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Health Awareness Day (HAD) Public Health Campaign

Submitted to: IPSF EMRO Member Associations Submitted by: Sarah Hagras (International Pharmaceutical Students Federation Eastern Mediterranean Regional Projects Officer)

Directed To:
Save Our Souls villages (SOS) Other children and teenagers schools Other orphanages.

International Pharmaceutical Students Federation Eastern Mediterranean Regional office will be launching a healthy day for SOS villages, which have branches in different countries of Federation Eastern Mediterranean Regional; indeed the campaign is directed to SOS children and their mothers who are part of our communities and cultures, moreover the children and teenagers schools will be involved. Such organizations are in need to increase their potential to take care of orphans and grow them up to be able to share and involve in their national developmental projects and take their roles to enhance the image of their cultures. So International Pharmaceutical Students Federation is concerned with expanding the public health education, and potentiates the level of projects to serve different levels of populations; including orphans and their shelters. HAD has been inspired to give a hand to those children and their mothers by providing them with some health issues awareness, and arming them with some soft clinical skills to be able to optimize their roles on higher levels.

HAD campaign is well focused on increasing the awareness and knowledge of children and their mothers, teenagers and orphans. Also raise the global interest about orphans, as there is no reason to exclude them from our communities and deny their contribution. A major concern should be given to these children and

related organizations, in order to re-define the description of orphans. Also, to provide the training that can bridge the gap between them and their communities.

HAD is working from the public healths point of view but its promised to open the door for all national/international health, industrial and governmental bodies to dedicate some of their projects for orphans.

Action Plan: Health Awareness Day working flow consists of:

1- Lecture about public health for SOS mothers. 2- Lecture about personal hygiene for SOS children, ages 8-12 years. 3- Lecture about how to deal with common diseases* for SOS children and mothers. 4- Lecture about dental care for SOS children. 5- Lecture about First Aid for teenagers in their schools 6- Games and gifts. *Common diseases: influenza, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and food poisoning.

HAD has been prepared to take place for only one day to meet all its expected goals.

The expected day of HAD is any day during the month of March 2013, or during the spring break

HAD Coordinators and Volunteers:

- One coordinator for conducting each national Health Awareness Day (HAD) campaign is a must have to maintain the discipline of the campaign. - Volunteers will assume their responsibilities by giving the lectures as well as spending healthy and friendly moments with SOS children.

Equipment and Tools:

1- Posters for International Pharmaceutical Students Federation contribution and the event. 2- T-shirts and banners, lab coats and stethoscope can be used instead. 3- Gifts and games. 4- Other things in addition to lectures and games, it is not necessary but its better to be done, for example: some coordinators would provide lunch meals for the children supplied by local or national restaurants, and hosting a national celebrity or governmental presence would be tactful ideas.

This will depend on each association economic condition and it will be discussed with IPSF-EMRO secretary Ms.Yasmin Nasr Eldin.

Strategic plan:
1- Having the associations approval for carrying out this campaign. 2- HAD expenses will be covered by each association according to their economic condition and it will be discussed with IPSF-EMRO

secretary Ms.Yasmin Nasr Eldin including: flayers, posters, T-shirts, banners, and the venue where the campaign will take place.

Prior Training:
Train the coordinators (the student chosen to be the coordinator for HAD) in each country to assure it will go the same way in all EMRO member associations. Train volunteers about lectures preparations, information to be included, and how to have friendly communication with the children. This will be done by the coordinators who have had previous training by International Pharmaceutical Students Federation Eastern

Mediterranean Project officer. The approximate number of volunteers is 10-15 pharmacy students. HAD evaluations will be conducted using online spreadsheets to ensure that the aims and objectives of the event were met. They will be filled out by the participants.

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