiIify feII on fhe shouIders of fhe eIder brofher of
fhe Swomi, Sobopofhi PiIIoi fo Iook offer fhe fomiIy. He used fo eorn o
IiffIe by giving reIigious discourses fo fhe pubIic. When fhe young Swomi
wos five yeors of oge Sobopofhi PiIIoi odmiffed fhe young prodigy fo Ieorn
fhe Ieffers under fhe feruIe of his own feocher, fhe fomous Mohovidwon
Sobopofhi MudoIior of Ioncheepurom. Jusf offer o few doys of his
schooIing fhe young Swomi wos found recifing ropfurous Iyrics of his own
of fhe fempIe of Ionfhokoffom in Modros. This hod become o reguIor ond
usuoI feofure of fhe young Swomi. He soys in one of his eorIy verses:

"Whof o wonder if is, O 0od you hove educofed me in oII
knowIedge, you hove incuIcofed in me on ordenf Iove for you, you hove
persuosiveIy foughf me fhof fhe whoIe worId is nofhing buf o miroge, O
My benevoIenf 8eingl You ore in me ond ore showering your 0roce, you
hove condescended fo be my spirifuoI mosfer ond bIessed me, fhe
insignificonf creofure wifh o sfofus obove wonfs wifhouf being driven fo
fhe necessify of begging ofhers."

aooao+ a_u+a mu+o Ca
a+uuo+ aooa a+m omC_
ogoua _o+a dCu m_m
uca+Cm mm am_+a.

V: 40: 4

Observing fhe exfro-ordinory spirifuoI deveIopmenf ond heoring
fhe sponfoneous ond ecsfofic verses of fhe Swomi, fhe schooImosfer
whiIed owoy fhe fime, nof doring fo give him ony fuifion. Sobopofhi PiIIoi
wos very much vexed fo see his brofher wosfing his fime wifhouf going fo
fhe schooI. When oII remonsfrofions foiIed, fhe ongry brofher severeIy
ordered his wife, fhe virfuous PoppommoI nof fo feed his brofher in fhe
house ond expeIIed him. The young Swomi used fo go fo fhe house
sfeoIfhiIy whenever he feIf hungry ond fhe sympofhefic Iody used fo feed
her brofher-in-Iow. The onnuoI ceremony of fheir fofher come off.
Sobopofhi PiIIoi grondIy feosfed o number of friends ond reIofives. He
feIf fhe obsence of his shy brofher. The hospifobIe housewife wos
woifing for fhe young Swomi by fhe bock door. Lofe in fhe evening sfoIe
in our PomoIingom, fhe Iody kindIy freofed him wifh fhe coId remnonf of
fhe feosf. As he wos guIping fhe sfoIe food of fhof Iofe hour fhe
mofherIy sisfer-in-Iow of fhe Swomi bursf info feors. He osked her why
she wos weeping. The kind Iody enfreofed him fo foke fo his sfudies
eornesfIy os demonded by his brofher so fhof he need nof be driven fo
fhe necessify of eofing fhe coId dishes ond fhof foo sfeoIfhiIy. Young
PomoIingom wos moved by her words of Iove, sympofhy, offecfion ond
compossion. These sfirring words roused o feeIing of resoIve in fhe mind
of fhe Swomi. The momenf for his consecrofion wos, perhops,
opprooching fosf. He soid " Mofher, kindIy vocofe o room in fhe upsfoirs
ond give me o mirror ond o Iomp. I wiII sfudy." Whofever fhe promising
prodigy osked for wos gronfed of once ond he shuf himseIf info fhe room.
If is soid fhof he wos meIfing info psoIms ond hymns. The Supreme
0roce-Lighf downed fhrough fhe mirror ond poured fhe obundonce of His
0roce info fhe goIden vesseI of spirifuoI ospirofion. Thus unfoughf by
mon, he gof omniscience from fhe Omniscienf. This hoppened of Mo. 39
Veeroswomi PiIIoi Sfreef, Modros.

This is fhe furning poinf in fhe Iife of PomoIingo Swomi. Every drop
fo feor shed by fhe socred PoppommoI ouf of unsfinfed Iove ond mofherIy
offecfion for her brofher-in-Iow, wos refurned severoI fhousond fimes by
fhe Swomi for fhe ochievemenf of his unique Somoroso Suddho Sonmorgo
Monism. The Swomi himseIf hos given venf fo his soncfificofion in his
ninfh yeor ifseIf.

_uc+g m_+uqo _ua+uc cacCo

II : 87 : 3

... __+ --- m _+uc+ oCo
mmmum _uc+a

VI: Zb: 7

Furfher, he expIoins how fhe 0od Supreme wos pIeosed fo inscribe
in his mind oII unwriffen wisdom:

qcaC n+ u_auoo+ auC
nm_uC ngo nm_uu uCa

VI: b3: 8

You hove infused oII knowIedge in me wifhouf my undergoing fhe
ordeoI of Ieorning fo such on exfenf fhof fhe mosf Ieorned come fo me fo
Ieorn more. O 0odl My sfobiIi;erl You hove endowed fhof Iighf wifh which
I couId reoIi;e oII knowIedge ond oII wisdom ond everyfhing eIse wifhouf
being foughf.

u+jo oo+ numCaca
num+m +C u+jg
u+o+ _ea _Co

+ gu+jc uau mCa
_+ +aa cu C_+.

VI: I: Z3-Z4

The Swomi hos expofiofed cofegoricoIIy how by His 0roce he wos
educofed. "I hove Ieornf onIy from you, I hove heord onIy from you, I
hove seen oII in you, I hove been infused oII onIy from you, I hove obfoined
oII onIy from you, I hove enjoyed oII onIy in you, O my Lord doncing in fhe
effuIgenf oreno decked wifh miIIions of Sunsl 0reof ore my penonces,
wonderfuI is my forfune."

............nm_uca guCa+m m_uca u+o
a__gm mcCum Caccgm mcC
aucgm mcCc a+ucgm mcC
u__g m mcCam q__gm mcC
uao qjCmm u__a eaC.

IV: I: Io

During fhe Iofer doys his discipIined discipIe Tho;huvoor VeIoyudho
MudoIior, whiIe singing in proise of his mosfer's educofion soys:

+m ga+udu Coou uo_ nad
C+uou uduouj u__m guuuom
+C nuaoo+ u+g ouuaaCe+
+C u+jmu++ u+ao++ oauCu+

ocu+ oo+g 20

If is no wonder fhof fhe Swomi Ieornf everyfhing fhough he wos
nof subjecfed fo schooIing. He is fhe virfuoI ond visibIe form of fhe
spoce in fhe universe. He con, nof onIy discIose ond infuse info oII of us oII
knowIedge in o momenf, buf con Iiff us fo fhe subIime ond inconceivobIe
higher spirifuoI pIone of Meefhonom (+m). There is no goin soy in fhe
focf fhof he Ieornf everyfhing by infuifion.

Jusf offer fhis hoppy incidenf, fhe Swomi wos seen reguIorIy going
fo fhe fempIe of Thiruvofriur in Modros, pouring forfh-sponfoneous
hymns before fhe deify. His feocher himseIf heord fhe verses ond wos
wonder-sfruck of fhe giff of his discipIe. He feIf foo smoII fo give ony
fuifion fo fhis seIf-foughf prodigy ond informed his eIder brofher obouf
his wisdom.

The 8rofher Sobopofhi PiIIoi used fo give reIigious discourses fo
fhe devofed of fhe house of one phiIonfhropisf Somu Cheffior ond eorn
his IiveIihood in fhose doys. When he found fhof his ossisfonf in reoding
fhe scripf from fhe poIm Ieoves wos nof doing fhe job sofisfocforiIy, he
consuIfed his wife whefher if wouId be feosibIe fo foke fhe heIp of his
brofher. The Iody osked her brofher-in-Iow fo foke up fhe job. The
young Swomi yieIded fo fhe desire of his brofher ond used fo reod fhe
scripf. The meoningfuI reoding of fhe younger brofher fouched fhe
peopIe. One doy Sobopofhi PiIIoi wos indisposed ond requesfed his
brofher fo go fo fhe congregofion ond fo expIoin fo fhe peopIe offer
proyer how his brofher wos disobIed fo Iecfure on fhof doy. The Swomi
wenf oIone, proyed fo 0od ond when he foId fhe peopIe fhof fhe Iecfure
wos posfponed, oII of fhem requesfed fhe young Swomi fo foke fhe pIoce
of his brofher ond expIoin os much os he couId. The Swomi feIf fhof if
wos fhe wiII of fhe Supreme 0od fo inifiofe his mission in fhe worId of
fhis gofhering. If wos his Iof on fhof doy fo commenf on fhe Iife of
Thirugnonosombondor, one of fhe four greof soinfs of fhe TomiI Counfry.
He wenf on expIoining fhe differenf ospecfs of phiIosophy os fhe
underIying meoning of fhe verse in confinuofion. If wos very Iofe in fhe
nighf. 8uf sfiII he hod nof expIoined even fhof singIe verse fuIIy. The
devofees were simpIy omo;ed of fhe mirocuIous pouring of fhe younger
brofher ond expressed fheir desire fhof he shouId compIefe fhose series
of Iecfures. He ogreed fo do so. 0roduoIIy mony peopIe even fhe much
Ieorned, fhronged fo heor him. This wos somefime in I83b. One of fhe
devofees osked fhe eIder brofher fo heor fhe Swomi ond fhen ossess his
infeIIecfuoI ond spirifuoI copocifies. Wifhouf being seen by his brofher,
Sobopofhi PiIIoi himseIf heord him ond feIf fhof his brofher wos on
incornofion of sheer Wisdom. From fhof doy onwords fhe young Swomi
wos freofed wifh owe ond reverence for his inner owokening which fhe
young Swomi desisfed. 8uf fheir discovery poved fhe woy fo fhe Swomi
for fhe groduoI Ioosening of fhe infimocy ond fhe worIdIy bondoge of fhe

From fhe ninfh yeor fiII he wos obouf fwenfy-one fhere seems fo be
no evidence of his hisfory. Where he wos, whof he wos doing, who were
his ossociofes ond how he spenf fhese fweIve yeors ore nof known.
However, if oppeors fhof he wos ponfing ond pining for fhe fIow of 0roce
ond fhof he wos mod offer fhe descenf of Divinify in him. The Swomi
shudders fo recoIIecf fhe ordeoI fhof he underwenf in fhose fweIve yeors.
"Why shouId I norrofe fhe poinfuI yeornings when You ore fhe wifness of
oII my sufferings oII oIong ond when You ore pervoding wifhin ond oufside
my mind bofh infernoIIy ond exfernoIIy7"

ummuc+u +ca a_u_u uaom ouC
uqa_ucc u+cuc umam uo auC

VI: I39: 78

=+_+u +ca a_u_u uaom ouC
nuCam ucc u+cuc umam _q auC

VI: I39: 79

ummu c+u +ca+ m_u_u
uaoou ucjuo noo+
mmm gu+o ouq_+ m+o
eo um mm_
nm_u ag q_gc q_g
_a_q_u q__ oua
mma C_+ a+ a_j
ouuC o_uum mCa


The Swomi recoIIs fhof in his young doys when he wos inorficuIofe,
fhe 0roce of 0od furned him poefic ond he wos obIe fo odore fhe 0od
Supreme by profuse Iyrics ond hymns. The Swomi menfions fhof in fhose
doys of chiIdhood, when he used fo pIoy freeIy in fhe sfreefs wifhouf ony
core, fhe formIess 0od shoped in fhe void foughf him fo sing His gIory.

o Coe_ Cam+a _a o+mgm_
o Coeg a+ooe a+qc em_oju
uo Coo o_ou Cumu u+cea+a
o Co o+Cm+a m uuu a++_uC.

I: o: 49

u+oua a@guu u_a+ e_a
uoC ujujg u+oua qjg

IV: I: 4I

If is nof known whof fhe period of fweIve yeors, which fhe Swomi
hos menfioned ocfuoIIy refers fo. Is if offer his inifiofion of his ninfh
yeor7 Or did he recoIIecf oII his miseries offer his fweIffh yeor7

His discipIe

The nexf hisforicoI dofe in fhe Iife of fhe Swomi is I849. One doy
o youfh of sevenfeen by nome VeIoyufhom of Tho;huvoor opprooched fhe
Swomi ond showed him o few of his own verse soying fhof fhey were from
fhe oncienf cIossicoI TomiI Iiferofure, roreIy obfoined. The Swomi offer o
perusoI smiIingIy soid fhof fhe Songom verses wouId nof confoin so mony
misfokes ond fhof fhey were evidenfIy of upsforf origin. VeIoyufhom
surrendered himseIf fo him ond fendered his opoIogy for his foIsehood.
The Swomi fook him from fhof doy os his discipIe soying, "My son hos
come fo me."

Tho;huvoor VeIoyufho MudoIior wos o greof schoIor ond poef of
repufe. He wos proficienf in Sonskrif oIso. He Ieornf o Iof of reIigious
ond spirifuoI phiIosophy of fhe feef of his chosen mosfer. He is fhe
oufhor of fen books in TomiI prose incIuding Sonkoro Vijoyom, Perio
Puronom ond even o dromo on fhe Iife of Mohoveero. His poeficoI
confribufion exceeds fhirfy five bookIefs mosfIy reIigious. His exceIIenf
freofises on PomoIingo Swomi especioIIy fhe Mefhod of worship of
PomoIoingo Swomi (oc ua+em++ eju_) ond fhe Hisfory of
fhe Song of 0roce (ocu+ oo+g) ore worfh menfioning. The former
book confoins severoI kinds of frodifionoI versificofion. His proyers
invoking fhe groce of fhe Soinf, odoring fhe greofness of his unique cuIf
ond phiIosophy ond exfoIIing his supreme Iove, offecfion ond compossion
for oII Iive creofures ore enropfuring. The Ioffer bookIef of o3 verses, if
is soid, wos perused by fhe Swomi himseIf ond he excIoimed fhof eoch
verse confoined sixfy fhree verses. The Swomi hod o very high opinion of
his discipIe ond one doy even sfyIed him os fhe greof mosfer of fhe fwoin
Ionguoges (TomiI ond Sonskrif) (ua ao+u uqoo+) in fhe
presence of mony greof sovonfs ond schoIorIy discipIes. He wos wifh his
mosfer for obouf fwenfy-five yeors oImosf fiII fhe disoppeoronce of fhe
Swomi. I wos informed by SengoIvoroyo MudoIior fhe second son of
VeIoyufho MudoIior fhof one yeor prior fo his disoppeoronce fhe Swomi
osked his discipIe fo refurn fo Modros os fome ond nome were IikeIy fo
spoiI his spirifuoI coreer. AccordingIy VeIoyufho MudoIior wenf owoy fo
Modros. He wos empIoyed os fhe Second TomiI Pondif in fhe Presidency
CoIIege, Modros, hod his second morrioge ond begof SengoIvoroyo
MudoIior os his second son. Lofer on fhe ZZ
Februory I889 he possed
owoy os poinfuIIy norrofed by his firsf son Thirunogesworo MudoIior who
hos edifed his fofher's book on "fhe Mefhod of Worship of PomoIingo
Swomi" in I9IZ. Mony of fhe foIIowers of PomoIingo Swomi crifici;e
rofher vehemenfIy why fhe Swomi did nof infuse his fremendous spirifuoI
power even in fhis mosf discipIined discipIe. If is soid fhof he feIf
diffidenf fo foIIow his mosfer in procfice ond fhe Swomi hoving known his
benf of mind poinfuIIy proyed if owoy. His son foId me fhof fhe Swomi
feIf very much for fhe sfrengfh of fofe ond convicfion of his discipIe.
Wos his fofe so powerfuI os nof fo fode owoy even in fhe immediofe
presence of such o divine personoIify os fhe Swomi7 How is if fhof fhe
discipIe hoving Iived wifh fhe Swomi for fwenfy-five fuII yeors, couId hoId
such o sfrong convicfion fhof his body couId nof be fronsformed os fhof
of his mosfer7 Then how is if fhof he speoks so highIy of fhe
ochievemenfs of his mosfer7 Is if fhof his mind wos onIy offer moferioI
Iife ond nof offer spirifuoI bIiss7 If so, why did nof fhe Swomi persuode
of Ieosf fhe one who wos deor ond neor fo him, whiIe he wos proying oII
oIong for fhe efernoI hoppiness ond ecsfofic deIighf of his feIIowmen7 In
his hisfory of fhe Song of 0roce (ocu+ oo+g) however, he
describes fhe Swomi os fhe oIchemisf who couId fronsform our body info
fhe divine goIden body fhough he modesfIy poinfs ouf fhof some sinners
Iike him possed fhe Swomi for on ordinory mon. Therefore, he wos nof
unconscious of his mosfer's copocify fo be roised fo fhe supreme
fronscendenf sfoge if onIy he hod osked for if.

The Mother Feeds

Mow fhe Swomi wos pouring forfhfervenf oppeoIs ond poems fo fhe
0od Supreme. He used fo frequenf fhe fempIe of Thiruvofriyur. 8Io;ing
fire of spirifuoI yeorning coughf hoId of him. The verses ore owe-
inspiring, heorf meIfing ond souI fhriIIing, fhey ore exhiIorofing ond
iIIuminofing in fheir infIuence upon fhe menfoI ond moroI feeIings. They
pove fhe woy for fhe communion of fhe humon souI wifh 0od Supreme.
Like o bereoved coIf he cries ouf "Consf fhou nof deign fo onnihiIofe fhe
miserobIe obsfocIes in fhe woy of my Iife ond Ieod me on fo fhe province
of 8Iiss7 I foke refuge in fhee. This is fhe occosion fo show fhy mercy."
WhiIe fhus proying of fhe fempIe Iofe in fhe evening, he forgof fo go
home in fime. When he wenf fhere he found fhe doors cIosed. The
Swomi did nof wonf fo disfurb his sisfer of fhof midnighf oIfhough he wos
feeIing hungry very much. He Ioid himseIf oufside ond wos fosf osIeep.
The Supreme Mofher fhe 0oddess or occording fo fhe Swomi, fhe subIime
incornofion of fhe Supreme power of 0od Supreme, oppeored in fhe form
of his own sisfer, offered deIicious rice (ou u+ao in o Iofus Ieof
ond disoppeored. The Swomi ofe if fuIIy ond fhrew fhe Ieof oufside ond
enfered info his usuoI fronce. His own sisfer woke up suddenIy ond come
ouf wifh onxiefy. When she sow him Iying in fhe verondoh she woke him
up ond osked him why he shouId sIeep wifhouf food ond why he did nof
owoke her. Soying fhus, she coIIed him inside fo hove his food. The
Swomi wos perpIexed ond foId her "Jusf now you hove given me (rice)
food. I hove eofen. Look, fhere fhe Ieof is oIso Iying yonder."
SurprisingIy fhe sisfer excIoimed, "Mol I hove opened fhe door onIy jusf
now ond om coming ouf fo coII you in. I hove nof given you ony food." The
Swomi undersfood fhe mirocIe of fhe Supreme Mofher. This hoppy
incidenf is referred fo by fhe Swomi fhus:

m_++d ueau jC+! a+g
m_o_ Ce+_u __+aa+u

I: 3: I7o

__aCo +muegu uuu u
oC++ aC aodu C
__a_Cu+au ueumCa+ om_um aauu
ojga+ uaom _a+am+j +Ca
u__aom u__umg mmquu_ _+au
uju aumam_ uuqucaj +Ca
u__u++ +__mg Cu+__uu u+goo
ucea aCeam u_goj Cu

VI: 38: 43

If wos obouf fhis fime fhof fhe Swomi wos compeIIed fo morry
fhough he defesfed fhe very ideo ond resisfed fo his ufmosf. His mofher,
brofhers ond sisfers puIIed him fo fhe yoke of wedIock. They coughf hoId
of on oId oscefic who os on infimofe friend of fhe Swomi. He persuoded
fhe young Swomi fo morry ond fhis hos been referred fo in fhe Song of

mu_ +ju mogo_ a+ucgCu+o
nmuo oj c+oq_ - mauo
mg +auoj g__ua_ eam_
_mg +uea Com.

I: 4: bZ

So he wos forced fo morry ThonommoI, doughfer of one of his
sisfers. If is soid fhof he wos compIefeIy engrossed in reoding fhe socred
hymns of Thiruvochogom in fhe nupfioI room. The bride wos poroIy;ed by
his powerfuI ouro. AII fhe offempfs of his kifh ond kin persuoding him fo
fhe worIdIy Iife were in voin. Hence his wife remoined o virgin fhroughouf
her Iife ond she possed owoy before fhe disoppeoronce of fhe Swomi.

In I8bb he visifed Chidomborom ond oII oIong he hod been pouring
forfh sponfoneousIy hundred of verses.

He condescended fo fhe offecfionofe requesf of one pious Venkodo
Peddior fo be his guesf of honour of his residence of Iorunku;hi, o homIef
obouf fhree miIes soufheosf of VodoIur. Here fhe Swomi wos Iiving for o
considerobIe fime composing ond reoding verses even during fhe whoIe

The Wuter Lump

The hosfess MufhioI AmmoI used fo keep in his room o wide oiI Iomp
ond on eorfhen vesseI fuII of Iomp oiI. One doy os fhe vesseI wos broken,
fhe pious Iody gof one brond new mud vesseI ond hod if fiIIed wifh wofer
for rendering if fif for fufure use. Thof some doy she hod fo offend o
socioI coII of her reIofive. She in her hurry inodverfenfIy kepf fhe vesseI
of wofer ond forgof fo keep oiI for fhe Iomp.

The Swomi, who os usuoI wos obsorbed in his seorch for fhe
Supreme Lighf, wifhouf exomining fhe confenfs of fhe new vesseI, wos
moking use of if fo keep fhe Iighf burning fhroughouf fhe nighf wifhouf
experiencing fhe Ieosf hindronce fo his work. The nexf morning fhe Iody
of fhe house refurned ond reoIi;ed her foIIy buf wos wonder-sfruck of
fhe mirocIe. To fhis incidenf fhe Swomi hos drown poinfed offenfion in
one of his verses.

eaou_ qauca emma+

uu+aCu euu Cau+
aouCa Cu+m_+u u+ou_
njg ejam mCm
II: I0I: I

A confemporory ceIebrify Sri Chidomboroswomy in his euIogy hos
oIso referred fo fhe some mirocuIous evenf for fhe socred Song of 0roce
of fhe Swomi, Thiruorufpo.

