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Lesson plan 6

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Don Phng Tho


PERIOD 3: A4, A5
I/ OBJECTIVES: Reading a text about the environment to understand ideas in terms of clause and effect: Why, Because. Developing listening, reading comprehension and speaking skills. - Developing listening and reading comprehension. II/ LANGUAGE CONTENTS: 1. Grammar: Why ? Because 2. Vocabulary: land, cut down, burn, destroy, plants in danger. III/ TECHNIQUES: Question Answers; Picture story IV/ TEACHING AIDS: book, pictures, cassette V/ TIMES: 45 minutes V/ PROCEDURES: SECTION A4, 5 STEPS Warm up 5 TECHNIQUES & CONTENT Matching: The population Rng Trong The world Canh ong Dan so To grow Con vat Nong dan Food Thc an The gii Animals Fields Farmer Forest -

Lesson plan 6

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Don Phng Tho

Prereading 10

Pre- teach T: Introduces new words S: Look at the board T: Hanois population is growing. What does grow mean? S: Grow: tang len T: Cut down: (use picture) Burn: (use picture) S: Cut down: on, h, cht Burn: ot chay T: Write the board (Explain in Vietnamese) More, to destroy, Asians, to be in danger - Repeat S: Repeat (whole class)


While reading 15

T: Asks them to listen to the tape S: Listen 3 times T: Calls some pupils repeat S: Repeat

Comprehens ion Questions

T: Retells the content of the above passage, asking some questions as models and asks students to practice questions with Why ? and answer with Because S: listen to the teachers then practice in pair asking Wh because T: Use pictures to show students the race animals which are in danger, ask students to repeat their names.

Look at the pictures and notice the names of race 2

Lesson plan 6 Post reading 5

[Type text] animals in Asia which are in danger T: Snow leopard Giant camel Giant panda Elephant Pairs work Question Answers

Don Phng Tho

Remembe r consolidat ion

Structure 10

Wh-question S: write the question and answers in the notebook Question

Follow up activity

A) B) C) Answers a- Because the population of the world is growing b- Because they need more fields c- Because people are destroying their home and environment. (p.168)

Homework: Workbook from P.130-131 Do exercises on handouts.

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