Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

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Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

Demonstrative Adjectives
Demonstrative Adjectives draw attention to where someone or something is located in relation to yourself. They must agree in number and gender with the noun they modify. In English, the demonstrative adjectives are this, that, these, and those.

Demonstrative Adjectives

When objects are nearby use

This- Este (ms) These- Estos (mp) Esta (fs) Estas (fp) Esa (fs) Esas (fp)

When objects are farther away use

That- Ese (ms) Those- Esos (mp)

When objects are farthest away use

That (over there) aquel (ms) aquella (fs) Those (over there) aquellos (mp) aquellas (fp)

Demonstrative Adjectives

Este carro es azul.-This car is blue. Esa tarea es fcil.-That homework is easy. Aquellos chicos son altos.-Those boys (over there) are tall. Estos libros son grandes.-These books are big.

Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative Pronouns are used in place of the noun. They must agree in number and gender with the noun they modify. Demonstrative Pronouns draw attention to where someone or something is located in relation to yourself.

Demonstrative Pronouns

When objects are nearby use

This- ste (ms) These- stos (mp) sta (fs) stas (fp) sa (fs) sas (fp)

When objects are farther away use

That- se (ms) Those- sos (mp)

When objects are farthest away use

That (over there) aqul (ms) aqulla (fs) Those (over there) aqullos (mp) aqullas (fp)

Demonstrative Pronouns

This car is new. This is new.-ste es nuevo. These shoes are old. These are old.-stos son viejos. Those classes are fun. Those are fun.-sas son divertidas. Those dogs (over there) are handsome. Those are handsome.- Aqullos son guapos.

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