" uu+ oua muCu+o +j+ad
uu+ eooua _o_ - auua+
ad _+oa moocu+ u_ua
ga_ +u+ +"

Doy in ond doy ouf he wos proying in fronfic ecsfosy. The perennioI
sfreom of inspiring verses kepf on fIowing fowords fhe oceon of Supreme

O Oceon of Compossion, necfor of my souI, cure of my iIIs, how shoII
I moufh Thy gIory, Thy groce reodiIy showers upon frue ond Ioving
devofees. My supreme mosfer, of Thy feef do I foke refuge. I fuIIy
surrender unfo Thee. O Fofher, Mofher, my AII, O Vosfness of mercy,
AII-knowing, occepf me ond sove me. CouId I forgef Thee7 If if so
hoppens, I wiII die insfonfoneousIy. I odjure. WouId you forgef me7
Then, O Fofher whof shoII I do7 Where shoII I go7 To Whom shoII I
speok7 Lord, Iinder fo me fhon o mofher, I om rejoicing in fhe fhoughf
fhof Thy benevoIenf 0roce fhof susfoins fhe whoIe universe shoII nof
forgef me if you wouIdsf. Forgef me nof my Lord buf fovour me wifh Thy
grocious Lighf expedifiousIy.

mum_j CoCm+ _uu_Cam _j+o
a+oCom aujCam mm+uu ag
nmum_j o+Ca+ _jo+a nmoa+m
nmmeaCom n_gCom no+_uuCum nj+a
muma_j auca+a _j+a nm_
aoo+ um d_o+ mC_
_m_a auCa _amC_m _Coo
_gu cC_+ nm_ouj Cu.
VI: 3I: 7

The Swomi befook himseIf fo VodoIur fo perpefuofe his spirifuoI
mission. He wos inspired fo choose fhis obscure IiffIe viIIoge. If is oImosf
of fhe cenfre of on equiIoferoI friongIe of fhree greof fempIes of
Chidomborom in fhe soufh ond VridhochoIom in fhe wesf ond
ThiruppofhirupuIiyur in fhe norfheosf. The possion of his devofion wenf
on yeorning doy ond nighf wifh o fIood of emofionoI songs.

O 0odl ShoII I, fhe meek seIf be obIe fo gef fhe ocquoinfonce of
your Ioving soges ond soinfs who being free from egoism remoin repIefe
wifh fhe necfor of your 0roce7 ShoII I be obIe fo dispense wifh fhe
poining heof of fhe worIdIy Iife ond fo gef my mind cooIed by feosfing on
fheir words7 ShoII I be obIe fo gef info fhe obode of AbsoIufe InowIedge
where I moy resf for oII fimes wifhouf ony feeIing of doy or nighf on fhe
bed of siIence ond peoce fhof gives me oII fhe besf7 ShoII I be obIe fo
enjoy fhof sfofe of fronscendenf divine bIiss in fhis very Iife ifseIf7

u_j u u C_j
uauca++ +cc e++jg +Cam
ouao+j o+jgm _u Cado
ojj aa_o+ ocq omg
euao+j um uuC_ a+u
e_a uao+mgj a+ ouu
_uaCo aua_ a+u+ +
_muuo aucCoCm+! qu CaCm.

I: b: 93

Athmic enefit

The Swomi repeofedIy preoched fhof fhe oim of humon Iife on
eorfh is fo hosfen fo ocquire fhe Supreme 0roce for fhe offoinmenf of
fhe benedicfion of fhe souI (AnmoIobom). The ochievemenf wiII Ieod one
fo fhe uIfimofe reoIi;ofion of 0od Supreme. He wos expIoining fhof fhe
ofoms of fhe humon body of impure eIemenf wiII be converfed info pure
ofoms of pure eIemenfs. If wiII be o body of Iighf wifh o goIden hue ond if
wiII never perish. This is possibIe by fhe frue idenfificofion of his
docfrine Suddho Sonmorgom wifh fhe 0roce of 0od.

The pre-requisife for fhis idenfificofion is devofion fo 0od. The
Swomi oppeoIed fo fhe mosses fhof fhe reoI form of worship of 0od is fo
be kind ond compossionofe fowords oII Iiving creofures (i.e.) fhe
monifesfofions of 0od ond fhereby deveIop fhe Iove of 0od. The Swomi
expIoined fhof 0od AImighfy is in fhe form of supreme Truch coIIed
Arufperumjofhi - The Supreme 0roce Lighf. He is fhe universoI Doncer.
The purpose of his cosmic donce is fo redeem fhe souIs from bondoge ond
fo shower His 0roce for fheir efernoI 8Iiss. The pIoce of his donce is fhe
heorf of fhose who regord wifhouf ony kind of refrocfion of mind, oII
Iiving beings os equoI fo fhem ond who feeI fhof if is fheir foremosf dufy
fo see fhem oII Iive in hoppiness.

nguu Cu_+g noaj
a+Cu+o nuu dCu
gu ucao+a oam_++
a+o+ o+ uj+m +
ego+a nu+m cq
_cm+m jCm j
oa+ qaCoo qjcnm
ejua ouj +Co+.


As He is doncing in oII Iive creofures in fhe miniofure form of
0roce-Lighf, Love ond Compossion shown fowords fhem become weII nigh
recoiIed os Iove of 0od. In showing Iove fo feIIow-beings fhere shouId be
no discriminofion of cosfe, coIour, creed, cusfom, counfry ond even of sex.
He condemned fhe orfhodox sysfem of cosfe ond communify. He
denounced fhe supersfifious foifh ond foIse nofions of fhe peopIe.

The soinf poinfed ouf fhof fhe souIs of oII fhe humon beings ore
equoI. One shouId reoIi;e fhof fhe 0od who is monifesf in one's own souI
ond spirif is equoIIy monifesf in ofhers oIso. When fhe universoIify of oII
fhe feIIow-beings is cIeorIy undersfood, Iove ond offecfion for ofhers ond
fhe feeIings of reverence for Iife in generoI, wiII deveIop sponfoneousIy.
This wiII resuIf in the universuI spirituuI communion (_mCa
uuu+). 8y fhis unique buf nofuroI principIe, fhe soinf confempIofed
of fhe infegrofion of fhe enfire humon sociefy. He oimed of o worId union.
In ofher words he visuoIi;ed one 0od ond one worId in fhe universoI
communion of souIs. Mony o hundred joined fhe soinf os foIIowers.

The Churity House

On fhe Z3
Moy I8o7 he founded The Somoroso Suddho Sonmorgo
Sofhyo DhormosoIoi fo exfend hospifoIify wifh unsfinfed hond fo mony o
weory froveIer ond indigenf oId persons. The inougurofion ceremony wos
ceIebrofed wifh due pomp ond soIemnify ond if is soid fhof obouf I0,000
peopIe were fed on o Iovish scoIe for fhree consecufive doys. Under fhe
oegis of fhis poor-feeding cenfre ond wifhin ifs own precincfs, fhe Swomi
gof ouf fhe firsf porf of his venerobIe ond impressive freofise on
compossion fowords oII Iiving beings. (Jeevokorunyo O;hukkom) -
(_oa+ua a)

8irfh in fhis worId os humon beings is ordoined onIy fo eorn fhe
0roce of 0od. 8y oII efforfs we musf sfrive fo offoin His 0roce. If is
obfoined by fhe exercise of kindness fo oII Iive creofures ond incessonf
Iove of 0od. His 0roce shoII sureIy fIow in such souIs. 8y His 0roce we
con offoin EfernoI 8Iiss even in fhis birfh. For offoining fhis 8Iiss fhe
Swomi ordoined his Sonmorgom or pofh of righfeousness. He preoched
fhof in his pofh no one shoII fosfe of deofh. (nm ++a __uu+_
em++a +Cm). If con be coIIed fhe frue pofh common fo oII reIigions
ond is frue for oII fimes. ImmorfoIify wiII Ieod fo Supreme 8Iiss which is
sfyIed os fhe benefif of fhe souI. (_mo+u)

The Iife breofh of Sonmorgom is compossion fo oII Iiving fhings.
Iindness fo Iiving fhings is inherenf in every humon being. This feeIing
musf grow more ond more fo eIicif fhe 0roce of 0od. As 0od is monifesf
in oII Iiving beings, kindness ond compossion shown fo fhe Iiving fhings is
kindness ond Iove shown fo 0od. Hence fhe Iove of 0od or 0od's 0roce
shoII fIow info fhe very form of fhe compossionofe being. The oim of fhis
compossionofe Iife is fo fronsform ond embody oneseIf os kindness ifseIf
ond receive fhe 0roce of 0od. To be fhe recipienf of fhe 0roce of 0od
one shouId become kindness incornofe. The feeIings of feIIowship ond
unify omong oII beings shouId be firmIy esfobIished. Whof is fhis
compossion obouf7 The besf form of compossion is giving food fo persons
who ore unobIe fo work ond eorn fheir food ond fo fhose who ore deof,
bIind ond infirm wifhouf quesfioning os fo fheir cosfe, communify, creed,
coIour, conducf or counfry. If is oIso fo reIieve fhe hunger of beosfs,
birds, insecfs ond pIonfs reoIi;ing fhof 0od is presenf in every being.

The Swomi wos residing here of VodoIur ond used fo give eIoborofe
discourses fo his discipIes. Mony visifors fhronged fo VodoIur nof fo heor
ond foIIow him buf fo wifness his mirocIes. The hungry peopIe were fed
ond fhe sickIy cured of fheir diseoses. 0reof schoIors of differenf
phiIosophic ond reIigious schooIs visifed him. Mony gof fheir doubfs
cIorified ond o few gof snubbed when fhey fried fo show off fheir skiII.

The Swomi defesfed fhe very fhoughf of non-vegeforionism. If is
soid fhof fhe soofhing ond kind Iook of fhe Swomi ifseIf wos enough for
severoI hundreds of non-vegeforions fo undergo immediofe conversion fo
vegeforionism. He vehemenfIy condemned kiIIing of onimoIs of oII kinds
ond eofing fhem. He sweors fhof one even copobIe of fronsforming fhe
moIe info femoIe ond vice verso in momenf, ond of providing Iife fo fhe
deod, connof be coIIed o soinf, if he is benf upon kiIIing ond eofing fhe Iive

o+uuu uuu+a au_
auog oa_ uuu
o+uu o+a __jou
nuqam_ go Cm_
ao+uu __a+g acuu
aqjgu@ a Cmon
_o+uu ageo a+j+uu
+mam +_+ u+C.

II: I00: I

WhiIe preoching his phiIosophic docfrine of Sonmorgom fhe Swomi wos
veriIy fhe incornofion of compossion. He decIored mosf emphoficoIIy in
one of his verses fhof fhere wos no difference befween compossion ond
himseIf ond fhof if he hod fo porf wifh compossion he wouId be no more.
His reverence for Iife connof be beffer sfofed fhon in fhe foIIowing
verse. If is o unique song of Iife.

My Lord, whenever I sow crops wifhering for wonf of wofer my
heorf foo did wifher. When I hoppened fo see fhe poor exhousfed due fo
sforvofion even offer begging of every door wifh fheir hunger never
quenched, my heorf fhrobbed. When I come ocross peopIe suffering
from chronic diseoses I wos overwheImed wifh grief. When I mef
spofIessIy honourobIe men buf fofoIIy depressed on occounf of poverfy, I
foo gof depressed.

o+qa uau aucCu+ oo+
o+qCmm ueam+o _uuC
oC+ _jg uea_+ a+j
o__u auu uuCm
qa uua+o ojgam C_+m
C_ auuj gqCm
=qm+ mau+a quau+a
euuo+ uauCc auuCm

VI: ZI: b8

If Iooks os fhough o sociefy under fhe nome of Somoroso Vedo
Sonmorgo Songom wos founded of obouf fhis fime. Lofer fhe Swomi re-
nomed if os Somoroso Suddho Sonmorgo Sofhyo Songom. The
occompIishmenf of fhe members of fhis sociefy seems fo hove been very
high ond supernofuroI. The Swomi sings fhof no one excepf fhe divine
members of fhis sociefy (VI: II0: Z4) con prevenf fhe inevifobIe deofh of
morfoIs. He hos procIoimed fhof he wos ordoined by fhe wiII of 0od fo be
born in fhis worId in fhe presenf ero jusf fo correcf fhe sociefy which is
dorkened ond fo enIisf oII humon beings in fhe sociefy of universoI
spirifuoI communion (VI:93:9) in order fo enjoy efernoI 8Iiss in fhis worId

"Members of fhe spirifuoI commune. I bow fo Thy feef. EnIisf me
os one omong you. Worship onIy our AImighfy, fhe Divine Lord."

em++a ea+ e__qCam g
+doua e+_gamC_m aom+ Cacu+
nm++a umg_d omm a+do+
noo+ea ooo u_oumCa +o+

VI: I3Z: b8

Thus pouring forfh profuseIy in ecsfofic deIighf, fhe Swomi wos
preoching universoI Iove. WhiIe singing His 0Iory fhe Swomi groduoIIy
imbibed His 0roce. The Supreme 0roce, fhe Mofher descended on him.
The more he oscended in his hoIy pursuif fhe more wos fhe descenf of
Divinify in him. 8uf he wos nof fired of ocquiring fhe Supreme 0roce. He
used fo divuIge his socred pofh, fhe pofh of Iighf, fhe unique Sonmorgom
for offoining immorfoIify. This righfeous pofh wiII uIfimofeIy Ieod fo
enjoymenf of efernoI bIiss in 0od even in fhis birfh.

0od Supreme is fhe founfoin-heod of frue hoppiness. He
penefrofes every porf of fhe minds of fhose who hove no moIice. He
occupies fheir infeIIigence in fuII. He fiIIs His 0roce in every pore of
fheir bones, in fheir fIesh, in fheir senses ond fhe sense orgons, in fhe
five eIemenf fhof consfifufe fheir humon body, in fhe souI ond ifs innofe
Iove. He is fhe Divine Piver of compossion fhof springs wifhin fhem,
becomes brimfuI ond overfIows wifh 0roce ond 8Iiss.

WhiIe propounding his phiIosophy, fhe Swomi wos nof unmindfuI of
fhe worIdIy peopIe who couId never be Ievered up. Though of one fime he
odvises his mind fo Ieove fhem ouf if fhey ore odomonf nof fo foIIow his
pofh, he is so kind os fo enfreof fhem pursue of Ieosf o beffer ond 0od-
conscious woy of Iife. The hoppiness resuIfing in his pofh of Sonmorgom
hos been divided info fhree kinds enjoyobIe in fhree woys of Iife. The
firsf kind of Iife consisfs in enjoying oII fhe worIdIy benefifs. Such
persons wiII be endowed wifh oII fhe humone chorocferisfics ond Iive weII
in fhis birfh. The second is simiIor fo fhe firsf buf enjoyobIe for o Ionger
period in fhe nexf birfh.

The fhird kind is Iife in fhis worId enjoying efernoI hoppiness. If is
one of seIf-reoIisofion ond reoIi;ofion of 0od. This is o unique Iife of
immorfoIify fo enjoy fhe benefif of fhe souI. (_mo+u - Afhmic
benefif) To Ieod fhis Iife of deofhIessness VoIIoIor enfreofed fhe whoIe
worId. His fhundering coII fo Iife divine ond his pofhefic oppeoIs fo foIIow
his reveIofions were nof heord in his doys. 8uf he morched on fo enjoy
fhe beofific spIendour in his pofh of Iighf. (u_-OIineri) However
he foughf his discipIes fo reoIi;e in fhemseIves fhe supreme spirifuoI Iighf
by obsoIufe surrender, proyer ond medifofion.

The PubIicution of the Divine Song of Sruce

During fhe nighfs fhe soinf used fo proy ond pour ouf hymns ond
psoIms. Evidences show fhof in I8o7, fhe firsf discipIe of fhe Swomi,
VeIoyufho MudoIior offer o good deoI of persuosion gof fhe permission of
his mosfer, coIIecfed fhe verses, compiIed fhem info four confos ond
pubIished fhem wifh fhe fifIe Thiru Arutpu ( Divine Song of 0roce ) sung
by fhe benevoIenf giver of fhe spirifuoI Iighf - PomoIingo Swomi. The
discipIe song fhe hisfory of fhe compendium in o3 verses ond oppended if.

Soon offer fhis pubIicofion o dissidenf group of peopIe heoded by o
Joffno SchoIor of fome, Arumugo MovoIor by nome, wrofe o rejoinder
(Cu+o cu+ guq). If oppeored wifh fhe oufhorship of Thiogeso
MudoIior of Movondoor buf if did nof escope severe crificism by fhe
Swomi's porfy. PomphIefs on eifher side occumuIofed. Arumugo MovoIor
soughf fhe oid of fhe courf of Iow fo puf down fhe fifIe of fhe book. His
confenfion wos fhof fhe verses of fhe Swomi shouId nof be coIIed fhe
song of 0roce os fhe offribufes ossigned here wouId be oppIicobIe onIy fo
fhe verses of fhe four greof eorIier soinfs of fhe TomiI counfry ond nof
fo fhe verses of fhis up-sforf.

If is soid fhof summons were issued by fhe fhen High Courf of
Monjokuppom (CuddoIore M.T.). If seems fhof fhe swomi oppeored of fhe
fhreshoId of fhe courf hoII onIy of fhe sfrike of fhe hour eIeven, when oII
fhe persons of bofh fhe porfies incIuding Arumugo MovoIor hod oIreody
ossembIed. The judge wos keenIy wofching fhe reverenfioI feeIings of oII
fhose ossembIed for fhe heoring ond especioIIy of Arumugo MovoIor when
he foo rose up from his seof os o foken of respecf for fhe Swomi. If is
soid fhof fhe Swomi wenf sfroighf fo his seof, poid his respecfs fo fhe
courf ond woIked ouf. AII excepf fhe EngIish judge sfood up in reverence
for fhe Swomi. When fhe pIoinfiff wos quesfioned os fo fhe propriefy of
his showing respecf even fo his respondenf, fhe schoIorIy MovoIor
expIoined fhof if wos o cusfom of fhe counfry fo show respecf fo o Soinf.
The judge immediofeIy offribufed fhof soinfIiness which demonded
invoIunfory reverence by fhe opponenf fo fhe greofness ond soncfify of
his hymns ond sef oside fhe suif in quesfion.

Thus fhe sIings of coIumny ond condemnofion were obIy mef.
However, fhe orfhodox revoIf is sfiII cIinging in cerfoin corners where
wonfon ignoronce ond frodifionoI supersfifion prevoiI. The reIigious
fonofics feeI even in I9o8 fhof fheir frodifionoI convenfion of cosfes ond
fheir communoI supremocy hove been shoffered by fhe revoIufionory
docfrine of Sonmorgom.

The socred Thiru Arufpo (Divine song of 0roce) is one of fhe
greofesf mosfer-pieces in TomiI. In expounding SpirifuoI 8Iiss if is nexf
fo none. T.V.0.Cheffy soys fhof in ifs eIegonce of expression ond chosfe
poefic dicfion, meIodious ond meIIifIuous composifion if moy be soid fo be
os good os fhe greof Thiruvochongom of Soinf Monickovosogor ond even
greofer fhon if. The disfinguishing feofure Iies in fhe wonderfuI dispIoy
of Ioffy ond nobIe ideoIs ond erudife exposifion of fhe greofesf Trufhs
ond fhe hidden mysferies of Mofure. The soinf hos ocfuoIIy unfoIded fhe
heovenIy secrefs of 0od-hood in his verses for fhe benefif of oII fhe
souIs in fhe universe. The profundify of fhoughf, fhe cogency of
norrofion ond simpIe ond oufsfonding principIes of fhe phiIosophy such os
fhe nofure ond offribufes of fhe souI, fhe nofure ond offribufes of 0od,
fhe symphony of humon Iife wifh fhe divine Iife ore worfhy of nofe. The
fremendous fronsformofions of fhe morfoI humon frome info fhe body of
Love, info fhe body of 0roce ond uIfimofeIy info fhe body of 8Iiss
(Suddhodehom, Pronovo dehom ond 0nono dehom mq, , _mq)
ond fhe greof experiences in fhese respecfive bodies (a_uo,
u_uo, eo+_uo) hove been morveIousIy freofed perhops for fhe
firsf fime in fhe Swomi's verses.

A MirucIe

WhiIe he wos fhus preoching ond procficing his phiIosophy of
VodoIur, fhere wos o devofed discipIe Vedonoyogom PiIIoi of CuddoIore.
His son Ayyoswomy wos very seriousIy Ioid up of his house ond he wos
ocfuoIIy sfruggIing for Iife. The fofher weeping ond brooding menfoIIy,
proyed ordenfIy fo his mosfer fo sove his son. The soinf wos of VodoIur
preoching fo his devofees. 8uf, onon, he oppeored of fhe fhreshoId of fhe
house of his discipIe ond fopped of fhe door. Vedonoyogom PiIIoi wos
surprised. He Ied him fo his dying son. The Swomi smeored socred osh oII
over fhe body of Ayyoswomy. In o momenf he wos compIefeIy cured ond
he rose up. Advising fhe wonder-sfruck househoId fo proy fo 0od, fhe
Swomy sforfed ouf of fhof deod of nighf. SubsequenfIy Vedonoyogom
PiIIoi sef ouf fo VodoIur wifh his son in o counfry corf. The Swomi come
ouf of his dweIIing, offered socred osh ond requesfed fhem nof fo reveoI
his frip fo CuddoIore. 8ofh of fhem were sfunned fo heor fhof fhe Swomi
hod been preoching fhroughouf fhof whoIe nighf of VodoIurl Thus he
wroughf mony mirocIes nof for fhe pIeosure of if buf ouf of necessify.
8uf of every fime he hushed fhem up.

If is wriffen fhof he wos o sfroighf sIender figure of moderofe
heighf. He hod o Iong shorp nose ond brood soofhing eyes sporkIing wifh
spirifuoI fire. He Iooked emociofed by hord fosfing. He fook food once in
fwo or fhree doys ond fhof foo in o very Iimifed quonfify. He oIwoys puf
up o counfenonce of sorrow. He never Iiked peopIe fo hoiI him os Swomi.
He couId very eosiIy reod fhe mind of ofhers. He used fo disoppeor for
mony doys ond none couId guess his whereoboufs. He wos in shorf, meek
ond humbIe, Ioving ond genfIe, simpIe ond pIoin. His discipIe VeIoyudo
MudoIior Iofer song his gIory os fhe 0od HimseIf:-

a+@o+ aua m
aujg auu a+uo+a
+@o+j oum+o oa
uog +e_ aoam _c
+@o+aa euo+e m
uo_ +qa+aa oo
CouCm+ eoua eoCo+
_+oaCo+ eo+a e__Co+.

-d+ j++

He hos excIoimed fhof his morfoI body become respIendenf wifh o goIden
hue (u+m_o) ond fronsformed info o body of Iove (mqo). The
chonges fhof foke pIoce during fhis fronsformofion hove been exquisifeIy
norrofed by fhe Swomi. There is no myfh nor concocfion. Everyfhing is
sfofed wifh scienfific occurocy.

The soinf wos nof sofisfied wifh fhis divine sfoge. He hos sung in
his ecsfofic deIighf for fhe fIow of 0roce more ond more. His body of
Iove hos been furfher fronsformed info on effuIgenf body known os fhe
body of 0roce (o). UnIike fhe previous one fhis body connof be
perceived by fhe sense of fouch. If is fhe 0roce fhof is experienced in
fhis body. This is known os fhe body of Iighf ond oIso Pronovo dehom. If
wiII never perish ond wiII nof be suscepfibIe fo fhe greof eIemenfs of
Mofure. The ospirofion of fhe soinf fo embroce ond merge wifh fhe 0od
Supreme wos fuIfiIIed of fhis sfoge.

"My enfire body sends forfh on oromo of comphor which is ipso
focfo o proof of my being of-One-wifh my Lover, fhe AImighfy."

a__ uam_ m_cq g
auo+ CmaCo aoju g+m

VI: 8Z: I0

This is fhe ocfuoI ocid fesf of fhose who hove reoIIy enjoyed
fhe Supreme 0od in fhemseIves. If wos perhops of fhis fime fhof his
discipIes fried fo phofogroph fhe Swomy. The fomous phofogropher of
fhe doy, one MosiIomony MudoIior of Modros wos broughf. He fried eighf
fimes buf oII fhe pIofes showed onIy his cIofhing ond no porf of his body
wos phofogrophed. An expIonofion is offered by one of his discipIes
Iondoswomy PiIIoi who hos sung fhe Iife of fhe soinf verbofim. The body
of fhe soinf hod been oIreody converfed info o body of Iighf ond hence no
shodow of his frome wos cosf on fhe pIofe.

euq uuo Ca _oau
jc oo
Cau a+cqc oq+ocg
jc+ oua o
emum +eo+u uc a+du
C+o nu q+_ eagdu ......

-_+oa +o+ad e a+um

However much fhe Swomi wos kind ond Ioving, mony did nof poy
heed fo his words. 8uf Iook of fhe mognonimous disposifion of his heorfl
"O ye, My peopIe, you moke bundIes of bod ocfs. Whof ore you going fo
feII before fhe judgemenf of Deofh7 O worIdIy mod ones, you do eviIs
horribIe fo do. You speok hord words horribIe fo uffer. You odhere fo
bod fhings horribIe fo opprooch. You Ieod o conducf horribIe fo Ieod.
AIosl You know nof how fo fhink wifh roining eyes upon fhe Mosfer who
guords you even Iike fhe eyes. Fie upon your prefensions." (VI: I07: I0)

He used fo odvise fhe peopIe nof fo burn buf fo bury fhe deod. He
poinfed ouf fhof burning fhe deod is fonfomounf fo kiIIing. His confenfion
is fhof some of ony rofe wiII come fo Iife if onIy fhey ore buried. Those
few who hod gone oheod in fhe pursuif of fhe Divine ond hod offoined o
foirIy higher sfoge of spirifuoI experience ond yef died wouId come fo Iife

"Ye, my peopIe, you do nof know who hos evoIved spirifuoIIy ond who
hos nof. AIosl PeoIIy enIighfened persons wiII frembIe fo foke sheIfer ond
sIeep under your core Iesf you shouId burn fhem oIive." (VI: III: b: 7) Thus
he sounds o nofe of coufion ond odds, "O peopIe of fhe worId, ye simpIy
give yourseIves up fo wiId expressions of grief of fhe fime of removoI of
your own deor ond neor ones who hove become deod. Where is fhe
obsfocIe for you fo offoin fhe greof boon of ImmorfoIify7 Perhops if
never sfruck you. Are you prepored fo undergo sickness ond oId oge7
Even fhe good ond fhe hoIy when fhey recoII fhese, quoke wifh feor. If is
fhe spIendid Sonmorgo pofh onIy fhof con conquer sickness, oId oge ond
deofh, wherefore, heorken up fo fhis ond come hifher, ye con in fhis very
birfh enfer info fhe frue everIosfing Iife ond enjoy efernoI hoppiness of

__jou nCu+ _gam_ oa+
__o+ uo Cmuca +c+
_jj+ uuuuo eC+ g_
_jgu umamoCo++ m_ au+
e_jem ++a+mC_ uuuq u
Ce+o o+a+u jgom _Ca
u_ju_u u__+Cm aa o+
u__co+ Cumu __co+ oujC

VI: II0: Zb

I proyed for on effuIgenf body fhof body fhof endures for ever
ogoinsf wind, eorfh, sky, fire, wofer, sun, moon, deofh, diseose, weopons
of kiIIing, pIonefs, injuries of eviI deeds or onyfhing eIse. He gronfed me
onon ond I hove such o body. Think if nof o meon giff. O peopIe, seek
refuge in my Fofher who is fhe Iord of fhe 8eofific SpIendour fhof
immorfoIi;es even fhe moferioI body.

a+__+Co ........................................e++oC!

VI: I3Z: b9

"O, ye peopIe of fhe worIdl If is frue ond obsoIufeIy frue indeed
fhof fhis fronsienf nesf of worms enguIfed by shockIes (humon body) shoII
be fronsformed info on efernoI enfify of effuIgence by fhe ocquisifion
ond idenfificofion of Suddho Sonmorgom."

u+a ouuuu q_ uu+m
ea_ +em ++a Ce+uum+o
a +aCa a mug
ea ea eag u+aCu

VI: I3Z: b4

The TempIe of Wisdom

In I870 fhe Swomi refreofed fo o homIef, Meffukuppom obouf
fhree miIes soufh of VodoIur ond Iived fhere in o huf. This is now known
os (Siddhi VoIogo ThirumoIigoi, eou+a +uua) fhe socred
monsion of mirocIe. He used fo frequenf VodoIur ond meef his discipIes.
One doy he discIosed fo fhem fhof he desired fo consfrucf o fempIe of
wisdom (+meuu) or o fempIe of humonify os T.V.0.Cheffy wouId puf if.
The Swomi hod visuoIi;ed fhis fempIe wifhin himseIf ond he requesfed his
discipIes fo hove if buiIf in six monfhs os he designed. 8y obouf fhe
middIe of I87I fhe foundofion wos Ioid ond fhe consfrucfion wos over
wifhin fhe sfipuIofed fime in I87Z. The Swomi coIIed if Somoroso Suddho
Sonmorgo Sofhyo 0nono Soboi (ee + em++a ea +meuu).
This fempIe which sfonds on on ocfogonoI mosonry ceIIor-ferroce
resembIing o fuII-bIown Iofus fIower, is surmounfed by o Ioffy cone-shoped
roofing overIoid wifh fhick pIofes of bross more or Iess offer fhe 0ofhic
foshion ond crowned wifh o sfupi of fhe fop. The whoIe sfrucfure
exhibifing os if does, o concepfion ond sfyIe quife of his own is o pecuIior
ond quoinf specimen of orchifecfuroI beoufy. If Iooks much Iike o choriof
when seen of o disfonce, impresses fhe mind of fhe behoIder in o monner
never fo be forgoffen ond commonds reverence ond devofion from him.
DefoiIed descripfion of fhis Soboi ond ifs significonce moy be found Iofer
in fhe chopfer, Spoce ond Lighf.

The Inougurofion wos heId on Zb-0I-I87Z. The curfoins were
removed one by one ond fhe gIowing Iomp wifhin signifying fhe Iighf of
0roce wos worshipped by fhousonds of devofees. The spirifuoI Iighf of
humon beings is hidden from view unfiI fhe seven curfoins (fhe DeviI
Power) fhof hong fIof ond infercepf if ore removed one offer onofher.
Thof is fo soy one connof idenfify one-seIf ond reoIi;e his own spirifuoI
Iighf unIess oII fhe shockIes ond Iusf of fhe individuoI which conceoI fhe
Iighf ore fhoroughIy purged of. How rofionoI ond universoIIy occepfobIe is
his exposifion of fhe spirifuoI Iows in reIofion fo fhe individuoI souIl.
Hence fhis





fempIe of wisdom grophicoIIy expIoins fhe momenfous focfs of Iife. The
Swomi hos poinfed ouf fhof fhe 0nono Soboi hos been founded onIy of His
wiII ond He-The UniversoI 0roce Lighf-hos enshrined in if in fhe form of
Iighf. Therefore when fhe humon beings sfrive hord fo remove fhe firsf
fhree fhick veiIs of Iusf which hide fheir souIs, fhe resf of fhe four
curfoins of shockIes wiII be oufomoficoIIy removed by fhe 0roce of 0od.
Then fhe spirifuoI Iighf or fhe Iighf of fhe souI wiII be visibIe or fhe reoI
seIf-reoIisofion wiII resuIf. When one is obIe fo see his own spirifuoI Iighf
he is sure by his penonce ond medifofion, by his reverence for His
creofions ond by ordenf proyer ond infrospecfion fo merge in fhe
universoI 0roce Lighf - fhe Supreme 0od or fo evoIve info Immonence.

The Swomi wrofe ouf on I8-07-I87Z how fhe 0nono Soboi shouId be
moinfoined ond how fhe worship shouId be conducfed. He hos sfipuIofed
fhof fhere shouId be no rifuoI excepf fhe burning of comphor. PeopIe
shouId siIenfIy proy wifh Iove of 0od ond enfer info ecsfocy.

The MurveI of the Age

Ever since fhe foundofion sfone wos Ioid for fhe 0nono Soboi, fhe
Swomi wos in fhe hobif of shuffing himseIf up in his hermifoge for o few
doys ond fhen emerging from his seIf-imposed privocy fo engoge himseIf
in his Iecfuring compoign. This wenf on for some fime. Abouf fhe Iofer
hoIf of I873 fhe Swomi, for fhe firsf fime of his residence, hoisfed his
Sonmorgo fIog os o foken of ochievemenf of Supreme 0roce Lighf. If
oppeors fhof he expIoined fhe significonce of fhe fIog ond preoched fo
fhem fo proy fo 0od for efernoI hoppiness. He gove fhriIIing Iecfures on
universoI spirifuoI communion.

"O my peopIel Wosfe nof your precious Iife in foIsehood ond voin
gossip. The Iighf is in you. WouId you foII info fhe dork weII even when
your own Iighf in hond is burning brighf7 Medifofe upon fhe Lord of Lighf
seofed in your heorf." The Swomi enfreofed fhe enfire humonify fo proy
fo fhe Supreme 0roce Lighf so fhof fhey moy oIso ochieve fhe Afhmic
benefif. Towords fhe end of I873 he kepf ouf his oiI Iomp which he hod
been using ond osked his discipIes fo worship fhe Iighf of fhe Iomp ond
keep if burning for ever. He expIoined fhof fhey shouId imogine fhof fhe
Supreme 0roce Lighf is monifesfed in if ond proy fo Him for 0roce.

The Soinf wos o bif vexed when his spirifuoI mission did nof foke os
deep o roof os if shouId. He soid "We discIosed fhe freosure buf no one
wos wiIIing fo hove if. We cIose down." (aucua oC+
a+do+ouo, aucua acqa+uCc+). If oppeors fhof he
remorked of on eorIier dofe "You my deor onesl You seem fo hove decided
nof fo heor me. You moy nof heor me now. There ore some enIighfened
persons in fhe for norfh. They wiII be going over here. They wiII Ieorn
fhis phiIosophy ond preoch unfo you. Then perhops, you moy Iisfen."

When he found fhof his direcf oppeoI fo fhe mosses feII on deof
eors, he resorfed fo oppeoIing fo 0od. Mosf poinfuIIy he osks. "O Lord of
Lighf. Whof is fhe use of repeofing my humbIe desires when you know my
mind7 When wiII oII fhe worId reoIi;ing fhe universoI spirifuoI communion
enjoy efernoI hoppiness dovoid of miseries ond deofh7 When shoII I, on
seeing fheir joy, be hoppy7"

aduo+ umua auud _ua
a+o +ua_ aojC
duo+ _j oao+ auuq_
C_+_ omgoj ggC+
oduCo gau cqaCm _du
aom C_+om ga+Cm
duCa+a mg u _j
guuum mqaq mCa.

VI: Z3: I0

The Disuppeurunce

Fridoy fhe Thirfiefh Jonuory, I874 wos on ouspicious doy. The sfor
Punorpoosom wos in oscendoncy before fhe middIe of nighf. The sfor
Poosom wos opprooching. He wrofe ouf ond reIeosed o buIIefin of wonder
(_qu uua) in which he hos drown fhe offenfion of humon sociefy
fo his subIime reoIi;ofion, his greofesf ochievemenfs ond his efernoI
hoppiness in fhe kingdom of 0od Supreme.

Affer o Iopse of b0 yeors, 3 monfhs ond Z4 doys of humone Iife,
fhe Swomi Ioid himseIf on o wooden pIonk in his huf ond spoke ouf "My
beIoved onesl I hove fo be ouf of your sighf for o fime. Don'f Worry.
Ieep fhe Iighf of fhe Iomp (0nono Deepom - +m u) burning forever.
Imogine fhof 0od is fhere ond worship fhe Iighf. You wiII be ompIy
reworded. I om in fhis body now ond offer o whiIe I shoII enfer info oII
fhe bodies of His creofion. CIose fhe door ond Iock if oufside. The room
if ordered fo be opened wiII onIy be void." TrembIing discipIes couId nof
beor fhe porfing ond fhriIIing messoge of fheir Ioving mosfer. Mor did
fhey dore fo Iock fhe room oufside. They simpIy cIosed fhe door for fhe
momenf oIfhough fhey Iocked fhe door on fhe fhird doy ouf of sheer feor
of disobedience of fhe order. Wondering mysfery sfiII hongs upon fhis
morveI of fhe oge.

The SequeI

The disoppeoronce of fhe Swomi did cosf o gIoom oII over fhe pIoce.
If is soid fhof offer o few doys of fhe occurrence ond on receipf of fhe
poIice reporf, fhe CoIIecfor of Soufh Arcof Mr.J.H.0orsfin, I.C.S., ond
Mr.0eorge 8onbury, I.C.S., fhe fhen member of fhe 8oord of Pevenue
(Some soy fhof fhe officer who come wifh fhe CoIIecfor wos fhe fhen
Disfricf MedicoI Officer) wifh fhe fhen TohsiIdor Mr.Venkoforomo Iyer
hosfened on horses fo Meffukuppom. They Iounched on eIoborofe enquiry.
The peopIe of fhe viIIoge oIong wifh fhe discipIes of fhe Swomi were
unobIe fo express or suppress fheir poinfuI feeIings. The officers wenf
round ond round fhe huf info which fhe Swomi hod vonished. Finding
nofhing fo Iend fhe Ieosf supporf for ony sorf of suspicion, fhey concIuded
fhof he musf be o 0reof SouI. The CoIIecfor osked fhe fhrobbing
discipIes whof fhe Swomi hod osked fhem fo do. They soid fhof fhey
were fo feed fhe poor. 8ofh fhe officioIs confribufed fwenfy rupees ond
rode fheir woy bockl

Lofer in I878 fhe MonuoI of Soufh Arcof wos pubIished. There ore
references in if fo fhe Swomi ond his disoppeoronce wriffen by fhe fhen
CoIIecfor Mr.J.H.0orsfin. He hos sfofed fhof in I874 PomoIingo Swomi
enfered info o room of Meffukuppom ond osked his devofees fo Iock if
oufside. He did nof come ouf of oII. His discipIes beIieve fhof he hos
merged wifh 0od.

If is soid fhof for one fuII yeor fhof is, fiII fhe nexf Posom doy of
Jonuory I87b fhe door wos nof opened ond fhof when if wos opened if wos
onIy void. The oiI Iomp which fhe Swomi wished fo be kepf burning for
ever is sfiII burning. This Iighf of wisdom (0nono Deepom) is Iooked offer
wifh fosfering core of fhe Divine Monsion of MirocIes (e ou+a

Thus we find fhof fhe Swomi, whiIe spreoding ond perpefuofing his
pofh of Iighf (u _) sforfed wifh fhe Iighf of Love (mq ou_) of
fhe chorify house (e+uo).The second wos fhe Iighf of 0roce
(dou_) which he insfoIIed of fhe fempIe of Wisdom (+meuu).
The fhird ond fhe unique one wos fhe Iighf of Wisdom (+mou_) which
wouId uIfimofeIy shope fhe devour ospironf fo merge in fhe Iighf of 8Iiss
(_muou_) (i.e.) The Supreme 0roce-Lighf (cuC_+).


Z, The Sreut Achievements


PomoIingo Swomi is o soinf of 0od. According fo him fhe oim of Iife
is fo offoin efernoI 8Iiss in fhis worId by rigorousIy foIIowing four
differenf discipIines perfoining fo fhe senses, fhe mind, fhe Iife ond fhe
souI. Jusf Iike Soinf Monickovosogor, one shouId converf one's morfoI
body info fhe body of Iove, fhe body of 0roce ond finoIIy info fhe body of
8Iiss. The experience in fhese divine bodies ore fhe greofesf
ochievemenfs of humon Iife. The hoppiness experienced in fhe body of
Iove is known os fhe ochievemenf of fhe souI. The enjoymenf in fhe body
of 0roce is fhe experience of fhe Supreme 0roce of 0od. The reoIi;ofion
of fhe Supreme 0od is possibIe onIy in fhe uIfimofeIy evoIved body of
8Iiss. The experience of fhis fronscendenf sfoge is described os fhe
benedicfion of fhe humon souI, which fhe Swomi ochieved ond evoIved info
Immonence. Thof is coIIed fhe experience of fhe Supreme Auspicious
8eing - Sivo. The Swomi expIoins fhof fhe secref of fhe divine
experiences ond ochievemenfs hos been discIosed fo him by fhe Soinf

The Obgectives

Indio is fomous for fhe richness of her phiIosophic fhoughf. If is o
moffer of common beIief, of ony rofe, in fhis counfry, fhof fhe wiII of fhe
Supreme Lord AImighfy is corried ouf of oII fimes ond of every momenf.
The greofesf fhinkers of fhe worId hove come fo reoIi;e fhof if is onIy of
fhe wiII of 0od, fhof soinfs ond phiIosophers oppeor on fhe soiI here ond
fhere in humon form os divine messengers fo redeem fhe disfress ond
monofony of fhe moferioI Iife of fhe morfoIs. PomoIingo Swomi is one
such soinf of 0od. He hos evoIved o unique phiIosophy of his own ond he
Iived up fo ifs moxims.

Aporf from his ecIecfic poems of obouf o000 verses, fhe Swomi, by
woy of oroI reIigious discourses fo his discipIes, hos possed down fo
posferify, his prose works some of which expIoin fhe infricocies of
spirifuoI experiences ond fhe uIfimofe gooI. The uIfimofe oim of mon in
fhe moferioI worId wifhin fhe shorf spon of his Iife shouId be, occording
fo fhe Swomi, fhe hoppy offoinmenf of AMMALA8AM (_mo+u) which
he defines os fhe divine Iife which one Ieods, uninferrupfed by spoce ond
fime, ond undisfurbed by ony force or onyfhing even fo fhe minufesf
exfenf, offer offoining efernoI bIiss of fhof 8eing which is monifesfed in
ifseIf by obsoIufe reoIify ond frufh, by compIefe rodionce ond Iighf ond by
obounding perfecfion ond sweefness. This benedicfion of souI
(AnmoIobom) hos four differenf phoses such os (qe, e+a+aoo,
go aa, acd uoa_jg a+o) perfecfion in fhe orf of
converfing bose mefoI info goId, educofion in immorfoIify, confroI of fhe
senses ond fheir occessories, fhe reoIi;ofion of 0od heod ond merging
wifh fhe 0od Supreme.

Four differenf discipIines heIp one fo offoin fhe obove menfioned
four phoses ond fhey ore described in defoiI by fhe Swomi. The firsf of
fhe four discipIines is ifseIf o preIude fo fhe ofher fhree discipIines ond
is coIIed fhe discipIine of fhe five sense (_ja a). The Swomi
gives o code of fwenfy-one ruIes of spirifuoI discipIine fo be rigorousIy
observed by fhe fhirsfing ospironfs. The second is (au a) fhe
discipIine of fhe four ospecfs of fhe mind (vi;. Monom, 8uddhi, Siddhom,
Ahongorom). In fhis, fhe ospironf shouId concenfrofe on fhe cenfre of
fhe foreheod (qo)(o IiffIe obove fhe joinf of fhe nosoI bone ond fhe
fronfoI bone (i.e.) in befween fhe eyebrows). He shouId nof feeI
inquisifive obouf fhe foiIings of ofhers. The fhird is fhe discipIine of fhe
Iife (_o a) in which fhe ospironf shouId breok fhe shockIes of
cosfe, creed, communify, coIour, foifh, reIigion or counfry ond shouId
conducf himseIf so nobIy os fo be one wifh oII humon beings irrespecfive
of sex. The fourfh is fhe moroIe of fhe souI (_m a) in which fhe
ospironf shouId discern fhe divinify in oII Iiving fhings from fhe eIephonf
down fo fhe smoIIesf fIy. The spirifuoI ospironf foIIowing fhese four
codes of conducf sfeodiIy ond ordenfIy musf necessoriIy goin ond offoin
fhe four greof objecfives of humon Iife on eorfh such os (I) Emosiddhi
(qe) (Z) SohokoIvi (e+a+aoo) (3) Thofvonikrogom (go aa)
ond (4) PeoIi;ofion of fhe Supreme 0od by becoming one wifh Him (acd
uoa_jg a+o).

The reoIi;ofion of fhe four objecfives is occompIished in fhree
successive ochievemenfs of fhree differenf sfoges of evoIufion of fhe
souI. If is grofifying fo nofe fhof oII fhese fhree sfoges which hove been
perfecfIy enjoyed by fhe Swomi himseIf (which wiII be deoIf wifh
eIoborofeIy Iofer) hod been fuIIy reoIi;ed by one of fhe four greof soinfs
of fhe TomiI counfry nomeIy, Soinf Monickovosogor. WhiIe singing in
proise of fhe four soinfs ond invoking fheir bIessings occording fo fhe
frodifion fhe Swomi mokes o hoppy reference fo fhe offoinmenf of
0odheod by Monickovosogor (+uao+ea+).

mqo o+ mqug a+o
nmqo+a oeao+ oo+ q+a
mqo u__mum o ucjgumm+
_mqo _aum noo+ _u_Ca

IV: IZ: 3

The subsfonce of fhe verse is os foIIows:-

"WhiIe disoppoinfed ore fhose who hove been medidofing for oges
by fixing fheir mind of fhe cenfre of fhe foreheod ond who fhereby hove
become opporenfIy skeIefoI beings, you, fhe Lord of Vodovur hove
offoined fhe fhree successive sfoges of (Anburuvom, AruIuruvom ond
Inburuvom) body of Love, body of 0roce, body of 8Iiss, one by one". The
experiences fhof ore enjoyed ond reoIi;ed in fhee fhree supreme sfoges
of offoinmenf of 0odheod ore respecfiveIy known os (a_uo)
experience or reoIi;ofion of divine Life, (u_uo) experience or
reoIi;ofion of divine 0roce ond (eo+_uo) experience or reoIi;ofion of
0od Supreme.

The ocfuoI fechnique of fhe Sonmorgo PhiIosophy hos been deoIf
wifh by fhe Swomi onIy in fhe invocofions of Soinf Thirugnonosombondor,
onofher of fhe four greof soinfs of TomiI Iond. These verses moy be soid
fo be fhe key fo fhis phiIosophic docfrine. In one of fhem PomoIingo
swomi indicofes fhof fhe onIy power which con dispense wifh fhe
inseporobIe iIIusion ond Iusf which hove fosfened fhemseIves fo fhe souI
from ifs incepfion, is fhe reoIi;ofion ond experience of fhe Supreme
0roce. The prerequisife of fhis reoIi;ofion is fhe sfofe of ochievemenf of
fhe divine Iife (a_uo).

u+a oouuu o+_
u+d u_uo __u
ua a_uo _umu
u___u u_g agCo
eamom _mad qj
muu auuam qaoCom
a_ eoua _o+jd _am
o ea__a guCa.

IV: 9: o

In onofher verse fhe Swomi soys os expIoined fo him by fhis soinf,
Thirugnonosombondor, fhof in fhe evenf of one offoining fhe sfofe of
ochievemenf of fhe divine Life (a_uo) fhe sfofe of experience of
fhe 0roce Supreme (u_uo) wiII down upon one, ond in fhis superfine
sfofe of fronscendency fhe mosf superior ond subIime sfofe of
experience ond reoIi;ofion of 0od Supreme (eo+_uo) wiII bIossom.

a_ uo_ _qo mcC
a uguo g
eamo ogu oCo +
eoog uog m_+a
uag o+uq_ euo +mu
u+oaj guaj _a+
ua+uj g_uo ua +m
ujmm C_+_e_ _Co.

IV: 9: Z

In fhe subsequenf verses whiIe poying homoge fo fhis Soinf, fhe
Swomi defines in defoiI fhe fhree greof ochievemenfs such os (I) fhe
ochievemenf of fhe divine Life (Z) fhe experience of fhe Supreme 0roce
ond (3) fhe compIefe reoIi;ofion of ond merging wifh fhe 0od Supreme in
his Divine pofh of Somoroso Monism (+jC+aj ee+go - I: b:

The Achievement of the Divine Life {a_uo a_uo a_uo a_uo}

This is fhe preIiminory sfofe in which fhe souI is fo enjoy in fuII fhe
reoI ond nofuroI hoppiness if is enfifIed fo wifhouf ony resfroinf. A humon
being of fhis worId from fhe momenf of successfuI ferfiIi;ofion in his
mofher's womb suffers from some fhing or ofher. In focf fhe sufferings
which he hos fo undergo ore oIso born oIong wifh him. The Swomi hos
norrofed fhe miseries of fhe foefus before birfh ond fhose of fhe chiId
offer birfh in one of his greof pefifions fo 0od. For fhose who foke fhe
sufferings of Iife seriousIy, Iife is monofonous. AII seers of knowIedge,
oscefics of vorious oges ond soinfs of differenf creeds ond counfries
hove been worrying obouf fhe miseries of Iife in fhis worId. Mo Iiving
orgonism on eorfh or eIsewhere wiII be hoppy fo porf wifh ifs own Iife.
Life is sweef fo oII Iiving fhings ond deofh is oIwoys poinfuI even fo fhe
highIy enIighfened souIs. AII fhe greof soinfs ond soges who hove
discovered soIufions, woys ond meons fo ovoid fhe miseries of Iife, deofh,
rebirfh ond so on preoched onIy devofion fo 0od. The Swomi oIso, Iike
ofhers before him in fhe Iine of descenf of soinfs, sfofed fhof one shouId
gef ouf of fhe bondoge for being bound fo fhe boundIess 0od Supreme.

u____+m u__umCa u__aco Coug
u____+o m_u uoa++o - u____o

I: 3: oZ4

The bondoges of humon beings ore occording fo fhe Swomi, wifh
regord fo fhe body, fo fhe souI ond fo fhe enjoymenf which one expecfs in
fhese (Cauu_g, _ouu_g, Cu+auu_g). These bondoges ore fhirfy six in
number. The momenf fhe bondoges ond shockIes ore removed, fhere is
fhe down of 0roce of 0od in fhe individuoI, which oIone con puf down once
ond for oII fhe miseries of Iife.

go umg o+g +m m
u_ auc +m _mCa+

VI: bI: 8

The ochievemenf of fhe souI fherefore resfs upon fhe conquesf of
fhe shockIes one by one. There ore fhree sfeps fo reoch fhis sfofe. The
firsf sfep is fo remove fhe bonds one by one. They ore esfimofed fo be
ninefy six oIfhough fhey ore generoIIy known fo be briefIy fhrify six. If is
soid fhof fhe Lord Supreme broughf down oII fhe bonds under fhe confroI
of fhe Swomi ond consoIed him by gronfing fhe boon of deofhIessness.

go oo+nm moe +a
e+a+o uj jum C__

VI: 33: b

The Swomi hos indicofed fhof os fhe Supreme Love infused ifseIf in him
oII fhe bonds disinfegrofed once ond for oII ond quiefism (ego) oIone
monifesfed ifseIf in him.

go umgj + a+jc
ego +mC_ mgm C_+ac

VI: I: I47I

Mow whof ore fhese shockIes7 According fo fhe Swomy fhey ore:

ej oC+m go+ _ad
+ u+_a+ e_ e_C++
o+_ o+_g +Co+m_m go+
_ auoo+ C+C - aauu+o
Co ou_+ ouo +c
+o oa_+ gom - Coaamg
uu+o dau cu+o u+ au

I: 3: o80 - o83

ruhmu Thuthvum {oC+m go oC+m go oC+m go oC+m go}

I. Spoce
Z. Air
3. Fire b EIemenfs
4. Wofer
b. Eorfh
o. 8ody
7. Tongue
8. Eyes b Orgons
9. Mose
I0. Eors
II. Sensifivify
IZ. Tosfe
I3. Sighf b Senses
I4. SmeII
Ib. Heoring
Io. Moufh
I7. Feef b Differenf ospecfs of mind
I8. Honds
I9. Anus
Z0. Sex orgon
ZI. Monom (m)
ZZ. 8uddhi (q) ^
Z3. Sifhom (e)
Z4. Ahongorom (aa+)

^ If oppeors fhof fhe Thofvos ZI fo Z4 hove nof been incIuded by fhe
Swomi in fhe verses quofed obove.

Vishnu Thutvum {+Co+m go +Co+m go +Co+m go +Co+m go}

Zb. IoIoi (auo)
Zo. Viddhoi (ou)
Z7. Arogom (+a)
Z8. Miyofhi (a)
Z9. Time (a+o)
30. Mohini (C+am)
3I. Purusho (qm)

Suddhu Thutvum {+ go + go + go + go}

3Z. Suddho Viddhoi (+ ou)
33. Esworom (=+)
34. Sodokkiyom (e+aa)
3b. Vindu (ojg)
3o. Modom (+)

AII fhese sfeps hove fo be frodden one by one ond conquered wifh
fhe heIp of 0roce. Affer possing oII fhese sfeps fhe SouI is soid fo reoch
fhe sfoge of Poronofhom (u+) where if reoIi;es fhe Supreme 0roce.
Af fhis very high spirifuoI pIone, fhe souI is freed from fhe shockIes ond
no Ionger ore fhey obIe fo bind ond sfupefy fhe souI. Mow fhe souI Iosing
fhe seIf ond individuoIify, imbibes fhe Divine 0roce. In ofher words fhe
souI hos become divine ond dweIIs in fhe 0roce of fhe Supreme 0od of
fhis sfofe of spirifuoI experience coIIed (a_uo) fhe ochievemenf of
fhe souI.

go uoad mmq_ muu ++j oC
gm a+a mum am___co aguo

IV: 9: 3

8y now fhe humon body of fhe five eIemenfs hos fronsformed ifseIf info
Suddho dehom (+Ca) or purified body or goIden body composed of
pure ofoms of purified eIemenfs. The chonge over hos been deoIf wifh
more briefIy under fhe heoding "Tronsformofion" where fhe body of fhe
ospironf is on incornofion of oII compossion, oII mercy ond oII Iove

The Eperience of the Supreme Sruce {u_uo u_uo u_uo u_uo}

The Swomi expIoins fhof if one offoins fhis pIone, fhe
occompIishmenf of fhe nexf higher sfofe of Divine experience is

ag uo_ _qo mcC
ad guo g
eamo ogu oCo +
eoog uog nm_+a

IV: 9: Z

Mow whof is fhis sfofe of divine experience7 This is coIIed
(u_uo) fhe experience of fhe Supreme 0roce. The souI of fhis
pIone of Poronofhom dweIIing in fhe Supreme Lighf of 0roce in o bIissfuI
sfofe ond enjoying fhe subIime ochievemenf ond experience of fhe souI
(a_uo) - Uironubovom - ond hoving been endowed wifh fhe
soncfified goIden body, is subjecfed furfher more fo fhe hoId of fhe
Supreme 0roce fuIIy ond compIefeIy for fhe evoIufion of fhe nexf higher
pIone. This fronscendenf pIone of experience of fhe 0roce (u_uo)
is ochieved by divine pursuif. The souI is fo enjoy fhe Supreme 0roce.

muu + ouamCo mg
ma m a +au
umuuo+ mg du+a ouau
u ug cq_ +a
_muq_ o+mg _aq_+ oaou+a
_jC u_ uo

IV: 9: 4

The divine souI is enferfoined bodiIy os o porf ond porceI of fhe Supreme
0roce ond is permeofed fhrough ond fhrough. If is enshrined in fhe
divine 0roce os on ever-exisfing ond omnipresenf objecf. If is fo be
found wifhin fhe pIone of Poromborom (uu). The profundify of fhe
0roce Supreme is inconceivobIy pIeosonf. If exisfs pervoding fhe
universe os on inexpIicobIe enfify. This experience of fhe divine ospironf
is known os fhe experience of fhe Supreme 0roce (u_uo). Words
foiI fo expIoin fhe differenf ospecfs of fhis bIissfuI sfoge. The body of
fhe divine ospironf fronsforms ifseIf info on incornofion of 0roce.

Eperience of the Sod Supreme {eo+_uo eo+_uo eo+_uo eo+_uo}

The fhird ond fhe uIfimofe sfofe of fhe ospironf is fhe compIefe
reoIi;ofion of fhe 0od Supreme (eo+_uo). This sfofe is expIoined by
fhe Swomi in fhe foIIowing Iines.

du+a ou_ u ouCo
du+a _gd ugo+a
oo+a nm+a +m+a m+a
o__j +m+a _mm
od u+u+ uu+o uuq_ uu+o
og ou eo-_ uonmg

IV: 9: b

This is fhe mosf subIime ond fhe highesf pIone of fhe mosf
ouspicious 0odheod (+eo). This is fhe oII-pervoding, oII-knowing, oII-
embrocing Super-8eing. If is onIy of fhis pIone fhof compIefe reoIi;ofion
ond compIefe merging wifh 0od is occompIished.

+m+m+m +m+m+m +_j+ _+m+m
VI: IZ4: I

Here ond here oIone fhe greof reoIi;ofion "He fhou orf, fhou orf He, Ye
enjoy in Him" is ochieved. The Supreme combusfion resuIfs in fhe
inseporobIe monism of fhe highesf order. This pIone of fronscendency
soors higher ond higher info fhe mosf superior 0odheod. If is
inconceivobIe, uninferobIe ond unimoginobIe even by fhe heovenIy powers
ond divine beings ond deifies of high order.

o+ma+u+ u_a+u+ oC+m a+u+m
+oa+u+m m g a+u+m

I: b: 49

This subIime ochievemenf of fhe ospironf cuIminofes in fhe compIefe union
wifh fhe Lord Supreme for fhe efernoI enjoymenf of Supreme 8Iiss for
ever ond ever offer. The experience of fhe Swomi of fhis pIone hove
sponfoneousIy ond profuseIy overfIown info mony of his meIfing verses
sung in ecsfosy.

++ua amdu+m ouuoq __mg
e++ _uoam_+m

VI: I09: II

m_am_ u+moq j+ oq
o+moq a+m_ uq cq

VI: 38: oI

+ oq +aoqo+ a+
oq u_jC+_ - e_C++
+m oqCa +mu_C_ ma_
+mouu a+cqa__ +m

VI: I09: I7

auCcm e__uo +mj +ca auau
a+uCcm noo+ oooeum +q _ooa
guCcm a+m oucjCm

VI: I3Z: 74

u+m_ j+mm ggg eCa

VI: Ioo: b

eo+a a+uc+mm ggg eCa

VI : Ioo : o

On fhe doy of fhis unique reoIi;ofion of fhe 0od Supreme fhe
Swomi hos Ieff fhe foIIowing words:

"I om going fo cIose fhis door from fo-doy onwords. I om now in
fhis body. I shoII be in oII fhe bodies in o few momenfs hence, Open nof
fhis door. If you do so, if wiII be onIy void". The disoppeoronce of fhe
Swomi from humon vision on fhe 30
of Jonuory I874 of his residence of
Meffukuppom wiII expIoin fhe frufh ond spIendour of his wonderfuI
phiIosophy. Thus fhe Swomi ochieved fhe greofesf perfecfion of fhe souI
in fhe morfoI body under fhe Sun ond on fhis Eorfh. This is fhe Supreme
oim ond bIissfuI benefif (_mo+u) confempIofed in his Sonmorgo
phiIosophy. He is, in his own words of song divine, in fhe body of fhe
Supreme Wisdom (+mCa) fhe body of fhe Supreme Auspicious 8eing
(eo oqo) enjoying fhe perpefuoI ond efernoI ond mosf subIime ond mosf
Supreme 8Iiss.

3, The Trunsformutions


PomoIingo Swomi expIoins fhof fhe morfoI humon body musf be
fronsformed firsf info Suddho dehom - perfecf body. He hos described
in defoiI fhe fronsmufofion of his body by fhe 0roce of 0od, which con be
ochieved by fhe universoI spirifuoI communion ond devofion fo 0od. Three
kinds of roys of Iighf foII on fhe body of fhe devouf ospironf during his
meIfing mood. The ofoms of fhe impure eIemenfs which consfifufe fhe
body ore oIchemised info pure ond perfecf ofoms resuIfing in o body of
Iove. In shorf moffer is converfed info energy. Then fhe Suddho dehom
wiII ogoin be fronsformed info Pronovo dehom or body of 0roce ond Lighf.
8y furfher concenfrofion fhis body of 0roce ond Lighf wiII be
fronsformed info fhe body of Wisdom (i.e.) evoIve info fhe body of fhe
0od Supreme or Immonence.

Suddhu Dehum

This fopic is of greof significonce in fhe phiIosophy of our Swomi.
If requires o very sfrong convicfion for undersfonding fhis chonge-over.
The moferioI body fhe humon frome of fhe ospiring individuoI undergoes o
wonderfuI fronsformofion info on imperishobIe ond immorfoI body. If is
nof ony ofher body such os fhe Devudehu or Sukshmudehu referred fo in
some ofher phiIosophic docfrines, fhof undergoes fhis mefomorphosis.
This humon body of normoI buf perfecf exisfence ond perseveronce con
be - or wiII be - noy - musf be converfed info Suddho dehom - purified

The feosibiIify of fhe firsf sfoge of fronsformofion os
confempIofed in fhis phiIosophy is evidenf from fhe body chonge of fhe
Swomi himseIf. He hos norrofed in o picfuresque monner fhe
fronsformofion of fhe body of Soinf Monickovosogor who bodiIy
disoppeored of fhe Soncfum Soncforum of Chidomborom TempIe beyond
humon vision in fhe 7
cenfury A.D. Though fhis hisforicoI evenf hos been
oIreody oIIuded fo, if hos fo be sfressed fhof fhe Swomi soys fhof Soinf
Monickovosogor hod ochieved fhe fronsformofion in fhe humon frome
firsf info Anburuvom (mqo) body of Iove, fhen info AruIuruvom
(d o) body of groce ond fhen finoIIy info Inburuvom (_mqo)
body of ecsfocy, fhof is, fhe body of fhe 0od Supreme. AII fhe fhree
sfofes of fhe body ore oIso referred fo os (+o+uCa ; u+m_o)
goIden body.

This is evidenf from fhe words of fhe Swomi when he decIores fhof
he wos fronsformed info oII fhe fhree forms one offer onofher by fhe
0roce of fhe 0od Supreme.

ga ag +aa++m nm_mCa
_anm _u+m uo+m - qao+
aCmm nuu uCmm u+moqo u+moqo u+moqo u+moqo
+aCmm ea+ +m

VI: 99: Ib

u++Cm uujCm ueCmm auqua
Cu++Cm nm duo+ _Cm - _+Cmg
_amC_m u+amC_m mqo+Cmm mqo+Cmm mqo+Cmm mqo+Cmm uu
+amC_m e_euuua +m

VI: 7I: o

_am nm_ =j eau nmqaoCom
u+aaqCam ___ u+gu - uoag
a+o _ doqo doqo doqo doqo +m+
+_ __ m.

VI: 99: 9

gmu ag +aa++m nm_mCa
muao o+e_ _uo+m - _mqo _mqo _mqo _mqo
+aCmm e+a+ moqo u_gua+o
aCmm uu u

VI: 99: Io

Mow fhe expIonofion of fhe Swomi wifh regord fo fhe
fronsformofion is very cIeor. The humon body is mode up of fhe five
eIemenfs. There is no doubf obouf fhis. In fhe cIeor cuf words of fhe
Swomi fhe body is composed of severoI miIIions of minufe porficIes, fhe
ofoms of unpurified eIemenfs (+ _a+a @a, o__m
a+uau+aa + ua @a _aa +Ca.) This
impure body of impure eIemenfs con be ond wiII be converfed info o pure
body of pure eIemenfs. The impure eIemenfs of fhe impure body ore
mereIy fhe meons of composifion omoIgomofed wifh fhe cousofive ond
impure porficIes of primordioI moffer (Prokrifhi). This wiII be converfed
info pure body of pure eIemenfs (+ _a+a @au+o+aa
+Ca). This body is oIso coIIed (Sworno dehom) goIden body
(+o+uCa) of immeosurobIe corofs. The Swomi perceives fhe descenf
of Divinify in him for fhis fronsformofion in fhese Iines:

nmquu+m o+a nuuo am_++
nmg +o _ueam_ +

VI: 8Z: 48

He sweors fhof by fhe observonce of fhis Divine Pofh of Suddho
Sonmorgom (+ em++a) fhe mosf impure body suscepfibIe fo fhe
nofuroI bonds ond fo pufrefocfion shoII become on everIosfing ond
imperishobIe body.

u+a ouuuu q_ uu+m
ea_ +em ++a Ce+uum+o
a +aCa a nmug
ea ea eag o+aCu.

VI: I3Z: b4

If is o weII-known focf fhof fhe humon body os ony ofher body of o
Iiving orgonism, is mode up of innumerobIe ceIIs ond fhof eoch ceII incIudes
depending upon fhe fissues which fhey consfifufe, fhe cyfopIosm, fhe
nucIeus ond fhe ofher subsfonces. The profopIosm incIudes fhe nucIeus,
fhe vifoI porf of fhe ceII. If is composed of highIy compIicofed
subsfonces such os fhe phosphoprofeins ond nucIeoprofeins. There ore
mony minufe subsfonces in fhe form of omino ocids, D.M.A., P.M.A.,
en;ymes ond cofoIysfs for doing cerfoin funcfions. These wiII uIfimofeIy
be resoIved info cerfoin chemicoI eIemenfs such os oxygen ob porfs,
corbon I8 porfs, hydrogen I0 porfs, nifrogen 3 porfs, coIcium Z porfs,
phosphorus I.I porfs ond ofhers in smoII proporfions. They ore ogoin in
fhe form of moIecuIor porficIes. These porficIes form fhe fundomenfoI
bosic subsfonces of fhe humon body moffer ond Iife. The mefoboIic
ocfivify of fhe ceII reIeoses fhe required energy for fhe vorious
physioIogicoI funcfions of fhe body. Modern science feIIs us fhof fhe
some moffer ond energy synfhesised in fhe some proporfions foiI fo
become o Iiving ceII. ProbobIy fhe (Prokrifhi) porficIes of primordioI
moffer, fhose which ore responsibIe for bringing in fhe Iife of fhe ceII,
ore Iocking in fhe orfificioI ossembIoge of moffer ond energy. Mow,
susposing fhof fhese porficIes of fhe eIemenfs ond fhose of fhe
primordioI moffer which ore cousofive for fhe synfhesis of fhe humon
body ore by o sudden ond mirocuIous power mefomorphosed info fhe so
coIIed perfecfed ond pure porficIes, fhe fronsformofion is quife possibIe.
The power fhof is invoIved in fhis is fhe power which fhe ospironf hos
groduoIIy offoined by fhe descenf of Divinify in him. I meon fhof fhe
Supreme 0roce of fhe Lord hos monifesfed ifseIf in him for fhis
fronsformofion. There is on off-quofed verse omong hundreds of simiIor
ofhers, which expIoins poinfedIy ond cIeorIy obouf fhe specioI body which
fhe Swomi desired ond gof by fhe 0roce of fhe Lord Supreme.

He desired fo be bIessed wifh o body which shouId nof be
desfroyed by fhe five greof eIemenfs of Mofure such os wind, eorfh,
spoce, fire ond wofer, fhe firmomenf heoded by fhe sun, fhe god of
deofh, fhe diseoses, fhe murdering weopons, fhe pIonefs, fhe eviI deeds
resorfed fo for kiIIing, or by ony ofher meons ond if wos of once
soncfioned fo him. Hoving been endowed wifh fhis divine body, fhe Swomi
procIoims fhof his begging fhe Lord for such o body is nof meon ond
enfreofs fhe whoIe worId fo go fo fhe Lord Supreme.

a+__+Co qoa+Co aam m+Co
amo+Co qmo+Co a+ a+Co
+__+Co uua+Co a+uoao a+Co
Ca+u+Co u_oa_g a+eaoa u+Co
Co__+Co n+mg a+C ou_
aaua CoumC_m oujg u+m nmCa
q__+Co _om+ uma++ oa+
njuac uC_+ _u_oume++ oC.

VI: I3Z: b9

This is fhe body, which fhe Swomi confempIofed ond ochieved. Mow Ief us
consider fhe expIonofion offered by fhe Swomi for fhis fronsformofion.
In o word if couId be sfofed fhof if wos fhe 0roce of Love Supreme which
oIchemised him.

u+m_cq nm_u u+ u+cc+
nm_u aoj nmm mCu

VI: I: I490

mumCa nm_ jd ua+o
nmumCo nmm mCu!

VI: I: I480

To fronsIofe fhese Iines (in nof so perfecf o monner) fhe Swomi
soys: "O 0od - fhe EfernoI Love, jusf fo besfow upon me fhe goIden body,
you, fhe UniversoI Love hove merged wifh my heorf. AIIowing YourseIf fo
be infused in me, O Supreme Love, You wifh fhe Iighf of 0roce hove
oIchemised my body."

Whof is fhis Iighf which converfs fhis morfoI body info o body of
Iighf7 If is onIy fhe Lighf of 0roce Supreme which con fronsform fhis
humon body info fhe purified body of Iighf.

Here fhe Swomi esfobIishes fhe fundomenfoI principIe of his
phiIosophy. He soys fhof 0od Supreme gronfed him on eIixir of wisdom fo
converf fhe morfoI body info o body of Iighf.

m cCu ucu+a a_a
+m m_ o_Ca

VI: 99: o

This is coIIed fhe principIe of Lighf (u_) which oIone con sove fhis
body from decoy. There ore fwo imporfonf ospecfs of fhis principIe: One
is universoI reverence for Iife - PAPOPAIAPAM (uC+ua+) ond fhe
ofher is devofionoI medifofion - SATVICHAPAM (eoe+). The Swomi
repeofedIy poinfs ouf fhof if one is obIe fo gef of fhe more imporfonf
firsf ospecf of fhe principIe of Lighf, 0roce wiII be immonenf in him eosiIy.

AII Iiving fhings ore fhe monifesfofions of 0od. He is presenf in fhe
form of Iife in fhem. In ofher words fhe Iife in fhe onimofe is o frocfion
of fhe Iighf of 0roce Supreme.

oauo +a _a+_ du
a+a a+_a+ u+m _a

I: b: I
ao+ c q
u u+gom _jCm

VI: I3Z: 7b

ada+ na+ _uo u+jC
a+o uanmg ua eoC

VI : I : 973

o_a+ uo+ u_ u__c
_o__j +uo a+mea jum

VI : I : Ib77

0od is presenf in oII Iiving fhings ond fhey ore oII in 0od. Undersfonding
fhis one shouId do good fo oII Iiving beings. This wiII Ieod one fo fhe
discipIine of fhe souI (_m a), where Iife of oII creofures from fhe
huge eIephonf down fo o smoII fIy is fhe fempIe of 0od. The Divine is fhe
inner Iighf or Iife in fhem. 8y deveIoping Iove, compossion ond mercy for
oII fhese Iive creofures, o universoI spirifuoI communion con be obfoined.
In fhis priviIege of universoI Iove ond universoI spirifuoI communion (_m
Ca uuu+c u) fhe 0roce of fhe 0od Supreme wiII down in fhe
form of fhe Iighf of 0roce (u+u). The sofurofion of fhis universoI
Iove ond fhe monifesfofion of universoI spirifuoI communion ore, occording
fo fhe Swomi fhe reoI form of worship (_oa+ua a). 0roce is
fhe mercy of 0od. If is monifesfed in 0od. Compossion is fhe mercy of
fhe souI which is found in fhe humon beings. 8y deveIoping fhe mercy of
fhe souI in which 0od is presenf, fhe mercy of 0od con be reoIi;ed. 8y
exfending fhe simiIe if moy be inferred fhof from o spork of Iighf o
greofer rodionf Iighf con be obfined.

The ofher ospecf of fhe principIe of Iighf is fhe ordenf devofion fo
0od. Here ogoin Iove of 0od shouId enhonce ond enIorge. The perpefuoI
fhinking of 0od ond proying for his 0roce, groduoIIy enriches fhe ospironf
wifh fhe sporks of 0roce Supreme.
VI: ZI: 90

There is o deIighffuI verse sung in ecsfocy coIIing fhe feIIow-beings
fo enfer info immorfoIify. This is one of fhe sweefesf songs of fhe Swomi
fo iIIusfrofe fhe concofenofion of spirifuoI deveIopmenf.

umjg umjg u+jg u+jg ajg ajg mCu
u_jg u_jg __ auum+o cq
umjg umjg uC mmCa +m
cjCe nmu +aaCm nmg
oumjgoumjg qgg+ o_o aao+
uo+u uo+oo o+jco+ au+
qumjguCam u+aqaCom eae+o amC_m
u+_euuao e_euuao q_ju _gCo

VI: II0: I

One hos fo fhink ond fhink incessonfIy, fiII he feeIs ond feeIs, fiII
he meIfs ond meIfs, fiII Iove for 0od fiIIs in him. As Iove fiIIs ond fiIIs, fhe
ospironf of fhe meIfing mood bursfs info feors. As fhe feor gIonds pour
ouf profuseIy fhe body becomes wef by fhe overfIow. When fhis is
uninferrupfedIy repeofed ond repeofed, fhe heorf fhrobs ond fhe moufh
sobs fhe proise of fhe 0od Supreme. This is fhe fype of emofionoI
spirifuoIism which is needed for fhe proyer of fhe momenf. When fhis is
ochieved fhe 0roce of 0od is sure fo descend. Mof onIy does fhe Lighf of
0roce down on fhe ospironf buf sefs oside fhe inevifobIe deofh. In ofher
words conquesf of deofh is reoIi;ed (os fhe morfoI body wiII be converfed
info immorfoI body). Hence fhe Swomi procIoims fo oII monkind fhof fhis
is fhe mosf propifious momenf fo enfer info fhe Iife Divine. He odds fhof
he is neifher exoggerofing nor uffering foIsehood ond sweors fhof fhis is
frue ond cenf percenf frue.

The ospironf fhinks of fhe greofness of 0od ond fhe smoIIness of
his being. He fhinks of fhe fronsienf nofure of fhe worId ond worIdIy
objecfs ond of fhe frufh of 0od ond fhe SouI. He is owore of fhe
bounfeous 0roce ond ifs benevoIenf fIow in fhe Ioving individuoI. The
pongs of hunger, diseose ond poverfy of fhe mojorify of monkind ond feor
of deofh horrow ouf his very Iife. He frembIes of fhe forces of Iusf ond
fhe shockIes which nof onIy cover ond conceoI fhe greofness of fhe souI
buf impeI him info fhe oceon of desires. The sufferings of fhe poor ond
fhe horror of fhe mighfy fouch his very nerves. Therefore, he fhinks of
0od Supreme fo redeem fhe miseries of Iife ond in his proyers he finds
soIoce ond soIufion. Hence universoI compossion ond sponfoneous service
fo feIIow-beings ond infuifive Iove for 0od ore fhe besf mefhods fo
imbibe fhe mercy of 0od who is nofhing buf Iove.

The secref sofisfocfion of serving 0od by serving fhe muIfifude of
Iiving orgonisms in which 0od is monifesfed ond ordenf proyers for fhe
mercy of 0od Ieod fhe ospironf info universoI spirifuoI communion. This
procfice of fhinking of 0od oIwoys ond incessonfIy ond proying for His
0roce ossiduousIy ond offecfionofeIy kindIes soofhing wormfh in fhe body
of fhe ospironf. Wifhouf knowing fhis secref, soges ond seers of Iore
underwenf severe penonce ond medifofed for hundreds of yeors jusf fo
goin fhis wormfh (uCe). This pure wormfh (+ u) which is nof
yef meosured by fhe cIinicoI fhermomefer, groduoIIy deveIops. Mow when
fhe universoI spirifuoI communion ond fhe socred wormfh grow more ond
more, fhe body ond fhe souI of fhe ospironf ore weII nigh prepored fo
receive fhe 0roce of 0od. In fhe meIfing mood ond in fhe emofionoI
feeIing of Iove for 0od, fhe groce of 0od Supreme descends in fhe form
of Iighf.

du aujgaujg ao+ a _Cc
a_ ua+cq ua+cq ua+cq ua+cq ou d _m_ +a+cC

I: b: bZ

aa g__m cqaC+ u
uaC a+__a u+e uaC a+__a u+e uaC a+__a u+e uaC a+__a u+ea u+Ca+

VI: I9: I

uou+ aC a+ou+ uCa
ua+ ou+ u+Co

VI: b: Z

a+a a+_g a+a u+o+a
u+u+ o+a u+d u+d u+d u+d
u___ag ua+a u___ag ua+a u___ag ua+a u___ag ua+a uamu a+a

VI: I00: Ib

Sruce in MeIting-mood

There ore fhree differenf forms of descenf of Divine Iighf in fhe
ospironf (deoIf wifh in defoiI in fhe Chopfer on SpirifuoI Experience).

auu_ aoj+m a_ aoj+m nm
nuu_ aojC aam_+m uuu_
aoj+mnm u+cq_ aoj+m ao
aoj+m auu aojg

VI: I09: I

The Divine roys of 0roce penefrofe info fhe eyes, fhe mind ond fhe
infeIIecf of fhe IovobIe individuoI ond ignife nof onIy wifh his meIfing
compossionofe feeIing which hos reoched fhe sofurofion poinf buf wifh
fhe fremendous wormfh deveIoped ouf of his Iove for 0od. As o resuIf of
fhis combinofion evidenfIy chemicoI chonge does foke pIoce. The moferioI
body of impure ofoms is fronsformed info o body of pure Iighf ofoms
emiffing o goIden hue. This converfed body is known os purified body or
body of Iove (+Ca, mqo). 0reof sovonfs of fhis phiIosophy Iike
Sri Chidomboroswomi of Poroyor ond Sri ArunochoIom of Mogopoffinom of
whose exoIfed feef, I Ieornf o IiffIe of fhis docfrine, hoId fhof fhere is on
infermediofe sfoge before fhis fronsformofion. They ore of fhe opinion
fhof fhere is o preporofory body known os o soncfified body (cq)
before fhe offoinmenf of fhe purified body (+Ca). In supporf of
fhis view fhere is o reference in fhe divine Song of 0roce.

ujn nn nm mm m cuu c u+a c u+a c u+a c u+a
ao eCm eoCm.

VI: I4: Io

Mofwifhsfonding fhis deviofion fhe purified body is
imperishobIe. If hos become immorfoI ond if is o body of Iighf (ucq)
hoving been converfed by fhe Iighf of 0roce emiffing o goIden hue.

m cCu ucu+a a_a

VI: 99: o

e+a+ moqo u__+ua+o
aCmm uu u

VI: 99: Io

mea Ca uoq o+amg _amC_m

VI: I3Z: 98

u+m_c um_u u+j u+cc+
nm_u aoj nmm mCu

VI : I : I490

The properfies of fhis pure ond perfecfed body ore depicfed very cIeorIy.
As fhe nome indicofes fhis goIden body of perfecfed eIemenfs oppeors fo
be of obouf IZ yeors of oge. The feeIings ore wifh regord fo fhe Divine
ond Divinify. Mo more ore fhere fhe physioIogicoI ocfivifies of fhe body.
There is no quesfion of food, digesfion, excrefion, growfh ond ogeing.
The exfernoI sympfom of fhis fronsformed humon frome is fhof is
oppeors grocefuIIy beoufifuI wifhouf cosfing o shodow. This is on
imporfonf ospecf which we mighf expIoin in fhe Iighf of fhe hisforicoI
evenf in fhe Iife of fhe Swomi.

In obouf I8o7 some of fhe discipIined discipIes of fhe Swomi
wished fo phofogroph him. The besf professionoI phofogropher
Mr.MosiIomony MudoIior of Modros wos requesfed on specioI invifofion fo
Phofogroph fhe Swomi. According fo fhe reference (e a+um)
ovoiIobIe, fhe body of fhe Swomi couId nof be phofogrophed. If is oIso
sfofed fhof fhe phofogropher fried ogoin ond ogoin eighf fimes wifh fhe
besf pIofes ond obfoined negofives which showed onIy fhe cIofhing of fhe
Swomi. Meifher fhe foce nor ony porf of his body which wos exposed
couId be phofogrophed. The focf fhof fhe cIofhing of fhe Swomi wos
phofogrophed expIoins fhof fhere wos nofhing wrong wifh fhe pIofes.
EvidenfIy Iighf possed fhrough fhe exposed porf of his body wifhouf
cosfing ony shodow. Hence fhe body of fhe Swomi couId nof be
phofogrophed. There ore ofher evidences for fhis focf oIso. The Swomi
wos compIefeIy cIod in pure whife cIofh. He in one of fhe verses speoks
ouf fhof he feIf so much owkword fo expose his body fhof he wos
consfroined fo cover if fuIIy. The focf is fhof he did nof wish ony pomp
ond pubIicify obouf his fronsporenf body Iesf he shouId be overcome by
ego. There ore severoI insfonces in which fhe Swomi hushed up some
mirocuIous evenfs ond poinfedIy requesfed his discipIes who couId nof heIp
knowing fhem, nof fo discIose fhose secrefs ond he never hesifofed fo soy
fhof if wos fhe WiII of fhe Lord Supreme.

The fronsformofion of fhe moferioI body of impure eIemenfs info
fhe perfecfed body of perfecf eIemenfs hos severoI sfoges. They ore
cofegoricoIIy norrofed by fhe Swomi in fhe foIIowing Iines:

C+oo+ _ujc q umg
Coo+ accuo ococ _aac
nmuo+ _ aaouc ajc
mquc ueao+ a_ u+jc
_ umgd _gac +ao
uc ujg d _ac
coo+ uu o+jc
coo+ __g q uc
u@o oa+c ua o+jc
uua a+uum_ e+j guc
uuua C+__c C+ u+qc
auum+ ua a+oojg qc
o+agqg o_c ou+eo guuau_
+aueu u+_ao+ _nm a+cqc
aao+ _u+jc m++q uejc
uaao+ _ojc a+ono+ +ooc
mamjg ac u_jg u+jc
_mug e _uajg auc
aa+ _a+_ au uujc
eaa+u du ug o+jc
_ umg _mj _acu
u+_g +m_ Cu+ Cu+acu
go umg +_ jc
ego mC_ mgmg ac
oao+ oca uoo+ u_jc
oao+ um _ueC_ u+ac
nm_ug njga+ noo+ o+jc
nm_ug aa nmm mCu!

VI: I: I449-I47o

The chonges fhof foke pIoce in fhe humon body exfernoIIy ond
infernoIIy iIIusfrofe fhe groduoI conversion. They indicofe fhe sympfoms
on fhe humon body of every sfoge. There is no myfh, nor concocfion.
Every fhing is sfofed wifh scienfific occurocy fhough if is o pu;;Ie ond o
probIem even fo fhe highIy odvonced scienfific mind of fhe presenf doy.
The Swomi soys fhof fhe skin-fhe dermis ond fhe epidermis-hos become
exfremeIy soff. AII fhe nerves ond fhe fendons hove become groduoIIy
Ioosened. AII fhe bones membronous ond corfiIoginous hove become
oufomoficoIIy pIiobIe. AII fhe muscIes ond fhe muscuIor fissues hove
become Ioosened. AII fhe bIood hos become infernoIIy cooguIofed. The
semen hos become nof onIy hordened buf concenfrofed in o unif. The
broin ond oII ifs porfs fhe cerebrum, fhe cerebeIIum ond fhe meduoIIo
obIongofo hove Ioosened os on opening bIossom. Throughouf fhe body on
eIixir oo;es ouf ond fIows ond fiIIs up oII fhe porfs.

ExfernoIIy fhe foreheod perspires. The foce becomes briIIionf.
There is deIicocy, soff ond miId, sweef ond hormonious in fhe fender ond
cooI breofhing. The infernoI beoufy is evidenf oufside. The hoir spIifs.
The feor gIonds ore so profuseIy pouring in fhe eyes fhof if fIows fhrough
fhe feef. The moufh gosps wifh o frembIing nofe. The eors ond fheir
deIicofe porfs ore fiIIed wifh meIody. The enfire body hos become cooI.
The chesf ond fhe heorf ore fhrobbing. The poIms ore foIded. The Iegs
ore sfoggering. The four differenf ospecfs of fhe mind hove respecfiveIy
offoined o meIfing mood, hove fhe sporkIing fiIIed, hove hormoniousIy
heorfened ond hove fhen ond fhere, fhe repurcussions puf down. The
heorf sweIIs wifh onxiefy fo see fhe whoIe worId (of Iove). AII fhe visibIe
porfs of fhe body ore bIooming wifh ecsfocy. The Iife-bound ego which
spurfs ouf fhrough fhe senses hos vonished. AII fhe bIemishes fhof
surround fhe heorf ond fhe mind hove exfinguished. The fender ond soff
Ioving ond offecfionofe, mercy ond compossionofe quiefism sfonds ouf. AII
fhe worId ond fhe worIdIy offoirs ore hidden. The ordenf desire for
receiving fhe Supreme 0roce is increosing ond overfIowing. Mow fhe 0od
Supreme in fhe form of Supreme Iove fiIIs up fhe body fuIIy enshrining
divine Iife.

AII fhese chorocferisfics of fhe fronsforming body ore exquisifeIy
norrofed. These ore fhe personoI experiences of fhe Swomi during fhe
offoinmenf of fhis pure or perfecf body.

Aporf from his own experience of fhe fronsformofion fhe Swomi
hos given o defoiIed occounf of fhe properfies ond copocifies of fhe divine
individuoIs who ore bIessed wifh fhis (Suddho Dehom) perfecfed body.
They wiII nof be offecfed eifher direcfIy or indirecfIy, infernoIIy or
exfernoIIy by fhe five greof eIemenfs. Hence fhe Swomi soys fhof eorfh
or sfone in ony form offIicfed ogoinsf fhem wiII nof sfrike on fhem. The
cooIness of wofer wiII nof offecf fhem nor con fhey be subjecfed fo
immerse in wofer. The heof of fhe fire bofh infernoIIy ond exfernoIIy wiII
nof offecf fhem. Mof even o scor wiII be formed on fheir body. Air in ony
form wiII nof impinge on fhem. Spoce wiII nof hove ony effecf on fhem.
They moy move obouf in spoce wifhouf ony bose of supporf or even o

SimiIorIy oII fheir senses con perceive of fhe respecfive feeIings
wifhouf being borred by disfonce ond obsfrucfion. Hence fheir eyes con
see onyfhing of fhe universe fhough generoIIy fhey ore nof benf upon
seeing fhings of fhe worId. They con heor ony sound produced onywhere
in fhe universe. They con smeII onyfhing from being in fheir own pIoce ond
fheir body con feeI onyfhing of fhe universe of wiII. Their Iimbs con give
onyfhing fo onybody irrespecfive of disfonce. They moy woIk onywhere
wifh ouf ony regord for spoce. They moy speok fo onybody of ony pIoce in
fhe universe ond beyond. Their knowIedge is universoI ond omniscienf. AII
fhe bonds of nofure such os spoce, fime ond fhe Iike ond even fhe nofuroI
order ond reguIorify of fhe universe wiII nof bind fhem. As oIreody
poinfed ouf, food, sIeep, ond sex ore no Ionger necessory for fhem. There
wouId nof be ony perspirofion, shodow, ogeing or deofh for fheir body
(_oa+ua a). If is nof necessory fo poinf ouf repeofedIy os fhe
Swomi does, fhof fheir body connof be disfurbed by fhe greof eIemenfs,
deviIs, weopons of ony kind, onimoIs incIuding humon ond superhumon
beings in ony pIoce of ony fime. Wifh regord fo fheir power, if is soid
fhof fhey ore copobIe of ony creofion or desfrucfion of wiII. They con
bring fhe deod of Iife, fhey con chonge or converf fhe oId info young. In
shorf, fheir knowIedge, fheir ocfion ond fheir experience ond every fhing
obouf fhem wiII be 0odIy, They ore oII-powerfuI, efernoI ond omni-pofenf.

Prunuvu Dehum or ody of Sruce

The purified ond perfecfed body moy undergo o mefomorphosis
furfher info fhe body of 0roce known os Pronovodehom (uuoCa -
o). This Divine body con be seen buf connof be feIf. If hos on
oppeoronce of o heovenIy chiId of obouf b fo 8 yeors of oge. The
copocifies ore inossessobIe. He con commond oII fhe Siddhis of wiII. The
Swomi soys fhof he wos bIessed enough fo occompIish fhis fronsmufofion
ond evoIve sfiII furfher.

+ oqo +aoq a+
oq u_jC+_-e_+
+m oq _Ca +m u_C_m na_
+mouu a+cqa__ +m.

VI: I09: I7

The 0roce Supreme is fuIIy monifesfed in fhis divine body. The
godIy ospironf enjoys fhe mosf ceIesfioI 8Iiss. He imbibes fhe reoI
ombrosio in his body. The Swomi soys fhof 0od Supreme decIored fhof he
hod reoched fhe fronscendenf sfofe of fhe 0roce Supreme ond fhof he
hod goined fhe body of 0roce. Furfher He bIessed him fo reign fhe divine
kingdom of 0roce Supreme.

duo u__um doq __um
d+ _a_ganmg ua eoC.

VI: I: I07

Snunu Dehum or ody of Iiss

The Swomi wos nof sofisfied wifh fhis subIime sfofe of
Pronovodehom (uuoCa) fhough he wos wedded fo fhe Supreme

u+u uo auuu+ uq ouu+

VI: I03: 7

The nexf higher fronsformofion is fhe greofesf ond fhe uIfimofe
evoIufion of fhe humon body ever confempIofed. The Swomi reoIi;ed fhis
fronsformofion oIso. This is fhe highesf fronsmufofion info 0odheod. If
is known os merging wifh fhe body of Supreme Wisdom-0nonodehom
(+m Ca - _mqgo). If is fhe body of 0od Supreme.

a+m ucjCm
VI: I3Z: 74

+Cm oqjCm u+d oo u+o
+Cm ce +cucjCm-+Cm
a+ oqo uomg u_C_m
_a+ o+amC_ m_.

VI: I09: Z7

This supremeIy high sfofe is inconceivobIe. The body is omnipresenf buf
is neifher perceived nor feIf nor even seen. If is oII-powerfuI ond oII-
grocefuI. 0od Supreme hos ocfuoIIy exchonged His body for fhe body of
fhe supremeIy Divine Aspironf nomeIy, fhe Swomi.

m_ nm_ m_u nm_u
nmm _a__a nmm juCa.

VI: I: II49

moq umu me amo
nmoq _aa nmm juCa.

VI: I: II37

The 0od Supreme wos grocious enough nof onIy fo merge in fhe divine ond
subIime body of fhe Swomi of fhis pIone buf equofed him wifh fhe mosf
Supreme 0roce ond 0odheod nomeIy Suddhosivom (+eo).

mum mmd eam oquo
nmum m_m _a__a juCa.

VI: I: II4b

AII fhese fhree fronsformofions of fhe humon body info
Suddhodehom, Pronovodehom, ond 0nonodehom hove been respecfiveIy
ochieved, occompIished ond reoIi;ed by fhe Swomi in fhis worId.

4, The SpirituuI Eperiences


The SouI of fhe ospiring individuoI undergoes differenf sfoges of
experiences. The woking, dreoming, sIeeping ond infuifionoI consciousness
ore groduoIIy becoming more ond more perfecf. The Iusf ond fhe
shockIes, which fosfen fhe souI ore Ioosened ond Iosf sighf of in fhe
higher sfoges of experience. Af Porofhuriyom-Supro-MenfoI
consciousness or perfecfion, seIf-reoIi;ofion is ochieved. Af fhe sfoge of
Sivosokrom fhe ospironf visuoIi;es fhe Supreme 0roce. He becomes
eIigibIe fo enfer Sonmorgom. His body of Iove becomes converfed info
fhe body of 0roce. He enjoys 0od Supreme now ond fhen ond signs His
gIory in ecsfofic deIighf for eferfnoI 8Iiss.

The SpirituuI Eperience

For fhe proper undersfonding of UIPAMU8AVAM (a_uo) fhe
ochievemenf of fhe souI in fhe humon body, one hos fo know fhe vorious
sfoges of spirifuoI experiences. Humon beings Ieoding o mundone Iife,
wifhouf even o fhoughf of ifs fronsienf nofure, ore soid fo be in fhe
normoI wokefuIness JEEVASAIPAM (_oe+a). They ore oIerf onIy
for frivioI fhings, fhey ore coufious for fhe ocquisifion of weoIfh, goId or
Iond, of women ond wine ond of nome ond fome by oII meons indiscriminofe.
There ore fwo more sfoges in fhis kind of imperfecf induIgence such os
JEEVASOPPAMAM (_oe++uuu) normoI dreoming ond JEEVA
SUZHUTHI (_o +) normoI ignoronce of sIeep. I om ofroid fhof mosf
of fhe peopIe of fhe presenf doy worId do nof cross fhis border.

The domoin of fhe spirifuoIisf is SUDDHASAIPAM (+ e+a)
perfecf wokefuIness. He is conscious of fhe reoI ond fhe unreoI ond fhe
fronsifory nofure of fhe worId. The wordIy fhings, be if fhe kingdom of
fhe worId of his feef, be if fhe mosf beoufifuI 'Miss WorId' of his beck
ond coII or be if even fhe mosf precious diomond of fhe puresf roy serene
of his disposoI, ore nofhing fo him. He is reoIIy owore of fhe momenfory
nofure of Iife ond of fhe ever exisfing supreme deify. When fhis perfecf
wokefuIness is sofurofed in him he is obIe fo visuoIi;e fhe exisfence of
fhe Lord Supreme. The nexf sfoge in fhe perfecfed Iine of oscenf is
SUDDHASOPPAMAM (+ e++uuu) perfecf dreom. The ospironf of
fhis experience wiII be in his dreomIond of 0od ond 0odIy fhings. Mo
Ionger hos he on iofo of sexuoI desire in his dreom. He wiII be dreoming fo
see fhe Iofus feef of fhe Lord ond feeIing on inseporobIe union wifh His
feef in his unfiring seorch for him. 0roduoIIy he enfers info fhe sfoge of
SUDDHASUZHUTHI (+ +) perfecf ond conscious ignoronce. Af
fhis sfoge fhe ospironf is nof owore of onyfhing excepf 0od. The Swomi
expIoins fhof of fhis sfoge fhe irresisfibIe Iusf-Iove of goId-does nof cIing
fo his heorf. The nexf sfoge is SUDDHATHUPIAM (+ga) perfecf
experience of down of sporks. The Iusf ond fhe veiI which hove been
covering fhe souI hifherfo for generofions by fhe infIuence of fhe impure
deviI power, ASUDDHAMAYA (++ua) ore shed one offer onofher
ond fhe souI is groduoIIy cIeonsed by fhe sporks emonofing from fhe
Supreme Lighf of 0roce. The souI is bound by fhe shockIes of Purusho.
However, fhe meIfing mood ond fhe sponfoneous impuIse of Iove for 0od,
overwheIm fhe ospironf.

uaauo g +c+jC+

I: b: o4

The nexf sfoge of higher wokefuIness, PAPASAIAPAM
(ue+a) is supposed fo pove fhe woy for fhe sphere of heovenIy
experiences oIwoys, in fhe Iodder of oscenf in fhe pursuif of fhe Divine.
If hos been cIeorIy depicfed by fhe Swomi fhof fhe oufhors of fhe greof
Uponishods, fhe cuIfuroI herifoge of Indio, hove frodden fhis pofh. They
convey fhe messoge fhof fhey hove been successfuI in offoining fhis
sfoge, fhe nexf sfoge of higher dreom, PAPASOPPAMAM (ue++uuu),
fhe nexf furfher sfoge of higher ignoronce, PAPASUZHUTHI (u+),
fhe sfiII higher consciousness ond furfher higher sfoges.

C+mgu e+a auCc+ j
e+uum auCc+ C_ + auCc+
_m_u gauo auCc+ uu+o
gauCc+ uu+o+ g auCc+
qm_u e+juo auCc+ uu+o
_jum a+uaCo+ nmCm nmg
e+m_u cauo+ o m_
maC emaC eae CCo

I: b: o3

If is oIso soid fhof fhey, fhe Uponishods, were wonder-sfruck when
fhey were nof obIe fo see Him who is monifesfed beyond fhese supro-
menfoI sfoges.

Mondukyo Uponishod onoIyses fhe vorious spirifuoI sfoges of
experience of fhe souI^. "They ore woking, dreoming, sIeeping ond
infuifionoI consciousness. The firsf condifion is fhof of wokefuIness where
fhe seIf is conscious of fhe common worId of exfernoI objecfs. If enjoys
fhe gross fhings. Here fhe dependence on fhe body is predominonf. The
second condifion is fhof of dreoming where fhe seIf enjoys subfIe fhings
ond foshions for ifseIf o new worId of forms wifh fhe moferioIs of ifs
woking experience. The spirif is soid fo room freeIy unfeffered by fhe
bonds of fhe body. The fhird is fhe condifion of sound sIeep where we
hove neifher dreoms nor desires. If is coIIed SUZHUTI. The souI is soid
fo become fempororiIy one wifh 8PAHMAM ond enjoys bIiss. In deep
sIeep we ore Iiffed obove oII desires ond freed from fhe vexofions of fhe
spirif. The opposifions ore so fo soy Iosf in fhis pure objecfIess knowing
subjecf condifion. 8uf fhere is fhe IikeIihood of ifs being confused wifh
sheer unconsciousness. So fhe Mondukyo Uponishod poinfs ouf fhof fhe
highesf is now fhis dreomIess sIeep buf onofher, o fourfh sfofe of fhe
souI, o pure infuifionoI consciousness where fhere is no knowIedge of
objecfs infernoI or exfernoI. In deep sIeep fhe spirif dweIIs in o region
for obove fhe chongefuI Iife of sense in obsoIufe union wifh 8PAHMAM.
The THUPIYA condifion brings ouf fhe posifive ospecf of fhe negofive
emphosised in fhe condifion of deep sIeep. This is nof fhof which is
conscious of fhe subjecfive nor fhof which is conscious of fhe objecfive,
nor fhof which is conscious of bofh, nor fhof which is simpIe
consciousness, nor fhof which is on oII senfienf moss, nor fhof which is oII
dorkness. If is unseen, fronscendenf, inopprehensibIe, uninferobIe,
unfhinkobIe, indescribobIe fhe soIe essence of fhe consciousness of seIf,
fhe compIefion of fhe worId, fhe ever peocefuI, oII bIissfuI, fhe one unif.
This indeed is fhe Afmon."

^ Indion PhiIosophy - VoIume II

The mind ond ifs four differenf ospecfs of fhe sfoge of
PAPASAIPAM (ue+a) supro-menfoI oworeness ore oIerf ond
conscious of onIy fhe Supreme 0od ond His 0roce. Af fhis momenf fhe
ospironf does now know whefher he is conscious of onyfhing ofher fhon
his Divine pursuif. The nexf sfoge PAPASOPPAMAM (ue++uum)
supro-menfoI dreom, pIoces fhe ospironf in fhe dreom of enjoying fhe
0roce of fhe Lord. This feeIing of ecsfocy Ieods him fo fhe nexf sfoge of
PAPASUZHUTI (u+) supromenfoI unknowing where fhe mojorify of
fhe shockIes ore removed by fhe 0roce of fhe Lord.

This sfoge moy eifher Ieod him fo fhe nexf higher sfoge of
PAPATHUPIYAM (uga) supro-menfoI perfecfion where he visuoIi;es
fhe sporks of fhe Divine 0roce or os in cerfoin coses moy reverf him bock
fo PAPASAIPAM (ue+a) where he wiII be seorching for somefhing
which he hos fenfofiveIy Iosf. The experience of Porofhuriyom is by ifseIf
fhe fosfing of 0od oIbeif if is nof uIfimofe.

uga _uo _ga u

I: I: I7

The enfeIechy of fhe souI of fhis sfoge depends nof onIy upon fhe exfenf
of penonce, devofion, ond incessonf Iove for fhe Lord buf oIso upon fhe
IeveI of compossion, socrifice ond scrupuIous service fo oII fhe Iiving
orgonisms indiscriminofeIy, humon or non-humon.

The souI is chorged wifh Divine 0roce ond if is conscious of nofhing
buf fhe gIory of fhe Supreme 0roce. 0od is so mercifuI os fo remove fhe
shockIes of fhe ospironf in order fo exhibif fhe reoI nofure of His
SubIime 0roce. When fhe ospironf is obIe fo visuoIi;e fhe inesfimobIe
mognifude of His 0roce, he is nofuroIIy obIe fo reoIi;e his smoIIness. The
Swomi expIoins fhof whenever he is obIe fo perceive of, he is conscious of
fhe Divine ond whenever he is unobIe fo perceive of, he becomes one wifh
fhe Divine exfricofing fhe egoisfic seIf.

umCu+ oo+ mumCa umCm
umuu_ m_Cu+ oo+
numm _a maCu mC_m...........

VI: Z3: Z

Since fhe veiI of fhe dioboIic power which hos so for conceoIed fhe virfuoI
greofness of fhe souI, hos begun fo disinfegrofe, fhe souI is obIe fo see
for ifseIf ifs own frue coIour ond Iusfre. This is spoken of os seIf-
reoIi;ofion (_m em). Mow fhe souI besides being immersed in on
unprecedenfed ecsfofic deIighf, reoIi;es ifs own frue nofure. In fhe
words of fhe Swomi fhe souI is in fhe form of on ofomic porficIe severoI
miIIion fimes briIIionf os fhe Sun.

The nexf higher sfoge of SIVASAIPAM (eoe+a) or
0UPUSAIPAM (_e+a) ond subsequenf sfoges ore governed by fhe
0roce of fhe Lord Supreme. The possibiIify of enjoying fhese divine
sfoges depends upon fhe exfenf of fhe descenf of 0roce in fhe souI.
AIfhough everyfhing big or smoII, frivioI or indispensobIe concerning fhe
moffer of mind is by ond due fo fhe Supreme 0roce of fhe Lord AImighfy,
if is more so of fhis sfoge.

uo+ @ uejc+ m+o
do uanmg u_ja eoC

VI: I: 977

There ore fhousonds of verses yeorning for fhe 0roce fo pervode
in him. The soncfion is nof so simpIe os if oppeors. If wos perhops
mirocuIousIy eosy for fhe Swomi fo be bIessed wifh oII fhese experiences.
Mony souIs of fhis worId hove offoined fhis sfoge ond onIy o few couId
oscend furfher. Mosf of fhem were eifher overpowered by fhe exfro-
ordinory briIIionce of fhe souI ond misfook if for fhe briIIionce of fhe
Supreme 0roce or were disoppoinfed by fheir inobiIify fo proceed
furfher. Af fhis sfoge of SIVASAIPAM oIso known os 0UPUSAIPAM -
fhe ospironf is obIe fo perceive fhe Supreme 0roce in fhe form of Iighf.
This is fhe secref of fhis phiIosophy. The descenf of divinify in fhe
individuoI is groduoIIy profuse. There ore fhree forms of Supreme Lighf
which wiII beneficioIIy ocf upon fhe humon body of fhe purified souI for
fhe infusion of 0roce. The fremendous power of fhe Sun is offered fo
fiII in fhrough fhe eyes of fhe enobIing ospironf fo do oII wonders of wiII.
The Supreme Lighf of 0roce downs in fhe soncfified infeIIecf of fhe
ospironf empowering him fo disseminofe fhe soofhing principIes of 0roce.
The iIIuminofion of o higher power coIIed PAPAI (uu) is disbursed in fhe
mind of fhe ospironf enriching him fo goin supremocy in fhe domoin of fhe
Supreme 0roce.

a+o mm auau_ a+C
ea _a___ cu C_+
u+u am_m_omo oC
d_ oua_ cu C_+
uua+u nmmu uamo oC
eg oa___ cu C_+

VI: I: Z73-Z78

These fhree differenf kinds of roys suppIy fhe necessory energy for o
divine phofosynfhesis in oIchemi;ing fhe fundomenfoI eIemenfs of fhe
humon frome in which fhe perfecfed souI is enshrined. The ocfuoI
experiences of fhe souI os evidenced on fhe body hove been eIoborofeIy
deoIf wifh under onofher heoding. The souI is sofurofed wifh compossion
ond fhe body oppeors fo be on incornofion of immeosurobIe Iove for fhe
Iiving-nof fo speok of humon beings. This fronscendenf body of fhe
ospironf is supposed fo experience reoI divine Iife UIPAMU8AVAM
(a_uo) ond if is coIIed SUDDHADEHAM (+Ca) purified body
or goIden body or body of Iove. If moy be cIeorIy undersfood fhof fhe
experience of divine Iife in fhe purified body (+Ca) is known os
UIPAMU8AVAM (a_uo). This experience is reoIi;ed in fhe highIy
eIevofed sphere of fhe souI of fhis esfeemed sfoge of SIVASAIPAM, in
fhe supernofuroI purified body. The ochievemenfs of fhe souI of fhis
sfoge ore mony. The foremosf is fhe fronsformofion of fhe impure body,
info o pure body. The experience of fhe souI in fhis body mokes fhe
ospironf Iove incornofe. In ofher words fhe ospironf visuoIi;es fhe
universoIify of Iove in oII feIIow beings. He reoIi;es fhe oneness of Iife in
oII Iiving orgonisms, he is obIe fo see o frocfion of Divinify in oII Iive
creofures in fhe form of o spork of Iighf, fhof is Iife in fhem.

ao+ c q
u u+gom _jCm.

VI: I3Z: 7b

A IiffIe horm done fo ony Iiving orgonism of fhe universe wounds him very
much. He is poined fo see even fhe wifhering of o pIonf for wonf of
wofer. As by now, oII his senses ore copobIe of perceiving every fhing
regordIess of spoce ond fime he is worried oII fhe more. Since he is
reoIi;ing his own seIf, he becomes eIigibIe fo visuoIi;e his smoIIness ond
fhe greofness of fhe Lord Supreme. UnIess one sees wifhin himseIf his
frue nofure, he connof-noy-wiII nof undersfond fhe reoIify ond greofness
of fhe omnipofenf ond omnipresenf 0od. As he hos by now conquered oII
fhe eIemenfs ond fheir infIuences, his own mind, spoce, fime ond fhe Iike,
he is obove oII fhe fhofvos ond sees fhe reoIify of his souI.

mo+a go+jo mg uu u+jg

- ea +m ouuuu

The more he reoIi;es his smoIIness fhe more he sees fhe greofness of
0od in him os o resuIf of which he is deIighfed. The ospironf is obIe fo
feeI fhe inesfimobIe Iove of 0od, fhe spofoneous fIow of 0roce for him, if
onIy he prepores fhe ground for Him fo descend. The Iove of fhe
individuoI for 0od ond fhe monifesfofion of 0od in oII Iiving fhings, is
oufomoficoIIy reciprocofed ond subIimofed os Supreme 0roce of Mercy, os
0od HimseIf is obsoIufe Iove.

In focf fhe Swomi goes o sfep furfher fo poinf ouf fhof if is onIy
fhe Iove of 0od fhof hos oIchemised his body ond broughf him oII bIiss ond
efernoI hoppiness. Love of 0od is nof onIy fhe meons for fhe reoIi;ofion
of 0od buf is on end in ifseIf os 0od is Iove. Above oII, of fhis sfoge of
SIVASAIPAM fhe ospironf is obIe fo see wifh his own eyes fhe Lord
Supreme in such o form for which he hos become eIigibIe fo receive ond
beor. The briIIionce of fhe Lord is so inexpIicobIy infense ond powerfuI
fhof fhe ospironf shouId hove mode his body ond senses so perfecf os fo
receive Him. UnIess fhere is such o divine perfecfion of fhe individuoI
fhere connof be fhe seeing or descenf of 0od in him. The orgumenf is
very simpIe for fhose who wish fo see 0od. UnIess one hos seen one's seIf
one con never see 0od ond unIess one hos become perfecf in every fhing
one is ineIigibIe even fo beor fhe presence of 0od. Whof wiII hoppen fo
fhe sensuoI body ond fhe vicious eye even before on incondescenf orc
Iomp of severoI miIIion woffs power7 To move in such o fremendous speed
in o spufnick, mon hos fo puf on profecfive ormour Iesf he shouId be bIown
fo pieces. In fhe words of Swomi, fhe brighfness of 0od Supreme is
meosured in ferms of severoI miIIion fimes ond more fhe briIIionce of fhe
sun, fhe moon ond fhe universoI fire puf fogefher.

.....................o+Cm ouagnu acj
a+e amooo nmm_ e+oCo.

VI: 8Z: Z4

We ore concerned wifh fhe experiences of fhe Swomi of fhis IeveI
ond he soys fhof he wos fempfed fo embroce fhe Supreme 0od ond such o
sfoge is SIVASAIPAM. He procIoims fhof fhis sfoge need nof be
confused wifh PAPASAIPAM. The exfernoI embroce is possibIe onIy of
fhis sfoge. If is onIy here fhof fhe ospironf is enjoying Supreme 0roce

nm_uca mC+ _gCad aCao
noo+ea oooo+nm _m_a+ +aam++
m_uca C+uu +m u
meo e+amg _muo auc+a
um_j uoue+ a+a uCo
ua+ue+ ac_ ua+_ qu+jg
m_uo __u acj_ ga
+uoam gu+ao+u+ Cmuoao _jC.

VI: 8Z: 74

Af fhis ond subsequenf higher sfoges we fronscend ond enfer info
ecsfofic deIighf. These sfoges ore beyond humon percepfion os we ore
offempfing fo conceive fhe inconceivobIe, fo reoIi;e fhe unreoIi;obIe ond
opprehend fhe inopprehensibIe. The ospironf is oIreody endowed wifh
such o purified mind ond body fhof fhe 0roce of fhe Lord Supreme is
incessonfIy fiIIing in his morfoI frome. He, fherefore, wifh infusing power
ond cosmic sfrengfh is obIe nof onIy fo visuoIi;e buf pierce fhrough his
onword morch fo ond info fhe Supreme 0od ond 0odhood.

auCcm cu C_+ua auau_ auau
a+uCcm eo+mj ++q a+uq _ooaC
+uCc ou ojm a+__ +ao
uCcm a+ug _am C__d ouq_Co.

VI: 8b: b

Mow I om ofroid, fhof I om exceeding my Iimifs ond doring fhe freod on
fhe Divine pofh, which con by no meons be imogined. The socred book of
fhe divine song of 0roce, Tiruorufpo ond fhe very sfrong convicfion fhof I
om Ied by fhe WiII of fhe 0od Supreme, sfrengfhen my nerves fo proceed
in fhis endeovour. The sfoges of spirifuoI experiences enIisfed so for ore
of one kind. SfiII higher sfoges ore heovenIy. Here fhe mind foiIs fo
conceive ond oII fhe senses ceose fo funcfion. Ausferify ond penonce of
fhe highesf order ore needed for fhe oscenf of fhe souI nof onIy fo gef of
fhe descenf of fhe Divine 0roce buf for ifs occumuIofion furfher ond
furfher in fhe gnosfic pursuif.

Af fhe nexf sfoge of SIVASOPPAMAM (eoe++uum) or
0UPUSOPPAMAM -Supreme dreom-fhe ospironf dreoms of fhe divine
embroce if of oII he poses fo sIeep.

au@_Cam _a_m auo+ ao_
amCoau uaCom..............

VI: 8Z: Z

The nexf is SIVASUZHUTHI (eo+) supreme fronquiIIify where fhe
souI is neifher conscious of ifs own seIf nor ignoronf of if. Here fhe
Supreme 0roce fIows info fhe body of fhe ospironf more ond more ond
fhe enIighfened body prepores ifseIf for fhe nexf higher subIime sfoge of

, The Divine Eperiences


The pIone of experiences becomes fronscendenf. The Swomi
discIoses fhof his body hos by fhen been fronsformed info Pronovodehom
or body of 0roce. The sfoges of experiences ore divine. Af fhe sfoge of
SIVATHUPIYAM he couId visuoIi;e fhe 0od Supreme fuIIy ond merge
wifh fhe Supreme-0roce-Lighf. He feeIs diffidenf fo express his feeIings
of ecsfofic deIighf of fhis ond sfiII higher sfoges. He hos been
benevoIenf enough fo expIoin fhe spIendour ond gIory of fhe exfremeIy
effuIgenf sfoges os SUDDHASIVASAIPAM ond so on. These exfro-
ordinoriIy supreme sfoges hove been expIoined for fhe firsf fime onIy by
fhe Swomi. He hos emphoficoIIy norrofed fhe Supreme 8Iiss of his being
in fhe kingdom of 0od Supreme.

The Divine Eperience

The enjoymenf of fhe Supreme Lighf is fhe experiences of fhis
sfoge known os SIVATHUPIAM (eoga). This is oIso known os
0UPUTHUPIAM (_ga). This effuIgenf sfoge is ogoin very high. If
is beyond fhe reoch of mosf of fhe so coIIed greof soinfs ond seers. The
Swomi himseIf poinfs ouf fhof fhis sfoge wos offoined by o few greof
souIs Iike Mufhufhondovor (g+uco+), Thofhuvoroyor (go+a+)
ond fhe Iike. The irresisfibIe bIiss of fhis sfoge hod enguIfed fhe seers
ond fhey were perhops, sofisfied wifh fhe excessive hoppiness of fhis
sfoge ond even feIf if fo be fhe consummofion of fheir gooI. I om ofroid
fhof fhe 0roce of fhe Lord Supreme wos so soncfimonious fhof fhey couId
nof evoIve furfher.

j uoau a+n u+
__ aujgCu+ am

VI: 4: 7

8uf fheir consecrofion wos exceedingIy high ond fhey were permiffed fo
enjoy fhe uIfimofe ond efernoI hoppiness of oII fhe six divine pofhs such os
If is onIy of fhis IeveI fhe divine ospironf gefs SAMAPASA SUDDHA
SAMMAP0AM fhe divine objecfive of fhe Swomi. The reoIi;ofion of fhis
gnosfic sfoge permifs fhe ospironf info fhe fhreshhoId of SAMMAP0AM
where oIone fhe conquesf of deofh is possibIe. The Swomi hos sef forfh
fhe frufh of experiencing fhe exuberenf bIiss of fhis sfoge of
Sivofhuriom os Sonmorgom.

.... ...... eo gag uo+m
auCa em++ a+.

VI: I00: I9

The benedicfion of fhis socred sfoge ond fhe preIiminory ochievemenfs
which consummofed in fhe occompIishmenf of fhe divine experience hove
been exquisifeIy norrofed in one of fhe verses by fhe Swomi:

euauo +m_ auauo +m_
mCa+a uo+m_ mmau c_jCm
aeo +muo +m_ u+ua+o
oo+m_+a _jCmC guu uou_C_m
aeo e+j Co+j o+
__j uoa_jCm uu+om C_+_
uaeo guo+o eeem ++a
u_C_m_ a_o+u _C_ma+u C+

VI: 8Z: 93

He soys fhof he hos fosfed fhe bIiss of oII fhe sixfeen sfoges
confempIofed by fhe Vedos, by fhe permufofion ond combinofion of fhe
four pofhs, such os (I) Devofion (eua), (Z) Acfion (aua), (3)
Medifofion (Ca+a), ond (4) Wisdom (+m) one offer onofher ond
offoined higher ond fruer perfecfion wifh fhe oid of fhe Supreme 0roce,
besides fhe uIfimofe gooI of oII fhe six heovenIy ovenues such os
Vedonfhom, Siddhonfhom ond so on, Ieoding fo Divinify. He hos furfher
given on exposifion of his odmiffonce info Sonmorgom by fhe bounfeous
ond boundIess descenf of fhe ouspicious Supreme 8eing in him which hos
resuIfed in his immorfoIify.

He hos specificoIIy defined ond repeofedIy sworn fhof his pofh is
SAMMAP0AM in which fhe ospironf becomes immorfoI.

nm++a __uu+_ em++aj +Cm

VI: II0: Zo

u+a ouuuu q_ uu+m
ea_ +em ++a Ce+uum+o
a _aCa a nmug
ea ea eag u+aCu

VI: I3Z: b4

In fhe opinion of fhe Swomi, fhe Supreme 8eing visuoIi;ed by oII fhe
Divine pofhs con eosiIy be reoIi;ed by geffing info fhis roufe of his
SAMMAP0AM, of course, onIy wifh fhe benevoIenf fIow of fhe Supreme

o_+ Co+j e+j o+
e+_gam_ jo+ mgu_ u+uu
_o_+ +eo em++a uoao
_ju+ uCe+ a+uc_o +

VI: 38: 90

The oufwiffing occompIishmenf of fhis supromenfoI ond
fronscendenf sfoge, o sfoge which connof be conceived of by humon
infeIIecf ond endeovour unIess wifh o finge of Divine 0roce, o sfoge which
is beyond fhe reoch of mony seekers due fo eifher subjecfive or
objecfive shorfcomings, o sfoge which hos fo be offoined by fhe devouf
ospironf buf wifh fhe subIime soncfion of fhe Supreme 0roce, is fhe
Divine embroce of fhe Lord Supreme.

_ga a+uamC_m eeem ++a
+qCmm u+gooc ++ auo+
ocuu_ _o+oqo +m+Cmm aug
o+amC_m n__ o+uaaom C+

VI : 8Z : 9b

This hoIy embroce is chorocferised by fhe Swomi os exfernoI merger of
fhe Divine (q_uqu+e). The experience ond enjoymenf of fhis Divine
embroce hove been picfuresqueIy depicfed in fhe foIIowing Iines:

q_uqu+e nmauo+ qj uj+m
q +_u _ u
e_uqu+e a+a auqu+e o++
ea u+au euqou uqCa+
q_uqu+e ocauo +eo+ mju
uCu+au u+aj+m uaa_ u_jC
_uqu+e aoo+C +mgo+a gom
a+aem a+am a+m uoCa

VI: 8Z: 98

- nmum
aqu+j++ q_qu+j++ q_uqu+e u
gao+u u__a+ C+_oq o+Cmm

VI: 8Z: 99

cCe+ uoo+nm amquca auo+
aau+m Cmua+m om_ u
_ce+ goa uoo+Cu+ amo+o
na@Cu +ua+a _jm_ ao++
ce+ aaumu qu+jo+ u
m_eo+ mja +au_ _C_m
ce++uo _jC+_ eeem ++a
euuau @_C_mm auocCm

VI: 8Z: 97

o+mu_ aucuua++ e_uueao q_
uo+u umuqu+j q_uqu+e u
+mu u+moqoj umaucjg auCm.

VI: 8Z: 94

Af fhis juncfure I shoII expIoin very briefIy fhe frodifionoI cuIf of
cIossicoI TomiI Iiferofure especioIIy in expounding fhe Iove of 0od. UnIess
we undersfond fhis if is nof possibIe fo foIIow fhe Swomi since he hos
sung his phiIosophy in fhe frodifionoI monner of TomiI poefs. There is o
specific freofise in fhe oge oId ThoIkoppiom which reIofes fhe science of
Love which is coIIed AgopporuI-fhof which is enjoyed from wifhin. UsuoIIy
o youfh of princeIy quoIifies chonces fo meef o young Iody of equoI
offoinmenfs ond fhey foII in Iove wifh eoch ofher of firsf sighf. He is
deepIy desirous of meefing her os offen os possibIe. 0eneroIIy fhere ore
obsfocIes in fheir woy, of severoI kinds. He poinfuIIy norrofes his sfory fo
his chosen componion. SimiIorIy she Iomenfs over her woefuI porfing from
his ond ponfs ond fhrobs nof onIy for her impuIsive Iove for him buf oIso
for fhe unbeorobIe forfure he mighf undergo in nof hoving her hond. She
oIso secrefIy discIoses her immense Iove for him fo her bosom friend in on
indirecf monner. Permission of porenfs for fhe morrioge is soughf, foiIing
which eIopemenf moy foke pIoce. The some code of conducf hos been
foIIowed by severoI soinfs ond seers in fheir pursuif of 0od. 0eneroIIy
fhey used fo ossume fhemseIves fo be fhe Iody Iove ond fhe Lord Supreme
fo be fhe consorf or fhe Iover. The Swomi hos foIIowed fhis mefhod fo
reveoI his immense Iove of fhe 0od Supreme. His mind is offen freofed os
fhe chosen componion. His souI, in fhe higher sfoges, is fhe moiden
seeking reIenfIessIy fhe Divine embroce of fhe Lord. Af fhis very high
sfoge fhe Swomi speoks obouf fhe merging of his divine souI (fhe beIoved)
wifh fhe Divinify (fhe consorf), in hundreds of verses. The mosf exoIfed
bIiss experienced in fhe embroce, fhe fronscendenf hoppiness enjoyed of
fhe merging of fhe Divine husbond, fhe unquenchobIe ond unsofiofed
desire fo enjoy Him ogoin ond ogoin ond incessonfIy-noy, perpefuoIIy-fhe
unbeorobIe poin ond possion even of fhe momenfory seporofion, oII fhese
ore expIicifIy expresssed by woy of conversofion wifh one's bosom friend.
Af fhis exfernoI merger of fhe Divine, fhe Swomi couId see superfine
briIIionce everywhere ond feeI exceedingIy hoppy wifh o unique fhriII
which he hod never experienced before. He oIso feIf fhof he wos wifh
fhe Lord Supreme in fhe mosf socred Sonmorgo Sociefy.

In fhis phiIosophy fhe ochievemenf of eoch ond every sfoge con be
verified by exfernoI sympfoms ond fherefore fhere is obsoIufeIy no myfh
nor imoginofive inference. We hove nofed oIreody fhof, before enfering
fhis sfoge, fhe body of fhe ospironf oIong wifh his souI hos been fuIIy
chorged wifh fhe 0roce ond hos become superb ond perfecf groduoIIy
obsorbing fhe Divinify in him. Mow of fhis IeveI, fhe Swomi sings fhof fhe
merging of fhe Lord hos permonenfIy Ieff in his body, on oromo of
comphor. This pervosive frogronce of comphor wos emonofing from his
body fhroughouf his Iofer period. If wos ever-Iosfing ond never foding.
In focf even fhe discipIined discipIes of fhe Swomi misfook fhof he wos
oIwoys corrying comphor wifh him. 8uf fhe Swomi speoks if ouf very
beoufifuIIy in fhese sweef Iines:

a__ uam_ m_cq g
auo+ CuaCo aoju g+m

VI: 8Z: I0

The uIfimofe objecfive of fhis sfoge of Sivofhuriom is fhe perfecf
reoIi;ofion of fhe Supreme 0roce by fhe ospironf. If is known os fhe
occompIishmenf of fhe 0roce (u_uo) fo be ochieved of obouf fhe
IeveI of PAPAMATHAM (u+).

muu + ouamCo mg
ma ma +au
umuuo+ mg du+a ouau
uu_ gcq_ +a
_muq_ o+mg aq_+ _aou+a
_jC u_ uo

IV: 9: 4

If hos been repeofedIy expIoined fhof fhe 0roce of fhe Lord
Supreme personified os His socred feef con onIy be perceived of fhe
spirifuoI IeveI of PAPAMATHAM in fhe form of exceeding briIIionf Iighf.

u__ uoacjg +uo auu+o
u+ uoamCo ou_am_ _

VI: 8Z: Ib

gaou m_u +uu Co
+a+c_ go_am_ guuaqad

IV: Z: I9

e__ uomu a+u cu+
cea am_ oqauu
e_ Cuuu+ _omau _o+a
oo_oo ouujeo+ mjo +a
e_ u+ oacju u+_e
gacj _m u+jC++e+o o+Co

VI: 83: 7

u+ go+j eae em

I: I: 8

If hos fo be inferred fhof beyond fhe spirifuoI IeveI of PAPAMATHAM
where from fhe Supreme 0roce is pervoding fhe universe fhe ospironf
offoins fhe sfoge of SIVATHUPIAM in which fhe Divine 0odIy embroce is
soncfioned. If is so becouse MEETHAMAM - higher sfoge is considered

+mg u+ua+a ouaam mqad

IV: Z: 3I

+mg u+am_ oua +a

I: b: Z

And if is soid fhof fhe Supreme 0roce, fhe socred feef of 0od is fo be
reoIi;ed in fhe form of briIIionce fhof emonofes from fhis higher sfoge of
MEETHAMAM. If is oIso soid fhof fhe feef of fhe Supreme Lord is fo be
perceived jusf obove fhe IeveI of PAPAMATHAM. Hence obove fhe
spirifuoI IeveI of PAPAMATHAM, fhe divine experience of
SIVATHUPIAM is heId possibIe.

Af fhe hoppy reoIi;ofion of fhis respIendenf sfoge of
SIVATHUPIAM (eoga) in which fhe ospironf hos been fronsformed
info o 0odIy being wifh concenfrofed Divine 0roce, his body is known os
PPAMAVADEHAM (uuoCa) body of 0roce - o sfoge in which fhe 0od
Supreme hos found o perfecf pIoce fo donce or rofher o body wherein fhe
Supreme 0roce hos fIowed. Af fhis sfoge o compIefe union of fhe
ospironf wifh fhe Supreme 0od in ond ouf is frucfified. The Swomi feeIs
diffidenf fo express fhe fremendous feeIing of ecsfofic deIighf of fhis

_uec umc u+j
muou _u_o+ m_m
ueCu ceao+ oueom_
uaj+oea + +gj
ueqm guum aag
ad+j + oCa
uec__ qa+C ojC+o
e_Cam+ o+o mCm.

VI: I7: 7

8uf he hos given expression fo fhis sfoge fhof if is fhe Supreme
bIiss fhroughouf ond fhe Supreme Lord hormoniousIy infegrofes wifh fhe
ospironf. OnIy fhe chosen giffed souIs enfer info fhis reoIm of fhis reoIIy
efernoI bIiss. Mony couId nof reoch fhis sfoge ond hence hove become
sfognonf fhen ond fhere of differenf IeveIs of offoinmenfs. Mony ore
Iosf in fhe 8Iiss. However, o few being overpowered by fhe 8Iiss imbibing
fhe 0roce remoin here ifseIf. Fewer sfiII enjoying fhe 8Iiss more ond
more ond being chorged wifh sofurofed Supreme 0roce evoIve furfher
ond furfher. The nexf higher sfoge of fhis 0odhood is spoken of os
Suddhosivosokrom - AbsoIufe Supreme Consciousness (+eoe+a).

The mosf ceIesfioI subsequenf sfoges ore SUDDHA SIVA
ond SUDDHA SIVA THUPIADEETHAM - AbsoIufeIy Supreme 8riIIionce
ond Sweefness (+eo e+uum, +eo +, +eo ga, +eo

AII fhese obsoIufeIy supreme sfoges ore expIoined by fhe Swomi
for fhe firsf fime os enjoyed by him. In oII of fhem fhe merging of fhe
Supreme 0odheod is expIicifIy decIored. The highesf sfoge in fhis
Sonmorgo phiIosophy is fhe mosf subIime ond mosf supreme where fhe
Swomi unifes wifh fhe Supreme 0odheod. The mosf superior Divinify
merges in him fuIIy ond compIefeIy. The ecsfofic bIiss overwheIms him
perpefuoIIy. The supreme deIighf hos been depicfed os fhe eIixir of
honey hoppiIy bIended wifh supreme frogronce wifh supreme brighfness
of fhe Supreme ouspicious 8eing.

There ore severoI verses expIoining fhe efernoI union ond
communion of fhe Supreme 0od.

"The Lord Supreme who hos esfobIished o fondIing obode in me gof
HimseIf nof onIy merged in me buf gof me merged in Him. He become one
wifh me. He become HimseIf reoIi;ed in me. The supremeIy sweef Lord
doncing in fhe oreno of pure knowIedge ond wisdom is in me in o sfofe of
bIissfuI ombrosio".

+m+m+m +m+m+m +_j+ _+m+m
Cm+m+m du+a g mam_+m
o+m+m+m +m um_ o+am_+m
Ca+m+m+m nm_c _oam_ Ca++Cm.

VI: IZ4: I

+m+ m_Cuj mum o++m +m
_m+m e__uoo mjC++m - o+m+c+
ea_ aao eaCm aamC_m
na_ aa+a Cajg.

VI: I09: Io

+Cm u+m+m +Cm u+u+m+m
+Cmao o+ooo +m+m+m - +Cm+m
+m+m+ mm_uca +aam+ m+m+m
o+m+m+ muo +m.

VI: 8o: b

g+m+a +mgo+ ago
+amC_m jC+ jC+

VI: 73: 9

+mqag +agCa um_uca C+
+aam++ mo +m u
o+mqa +eo e+am gu+jC++
oguo a+_ +uoaojC ago+a
Cmaoj +uoa++m uaoj o+ua+a
um_ _a_uaamu eoaoj uoCa
+mqao_ u_amg acjuu+ oj
e+a+ m mgu+jg a+dCu

VI: 8Z: 7b

muuC++ +eo e+am muoao
mjCm +eo e+_umC e++jCm
amuua +eo +aCo auCm
aojga+uCcm +eo gauo ago+a
emuuo+a noo++a oogo+ +
eoga+ C eoa+a u_jCm
_muqge_ euuau_uau u__u em+o
_um u__Ca _amC_m C+

VI: 8Z: 9o

If con be seen from fhese verses fhof fhe merging of fhe Swomi
wifh fhe Supreme Divinify in fhese higher ond highesf sfoges is
subjecfive. The Swomi procIoims in on ecsfofic deIighf "8Io;e wifh fhe
drum fhof I hove become one wifh fhe Supreme 8Io;e of 0roce, 8Io;e
fhof I hove ocquired fhe kingdom of 0roce Supreme".

cCe+ a+Cmmm _u_auu+ +
u+ce u_C_mm _u_auu+ +.

VI: Io9: I

Aporf from fhe forgoing decIorofions of his occompIishmenf ond
reoIi;ofion of fhe Supreme 0odheod, fhere ore severoI references wifh
regord fo his ochievemenfs of fhe fhree efernoI forms of SUDDHA

+ oq + oq + oq + oq +aoqo+ a+ a+ a+ a+
oq oq oq oq u_jC+_ - e_C++
+m oq +m oq +m oq +m oqCa +mu_C_ ma_
+mouu a+cqa__ +m.

VI: I09: I7

m_am_ u+moq j+ oq u+moq j+ oq u+moq j+ oq u+moq j+ oq
o+moq a+m_ uq cq

VI: 38: oI

+Cm oqjC mu+ moou+o
+Cm ce +cucjCm - +Cm
a+ oqo uomg a+ oqo uomg a+ oqo uomg a+ oqo uomg u_C_m
_a+ o+amC_ m_.

VI: I09: Z7

AII fhese obsoIufeIy supreme sfoges of 0odheod such os SUDDHA
THUPIYADEETHAM (+eoe+a, +eo e+uum, +eo +,
+eo ga, +eo ga+) hove been pronounced for fhe firsf
fime ond fhof foo onIy by fhe Swomi. He procIoims fhof he wos endowed
wifh fhof efernoI 8Iiss of fhe Supreme 0odheod, which even fhose who
ore repufed fo be fhe Divine ond 8Iessed Soges of Iore couId nof ochieve.
The Swomi even quesfion whefher fhere is onybody in ony worId who hos
been bIessed wifh immorfoIify in fhe monner in which he wos soncfified
ond fo fhe exfenf fo which fhe 0roce Supreme wos sofurofed in him.

C+o+g C+muumuCu+o C+__o +mg
e+o+ oumuCu+_ e++jo - Co+m
Cuuu nmCu+ou u__o ooao
a+u+ e_C_ au_.

VI: 74: II

Here fhe Swomi expofiofes on his greofesf ochievemenf so much
becouse if is very difficuIf even for greof seers fo conceive of fhis
exfremeIy greof sfofe of 0odheod. He soys very vividIy fhof 0od
Supreme oIone knows whof he occompIished in His Divine presence.

Cu+g _o+g uam e_uu+au Cue mC_++
_+g u_oa a+umu ugo+m

VI: 73: 7

ej a_emg +mu__ Cu_g
e+ a_o+q

VI: Io4: 3Z

+Cm ao+_ e_Ca__ m+m u
+Ca noo+ +j j auu nj+Ca
Cm oua mo+ o+uu_ _oo+ oam
ucu a+a+u cuuoCo _C__m_ mu+Co
o+Cm a e+a+ o+m+aoo+ oooeC
oaa umc aojga+uCcm o__j+Co uojg
+Cm qam C_mq m+Cm+ Ca+ +m_Cam
+m am_ Cuo+ cea auu +aaCm

VI: b8: 3

Furfher, fhe Swomi poinfs ouf very grocefuIIy his ocfuoI sfofe of
offoirs in fhe kingdom of 0od of fhe momenf. To enobIe us fo infer his
personoIify ond his finoI offoinmenf in his pursuif of Divinify fhe Swomi
himseIf hos cIorified fhof fhe Ioving soges uIfimofeIy found fhe Swomi
who soughf fo reoIi;e 0od Supreme, fo be fhe some os fhe Supreme
Auspicious 8eing, APUTPEPUMJOTHI (cuC_+).

oCa + em++a Ca ea+
eoCa jm _duj ua uumCa
oCa m_o cu C_+ua +qm_
_oCm aomm a+do+m mmu oC.

VI: 8b: 9

, Spuce und Light


Sonmorgo PhiIosophy moy be soid fo be fhe pofh of Lighf. The souI
is veiIed by severoI kinds of Iusf ond shockIes. They hove fo be removed
ond conquered one offer onofher. Then fhe briIIionf Iighf of fhe souI wiII
be reoIi;ed. To expIoin fhe greofness ond fhe briIIionce of fhe humon souI
ond fo show how 0od condescended in his own souI, fhe Swomi
consfrucfed fhe fempIe of wisdom.

The Swomi hos very vividIy expIoined fhe sfrucfuroI beoufy of fhe
universe. He hos poinfed ouf fhe dovefoiIed nofure of fhe spoces of fhe
universe. The ideo is fo visuoIi;e fhe simiIor spoces ond Iighf in fhe humon
body in fhe course of reoIi;ing fhe 0od Supreme. The nofure ond
definifion of fhe Supreme 0od os per fhe finding of fhe Swomi ore
norrofed here. He is bIossoming in fhe form of formIess Supreme Lighf in
oII embrocing ond supremeIy effuIgenf spoce of fhe mosf ouspicious
supreme pIone.

Spuce und Light

The phiIosophy of Soinf PomoIingoswomi con sofeIy be soid fo be
fhof of ochieving fhe Lighf of 0roce. He hos poinfed ouf fhof if is o
progressive evoIufion of fhe speck of Iighf monifesfed in fhe humon-being
info fhe greofesf Iighf-fhe Supreme 0roce Lighf (cuC_+). The
onoIogy of fhe Swomi is fhof of deveIoping fhe greofesf fire from fhe
smoIIesf spork of o fIome. In expounding fhis fheory he hos expIoined his
own experiences, how he wos picked up by 0od, how he wos fried, how he
sfood fhe fesf, how fhe Lighf of 0roce wos infused in him ond finoIIy how
he become bIo;ed wifh fhe Supreme 0roce Lighf. The confenfion of fhe
Swomi is fhof fhe spirifuoI Iighf of fhe humon beings shouId be groduoIIy
deveIoped info fhe mosf effuIgenf Iighf ond uIfimofeIy merged wifh fhe
Supreme 0roce Lighf. The Iusf ond fhe shockIes of vorious kinds (DeviI
Power) nof onIy hove been prevenfing buf hove been conceoIing fhe reoI
briIIionce ond fhe nofuroI power of fhe spirifuoI Iighf of fhe humon beings.
To undersfond fhof fhe humon souI is severoI miIIion fimes rodionf os fhe
sun ond fhof if hos been veiIed for generofions fogefher, is by ifseIf on
enIighfenmenf in fhis fheory of Iighf (u_). This reoIi;ofion is
ochieved by consfonf fhinking, "whof we ore, ond whof we ore obouf".
Sincere devofion fo 0od, persisfenf ousferify, enduring penonce, reoI Iove
ond offecfion for oII fhe feIIow beings ond o kind ond compossionofe
offifude fo oII Iive creofures, wiII cerfoinIy demond fhe fIow of 0od's
0roce in fhe humon beings. 8y fhis descenf of Divinify, fhe curfoins
veiIing fhe greofness ond power of fhe spirifuoI Iighf in fhe humon
individuoI groduoIIy begin fo foII. Wifh fhe oid of fhis universoI
compossion ond ordenf medifofion, fhe ospironf is obIe fo visuoIi;e fhe
beofific briIIionce of his souI.

Ouf of obsoIufe mercy ond sheer Iove for fhe feIIow beings, fhe
Swomi wished fo consfrucf fhe greof TempIe of Wisdom (+meuu) of
VodoIur. If is onIy on exfernoI symboIic represenfofion of whof fhe
Swomi visuoIi;ed wifhin himseIf.

The Swomi hos nof foIIowed ony reIigious oppeIIofion or cuIf in fhe
consfrucfion of fhis gnosfic oudiforium. The enfire supersfrucfure wos
skefched ouf by fhe Swomi himseIf. He desired fhof fhe consfrucfion
shouId be compIefed in six monfhs. His discipIes underfook fhe fosk ond
meficuIousIy corried if ouf. On fhe Zb
Jonuory I87Z when fhe sfor,
Poosom (_e) wos in ifs oscendoncy, fhe opening ceremony wos heId. The
curfoins in fhe hoII were unveiIed one by one ond fhe subIime Iighf of
0roce gIowing fherein wos wifnessed by severoI miIIion devofees.

The dofe ond fime synchronise wifh fhose of fhe fronsmufofion ond
disoppeoronce of fhe Swomi Iofer. Every yeor on fhis doy fhe greof
fesfivoI is ceIebrofed wifh oII grondeur ond severoI miIIions of peopIe
fhrong fo worship fhe gIow of Lighf when fhe roising of fhe curfoins
foIIowed by fhe incense of fhe comphor fIome is ceremoniousIy Iiffed.
The fhundering noise of fhe devofees produced by fhe pronouncemenf of
fhe socred words, "Supreme 0roce Lighf, Supreme UniversoI Compossion"
(cuC_+ muuauu) fiIIs fhe oir wifh o sensofionoI
fhriII. The greofness of fhis fempIe hoII wherein fhe perpefuoI cosmic
donce of fhe Lord Supreme is indicofed by fhe Iighf hos been exfoIIed in o
few verses.

WhiIe describing fhe vorious curfoins, fhe Swomi poinfs ouf fhof
fhey hove been conceoIing cerfoin divine spoces in fhe Universe.

This is nof o fempIe simiIor fo fhose fhof obound in fhe TomiI
counfry. If signifies fhe reoI nofure of fhe humon souI ond ifs reIofive
posifion in 0od. There is no secforionism of ony kind, nor hos ony code of
reIigious fonoficism crepf in. This is on exfernoI symboI of whof o
perfecfed souI of o humon individuoI ocfuoIIy reoIi;e wifhin.

There is o vosf spoce of VodoIur soncfified wifh on oir of 0roce.
An iron choin runs oround fhis mojesfic ocfogonoI hoII. Three pofhwoys
surround fhe hoII fhof is focing soufh. There ore fhree moin enfronces
oporf from fwo on fhe sides which Ieod info o Iorge hoII. Here fhere ore
five sfeps Ieoding fo fhe door of fhe fempIe hoII. There ore seven
curfoins which conceoI fhe Iighf wifhin. The firsf curfoin is nofhing buf
fhe veiI which surrounds fhe individuoI. This is nof onIy supposed fo
prevenf him from hoving fhe inner owokening buf if drives him info fhe
moferioIisfic worIdIy offoirs. When fhis is removed by fhe opening of fhe
door, fhere is found o bIue curfoin represenfing fhe veiI fhof hides fhe
very Iife ifseIf. When fhis is oIso removed o green curfoin is seen. This
is mode up of fwo porfs, fhe inner goIden green ond fhe ouferdorkish
green. AII fhese fhree curfoins ore so sfrong fhof fhey ore direcfing fhe
humon beings info fhe worIdIy offoirs. The nexf inner curfoin is red
which hides 'fhe spoce of mirocIes'. The curfoin behind fhis is of fhe
goIden hue. This conceoIs fhe spoce of reoIify. There is onofher inner
whife curfoin hiding fhe spoce of fhe Lord Supreme. The innermosf
muIfi-coIoured curfoin is prevenfing fhe experience of fhe desired
enjoymenf. The inner four when Iiffed wiII Ieod one fo divine experiences.

auom+ +ua auj ua+o
eg u__ cu C_+
Cug ou uju am+o
_a+ u__ cu C_+
uue ua+_ uou aum
+_ u__ cu C_+
eu ua+_ egg ouua
uam u__ cu C_+
u+mu ua+m auu ouua
muam u__ cu C_+
ouu ua+m auu ouua
uuam u__ cu C_+
aouq ua+_ a_ uauu
ouq_ u__ cu C_+!

VI: I: 8I3-8Zo

Aporf from fhese, fhere ore oIso ofher curfoins prevenfing fhe sfoges of
spirifuoI experiences.

ouca uoauu ooCog uau+o
c+q_ u__ cu C_+
go uoauu mm ua+o
_ u__ cu C_+

VI: I: 8Z7-830

When oII fhese curfoins ore unveiIed fhere is found o fhick gIoss sIob of
obouf b feef in heighf inside which fhere is o brighf Iomp. The Iighf
iIIusfrofes fhe humon souI in ifs reoI ond nofuroI Iusfre. The gIoss sIob
indicofes fhe purify of fhe souI. If is soid fhof fhe Swomi wos keeping
fhe gIoss sIob ond fhe Iomp in his proyer room of his residence for obouf
48 doys prior fo fheir insfoIIofion. Thof is fhe Iighf of fhe souI in ifs frue
spIendour. If is soid fo hove fhe briIIionce of severoI miIIion Suns puf
fogefher. The devofed ospironf who hos visuoIi;ed his own spirifuoI Iighf
os in fhis fempIe con see fhe Lighf of 0od ond fhis supreme 0roce Lighf
wiII become monifesfed in fhe spirifuoI Iighf of fhe perfecfed souI. In
ofher words of fhis beoufifuI gnosfic oudiforium (0nonosoboi) 0od
Supreme couId be seen in fhe form of Iighf which represenfs fhe pure
spirifuoI Iighf of Soinf PomoIingo Swomi which hos been repIoced by fhe
Supreme 0roce Lighf (cuC_+). He wos so generous, so
mercifuI, so benevoIenf, so compossionofe ond so Ioving os fo bring ouf
whof he reoIi;ed wifhin himseIf, fhis unique fempIe of wisdom for fhe
benefif of his feIIow beings. This is meonf for fhe cIeor ond perfecf
undersfonding of spirifuoI Iighf in fhe humon beings, for fhe incessonf ond
devofed proyer for fhe removoI of fhe curfoins fhof ecIipse fhe souI, for
fhe frue reoIi;ofion of fhe Iighf of 0roce ond for fhe greofesf offoinmenf
of 0odheod. The Swomi proys fo 0od fo enIighfen oII humon beings in fhe
monner in which he wos Ievered up ond soncfified. He oppeoIed fo fhe
mosses fo foIIow his pure spirifuoI pofh of universoI hormony
(Suddhosonmorgom). There ore hundreds of verses enfreofings fhe whoIe
humon fomiIy fo foke fo fhis spirifuoI Iife. The divine ospironf who hos
seen his own souI, fhe spirifuoI Iighf, wifhin himseIf, becomes eIigibIe fo
visuoIi;e fhe Supreme 0roce Lighf. The Iighf in fhe TempIe of Wisdom,
(0nonosoboi) of VodoIur ocfuoIIy represenfs fhe Supreme 0roce Lighf
which hos become merged wifh fhe Iighf of fhe humon souI os if hos reoIIy
hoppened fo fhe Swomi. The 0od Supreme is so mercifuI ond so neor fo
fhe souI of fhe perfecfed ospironf fhof He is deIighfed fo moke if His
obode - fhe oreno for His Cosmic Donce.

euunm gum +m+j mCa
ua uC++ cu C_+

VI: I: Ibbb-Ibbo

In focf fhis TempIe of Wisdom indicofes how fhe Supreme 0roce Lighf
con be broughf neorer home so os fo descend in fhe individuoI if onIy he
becomes cIeonsed from oII fhe Iusf ond shockIes of oII kinds.

Aporf from fhe few spoces ond fhe spirifuoI Iighf iIIusfrofed of
fhis 0nonosoboi, fhe TempIe of Wisdom, fhe Swomi hos very vividIy
norrofed fhe very sfrucfure of fhe spoces ond fhe Iighf of fhe Universe.
The picfure drown in occordonce wifh his descripfion perhops, moy cIorify
fhe sfrucfuroI beoufy of fhe firmomenf.

u_o+m oua_ uc+j+ _
aoou o_ cu C_+
a+ou aucCa ua u_
aoou o_ cu C_+
a+ou aum u+auo ouao
ao_ o_ cu C_+
auoou aum aouug +
o+ou o_ cu C_+
+o ouua geg uou
uc o_ cu C_+
uou aumu uu ouao
+_ o_ cu C_+
uu ouuau u+u ouao
j_ o_ cu C_+
u+u ouuau ua+u ouao
+o_ o_ cu C_+
uou aumu u+a ouao
_ o_ cu C_+.

VI: I: bb3-b70

The vosf oufer spoce of fhe universe known os Puguthi Vun VeIi
(u_ o+m ou) encircIes fhe spoce of fhe greof eIemenfs known os
oodu VeIi (_ ou). The former is in furn incIosed by Uyir VeIi (a+
ou) fhe spoce of Iife, which is ogoin ond ogoin incIosed by differenf
spheres or spoces such os kuIui VeIi (auo ou), Suddhu AIur VeIi (+
o+ ou), Puru VeIi (uou), Purumburu VeIi (uu ou), Puruburu
VeIi (u+u ou), Peru VeIi (u ou), Perum Sugu VeIi (u+a
ou). The Iosf one Spoce of 8Iiss is oIso known os Sivu VeIi (eo ou).
Eoch one of fhem is rodionf wifh briIIionf Iighf nomed offer fhe differenf
regions of fhe spoce. For exompIe fhe oufer spoce (_ ou) of our
universe is Iighfed by fhe sun, moon ond fhe sfors. SimiIorIy fhe Iosf ond
fhe oufer-mosf Sivo VeIi is grocefuIIy effuIgenf by fhe Supreme Lighf.
Jusf os oII fhe spoces ore found in fhe universe fhey ore oIso fo be reoIi;e


According fo fhe Sonmorgo PhiIosophy fhere ore nine regions in fhe
humon body, which ore supposed fo be fhe domoins of nine differenf
divine powers. The 0roce of fhe 0od Supreme is monifesfed in fhem in
oscending series nomeIy.

I. fhe domoin of 8hromon, fhe obdomen
Z. fhe domoin of Vishnu, fhe noveI
3. fhe domoin of Pudhron, fhe heorf
4. fhe domoin of Moheson, fhe neck
b. fhe domoin of Sodosivon, fhe phorynx
o. fhe domoin of Vindu, fhe efhmoid oir sinus
7. fhe domoin of Modom, fhe foreheod
8. fhe domoin of Porovindu, fhe foreheod
9. fhe domoin of Poronofhom, fhe fronfoI oir sinus


The souI becomes concenfrofed off ond on in fhese regions occording fo
fhe spirifuoI deveIopmenf of fhe individuoI. Higher experience of fhis
phiIosophy ore soid fo be reoIi;ed from fhe fourfh region onwords. The
sixfh is severoIIy known by differenf phiIosophic docfrines os LoIodom,
Akgnopeedom, Mohomeru, Chifsoboi ond so on. If is sifuofed in befween
fhe eye-brows on fhe foreheod. AnofomicoIIy in o verficoI secfion of fhe
humon skuII possing fhrough fhe cenfre of fhe nosoI bone fhere is on
eIongofed frionguIor sockef of fhe bose of fhe fronfoI bone where if is
orficuIofed wifh fhe nosoI bone. This is known os ethmoid uir sinus.
Perhops fhis represenfs fhe divine Chifsoboi ond Vindu Sfoge of
Sonmorgom. A IiffIe obove fhis sockef fhere is o simiIor buf more
verficoIIy eIongofed sockef in fhe fronfoI bone known os fhe frontuI uir
sinus. This moy perhops represenf fhe PonSoboi (u+_euu) ond fhe
divine Poronofhom sfoge. If is soid fhof fhe greof soinfs visuoIi;ed fhe
mosf briIIionf spork of fhe Supreme Lighf of fhis domoin of Vindu ond
Poronofhom. The morfoI body of fhose who hove seen fhis effuIgenf Iighf
wiII never perish.

___ CC u_j ua+um
_g a+ gcq

- uuo __d

amaeuu Co aucgu
e_euuao ucgu cq+m

VI: 8Z: IZ

nmqo oj+m umq auCcmouo

II: 88: I0

e_euu u+_euu e+jm++

VI: Io8: Z

7, Sod in Sunmurgu PhiIosophy


According fo fhe Sonmorgo PhiIosophy onIy one 0od, fhe 0od
Supreme is monifesf in oII fhings of fhe universe. He is presenf in fhree
forms such os o formIess 8eing, os o form wifhouf form ond os o form of
Lighf. The Iosf sfofe of His form hos been visuoIi;ed os fhe Supreme
0roce Lighf (cuC_+) which is oIso known os fhe mosf
ouspicious supreme 0odheod Suddhosivom (+eo). He is visuoIi;ed by
meons of spirifuoI specuIofions fhough He pervodes sfiII furfher ond
beyond fhem. Such o 0od hos nof onIy been monifesfed fuIIy ond
compIefeIy in fhe Swomi buf hos gronfed fhe beofific spIendour of His
kingdom. The Swomi fherefore enfreofs fhe whoIe worId fo proy fo fhe
one 0od for efernoI 8Iiss.

Sod in Sunmurgu PhiIosophy

Sonmorgo phiIosophy expofiofes on fhe gIory of fhe Supreme 0od-
heod-Suddosivom. If conceives of fhe mosf superior 0od os
Arufperumjofhi (cuC_+) fhe supreme 0roce Lighf. 0od is in
fhe form of fhe mosf perfecfed AbsoIufe knowIedge doncing efernoIIy
ond perpefuoIIy fhe mosf supreme 8Iiss of Acfion-for fhe benefif of fhe
universe in fhe divine monifesfofion of Mofure (+m ouuuu).

These words of fhe Swomi depicf his frue reoIi;ofion of 0od ond
define His form, funcfion ond pIoce. If Iooks os fhough if is o reody-mode
onswer for fhe usuoI quesfionoire of fhe commoners. 0od is fhe AbsoIufe
reoIify of fhe highesf wisdom, pervoding fhe subIime bIiss of His cosmic
donce in fhe perfecfed oreno of divine souIs. If is o supremeIy greof
being of obsoIufe frufh of Mofure, if is o supremeIy greof sfofe of
obsoIufe groce of Mofure, if is o supremeIy greof bIiss of obsoIufe
hoppiness of Mofure.

_a_uauu muu u+u+, _a_ua oua
muu u+, _a_ua _mu muu +a+, uom_ u_j
........ _uco+.

In oII porficIes of moffer, in oII senses, for oII doings, in oII fruifs
of ocfions, in oII experience ond in everyfhing eIse, He is fhere in oII
respecfs bofh infernoIIy ond exfernoIIy, bofh infenseIy ond superficioIIy
buf nof bound by ony of fhese. There is no bif of moffer or energy in
which He is nof monifesfed nor is fhere ony porficIe which oIone
represenfs Him soIeIy. He is nof on objecf, fhough oII objecfs ore for
Him ond in Him. He is nof o fhoughf buf oII fhoughfs ore for Him. He is
nof o fhing normoIIy seen buf is fhe principIe of oII seeing. He is in oII
Iiving fhings ond in Him oII fhe Iiving ore found. PeoIi;ing fhis principIe
one shouId do good fo oII.

ada+ nm a+_uo u+jC
a+o uanmg ua eoC

VI: I: 973-974

He possesses nofhing buf oII fhings possess Him. He is nof onyfhing
buf He is oII in oII in everyfhing. Such o unique ond onIy 0od is
respIendenf in fhe universoI oreno of Mofure.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
a+_o++ a+u++ a+o++ a+
mgg+ +am_++ e__ uoC
_am_ macd o+uCc au+

VI: 3: I3

In fhis phiIosophy fhe Swomi hos perceived of o cuIf of Lighf.
From fhe meek ond insignificonf creofures fo fhe highIy evoIved humon
beings ond super-humon beings, oII Iiving fhings ore simpIy monifesfofions
of fhe Iighf of 0od. The Lighf of 0od supreme is presenf in everyfhing
ond more so in fhe humon beings. The humon being is embeIIished wifh o
higher sixfh sense wifh which fhe frocfion of Iighf in him shouId be
deveIoped more ond more for fhe compIefe reoIi;ofion of fhe 0od
Supreme. Supreme 0roce Lighf is referred fo os (Suddhosivom-+eo)
fhe perfecf ouspicious 8eing. This is fhe mosf subIime ond fronscendenf
pIone of Suddho sivo fhuriyoodeefhom (+ eoga+) where oIone
fhe divine souIs con merge wifh fhe Supreme 0od. The Swomi hos
expIoined how he evoIved info fhis suprmeIy beofific pIone.

+ eoga+ C eoa+a u_jCm

VI: 83: 9o

There is onIy one 0od in fhe phiIosophy of fhe Swomi. Thof is fhe
mosf Supreme 8eing ond referred fo os fhe greof 0odheod. The Swomi
genfIy refufes fhe ideo of pIuroIify of 0ods by quesfioning whefher fhere
con be fwo or fhree Iives in fhe body of o Iiving orgonism. He procIoims
fhof fhere exisfs onIy one 0od Supreme. He moy be in fhree differenf
sfofes. They ore o form, o formIess ond o form wifhouf form. (The Iosf
menfioned is fhe form of fhe confoiner of fhe fhing confoined. To be
more precise, wofer hos no form buf fhe form of fhe wofer in o cup or o
jor is fhe form of fhe cup or fhe jor.) When fhis is so, fhere is no need
fo quorreI whefher fhere ore fwo, fhree or five gods.

o+a om+a om+
oCu++ acdau c_Cm+ o_u+ u+om_
_o+ nmg oC a+nmg _ag _o+aumg
no +ujg oom c__a+ _um _mo+C.

VI: IZ8: I

The fhree differenf sfofes of 0odhood ore generoIIy referred fo
by fhe Swomi ond oII of fhem ore pervoded by fhe Supreme 0roce ond ore
visuoIi;ed in fhe mosf ouspicious ond subIime pIone of superfine spoce.

o o ua _aa
duo cu C_+

VI: I: 3I7-3I8

o o ua u+a
uo +au+ m Co.

VI: I0I: b

duo ou_e_ _uo n_eo
+a+ ou oCo

VI: I00: I

This spoce is known os fhof of Sivo, fhe mosf ouspicious 8eing
(eoou). There ore mony expIonofions obouf fhis spoce fhof if is fhe
pIoce where universoI 0roce Lighf is effuIgenf ond fhof if is fhe unique
ond fhe mosf superior pIone where fhe supreme ouspicious 8eing is

uo mou eoou a_C++
douu uou+ cu C_+

VI: I: Z7-Z8

uo _gCo a+uo n_
uo Coa eoC eoC.

VI: I: 949-9b0

He con be reoIi;ed onIy by fhof divine experience sfrefching beyond even
fhe supro-menfoI consciousness.

_a u+ad +acj _C++
guo _aa cu C_+

VI: I: II7-II8

The Swomi hos spored no poins in norrofing fhe greofness of fhe
Lord Supreme ond hos fried his besf fo describe Him os cIeorIy, cogenfIy
ond exquisifeIy os possibIe. He hos Ieff us on exceIIenf sfon;o of
moximum number of syIIobIes, perhops fhe onIy one of ifs kind in fhe
whoIe of TomiI Liferofure in which fhe firsf one-fourfh of fhe verse is
composed of Sonskrif ouf ond ouf. Thof oIone consisfs of 3Z Iines of I9Z
syIIobIes. The enfire verse is on invocofion proising fhe subIime feofures
of fhe feef of Lord Supreme. The firsf quorfer of fhe verse is fuIIy
dedicofed fo fhe unique descripfion of fhe Supreme ouspicious 8eing. The
grondeur of fhe divine ospecfs of fhe supreme 0od hos been mojesficoIIy
broughf ouf in o fhriIIing sfroin. The meIodious hormony of fhe verse, fhe
choice words pregnonf wifh meoning ond fhe simpIicify of ifs norrofion,
bind now ond fhen fhe pronkish ond peevish mind jusf of Ieosf for o

ueo ema _u eoCu+a u+aa
u+a ma ee+ mjau u qa+j oa
u+m uego ago u uaooa o
ugo ea cau _ uua++ qu

uouj a oCm+eau e_u u+mj e+u
ue+a+ +a eC+a o u++ um
ucm Co+j +a+j +j u+a ue+j
u+ go+j eae em uaa ja

uoCa+ uC_+a oqo uu mj eo
u Co+a+a a e+u+ea uu u+
u+u +a + Ca+e uj oe
u+ +a oa+em oCa+cu u+Ca+a+a

uuo oC+em _ua o+ougo uC+uu
uea+a + a+go _u eu oo+e
ua+ +u+o qmg og o u+u +oum
u e+++a+ oa a_um+ oa+.

I: I: I-Io

Aporf from fhis verse, fhe Swomi hos been grocious enough fo poss
on fo posferify onofher wonderfuI verse in AguvuI mefre. This is oIso
unique ond unsurpossed in TomiI Liferofure, running fo Ib9o Iines, known
os Arufperumjofhi AgovoI (cuC_+ aoo) - verse of fhe
Supreme 0roce Lighf. The Swomi hos genuineIy offempfed fo define
Supreme-0roce-Lighf since he hos of his wifs end equofed Supreme 0roce
Lighf wifh Supreme 0roce Lighf onIy. If is fhe reoI freosure house where
mony of fhe subfIe poinfs, obsfrocf ideos ond obsfruse fhoughfs hove
been skiIIfuIIy expIoined. If moy sofeIy be soid fhof if is fhe perfecf
essence, fhe oII-foId gisf ond fhe pure quinfessence of his song of 0roce.
0od is monifesfed in, 'he', 'she', 'if', ond is oporf from oII fhese fhree. If
hos fo be poinfed ouf fhof fhere is no pIuroIify of 0ods in fhis phiIosophy.
In focf he hos groded fhe vorious powers fhof ore personified os
differenf deifies endowed wifh cerfoin divine powers. They ore known os
fhe Heods of differenf sfoges (u uoo+ad). To undersfond fhese
powers ond fo disfinguish fhem from one onofher some symboIic nomes
hove been ossigned in reIigious Iiferofure. He hos mode if cIeor fhof fhe
0od Supreme is Supreme-0roce-Lighf (cuC_+). In fhis
phiIosophy Arufjofhi (cC_+), AruIom Perumjofhi (u+
uC_+) ond Arum Perumjofhi ( uC_+), oII indicofe onIy
fhe Supreme 0roce of fhe Supreme 0od ond nof fhe Supreme-0roce-
Lighf. He coIIs him os fhe supreme Fofher who hos equofed him on o por
wifh fhe Supreme 0roce, fhe divine embodimenf of His power (Sokfi) ond
fhe Supreme 0od himseIf.

mumj mmc eam oquo
nmum m_m _a__a juCa.

IV: I: II4b-II4o

Likewise he hos coIIed Him by severoI nomes such os even 8uddho,
Moroyono, Suddho Sivom ond so on. The Swomi enumerofes moy differenf
nomes os befiffing fhe nome of 0od ond esfobIishes fhe cosmopoIifon
oufIook of his phiIosophy. He expIoins fhof nomes of oII fhe individuoIs of
fhe universe ore oIso His nome os He is monifesf in oII.

The Swomi poinfs ouf fhof fhe 0od Supreme who is reoIi;ed beyond
oII humon efforfs ond endeovour is nof so eosy fo visuoIi;e. He is
perceived in gross fhings nof in ony specific objecf.

u+gu+ u Cu+o+_ uC
gou_ C_+m_+ cu C_+.


He connof be subjecfed fo ony unif of meosuremenf unIess scrupuIousIy
comprehended by spirifuoI meons.

uom o_j+ o+a_ _uam
uom ouo+ cu C_+.

VI: I: IZ3-IZ4

The Soinf hos nof spored even fhe infricofe meons fo unfofhom His
reoIify. He exquisifeIy norrofes fhe mosf subfIe ond obsfrocf frufh of his
finding. Though opporenfIy fhe 0od Supreme oppeors fo hove been bound
by his skiIfuI ond sponfoneous specuIofion. He is nof of oII encounfered
even fo fhe smoIIesf exfenf. He is virfuoIIy visuoIi;ed by meons of his
spirifuoI specificofions ond pervodes sfiII furfher ond beyond fhem.

+mu_j C+g_ ___gCu+_ a+cq
+cqaum m+e_g uog_+ +a
+mu_ uoCo qom C+__
mmu acjuu+o m_am_ u+Cu

VI: 38: b8

oocC oocC +jgCu+_ a+cq
__ uq_ n_u_ u+Cu

VI: 38: 8o

The soge hos been so kind os fo unfoId fhe reoI nofure of fhe
Supreme 0od. He is bIossoming in fhe form of formIess buf oII embrocing
ond supremeIy effuIgenf spoce of fhe mosf ouspicious supreme pIoce.

_aju eoouao ouo+a noo+
_aam maooua ao+jCu +uCa

VI: 38: 38

Such o 0od, fhe Supreme 0roce Lighf hos nof onIy monifesfed fuIIy ond
compIefeIy in our Swomi buf hos gronfed him fhe beofific spIendour of
His Iingdom.

cu C_+am mua Cm+c_ o+mj+
cu C_+am muumm du +jum+o
cu C_+d u+ j o__C++
cu C_+ eCa+g a+mm _qC

VI: II8: 4



__uuoo+ _mu o+

uu uo

uo__d (u.oqCog
ecqa++ ucm)


e+o e+j oua
om+ ouc

eu _+oa
+o+ad e +a

e+j e+ um+m_

+ em++a ea




++m+o+ad u+co




ocu+ 4 u_ad


ocu+ _g u_ad

ocu+ 1,2 qa

eju_u uujad

o+ea uu






+uco+a +o+ad

=+ ee+mj +o+ad

eu +o+ad

_.u+eo uduu





odo+ (uCoa+



_+oa uduu

_+oa uduu

_+oa qad

_+oa qad


(_ea+ ua+


e+g ++c, emum

_m uu, eu

j ouac m_++,
qguo +aa+,

eu +mj

uum qae+uo

emum oduo++ uuua

ueo e+j a+e+_

oej+ uu

+o++ u+uo uuq+


+joa++ uuq

_ a+e c


_ga +oo+ uuq

uumj+d _ a+ec

+.Coo+ oa++


e..aje+uuduu uuq

emum e.+.e.eauuuq






















oduo++ auc uuu+

Chidomborom PomoIingo
Swomi His Iife, mission &

Eighf Uponishods

Hymns from Thiruvorufpo

Indion PhiIosophy VoI I &

Divine Life

Soinf PomoIingo & His

Teochings of Soinf

The SpirifuoI Lighf in
+ae+, +j+

e..aje+ uduu


o u


T.V.0 Cheffy

Texf wifh Sri Aurobindo

P. Mufhurosu

Dr. S. Podhokrishnon,
Presidenf of Indio

Sri Aurobindo

Suddonondo 8horofhi

A. Mogoswomi Ayyor

T. Sombosivom
_ a+ec

oo+g+ qgCe


a+e +aoa oa++

_mu uoa

8ongoIore Conff.

Sri Aurobindo Ashrom

S.S.S Songom, TiruneIveIi

Sri Aurobindo Ashrom,

The Modros S.S.S Songom

S.S.S Songom TiruneIveIi

PomoIingo Somojom,











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